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File: 306 KB, 828x1280, F391B843-52E6-4F69-956F-676814347621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53064232 No.53064232 [Reply] [Original]

The fed could make interest rates 20% and prices still won’t come down. Normies who have overpriced houses will just refuse to sell at a loss and will live in their house instead of buying a new one. Most home buyers already own a home that was refinanced at a sub 3% rate, they are not gonna sell their current place to buy an even more expensive home at 6%. Inventory is also really fucking low. All the higher rates do is freeze the market, they will have very little impact on prices. The only reason housing crashed in ‘07 was that everyone had ARMs so their own payments skyrocketed as rates increased which led to foreclosures and forced selling. These days everyone has a locked in mortgage that will never become more expensive, and there is zero incentive to sell. My current house has a 1900 PITI payment at a 2.25% 30 year fixed mortgage but it would rent out for $2800. I will never sell it due to how cheap my borrowing costs are, I will keep it and rent it out if I ever move to a bigger place. NOBODY is going to voluntarily sell if they are underwater on their current house, this alone keeps prices high. We need forced selling to actually cause a housing crash, and this will only be possible if there is massive unemployment to the point where nobody is in a position to buy or can get loans.

This is the catch 22 of trying to time a housing crash, if you are feeling secure enough in your career to commit to a mortgage, chances are everyone else is feeling good too, thus leading to higher demand and prices. If you are feeling insecure in your job and afraid of getting fired or laid off, everyone else will be afraid too and housing might actually dump. You have to wait until everyone including yourself is too afraid to buy and there is blood in the streets.

>> No.53064278

Investors will puke properties a la Zillow and opendoor. In the meanwhile new supply will hit the market and the free debt ponzis won't be able to stock up like before. It's a slow process and there will be price drops but no mass single homeowner dumping

>> No.53064285

Is that your wife’s boyfriend’s house?

>> No.53064312

I wish my girlfriend would buy us a house like that. She says that I get the basement

>> No.53064331

>Normies who have overpriced houses will just refuse to sell
They cant afford 6% interest rates, let alone 20%.
They (((banks))) will use police to evict them from their home, and sell the properties.

>> No.53064334
File: 358 KB, 1248x888, 2187935678925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's starting. It may not have hit your metro yet but the pain is literally just beginning. None of this two more weeks bullshit though, we're in for a long slide.

>> No.53064343
File: 911 KB, 1042x774, 243234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I can wait to pay 990k for pic related in my neighborhood

>> No.53064363

1.2 millnio wtf

>> No.53064378
File: 1.78 MB, 1448x912, 1.8 million LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one for you.

>> No.53064384

OP is right.

Truth hurts, zoomers. Millenials were the last ones to be able to purchase property.

>> No.53064385


Most people don’t have 6% mortgages almost everyone is sub 3%. You are thinking of ARMs, those aren’t common these days. Once you lock in a sub 3% that’s all you’ll ever pay. The current rates are 6% but barely anyone is buying at these rates, but people are also not selling.

>> No.53064395

People won't sell, businesses like Opendoor, zillow, blackstone, and many others will because new law is going through that increases taxes on businesses holding property (I work at Airbnb and I'm not kidding)

>> No.53064409
File: 32 KB, 657x470, florida pepe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a zoomer and I own a condo. Unless 25 counts as millennial.

>> No.53064425
File: 570 KB, 632x794, 3243223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw check out german house price like in Pullach near Munich or anything near Berlin. Real blackpill, you burgers have at least enough space

>> No.53064437

If you want to crash the housing market you need to build a fuck ton of houses.
Govt could (and should) subsidize construction of new homes if they want to actually make affordable homes.

People would flock to nice new homes, including existing homeowners. The subsidy needs to be for new construction though and it needs to be individuals/family's for living as a private singular residence.

>> No.53064461

not buying your bags.

>> No.53064462

is that a urinal?? Ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahah

>> No.53064475


There’s not enough space lmao. Where are they gonna build them? Unless you are talking a cuckbox high rise apartment building, any new SFH is gonna be 2hrs+
from your job. SFH’s are the most sought after and a SFH in a good location will always be super high price/demand.

>> No.53064486

>Assburn, VA

>> No.53064491

>almost everyone is sub 3%
for now...
Here they dont allow fixed for longer than 5 years. bullshit i know.

>The current rates are 6% but barely anyone is buying at these rates
but new buyers have to right? = few new buyers.

>> No.53064498

what the fuck is going on here? why the chair?

>> No.53064511


They’re fixed permanently in the US.
And most buyers are going to sell their current house to move up on the ladder, so fewer buyers = fewer sellers, aka frozen market

>> No.53064515

>Govt could (and should) subsidize construction of new homes if they want to actually make affordable homes.
AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA look at this fucking retard

>> No.53064521

wow crackhouse prices coming down in street shitter central. it's over

>> No.53064550

>aka frozen market
lol, unlikely.

>> No.53064554

Millennial is all the way through 1995 but it starts to blend

>> No.53064589
File: 366 KB, 1249x891, dacca898debd46f5e3aba334aef8a653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, ok, here's one right in downtown

>> No.53064609

People lose their jobs, get divorced, get sick, all this increases in recessions, and houses go on the market.

>> No.53064617

The popularity of that entire area is insane. I genuinely tried to find rental housing in 2016 and you had to use to Facebook roommate groups to find shared accommodation. There were so many houses where you'd have 4-6+ people crammed into rooms just to afford to live there, or you'd have to have sex with the random people that did have rooms to have a place to stay. I can't imagine what it's like now, especially with listings like this happening.

