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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53075727 No.53075727 [Reply] [Original]

>Entry level job
>Previous experience required

>> No.53075755

Braindead 4chan parasite is suddenly worried about labor rights after spending the last 15 years in his favorite nazi financier imageboard forum calling everyone lazy subhuman and to pull bootstraps.

How about you reap what you sowed and practice what you preached and go be an obedient submissive hardworking proud slave like you always wanted braindead 4chan parasite

>> No.53075883
File: 15 KB, 1006x65, Screenshot_148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up newfag, go spam on r*ddit or whatever shithole you crawled out of.

>> No.53076016

>He didn't accumulate experience in his previous life.

>> No.53077310
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>Entry level job
>Penis inspection required

>> No.53077362
File: 636 KB, 1125x1211, 85D688CE-C7C3-4944-88D2-536F7AC38CCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a more demoralizing humiliation ritual than a job interview? you are basically admitting to being broke and begging at the feet of some HR roastie to throw nickels at your feet while you tapdance for your supper

>> No.53077381

Anything can be demoralizing and humiliating if you have that kind of loser doomer mentality you fucking moron.

>Hurr is there anything more embarassing than living with your parents instead of buying a 200k home or paying 3k month for rent
>Hurrrrrr is there anything more demoralziing and humilliating than asking out a girl you like you are practically opening up and being vulnerable to some roastie so you can attempt to get a gf

Fuck off

>> No.53077408

Actually real for some jobs. No, thank you.

>> No.53077426

What stops me from buying a 100k+ follower twitter account for 1k USD, and start shilling my bullshit crypto patreon to them ?
Is this solid investment advice ?

>> No.53077429

Lie, say you're currently working in a related role but not something too similar since you are probably going to be useless on your first day. On your resume also a a previous job this can be fake as well and doesn't have to be relevant to your application, but use it as a character reference, put a friends number and ask him to help you out.

>> No.53077487

>Hurrrrrr is there anything more demoralziing and humilliating than asking out a girl you like you are practically opening up and being vulnerable to some roastie so you can attempt to get a gf
yes when there are guys who can just pull up in a Ferrari and she will get in and blow him without having to utter a word
>>Hurr is there anything more embarassing than living with your parents instead of buying a 200k home or paying 3k month for rent
yes there are people who inherit properties and yachts and cars snd millions via trust funds and life insurance who never have to do brokie wagie peon things to make it

>> No.53078478

Go back

>> No.53078491

nice get

>> No.53078500

Can whoever controls this bot please turn it's meanness rating down a little?

>> No.53078511

You go back you fucking loser mentality faggot

>> No.53078528

Holy gem

>> No.53079222

You belong on reddit friendo

>> No.53079251

Just do the bare minimum, once you do shit for free, go the extra mile, do training in your own time, take work home, they will expect that of you and why would they pay a high performer more for something he already does for free? Companies and corporations are smarter than you, they plan for things like high turnover, it does not affect them. They will just keep going on without you

>> No.53079273

literal nas coal

>> No.53079278

>tankie buzzwords x60 times
the post

>> No.53079307

Incels losers on 4chan say literally the same things that tranny communists on reddit say they just fly different color flags

>> No.53080609

You don't like a free blow job from Steve Rambo?

>> No.53080666

Sounds like someone doesn’t appreciate the benefits of a $15-$18 minimum wage!

>> No.53080679
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>> No.53080683

Did you not do internships while in school?

>> No.53080708

>This fucking bot post again

Clean it up jannies. It's also funny, because workers rights are directly heavily damaged from mass open border migration kek.

>> No.53080717

Sup /pol/

>> No.53081579
File: 14 KB, 192x154, 1663714628723335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know this board is not all the same person right?

>> No.53081627

How will your employer know your healthy and keeping your penis clean? I like penis inspection day, its an hour paid that i can just sit back and relax.

>> No.53081632

>have experience
>"We're sorry but you appear to be overqualified"

>> No.53082986

I suggest you start lying on your resume (if you haven't already) and start using whatever diversity points you can, real or fake, it doesn't matter. Say that you are mixed race, gay, whatever it takes.

If you really wanted to put in the effort, you could create an LLC to act as a facade for multiple businesses that you "worked for". Register DBAs and make websites for each. Make it appear like a legitimate business. This would cost less than $100 a month to maintain. You could even hook a few buddies up with references and do the same thing for eachother. This is a cutthroat world that does not reward honest hard working people. You have to start playing by their rules.

Also, skip the "entry level" bullshit and start padding your resume to make it look like you're a white collar middle managment faggot. Those fucks get paid 60k+ per year just to file documents and sharpen pencils. Basically shit you could do with a middle school education, but all those jobs require a degree. Just say you went to some university in uzebekistan or something. They are not going to check.

Best of luck.

>> No.53083003

Based and blackpilled

>> No.53083021

Idk how people misplay this badly.
Last life I maxed out on endurance and intelligence, this life I maxed out on looks and charisma
I live the easy life, but now I’m a little bit more stupid and gamble occasionally while being addicted to drugs and alcohol

>> No.53083033

>You know this board is not all the same person right?
Thats where youre wrong, kiddo. It's literally just you, me and Moot who post here.

>> No.53083051

honestly the humiliation starts with the application

I literally felt no need to impress hr at the job I got an interview for, my only conventional job ever, still got the job, I have just a natural alpha instinct that shines through

filling out applications though is demeaning, I'll never fill out a job application again in my life, or take a personality test