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File: 247 KB, 1003x915, 2016-budget-chart-total-spending2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53115486 No.53115486 [Reply] [Original]

Are americans aware that they already spend the most in the entire world on healthcare than any other country? Their healthcare budget is even bigger than their military budget.

Americans hate 'free' healthcare, but they are already paying for it. The difference is, in europe your money goes directly to your own healthcare. If you need an ambulance its free.

So where does the US healthcare spending budget go? Well it goes to subsidize the healthcare-insurance cartel that runs the country. Hospitals charge insane amounts because the insurance will pay for it, subsidized by taxpayer money.

Americans are so brainwashed that they literally would rather have this system thats rapidly draining the blood of their nation just as long as its 'not free healthcare'

This is bizarre to me. Why dont you just want your 1.5 trillion to go back to you? Why do you want it to go straight to the hands of insurance jews?

Pic related is from 2016. The 2022 budget is 1.6 trillion

>> No.53115503

The majority is spent on Medicare- free if over 65 and Medicaid- free if you are poor. 1 out of 3 New Yorkers is on Medicaid for example. Obamacare merely expanded Medicaid to include more poor people and single adults.

>> No.53115505

How much to Israel?

>> No.53115551

What the fuck am I gonna do with healthcare? Every job I’ve ever had gives me healthcare and I have never been injured because I’m not a dumbass. I work out 3 times a week so I will never have fatty related issues which are the vast majority of health problems. Not paying for a fat black womans health care sorry won’t do it

>> No.53115557

Nope you nigger


Two-thirds of healthcare spending goes to 'administrative costs' aka paying middlemen insurance companies and private 'consultants'

You are braindead cattle.

>> No.53115561

>Not paying for a fat black womans health care sorry won’t do it

Again. You're already paying for it. Get this through your thick nigger skull. If you pay taxes, most of your money goes to healthcare.

>> No.53115573

I don’t want to pay whatever corresponding tax hike would occur if this were to be implemented I dunno how you don’t comprehend this. If anything cut all social security and Medicare and let every boomer and fat person rot in the streets

>> No.53115581


The article says one third you racist waste of space. And yes the insurance companies are not going to manage healthcare for millions of people for free... Would you rather the government do this dummy? Lets see how much the bureaucracy will cost then.

>> No.53115621

>I dont want to pay whatever corresponding tax hike

There doesn't need to be a tax hike. You are PAYING IT

The problem is that hospitals charge $2000 for an advil because insurance companies pay for it.

This is an administrative problem.

Nope. Its because in the 1980s corporations bribed a Harvard professor to conduct a study about how much they should charge people for medicine and treatment, separate from the entire world.

>They determined that the hysterectomy takes about twice as much time as the session of psychotherapy, 3.8 times as much mental effort, 4.47 times as much technical skill and physical effort, and 4.24 times as much risk. The total calculation: 4.99 times as much work. Estimates and extrapolations were made in this way for thousands of services. (Cataract surgery was estimated to involve slightly less work than a hysterectomy.) Overhead and training costs were factored in. Eventually, Hsiao and his team arrived at a relative value for every single thing doctors do. Some specialists were outraged by particular estimates. But Congress set a multiplier to convert the relative values into dollars, the new fee schedule was signed into law, and in 1992 Medicare started paying doctors accordingly. Private insurers followed shortly thereafter (although they applied somewhat different multipliers, depending on the deals they struck with local physicians).



This is why America has a different healthcare pricing than the entire world. Corporations manipulated pricing from the very beginning. This is the hidden rot in your nation that will destroy it from within. For the Romans it was lead in their water pipes. For you it is being a rotten sick nation with no provision of taking care of its people's physical and mental health.

>> No.53115636
File: 471 KB, 600x400, 1672736924019394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers and spics

>> No.53115643

Medicare isn't completely free, a quick google search would show anyone that.
Your opinion is discarded.

>> No.53115650

>muh insurance companies
Insurance is a scam and in america they have a monopoly
You could have single payer or not and it would still be fucked
Btw it got so much worse after Obamacare, almost like it was a poison pill

>> No.53115669

>the hospitals and insurance companies will just roll over and charge the government lower prices if they are asked nicely just trust me bro!

>> No.53115682

it goes to tranny/abortion shit, and ukraine. or to simplify to jews.

>> No.53115683

You are a retard if you think that corporations and governments aren't one and the same in America. All your politicians are publicly insider trading, in other words of them are in wallstreets pocket.

The government and corporations in America and one and the same.