>> No.53064626

The more I stare at this image the more I wtf
What is in the floor of the shower? Are those candlesticks in the windowsill? 2000 bottles of ????? on the counter? The urinal, man, the urinal!!! No toothbrush???? WHY IS THERE AN ARMCHAIR???

>> No.53064650

>1.8m for a shack in a place i've never heard of
kwab @ the pajeet bagholder who ends up slurping this trashshack

>> No.53064664

I feel like they've changed the way that they calculate square footage, because that house doesn't look bigger than 3500. Are they including garage and unfinished/mechanical spaces now or something?

>> No.53064673

just move my nigger. it can't be worth whatever employment is in the area. it's over for otagocels

>> No.53064678
File: 31 KB, 475x476, 1649710228469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normies who have overpriced houses will just refuse to sell at a loss and will live in their house instead of buying a new one.
>NO NO NO NO you HAVE to sell your house at a loss so you can buy a new one you chuds!
Fuck off we bought our houses cheap and have no intentions to move, it's not our fault you missed the boat anon.

>> No.53065051


It really depends on how "house poor" you actually are and if you take a hit to income. If you have no problem making payments then you don't really give a shit.

But if you're barely making it on a house that is underwater you're in a shitty situation.

>> No.53065075

Housing prices are already down 10-20% in the west and starting to crash on the east. Just wait 2 years faggot

>> No.53065499

Post link to proof of legislation otherwise you are lying.

>> No.53065551

This. Anyone saying inventory is low and prices are staying high is either lying or cherry picking specific micro areas. As a whole nationwide inventory is up and prices are down.

>> No.53065575

Nigga, the boomers are literally going bankrupt thinking these rates are not going to last. Either they last enough so that the boomers are forced to sell their properties (provided black rock doesn't buy them out fast enough), or the fed hikes rates even further because everything is "ok".

>> No.53065722

Work from home ruined home prices. Now even innawoods houses with no jobs in 50 miles are owned by office faggots

>> No.53065777

checked and gay ID pilled

>> No.53065894

I don't even want to own a house. I'm going to move abroad and rent cheap apartments for the fraction of a mortgage. Actually live my life instead of living a hollow existence.

>> No.53068713

You know the nigger squatters you can't throw out are included in the price right?

>> No.53070042

I'm surprised there are any transactions. People selling how are getting 10% less than they would have a year ago. People buying are locking in the highest rates in 15 years and the least affordable housing in history.

>> No.53071821

>Most home buyers already own a home that was refinanced at a sub 3% rate
>own a home
>at a sub 3% rate
Do you not know the difference between owning and financing?
If there is a recession and a significant amount of people lose their jobs then people would be selling into a market where buyers don't have the means to absorb the inventory.
I hate how many retarded 12 year olds there are posting here

>> No.53071887

Come down to hoodbridge bro

>> No.53071888

That property probably used to be used as some kind of business.
There probably was another urinal there for handicapped people and there was a toilet used where the shower is now.
The chair might be covering something up. I have no idea what utility is would be there for otherwise and it looks out of place unless that's just a psyop to make you think 'wtf why is there are chair in here?' instead of 'wtf why is there a urinal in here? did this used to be an employee bathroom?'

>> No.53071903

Even underwater home owners continue to make payments, no other product on earth is this sticky.

>> No.53071904

>most people didn't perfectly time the top
>this is surprising
Come on man

>> No.53071939


I know. The people that FOMO'd the top are bagholding for years or defaulting because they will only be able to sell at a significant loss for the next decade.

>> No.53072268
File: 1.18 MB, 2272x1704, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53072314

Shoo shoo reddit tourist

>> No.53072323


>> No.53072457

holy based

>> No.53072738
File: 111 KB, 666x1024, 1671682694475993m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is commercial real-estate for an entire building in the most expensive city in the U.S.


>> No.53072856

>2.9k sq/ft
>14 bedrooms
Did they count every individual room as a bedroom?

>> No.53072872

Don't you guys hate our houses? All I ever hear from Euros is how they're so much happier living in a tiny apartment because it's made of brick vs Americans living in wooden houses.

>> No.53072878

yet youre worried and coping enough to make this post, interesting

>> No.53072914

Why didn't people just buy houses when they were cheap?

>> No.53073075

They're going to re-zone the suburbs and build nigger colonies there with multifams.
Lots of old industrial areas are being rezoned too. I see new construction going up all the time so this idea that there isn't room is just wrong. Especially when you consider that you can always build up.

>> No.53073122


>when you shit with the wall open

>> No.53073138

They never owned their houses to begin with. They will sell.

>> No.53073160

Normies living in their houses is not the reason why housing prices are so high right now you absolute retard.

>> No.53073228

A lot of people are either moving because they got a work from home job or because they literally can not afford to live in their home neighborhoods anymore.

>> No.53073312

Who is forcing them to sell?

>> No.53073368

>The fed could make interest rates 20% and prices still won’t come down.
You don't understand how prices are set, that means you are completely stupid.

>> No.53073385
File: 17 KB, 527x473, Canada-house-price-CREA-2022-12-16-Toronto_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadians 6 months ago: prices will never come down.
There will always be an endless parade of low-iq retards who can't add up, like you.
That's why there is still a GME general.
That's why people are still holding bitcoin bags.
Pic related.

>> No.53073493
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>> No.53073547
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>> No.53073632


>Strauss and Howe define the Millennial Generation as those born from 1982 to 2004.


>"Researchers" and popular media use the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years.

