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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.50 MB, 4504x2600, 1666186307281362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53112603 No.53112603 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow is unironically going to be the best video ever posted by Sergey. Everything with SWIFT and CCIP is ready to go. The testing phase has finally over. Buy what you can now, because you have about 12 hours left before you are about to be paying $14 a pop.

>> No.53112617

The guy on the left won

>> No.53112639

I love the world we have created.

>> No.53112651

What if nothing happens tomorrow, how do I know you aren't bullshitting.

>> No.53112661

nothing ever happens

>> No.53112666

Source? Tomorrow is 1/3/23. Is there a significance to this?

>> No.53112684

You will find out tomorrow if I am bullshitting or not. Chainlink has had CCIP ready to go for almost 5 months now. Lots of partnered projects have been twiddling their thumbs waiting to flip the switch. "Idk ask Sergey." According to Patrick Collins the announcement is early this week, along with the flip of the switch.

>> No.53112703

Checked. 1/4/23 is the magic date. I think the announcement is tomorrow, but the switch will be flipped wensday because LINK is a schizo company.

>> No.53112704

Nothing will happen, if it were something to happen people would've been already sold the news 2 or 3 days ago after a significant pump. In fact tomorrow will dump even harder (1 LINK=5.01 usd while btc will go above 17k)

>> No.53112707

>Chainlink has had CCIP ready to go for almost 5 months now.
Lots of people were saying Q4 2023. But I don't know, CCIP will definitely be a value catalyst for Link.

>> No.53112721


>> No.53112725

I was expecting news coinciding with the conclusion of the digital dollar pilot which is closer to the end of Q1

>> No.53112727

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.53112752


>> No.53112781

i bought at $50 i'm holding out for $82k

>> No.53112832
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>> No.53112848
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>> No.53112860
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>> No.53112867
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>> No.53112878

I'm so tired. When do we finally win?

>> No.53112904

The guy on the left does not exist. Delusional baggie cope.

>> No.53112954

In 2100, but only after you've taken all annual vaxx boosters and have transcended humanity by merging your brain with the Neuralink super-AI, essentially submitting yourself to the anti-Christ.

>> No.53113102
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now add this

>> No.53113502
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>> No.53113521
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>> No.53113555
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Crypto has been largely fueled by retail money and fast moving, risk seeking funds. CCIP is the legacy flood gate moment. The amount of money that will flow when a regulatory framework operating over an interoperble network connects all legacy funds from banks and hedgies to all blockchains seamlessly will take everyone but the most erudite by complete surprise.

>> No.53113590

>CCIP drops
>has 5 users because crypto is dead

nice job serg

>> No.53113627
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Do not disappoint me m9.

>> No.53113698

what is the tomorrow meme?

>> No.53113842

2 more weeks. Trust the plan. Believe sir gay. keep your eyes in the skies marines!! 216 77777777

>> No.53113853

Anon most of us are broken. You cant fuck with us much more

>> No.53115441

I bought some Link today in the event you’re correct anon. Don’t let me down!

>> No.53115465

Surely this will happen like all the great screencaps stinkmarines post since 2019 that have all come to fruition.

>> No.53117374

OP is a lying faggot like usual

>> No.53119075

Today tomorrow or three months from now doesn't matter to me. Link is poised to be a part of the integral infrastructure for the global economy, it isn't going away. We are in this for the data capture layer which most people somehow continue to not comprehend... But the former CEO of Google who oversaw their exponential growth and SWIFT are paying attention - perhaps you are smarter than them?

I'll be studying development and securing my investments, taking care of my health and relationships in the meantime. I recommend you find something productive to do with your one and only life as well.

>> No.53119209


>> No.53119863

dumbass no one wants to use or pay for the tech. how do you not understand that?

>> No.53120149

You may refer to the screenshots in this thread detailing the massive ongoing institutional interest in the link network to answer your question.

>> No.53120220

if there were any nda's its probably this date somewhere after march

if ccip really was ready 5 months ago, the team absolutely brutalized investors and sentiment by withholding it tho

>> No.53120260

Even bearish larps lately concede that CCIP is ready but stuck in "audit hell". Not sure if I buy it but it sounds plausible. Mainnet was ready for ages before they released it

>> No.53120303

two POC thats have returned nothing is not anything. and in your own words "interest" doesnt mean papers are signed.

>> No.53120307

Chainlink is an unregistered security, they dont owe you anything.

