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53072659 No.53072659 [Reply] [Original]

I sold 3 million USD worth of shibe for 20k. Even 2 years on it's all I can think about. Generational wealth was flushed down the toilet, I'd never have to work again.

People tell me "Don't worry about it" but if I just waited a few more months I'd never have to work or worry again.

I hate life, these type of chances don't happen twice. It was a once in a million year opportunity and I failed

>> No.53072680
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Life is just random.

>> No.53072729

Thats like being mad at yourself for not being able to tell the future. Kinda dumb if you really think about it anon.

>> No.53072734

Nah you are fucking wrong dude. You would have diversified after selling and lost 97%. I think about it too with DOGE. You would have owed taxes on the sale and you would have no money to pay for the taxes. It happens all the time. Go read about it on reddit. Countless people have a $400k+ tax bill and only $100k left in their portfolio. You will live.

>> No.53072760

I suppose you're right anon, I would like to think I would have sold it and put it in safe stocks and been okay off dividends but, I guess if I'm being honesty I would've just lost it all.

>> No.53072780

fpbp. don't sweat it. shit is crazy.

>> No.53073490

Did the same shit with a massive bag of Quant..dunno if that kind of opportunity will ever present itself again. Ah well lol

>> No.53073541


>> No.53073556

If it rugpulled, you would be thinking the opposite. Just accept it.

>> No.53073559

That was a once in 30 year event. I pretty much missed the whole thing.

>> No.53073679


Got impatient and just sold too early, profits were hard to come by back in 2018/2019


Yeah, wont be the last thing I sell too early, but you're right fuck it the game is the game

>> No.53073742


Forget about it mate, has happened to literally thousands if not millions of people

>> No.53073781

That's why I make a point of never letting go of a coin entirely. Always hang in to a little bit of it, just in case.

>> No.53074139

What's the current sui and make it stack for Doge and Shib?

Is it worth buying now?
I mean...any chances of making millionaires again?

Dumb question but i'm being honest

>> No.53074255


>> No.53074294

Doge didn't do anything til pretty late, after BTC was at 40k. You buy memes when crypto starts making news

>> No.53074544

Honestly this is better than bagholding to the bottom like me. I had ample opportunity to cut my losses and buy back in later. Take solace in the fact that you're not this stupid.

>> No.53075063
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>Countless people have a $400k+ tax bill and only $100k left in their portfolio
Only the biggest of retards declare crypto2crypto when they're at a loss

>> No.53076798
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The thing is I'm telling you RIGHT now to buy 2k shares of $ASTS. You won't of course and will be crying tears again in 2025. Its your fate to be poor. Sorry about that.

>> No.53077136

I was wondering what kind of faggot enjoys virtually staged real estate ads and turns out it's you.

>> No.53077262

Never sell everything.

>> No.53077278

where did you get this webm
that's some mod for deus ex and i have never seen it before where is this from

>> No.53077317

You took a winning trade, just accept it. There are longs which I could have hypothetically hodl'd for 800 gorillion shekels, you can't ever dwell on the what-ifs.

There's no formula for properly guessing which shitcoin a bank is gonna 1000x. Keep in mind that virtually nobody accumulates low and sells after mega retard pumps for dogshit animal tokens held by like 5 wallets. These tokens are explicitly designed to p&d and steal money from normies who FOMO in.

>> No.53077344

there will always be another opportunity

>> No.53077883

I could have sold a shitcoin for 1M USD but I kept thinking I need it to just double because tax would rape me out of 50% and I need 1M after tax.
I still can’t stop thinking about it. I would take and be extremely grateful for having sold at even just 100k now. Instead I sold at 100k and then spread out the remaining 70k after tax to ‘safer’ picks which have brought that amount down to 5k.