>> No.53073669


>> No.53073727
File: 315 KB, 458x526, 6419865165651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the house prices *are* going down, you're insane if you think they won't
they've done so many times before and will do so again
as soon as they stop going down, you will also have a crypto bullrun which will give you the opportunity to buy many houses

that's the entire thing i don't get about houses
it's an investment like any other, yet it's this sort of fetish of normies for whom it is the only investment they will ever make
many of them buy houses in areas that are expensive, but also have no nature, a toxic social environment, lots of taxes etc.

>> No.53073741

Building industry on single family homes is slowing way down. OP is correct in what most people will do but nobody is buying houses at the current prices if your monthly payments are double what they would be 9 months ago. I'm hoarding cash and waiting for prices to drop further before building and will rent out my current house rather then sell.

>> No.53073813
File: 96 KB, 1184x580, 3165196846845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

house prices are already dropping apparently

>> No.53073821

98% (maybe 99%) of people don't understand that "money" is issued by credit from private banks.
If you don't understand the supply side of money you can't have an informed opinion on house prices.
Therefore most people are clueless.

>> No.53073840
File: 145 KB, 1773x1773, 693E4209-803F-460E-9DF8-456B262EE1A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon doesn’t know that 26% of the labor force are boomers edging on retirement or death. Our time will come.

>> No.53073979
File: 172 KB, 573x509, 1652118325113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hollow existance
Kek, you will never be a family man, own a home, play with your children in the green grass of you backyard during Saturday bbq's.
>don't forget to tip your landlord wagie, BTW rents going up another 15%

>> No.53074017

>____ prices are literally never coming down
words heard at literally every single top in history

>> No.53074044

It wasn’t just foreclosures that forced sales.
A lot of people lost their jobs and couldn’t make the payments regardless of ARM or fixed rate.

>> No.53074077

come to my country and watch all the arab families with 4 kids and no piece of real estate under their name
and then move to the rich areas of town and observe all the couples with 2 kids at best, but who own multi-million homes

>> No.53074123
File: 114 KB, 344x320, 1671575463350823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all this worthless jargon. I couldn't imagine being bothered to read your boomer rant. 3D printing and AI are going to rape these delusions about your plywood-vinyl piles out of existence. And I'm going to help them.

>> No.53074152

Biggest shithole in the country not even memeing. Terrible traffic, everything's expensive including real estate, it's full of government employees, nobody has any actual hobbies and the people are NPCs.

>> No.53074162

What is your point? Shitting out too many kids and financially paralyzing yourself and your children's financial future isnt something to be proud of.

>> No.53074174

Digits and all homers rope in 2023

>> No.53074224

people saying house prices will crash mean while 1million migrants are flooding into america every year. Youre delusional if you think house prices will crash in some meanful way

>> No.53074236
File: 39 KB, 656x679, 1669511187211775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrhurr everyone will just bag hold!
A sale of a primary residence and subsequent purchase does not increase net supply, hence a lack of such sales does not hurt supply. The market is moved by 1) new buyers 2) dead boomers 3) investors/speculators. The market will continue declining as long as new buyers are priced out

>> No.53074260
File: 43 KB, 460x550, EA678E31-7A66-4471-B4BB-645AF21E797F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the year is 2030
>his family BBQ has been deemed a hate crime as it doesn’t include POC
>his son is on hormone blockers because his teacher mandated it
>his daughter is a BBC addict constantly taking selfies and uploading them to instagram and tinder to parade for niggers as she does the latest tik tok twerk dance to nigger music
>his wife has divorce raped him and taken the house
>and you vill be happy

>> No.53074286

that's what you fucking deserve living next to HELLHOLE MUNICH, you retarded schluchtenjodler.

>> No.53074312
File: 19 KB, 385x363, 1657152734303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't breed
Cope and seethe doomer. You are a genetic dead end. When my kids grow up, you will probably be working for them. still coping, still seething.

>> No.53074323

He also doesn't think that people move to different cities for work or other reasons

>> No.53074346

Sorry chud, recessions have been deboonked

>> No.53074380
File: 56 KB, 381x473, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53074401

If I had to guess why there’s a urinal there it might’ve been from the previous owners having a autistic kid me and my uncle had to install urinal in a basement for the same reason

>> No.53074412

Bottom is in. I bought

>> No.53074427


provide proof that you are homeowners

>> No.53074480
File: 6 KB, 220x221, 1670624395621500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't realize just how much housing is currently being squatted on by two (and now frequently one) rapidly aging boomer. Entire neighborhoods of my city look like retirement communities, and boomers did not live healthy lives, the boomer die off will be much much more rapid than the silents

>> No.53074519
File: 412 KB, 474x599, 1670082383004460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53074525

>Bought our house at the bottom in 2021
>Two months after we locked in at 2.5% it shot up 65% in value and we tripled our equity
>Hasn't come down

>> No.53074955

> thing that has a volatile price
> largely linked to price of credit
> price of credit up
you'd have to be stupid to think it hasn't come down, whatever your gay zestimate says

>> No.53075044

>1 million immigrants making $11/hour will pump my 3/1 1250sqft ranch in the philly suburbs to $1.5 million
The sign of a top is always when people throw all sensibility out the window and leverage out the ass because they’re so confident nothing can go wrong.
>but this time it’s different

>> No.53075095

>black rock
They're bleeding money like crazy. Black rock and black stone will actually push the market down trying to save themselves.