>> No.53120397

CCIP doesn't avert crypto bear market or macroeconomic environment.
Chainlink is a utility token for interacting with the network. Chainlink not discuss price.

>> No.53120448

>CCIP doesn't avert crypto bear market or macroeconomic environment.

>> No.53120452

1 LINK = 1 Big Mac

>> No.53120767

>CCIP doesn't avert crypto bear market or macroeconomic environment.
ultimately this tho
link will moon violently but not before more pain
glad i only dca'd in thusfar
happy to be hedge against both sudden pumps or drops

this is just retarded fud

>> No.53120945

There was a post on Jan 1 about the video being released on Friday. It went something like
>team member here, you moonboy retards don’t deserve this but the video will be released on Friday

>> No.53121038

Cringe fag

>> No.53121066
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This movie is about sergei and his six-sided jew token. His business model was to leave me in Antarctica until the dogs tear me apart, and then reap profits by stealing my former assets.

>> No.53121081 [DELETED] 

the link journey has been a fascinating once thus far

>> No.53121139


>> No.53121158

it's more like.. once you buy a bad investment, you have the decency to not trap others into the bad investment. I still spread good news on things I trust/have conviction in.

>> No.53121187

So what happens when nothing happens on Fri?
>we’ll say some shit about something or another this year. Again. Check back with us December 2025 I mean 2023

>> No.53121202
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>> No.53121371
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here you go

>> No.53121427
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Another day, another LARP

>> No.53121515

when was the last time an insider op wasnt a fag?

>> No.53121565
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> ccip really was ready 5 months ago, the team absolutely brutalized investors and sentiment by withholding it tho
Not if the Hiding Strategy was being utilized.

>> No.53121572
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picrel was the last time

>> No.53121716

That’s the one
I would check again in 2 more weeks

>> No.53122021

So does this make you a liar like Sergey when he promised to release CCIP in 2022?
You should be happy to finally be like your idol then.

CCIP won't come out before the second half of this year in the most optimistic case.
After delaying it and not releasing it like promised in 2022 they will chose to spend more time testing the new feature and may wait until the last month of this year if they start the same development hell they did for the rest.

You should be looking at DECO instead as that one has a higher chance to come out first and will generate a lot more growth.

>> No.53122053

You already won your place in an Asylum.
Even if LINK goes to $1000 or more one day you will never recover from this experience and will never be able to go back to the person you were before.

If you want some hopium an accumulation range should not last more than 6-9 months on average.

>> No.53122073

>an accumulation range should not last more than 6-9 months on average.
How long has link been in this range?

>> No.53122133

>and will never be able to go back to the person you were before.
that's a good thing, unironically.

>> No.53122162

> ccip really was ready 5 months ago, the team absolutely brutalized investors and sentiment by withholding it tho
>Not if the Hiding Strategy was being utilized.

>> No.53122220

Op it's tommorow and I'm still poor, hello what's going on please respond.

>> No.53122298

Please sirgay post pumpamentals video I need copium I am down so so so much sir betrayamoto.

>> No.53122341

Since may.
Chainlink is much more niche and harder to understand than what Google was aiming to do. I’m not surprised most people are unaware. That coupled with the fact that it is a “muh creepto scam” makes it not look valuable to most people. Literally the perfect chance to utilize the Hiding Strategy. Eric is smart I wouldn’t be surprised if he becomes the richest man on the planet after this shit.

>> No.53122372

Chainlink vs Xrp when they win their court case

Which coin is better for the long run?

>> No.53122380

240 days since the 8th of May...
We will reach 9 months in 5 days kek

Time goes by quickly when you watch the crypto world collapse with 1 rug pull per month...

The person who wanted to make it was the person you were before.
Making it after going through this change will also change the meaning of making it because you won't make it in your initial state.
Many people stuck in this hell would like to be free from this.

There are other ways to make it and reach financial freedom which involve more control over your own fate and a happier and more fulfilling life experience.

>> No.53122436
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>> No.53122471

It seems like Eric is not invested in Chainlink with his own capital.
Maybe he gets some of Sergey's remaining stack after a few years or targets are hit.

Eric should have 12 billions.
If he tried to buy $240 millions worth of Chainlink as a 2% risk bet with the remaining liquidity the price would pump to double digits as This would represent 8.4% of the total circulating supply at current prices with only 18% remaining in exchanges and less than half of it available as liquidity.

