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File: 238 KB, 2000x1333, 101914700-RTR3P5TH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53079269 No.53079269 [Reply] [Original]

Gold chads are positive on the year while BTC chuds fell back below 2017 prices.


>> No.53079277

This is NOT funny.

>> No.53079283

Zoom out

>> No.53079335
File: 143 KB, 1080x1346, tim_clem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure cope post

>> No.53079338
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conclusion? Buying more eth!

>> No.53079375
File: 95 KB, 640x578, A5C0AAE6-9C30-4C63-9267-8980CF677017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher lows. Nigs like you don’t understand that real chads have both and are diversified. Take your tribal shilling and cram it up your gay ass

>> No.53079390

its down over 5 years and its only been around for 11 years. how far do we need to zoom out

>> No.53079724

higher lows? what copium, literally just hit new lows a month ago

>> No.53079848

Bitcoin is up millions of percents from where it started.
Good is down, WAAAAAAY the fuck down from the price of empires, armies, and a man's life, to the price of a measly steak dinner cooked by someone who can't even speak English and was given the job because he looks exotic and knows how to not burn it.

>> No.53079941

I can understand why Bitcoin is down because it's not even a trillion dollar asset but gold should be valued much higher than $1800/oz

>> No.53079951

stupid argument, no one on this board bought any significant amounts below $100 and held to 20k+

also none of you mined it in the early days and held, saying its up millions of percent is so low iq

thats like saying tesla is a good investment because its up 1000x if you were a day 1 friends and family investor, its completely fucking irrelevant to the current value

>> No.53079955

Gold is meant to be a store of value.

>> No.53079957
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>> No.53079983

your reply is right here: >>53079335

>> No.53079993

Boomers always win. Zoomers and millennials always lose. Nothing new.

>> No.53080020

I had a cousin who brought back a gold bar from Iraq. He said he tried to sell it at the pawn shop at Hillcrest Dr, Vernon. The guy at the counter convinced my cousin that the gold bar was worth nothing because it was foreign. It was useless but he was willing to give my cousin $50 for gas money and lunch at the diner Taco Casa wich is across the street. My cousin told me this a year after this happend.

>> No.53080115
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>> No.53080127

I want gold to fail because the imf holds a lot of it

>> No.53080250

>half of his chart is btc below $100 as if anyone on this board bought at the price

fucking lol the delusional cope

>> No.53080287

>as if anyone on this board bought at the price
lmao nobody tell him

>> No.53080307

I've been buying for 5 years and haven't sold except to buy a car. It's like my bank account and it's worked out for me. Had I bought gold, I'd be just even. I won't ever sell unless I have too. I like gold but holding it and selling it is sketchy and slow.

>> No.53080330

has he mentioned his faggot son recently?
if he had only self respect he'd disown that retard

>> No.53080349

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

>> No.53080381

DCAing for 5 years is probably still down unless you managed to front load a lot of that DCA into 2018/2019 when prices were low. You;ve lost money on everything you put in since 2020. And it might go lower still. Personally expecting to see sub 10k next year.

>> No.53080388
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>gold up 1%

Is this all it takes to get Boomers flaccid dicks up?

>> No.53080565
File: 226 KB, 680x763, 1669689888427087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversification is for undecisive faggots and retards. Nobody like bitches like you, who don't know what they want. And nobody ever win big by being 5% in all kind of stupid shits.

A true Chad go all in the move he knows is right because he's high IQ and did his DD. It's go big or go home. A Chad assume his choice and is not afraid of showing it.
A Chad doesn't hesitate, unlike (you).

A true Chad currently have 100% of his net worth in silver because he knows better.

>> No.53080579

yeah bro im sure you put thousands into btc at sub $100. how about you sign a message with your wallet address that has 50+ btc in it

>you wont because you are a larping clown

>> No.53080585
File: 48 KB, 645x773, 1549517150252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log chart to try to hide the absolute bloodbath
it's always the same tricks with you maxiniggers..

>> No.53080591

Is that a cup and handle forming on the monthly?

>> No.53080630

Yeah, would be better to be 60% down on the year.

>> No.53080900


It's a beast of a chart. I'm a cryptofag but I bought some gold in Q1/2 and it's by far my best performing asset, kek. Basically like tethering except you can touch it.

I wouldn't generally recommend anyone bother with more than 5% of their portf in gold, though, and only when your NW is north of 10mil.

>> No.53081074

Implying that any crypto shills here aren't bagholders

>> No.53081542

I'm up actually. I was a hardcore goldbug and inherited some coins, but the more I learned about Bitcoin, the more gold I swapped out for Bitcoin. I believe Bitcoin has yet to write it's story and it's the perfect asset for the current times we live in. Why do you think central banks take the time and effort to disparage an asset that's not even a trillion dollars? If you like gold, buy gold, gold is fine.

>> No.53081592

I mean if you bought at 50k+ then sure
Anyways i dont want that paper money or shiny rocks. I can hold to 0 or 1,000,000. I really dont care either way.

>> No.53082086

It is funny. You deserve it. Wait until this year when Gold and silver go up even more. The gold and silver mining stocks quadruple and your faggot coin falls another 80%

>> No.53083434

>I wouldn't generally recommend anyone bother with more than 5% of their portf in gold, though, and only when your NW is north of 10mil.
why to buy gold when stocks outperform it in nominal gains? Gold will never outperform the market. CBDC will be set and not gold

>> No.53083617

>but the more I learned about Bitcoin, the more gold I swapped out for Bitcoin. I believe Bitcoin has yet to write it's story and it's the perfect asset for the current times we live in.
This is written like a tabloid. Very dumb.