>> No.53075170

Where did this meme come from? Landlords get absolutely butt fucked by rental laws in every state and live the real life version of the clean it up janny meme. I work as a locksmith and one house I did a few weeks ago had shit smeared everywhere and one autist literally did the pour cement in the pipes shitpost but for real.

>> No.53075439

Nice. Is there such a thing as trade school for locksmiths?
How much do you earn a year?
Do you like it?

>> No.53075613

>almost every house for sale in my area is in a FEMA 5-year flood zone
>they don't even have any flood remediation, just normal ass houses where the front door is ground level and nothing but grass and pavement
One greedy fuck zones shit he shouldn't have a couple decades before I was born and now I'm stuck holding the bag.

>> No.53075661

>literally never
Never is a pretty long time frame. Boomers will die off and population will shrink. There will be empty homes and prices will fall accordingly.

>> No.53075705

Not that anon, but rules vary massively between different states

>> No.53075771

But is it enough? There is still a fuck ton of demand for homes.

>> No.53075793

Cool... why are single-family inventory and all-time lows?

>> No.53075870

Yeah I remember reading some require license with a test to make sure you actually know what you’re doing and others require you to just purchase a license that anyone can buy. Locksmith is one of those things like bike mechanic that would be so cool to get into but very hard to learn because you have to DIY entirely

>> No.53075905

Ashburn is literally hell. Inhabited by DEMONS

>> No.53075952

I was thinking the urinal might be an obscure cuck trend cause you know how women flip their shit over muh toilet seat being up

>> No.53076257

t. Herndon brownie

>> No.53076679

All of you suck.

>> No.53076869

>lose job
>need cash
>want to refinance
What do.

>> No.53076914

>se doesn't look bigger than 3500. Are they including garage and unfinish
They do include the non furnished spaces now, but if you go to google that house is indeed 5k sq ft.
The only thing that will lower housing prices is if a vax mass die out ( a la red deer) happens. I have my condo and a mortgage. I still hope there' s mass die off.

>> No.53076934

Drapes and that anime whore on the wall are tacky AF but you make up for it with that furniture game. Solid wood perfection.

>> No.53076998

Hoping the vaccine keels this over faster.

>> No.53077040

Sign up for a HELOC. Basically a credit card tied to your house. Don't do a full refinance but at the same time, your APR on funds pulled from the HELOC changes based on credit conditions.

>> No.53077411

Prices have been pumping on forty years of declining rates, this is complete history, we are at the end of a fiat cycle, they can't print without causing massive inflation, prices will continue to decide,

>> No.53077469

>Normies who have overpriced houses will just refuse to sell at a loss and will live in their house instead of buying a new one.

Stopped reading there. Retards literally think there will never ever again be a recession or depression, this is the same boom-bust cycle decade after decade yet somehow this time is different.

>> No.53077616

If money is worthless then there's no reason a house shouldn't cost infinity dollars.

>> No.53077763

what in the HECK is going on there?

theres no way unless the seller is a retard and listed his 1 bed for $3mil for shits and giggles

>> No.53077782
File: 1022 KB, 184x141, A9C66EBC-8965-4B34-BAC7-D184EBB40CE1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check em

>> No.53078066

>1 post by this ID

>> No.53078078

lol its only the beginning

wait till the boomers die off and no one buys homes for a while

>> No.53078340

Man of culture

>> No.53079264

If rates go to high then people just won't be able to pay their mortgages and will have no choice but to sell. This has fundamentally broken the monetary system because the West was supposed to run on a Keynesian system where you need to be flexible in times of hardship you spend and in times of plenty you save. Because of the mortgage situation the rates have been kept artificially low for decades so instead of saving during the good times in anticipation of future bad times they just spent like there's no tomorrow.
Soon they might be right, there will be no tomorrow for the current financial system.

>> No.53079355

>If rates go to high then people just won't be able to pay their mortgages and will have no choice but to sell
Why the fuck do people keep spouting this bullshit?

>> No.53079412
File: 125 KB, 1193x973, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you idiots realize that idiots just like you get variable rate mortgages right? not everyone is on fixed mortgages

>> No.53079417

That's actually a nice house.
I'm pretty sure that it was intentionally decided to completely ignore educating people on basic economics, you know, shit that they actually need to know.

>> No.53079421

Just looked it up and around 10% of mortgages are ARMs

>> No.53079429

there will probably be a correction next year then slight upward crab forever

>> No.53079437

Because most nations don't have fixed term lifetime mortgages.

>> No.53079449


data is more complicated than that, you'd need to look at recent purchases, geography, etc. it's more important to know in 'booming' locations with high turnover what the pool looks like, we don't care about the many people that have bene in their homes for 30 years in nebraska and arent gonna sell anyways

>> No.53079484

Why not

>> No.53079628

Because the labor market is still strong (for now).

>> No.53079643

nothing comes down during hyper inflation.

>> No.53079659

Delusional cope. The suburban ponzi means it is only a matter of time when someone builds another suburb just outside of your suburb.

>> No.53079705

>8% CPI
This isn’t Turkey, Lebanon, or Venezuela

>> No.53079909

It used to be women protesting that urinals shouldn’t be allowed in men’s bathrooms because women don’t use them. Now it’s urinals in women’s bathrooms because feminine penises.

>> No.53081204

Most boomers wont even make it to the top of the next bull run. This is now the time that they will realize their gains to go into retirement. The biggest generation is going to be selling off for the next 10 to 15 years.