>> No.53122511

Do you think link will finally break triple digits in 2024?

>> No.53122559

Checked but I don't think it's that easy.
CCIP is a messaging service.
It sends a message from one point to another.

For the legacy world to use blockchains it needs a service on this blockchain to make use of those messages.
If they really wanted to use it they could already use it by implementing a ReDeFi (Regulated DeFi) on Matic or ETH and use it from their end.

They don't need to message multiple blockchains to execute smart contracts on one.
The closest thing to a banking Dapp which could be useful for banking is Aave.

They already support loans for tokenized real estate which is one of the main use cases for blockchains.
However it seems these legacy banks are waiting for someone to build the complete system for them so that they can just do a one click solution and not have to understand anything about blockchains.
Unfortunately this won't end well for them as the one who builds this will literally bankrupt them and make them obsolete.

In the end we need builders from this space to build what's missing and let the boomer companies who refuse to help build go into extinction.

>> No.53122631

disagree. this experience was necessary so that link OGs don't end up like btc or eth OGs. wealth came much easier both those groups and they both went full retard.

>> No.53122643
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Sergey tweeted

>> No.53122647

great, isn't it?

>> No.53122778
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Unfortunately the one thing I have no control over is time.
What I know is that Chainlink and other useful crypto projects like ETH are in a specific market structure which retraces completely to the breakout of the accumulation pattern, and then goes on a parabolic pump.

This is a known model which is exceptionally difficult to survive for most investors, as a 60% draw down or more makes even the biggest expert question their investment decisions.
The -90% of Chainlink is at levels even Warren Buffet never experienced for his boomer stock investments.
Those who will hold on to it may gain the psychological resilience that allows them to become monsters at investing in the future.

This is an example of such a structure.
ETH is at the point before the final wave which should bring it to 10k+
You can make your calculations on what that means for the rest of the crypto space and crypto valuations.

Chainlink at $160 may be a possibility in 2024.

>> No.53122940

People will always revert to the mean with time.
I doubt there was such an intent in this market manipulation to make LINK OGs different.
All there is to it is extreme greed and malevolence from those in power.

If there is one thing to learn from this is that we owe nothing to the world and will be really free.

>> No.53122975

I don't think so. They were still hiring people to build CCIP on november.

>> No.53122988

he did and it's glorious

>> No.53123055

imagine anyone actually expecting eth/btc og gains for being a shit token og. where are the digibyte and sia og's? link is the last 2017 shitcoin to die

>> No.53123281

oh wow look! nothing happened! cool!

>> No.53123305

its crazy if you take a step back and read your post you sound like a complete schizo. i hope you find help.

>> No.53123545

So once again op was a fag.

>> No.53124089
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>cross-chain portions of the protocol coming out this year
Oh no no no no...

>> No.53124096

wow, the fud memes, they are all real. v0.1 ccip is coming soon

>> No.53124172

CCIP is the cross-chain portion of the chainlink protocol

>> No.53124306

Stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.53124331


>> No.53124350
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Ad hominem attacks from paid shills should be ignored.

Accumulation is happening on multiple high quality crypto assets currently, and the massive fud campaign on /biz/ fits into this.
Don't let them accumulate your tokens you held through the worst of the bear market.
Professional investors who held through this devaluation attack can't sell this token until it reaches at least $20.

>> No.53124419

>Guys quickly, theyre releasing ccip, what can we say?!
>Attack the word portions! Its our only hope!
Let the seething begin.

>> No.53124462

Everyone should read up on stock bashers.
This is the confession from one who later regretted it:

>> No.53124729
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It's happening....Tonight?!

>> No.53124754

If no one uses deco to make a proof of humanity and proof of holdings for a image board, I'm going to do it.

>> No.53125011

that clears a lot of things up.

hello paid fudders. i'm not selling and am bullish on link. hope that's okay with you guys.

>> No.53125069
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rare all caps ID tho

>> No.53125171

>high quality crypto assets
what are you accumulating yourself this year? any suggestions outside of LINK?

>> No.53125175

Okay, but real talk: who tf is Patrick Collins?

>> No.53125234

Sounds fucking exactly like how Link fudders behave. Especially with the 3 levels of Fudders and how people fud it just for fun who aren’t actually being paid (Link holders). This is extremely interesting.