>> No.53081243

Why won’t they just die

>> No.53081298

It's WINTER dummy absolutely no one buys or sells in the winter. Springtime is when the prices drop, learn to read graphs

>> No.53081387

>posts about ARMs
>posts about population decline

/biz/ Needs flags

>> No.53081407

every bathroom got the cuck chair

>> No.53081621

the only wildcard is lumber/commodity prices. Lumber has gone from $1600 to $400, if prices continue to drop it will eventually become cheap just to buy new housing and no one will need to buy other peoples bags. Otherwise, you are correct.

>> No.53081728

What about land? Everywhere where I want to live there is a house on that lot already.

>> No.53081745

kek, why cant autists use a regular toilet?

>> No.53081835

>almost everyone is sub 3%
Maybe 10% of homeowners are sub 3

>> No.53081867


>> No.53082161


>> No.53082209

Best neighborhood in Chicago to buy?

>> No.53082233

very reddit

>> No.53082316

Wow, 6% price cut.... I mean, it's something.

>> No.53082335

Thanks for the copium injection, anon. Yeah, many boomers took the clot shot and won't be living for much longer.
I'm looking forward to the great die-off.

>> No.53082349

mmm yes a brandy snifter mmm my darling please spread those musky cheeks for me another quail egg my dear?

>> No.53082410

>Normies who have overpriced houses will just refuse to sell at a loss and will live in their house instead of buying a new one.
What is new construction?

>> No.53082417

20% interest rates would bring a deep recession that would cost these normies their jobs. How are they going to pay utilities + property tax?

>> No.53084123
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why can't we outlaw large institutional investors of housing market that keep squeezing housing market by buying homes for rent. Clearly the proportion of population dependant on it seems to grow bigger and stronger ?
Housing is basic human need and it suppose to be affordable .The fact that you have to give away significant proportion of your income to somebody else makes me furious. Why is there no opposition to it ?

>> No.53084302

i live in a metro in a flyover with a traditionally extremely stable housing market... right now prices are very stagnant but inventory still seems low.. best case scenerio for the near term is prices drop 1%
but they are still slowly creeping up at like 1%

>> No.53084404
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Well here's the thing faggots:

If there is such a thing as an efficient market, real estate is the farthest thing from it. There is not a more inefficient market that's commonly accessible to the little guy. It has massive transaction fees, ongoing costs in perpetuity, and middle-men at every single possible point for what amounts to a pile of dimensional lumber, fiberglass batting, some sheathing, and a bunch of drywall panels. It's extremely local, involves a bunch of crazy archaic systems that buying an selling a share of an ETF never had, and involves way WAY more variables that you, an uneducated street shitter who wasted their youth gambling on shitcoins, can ever hope to account for. For some reason you all seem to think that rates are far and away the biggest, and possibly the only thing governing asset prices. I'm not sure where it is you got this idea.

When prices of homes crashed and the global financial crisis began, it is true that central banks made it as cheap as possible to lend money and instigate economic activity. If it had a secondary effect of triaging asset prices, it took years for that to happen. I guess that you all think the converse will happen because rates climbed back, and that might have been the case if you were evaluating Tbills or something, but you aren't, because housing is not primarily an investment, because as outlined it makes for a shithouse investment.

Either evaluate the decision to rent or own with the conditions that exist and you have to live with now or keep screeching "two more weeks" until you die of old age having paid a landlord the entire time. You will not time the market as you hope to.

>> No.53084479

What a wired looking house
And there coming down quite a bit here

>> No.53084500

rates are still historically low or at least in the middle

>> No.53084525

I saw this.
It’s a nice neighborhood but that’s a glorified flip house. Unless you plan on being a slumlord that needs some major work.
It’s a good area and a room is still a 1000 per month most likely

>> No.53084529

>The fed could make interest rates 20%
They couldn't though, the economy is close to depression as it is, you fucking tool. Lurk for 2 years before posting again. You don't know shit and that's obvious.

>> No.53084562

Forced selling will happen because some boomers have their entire retirement based around their home's equity and prices are coming down. Investment banks which own a shitload of homes will be selling them in favor of high bond yields without having to deal with tenants. Big firms are definitely selling and buying the bottom of this bond market.

>> No.53084573

That’s the fucking gettho
That’s like 4 mil overpriced as well. If not more.

>> No.53084577

In the scope of modern America, because of Volcker, yes. In the history of all capital markets for which we have data, they are about typical now.

>> No.53084578

If they made it 20% you'd have investment banks selling EVERYTHING to go all in on government debt. OP is retarded and doesn't understand what high rates means.

>> No.53084579

home prices are already going at least 25% under asking and I am in the most desirable place in the nation. cope hoomers.

>> No.53084653

For the retarded and the slow in this thread (like OP):
High interest rates act like a sponge for the debt markets, sucking massive amounts of capital out of asset markets. Over a long enough period of time, assets WILL come down and they ARE. This is shit you should've learned in your first macroeconomics class.

>> No.53084929

Always funny how almost no one understands that the house covers the loan. The monthly loan installment doesn't matter. If the prices go down, you have to add money. If you don't have the money, you have to sell. Which one of you can add 50k? Then the prices go down further because the first ones can't do it. Who can then make 100k? And it goes down further. Always in such a way further. Most of you are mentally not capable of business. But that will not save you.

>> No.53085208

Because bootlickers would cry and say that's socialism or communism or some such ;_; ;_; muh free market!

>> No.53085446


Not how it works, being underwater is fine as long as you don’t miss mortgage payments or need to sell

>> No.53085492

Surely not. This means that the creditor assumes the risk. How long do you think the creditors will go along with that? 90% coverage may still be okay if the government promises to step in. But at 80% at the latest, everyone gets nervous and panic breaks out. Especially when the creditors of the creditors start to make pressure. Do not be naive.