>> No.53125285

it's also kind of funny that some entity is paying for me to be able to accumulate large quantities of link. i would imagine that a lot of biz linkies have significantly increased their stacks this past year so it's absolutely horrendous execution by whoever is funding this shit. seems like they thought they could use the same fud tactics that they've used in the past for other assets, but times have changed and left them behind.

>> No.53125408

Nobody on biz has money

>> No.53125419

i miss those

>> No.53125437

They got buck broken by Biz

>> No.53125625




>> No.53126051

go learn smart contract development anon

>> No.53126089

Bullshit. Insiders would have bought for a pump.

>> No.53126303

The Jews are pumping BTC now so they can dump it with the CCIP news release

>> No.53126346

Anon... The insiders already have their bags. We've been in accumulation for about as long as anyone can hope.

>> No.53127235

I predict chainlink labs goes bankrupt by 2025.

>> No.53127609
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I'm gonna come back to this thread tomorrow and call you a mean name if this doesn't happen OP.

>> No.53128059
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I’m going to start cutting myself soon.

>> No.53128432


>> No.53128914

Its 6:17am on Wednesday.

>> No.53129436

You know after six years no one believes this narrative any more right? You just look stupid

>> No.53129850

Aaaand nothing happened. Heres a fart for you op.

>> No.53129888
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Attention Moderators and Cleaners!

It's time to nip this embarrassing display in the bud. No more linkshit leaking out everywhere. Time to force these misbehaving delinquents in to their own general containment thread. With text analysis I have determined 94% of the Link threads are created by
3 individuals with 56% of them simply created by one person. It's time to stop this person in their tracks and bring sanity back to /biz/ once more.


>> No.53129966

>nothing happened.

>> No.53130537

did he announce CCIP or "cross chain portions" ? i'll give you a hint: if they'd release CCIP he probably would use CCIP in the announcement.

>> No.53130610


>> No.53130707

why ESL? read between the lines. he legally did not announce CCIP.

>> No.53130726

make a fucking chainlink general like all the other bagholders

>> No.53131047


>> No.53131117
File: 27 KB, 596x271, 1658298660679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not "cross-chain portions" you retard, it's "cross chain portion of the protocol".

In his tweet, data, automation, and cross-chain are all "portions of the protocol"

>> No.53131137

>Everything with SWIFT and CCIP is ready to go
we are still in v.01 with staking, how can we be integrated with SWIFT?

>> No.53131283

You're about to find out.

>> No.53131411
File: 201 KB, 698x693, swift_kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ship has sailed

>> No.53131423

what does it mean portions? Explain to a retard

>> No.53131431


>> No.53131809

>sell the news event
Kek stakies btfo

>> No.53132054

You should just kill yourself already. Pathetic attempt

>> No.53134085

this is just brutal, all the fud was real it really is ccip v0.1 with no idea when full release
i also love all the comments trying to justify this and calling the critics esl
this is very clearly vetted by legal after sergs fuckup last year where he announced staking and they had to throw together a cucked version just before the end of the year
with this vague wording he has no responsibility to deliver anything and is free from legal hassle that is what you should read into this, not trying to define 3 levels of meaning in the word portions
he didnt say ccip so no ccip is coming clear as day for anyone that knows how IR talks work

also what this is going to do to PA is going to destroy the board, i expect it to be a whole lot quieter here soon as we lose a lot of friends

>> No.53135419

The only threads are inorganic drool inducing retard posting. Like your reply here.

>> No.53135466

>we should all be positive about sergay's wording after failing to deliver a proper staking and ccip deadline
you just know its v0.1 ccip

>> No.53135485

i mean how delusional do you want to remain at this point
without massively good news there is no way link stays isolated from what is coming and serg himself just killed it

>> No.53135686

Nothing is going to happen

>> No.53135716

>We've been in accumulation for about as long as anyone can hope.
we have been dumping with the market not accumulation

>> No.53135965

Funny how this thread is still up

>> No.53135997

The announcement is tomorrow.

>> No.53136452

What announcement ?

>> No.53136492


>> No.53136551

Greetings 4chan user, I am from the future. Nothing happened. Nothing ever happens.

>> No.53136557

> v616

>> No.53136558

the announcement of the announcement

>> No.53136563

CCIP v0.0

>> No.53136576

I believe it.

>> No.53136665


>> No.53136756

It is all a part of the hiding strategy. Trust the plan. Link will be the Google of Blockchain.

>> No.53136815