>> No.53085494

This house only costs $2k/sq m. In any central European post communist country, such house would cost $6k to $10k per sq m.
Americans have not idea what suffering means.

>> No.53085496

The monthly payment doesn't adjust according to the zestimate or your arbitrary value assessment
You are locked in at the rate and value of the loan you took for the mortgage
Hardly anyone in the USA has ARM's anymore
I locked in @ 2.5%
The monthly payment won't change
Your post is rentie cope

>> No.53085532

lol stupid cunt. What do you think your bank tell you if you have a loan of 1 million while your house market price is 500k? You mean they are ok with take the risk for you?

>> No.53085566

none of you get how Subprime mortgage crisis worked

>> No.53085606

They take the house if the mortgage goes under
The 'market price' of the house is irrelevant to that
Have your rent check ready tomorrow morning
I have great good goy score, not my problem
You sound mad about something though

>> No.53085661

So you think they are ok with losing half million if you lose your job next week. Tell me which bank this is, please.

>> No.53085713

They aren't losing money by taking the house through liquidation
They'll sit on it and rent it out, or sell at the lower value but with higher interest rate to earn the same $ or more over time
Regardless I live in a HOT area of USA where everyone is moving, I'm up 20% even in this environment
I could afford the payments for years while job hunting
Your time preference is not the same as a bank

>> No.53085739

> Market price irrelevant
This is such poor advice.
The price of credit has changed, prices are falling.

>> No.53085771

As bank insider I can tell you that it do not work this way. Banks have creditors too. You had good time with your stratigy because boomer have done everything to protect their wealth. But economy god is coming for you. Be prepared. Im out.

>> No.53085898

doesnt matter what they think, the contract is signed

>> No.53086025

>bank insider
>doesn't know how a mortgage works
Yeah you're an insider alright, you stand inside a bank doing unarmed security for $11/hour

>> No.53086042

Sounds like the banks problem for taking on more risk than they were prepared for

>> No.53086046

US average house price per sq ft: $160
UK average house price per sq ft: $438

It can get a lot worse. If anything US house pricing is low.

>> No.53086049

> ashburn va
I live in NoVa, ashburn used to be the middle of no where, but now all the big IT companies have moved out that way and all the data centers are out there. Those prices reflect all the 6 figure incomes from the IT employed people and government workers.

>> No.53086062

The US is as big as Europe with vast undeveloped regions that can support more urban sprawl

>> No.53086169

>If anything US is cheap
Two big reasons why your housing is relatively so much more expensive on a sqft basis than ours.
First, your average home size is 818 sqft.
Ours is 2,164 sqft. The more you build the more of a discount on building costs you get so even if the total price is higher the PSF is lower.
Second, the United States is 40x (3,973%) larger than the UK. We are able to average out places like NYC and Malibu with places like the entire Midwest region.

>> No.53086222

It is bigger but the point is that anyone saying "US housing has risen x amount this year, it's unsustainable" is wilfully ignorant. The US has very cheap housing on a global level and it doesn't necessarily need to go down.

>> No.53086280
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>OP's pic
The absolute STATE of yank architecture

>> No.53086321

>But economy god is coming for you
what does that mean? good or bad?

>> No.53086352


>> No.53086363
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Because selling property when you’re down on it is the biggest retard move you can make. Land is finite. Your payment is fixed (if you’re not an adjustatard), unlike rent which will continue to increase. We learned from our 08 comrades. Do not sell. Eat soup and make that mortgage payment.

>> No.53086660

fuck your metric currency

>> No.53086815
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Don’t listen to him. I’m in a country where I was told the same thing he is saying but my bank gave me a 30 year fixed rate.
It all depends on your LTV ratio, if you put a higher down payment than required you have access to a 30 year fixed rate.
But the issue in Europe at least in my own country is worse than this because they’re doing 40 year mortgages and people will rather get the ARM because it’s usually half of the interest payment on monthly nominal terms. For example my payment is 248 (140 of it is interest) but had I gone to ARM my payment would be 148 ( at that time) because Euribor was effectively zero, not only was it zero but the negative part was taken from the principal lowering your loan. It’s great if rates are negative, what’s baffling is that people think these things last forever.

>> No.53086841

Know what’s funny? When they do die they won’t leave any real estate behind either because the nursing home usually takes all of their property as part of the deal for taking care of them.
And their kids get nothing.

>> No.53086869

When the economy began heating up in 2017 they should have raised rates then. Not a lot but began slowly maybe 1% per year. And we would have had a more stable longer lasting good economic period. With normal housing prices

>> No.53086891

I used to fuck guys like you in prison

>> No.53086907

>bank insider
>doesn’t even understand what a mortgage is
Listen dude. Banks have made their money as soon as the closing is done. They don’t hold a mortgage for 30 years. They sell it to someone who wants to sit on and collect the interest payments.
Ask your mommy how many times the mortgage has changed companies.

>> No.53086923

See 2017? That's your future from today's point.

>> No.53087076

Look at this guy, masturbating to his wife peeing while standing like a cuck. What a loser. Every bathroom should have a masturbation chair.

>> No.53087086

Classy neckbeard’s room

>> No.53087091

>euros are so poor they don't even recognize a garage door is lmao

do you even own a car, or are you too poor for that as well

>> No.53087139


>> No.53087307

they actually did begin to very slowly raise rates, remember the "taper tantrum" shit and donald trump bitching about jpow then?

they overreacted when covid hit

>> No.53087350

how many home owners have student loans they haven't paid a dime on for the past few years?

Shit is fucked. the un-affordability can't continue, but inflation is here to stay. The U.S. government has already been giving out billions to pay for mortgages for the past year.

This country is so corrupt and broken.

>> No.53087392

typically they sell to fannie and freddie, which means federal taxes on wagies heavily subsidize all hoomers and landlords

>> No.53087504

>how many home owners have student loans they haven't paid a dime on for the past few years?

Probably not many...the banks don't like to give big loans to people who have shit credit ratings and have a $50,000 loan they haven't been paying. They see that whenever somebody applies for a mortgage. So to do that you'd have to either inherit the house, or have enough money to buy a house with cash but didn't pay the student loan off for some reason.

>> No.53087569

They didn’t actually raise rates. And in Europe it was negative. If the rates had risen then by 1% a year by 2019 it could be at 2% and heading towards a more stable and reasonable rate and economy.
Trump has nothing to do with rates

>> No.53087624
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My paternal grandparents had 9 kids, 5 are dead already, grandparents still kicking. Boomers are not a healthy generation, very few will see 80

>> No.53087657

Ok but your logic doesn't consider everything that made it rise in the first place.
It make no sense that reversing all the factors that led to housing inflation would have no effect on housing.
Go ride a bike Anders Van Der Fagget
Do you actually think he doesn't know what a garage door looks like and that image wasn't a meme?

>> No.53087733

Student loans in forbearance aren't counted as full debts for loan purposes, they charged the rules during the Corona PnD to pump asset prices even further.

>> No.53087845

For example, loans in forbearance pre- scamdemic were calculated as 1% of total for DTI purposes ($100k student loan would be calculated as a $1000/m debt payment for DTI purposes) this was changed to 0.5% during corona, given current rates this is only about 25% of what your actual loan payments will be when loans resume.

>> No.53088079

>doesnt have a sub 3% fixed rate mortgage in burgerland
>has to cope by pretending burger mortgages dont exist and EVERYONE in the world is stuck with ARMs
Not my problem

>> No.53088186

Most mortgage brokers turn around and sell the mortgage to fannie may, who then packages them up and sells them as agency securities (non defaultable), government guaranteed. If the LTV is above 80%, mortgage broker requires client to pay private mortgage insurance which allows them to sell it to fannie may as if it were a prime loan, and the default risk is transfered to the insurer. Post 2008, US mortgage market has a fuckton of risk safeguards in place to protect banks. It's common for banks to create mortgages, collect fees on loan origination, but then turn around and sell them. They are limited on what % of their total assets can be non agency mortgage securities (i.e. non insured, all risk on the bank) to a very small fraction. If the risk is anywhere its in people's pension funds, or inside insurance companies, or on the government.

>> No.53088234

>Me and the homie touching knees while he's on the toilet
Friendship goals

>> No.53088245

Aren't you glad you took in so many permanent refugees?

>> No.53088264

With increasing remote work, the demand for being near city centers will slowly decrease making SFH projects further afield more viable

>> No.53088279
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>> No.53088535
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What's the point? Even IF real estate crashes significantly, you'll only be able to take advantage if you can buy outright in cash. For normal people, the mortgage rates will be so high after a crash that they'll end up paying just as much (if not more) than had they bought a house at peak prices but lowest interest rates.

The game is rigged. The jews will just vacuum up more property for cheap while the rest of us are still sidelined.

>> No.53088643

you dont have cash on the side ready? ngmi

>> No.53088649

>Why is there no opposition to it ?
Because everyone except the individual benefits from it. Politicians, corporations, obviously landlords, all love the idea of people being so dependent on their next paycheck/government handout in order to pay rent. If people own their own homes, they're far more independent and resistant to economic pressures. Someone renting, on the other hand, is essentially under constant threat of eviction if they don't maintain their social standing.

>> No.53088714

High rates mean prices will come down. You will pay five to ten years at high rates and then you refi when rates come down

>> No.53088970
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yes, yes they did

>> No.53089103


>> No.53089134

>penny ante raises to 2.5% over half a decade
totally the same as now

>> No.53089315
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Honestly wasn’t aware of this. They should have kept it.
And the ECB should have followed through. Just look at this shit.

>> No.53089569

So basically these houses are expensive because the educated people that inhabit San Fran earn at least $80k in an entry level job and some can earn well beyond $120k
Mostly tech company, industrial design brainiacs.

Previously only the educated %10 could come close to affording something like this and even then the price was adjusted to be more in line with typical earnings.

Once the economy slows down there will be mass layoffs of entry level roles and probably an overall reduction in wages which will cause houses such as these to drop in price slightly and will absolutely ravage the price of houses in undesirable "second option" places.

They say the best time to buy a house is when you can afford it. If nobody can afford the prices being asked then nobody will be around to prop up the overall increase in prices. Buying a house is putting a stake into the market and even if nobody is buying then as long as you continue to pay your mortgage the price will hover because most people will refuse to sell at a loss (unless they NEED to sell).

Most people will realise that in terms of equity a house is a giant boat anchor unless you're getting good value (cheap).

Also if the typical family is blowing their entire salary on their mortgage then it will shoot the economy in the foot as there will be no disposable income to use on goods and services. Leading to American businesses shutting down, leading to loss of jobs, leading to housing defaults.

>> No.53089865

Refinancing have a cost. Mortgage are amortized so that the first ten years are nearly completely interest payments, exactly so that you can't do what you described without getting jewed by years worth of almost completely interest only payment.

The only way to win is to buy with cash when rates are high and prices are comparatively low.

>> No.53089969

>So basically these houses are expensive because the educated people that inhabit San Fran earn at least $80k in an entry level job and some can earn well beyond $120k
thats not a lot of money in sf

>> No.53090006

You assume that they will refinance your house. Just because rates come down dosen't necessarily mean borrowing will become easy of that the mortgage rats will follow the fed funds rate immediately.

>> No.53090014

Nigger. They’re is to many people with six figures in their bank account. The fed needs to rob these mother fuckers before we can go up

>> No.53090059

The way it works is you buy a house with a payment you can afford and by that I don’t mean the highest possible payment that will leave you no room to do nothing else.
You buy something you can afford with room to spare and then you take some extra savings and you double your payments so that you cut down your principal in the very first few years of the mortgage. And by doing this you cut down on your 30 years into 20 or 15.

>> No.53090062
File: 91 KB, 1200x1000, real estate to gold ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold > Real estate

Gold is fungible, housing is not (unless you're a soulless bugman vagrant). Gold is durable. Houses can burn down. Gold is divisible. Housing is only divisible in a legal/equitable sense. Gold is portable, only some housing is portable. You have to depend on the authorities to protect your property rights (unless you have a gun), whereas you can just hoard gold away and nobody knows about. Literally accumulate gold until the next WWII-tier crisis then buy wasteland shit dirt cheap.

>> No.53090074

Down the road when interest rates come down banks will compete to offer mortgages. There will be lots of credit institutions willing to refinance.
Plus lower rates means that real estate prices go up, suddenly your property has gone up in value and you owe less than the house is worth.

>> No.53090211

the prices will come down rapdidly in about 10 years when all the cardboard boxes bought as temporary investment properties are beginning to fall apart. for now most home owners are sealed into their properties and still under the delusion that they will be able to sell for more. but don't worry, blackrock will make sure that there are only two options: stay in your overpriced depreciating asset or sell for less and move into an apartment inside a communist block close to your factory.

>> No.53090220

> A roof over your head is a basic need
> Gold is not a basic need

If we ever go back to a time where we need gold for payment, we’ll also be back in a time where laws don’t exist. You would already need considerable power to defend what you have. Some schmucks gold currently valued at 50K hyperinflating to 5mill when WWIII breaks out will just lead to him getting murdered for his assets. Right now there just isn’t as big a need for gold as there is for a home.

>> No.53090227
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That's actually a pretty good price on a house that big in Ashburn. Did niggers destroy the inside or something? What's the catch?

>> No.53090253

>Normies who have overpriced houses will just refuse to sell at a loss and will live in their house instead of buying a new one.

They're not overpriced if that's what they're selling for, retard.

Why the fuck would anyone "sell at a loss" because YOU covet what they have? Fuck, you're an entitled little cunt, aren't you?

>> No.53090275
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Oh you wanna low ball me when I'm selling? Oh you can't afford more because of the interest?

Tough shit, I'm not selling below asking.

You're going to boil slowly with rising rents while I'm sitting pretty with a low 30 year locked in. You cook frogs and renters the same way. By slowly raising the temperature (rent).

>> No.53090286

My logic is mostly based on the idea that surely there's no way you want to ring in the new year without uploading a penis and balls pic to /biz/ right?

>> No.53090334

>Here they dont allow fixed for longer than 5 years. bullshit i know
What the fuck? Where?

>> No.53090355

It seems you need a proletariat revolution and land reform.

>> No.53090372

Yep. My boss didn’t break even on his Maryland townhouse he bought in 2007 until this year.

>> No.53090401

>I'm hoarding cash and waiting for prices to drop further
But so is everyone else.

>> No.53090442

Wow look at all the DMV-area glowies on 4chan.

>> No.53090594

There is no getting around that fact that refinancing means restarting the amortization schedule, and you end up paying mostly interest all over again. This is by design.

>> No.53090720


>> No.53090802
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Wtf is happening

>> No.53090859

So with Tbills offering the same returns for 12 months as a renter does, will investors still keep their properties?

>> No.53090892

Indeed. I actually have to fucking wonder who purchases these McMansions and McTownhomes they build in a weeks time.

>> No.53090910

Vacancy matters not, dear anon. The Banks(or Jews, whoever you wanna blame) have made it so the price of a house is nigh impossible. Even if they sucker you into a long-term plan, you have the government smacking you extra for just having the place.
Our parents fucked up.

>> No.53090912

It's really simple. The economics don't make sense and we have a big retiree and inheritance wave. 80 year olds can't use a two story house. Just wait if you want a high end home. Rent, move to a low COL state etc. Don't tie up large wealth into your house and get by with something livable while putting more money into sp500

>> No.53090914
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Dunno, prices look decent to me.

>> No.53090934

Well, regulations especially in California drive up entry level home costs but not in every market in USA. I think there is a lot of hope that by 2030 housing will start to become affordable.

1. Garage will be obsolete by self driving taxis. Saving costs.
2. 3d printed and factory built homes are getting better. This is something being done worldwide. AI helps factories automate more
3. Retirement waves worldwide. There is a big older population hoarding homes. A lot of younger people don't like mcmansion spending and want something liveable but not large

They will want the equity not the home and sell their inherited home for money

Like if I can get a shitty factory home for 1500 sq ft for half the price of regular id do that and wait a decade

>> No.53090991

I’ve found a bunch of fellow cleared glowies on this board over the years

>> No.53091214

normgroids are god tier