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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53044607 No.53044607 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit from this?

Death rates in western (highly vaxxed) countries are exploding.

What should we short/long?

>> No.53044684

what is this, my native is not chezslovakian :O

>> No.53044704

Who gives a shit it's clear people would rather just deny anything is even happening until they get extremely sick then they call for research before or after they and their family members fucking die.

>> No.53044707

btw where are the other Qs from 22?

>> No.53044781

Its official data from Germanys biggest health insurance Provider. The translation is included.

The data from the other Qs arent public yet.

>> No.53045073

Short real estate; long SEA; long cash
Imo it's difficult to know what to do since EZB can go on with QT for years and everything will loose value or they start printing again but probably only for few ethnicities like in UK where people with immigration backgrounds will get cheaper loans for real estate next year. The lack of honest information is a problem.

>> No.53045126

based accelarist.

>> No.53045147

People would rather die than admit that they were wrong.

>> No.53045206

Good for them because they are dying by the thousands and the media doesnt even acknowledge it.

>> No.53045222

>Rising alcohol and drug use
>Rampant depression
>Increasing sedentary life styles
>Global traumatic stress
>Clogged and delayed health care systems making people wait months for simple preventative screenings and treatments
>Swamped medical providers giving worse treatment
>Literal novel virus with unknown effects
But yeah bro it's totally the vaxx.

>> No.53045297

You are a fucking retard.

The deaths clearly SPIKED in 2021. The explanations would result in a gradual increase of deaths not a 100% spike over baseline.

But i guess you took the vaxx and cant let your brain accept that you got injected with a literal deathshot.

>> No.53045316

Gee, I wonder what happened in 2020 that could have led to a spike in 2021?

>> No.53045318

Also if its the virus, why did the spike in deaths only come After they started mass vaccinations?

>> No.53045345


I don’t want to be negative anymore but you are literally a walking time bomb if you took the vaccine and no chance of being treated because you won’t get over step one: acknowledge you got tricked.

The hubris of the modern human is truly astounding. Possibly the dumbest generation of human to ever live with the most unearned opinion of self intelligence.

All the worlds billionaires and scientists colluded to trick you random poor individual into taking poison.

It’s ok you got tricked, it wasn’t a fair fight (although if you had trusted your closest friends and family instead of the magic box it wouldn’t have happened - but that’s also an unfair fight they’ve waged against you for 50+ years).

I hate to say it but they’re continually proven right over and over. How can you say they’re wrong about people when they give them poison and are now even telling them it’s poison and they defend it as they die because they simply can’t be wrong?

Normies are literally fucking cattle.

>> No.53045353

Because it causes long term effects that are not immediately present.

>> No.53045368

Holy cope. Whatever helps you sleep at night fren, i get it.

>> No.53045374 [DELETED] 

>You're a walking time bomb
>All the worlds billionaires and scientists colluded to trick you random poor individual into taking poison
Source: trust me bro, I read about it in a Twitter screenshot thread.
2 more weeks, right?

>> No.53045395 [DELETED] 

>He thinks severity of symptoms correlate to severity of symptoms
Must be that neurological damage causing you to be so dump.

>> No.53045412

>Muh two more weeks

The increase in the death rate we currently see is absolutely unheard of. Its already happening.

>> No.53045413

>Source: 4chan

>> No.53045428

>Source: a screenshot

>> No.53045445

the only argument cattle can bring, he never cited anything to begin with nigger

>> No.53045454

>Source: literally has none
Lmao that's not the own you think it is

>> No.53045489
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You will find peace one day.

>> No.53045547

Nah, probably not. Conspiracy theorists are chronically depressed and neurotic, he will always need some new theory to chase.

>> No.53045614

You can find the original german document about it here: https://afdbundestag.de/datenauswertung-von-impffolgen/
But i know you wont read it.

>> No.53045688

Fuck you man. I knew 4 doctors who died treating COVID patients before the vaccine was available. Once the vaccine was available, no doctors died anymore. If you are unvaxxed, you carry unnecessary risk for yourself and for others. Absolute moron.

>> No.53045705

It's called Covid, numbnuts.

>> No.53045721

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.53045729

Have you got a source for that? Where is the evidence of doctors dying in large numbers before the vaccine?

>> No.53045734

Cool, can you tell me about that document, where it's sources from, and if it's peer reviewed.
I know you can't.

>> No.53045763

I've gone to more funerals this year than in the whole of my previous life
Also the amount of people I know who developed cancer in late 2021 is astounding

>> No.53045771

In my country (Southern Europe) last month there were 30k fewer deaths than in 2020... people don't seem to care and some people I know still prefer to get vaccinated and die with everyone rather than protect themselves at least...
about how to take advantage of that... some years they said about investing in flower companies for the deads and virtual reality things for possible new lockdowns

>> No.53045778
File: 1.51 MB, 992x744, 2022-12-03 03_19_24-_pol_ - Politically Incorrect - 4chan — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust these statistics as far as I can throw the OP which isn't far because OP is probably very fat.

>OP is always a faggot

>> No.53045790

who cares? its probably a nothingburger but if it isnt its just vaxcattle so its still a nothingburger

>> No.53045809

Learn to read a chart. The spike in death clearly came after they started mass vaccinations. How would you explain this if covid is really the issue? Look up death stats from 2019 and 2020, they are not higher than the years before.

>> No.53045840

The data comes from the association of health insurance providers of germany you dense fuck. Look it up yourself.

>> No.53045914
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>the virus decided to be mild for the first year and wait for vaccines to roll out before causing any increase in sudden deaths because.... it just did, okay? Believe science.

>> No.53045926

Cool. But that's all you have. What does it mean? What does it say? How is it sourced? Is it verified by any other industry standard? Is the data verifiable by outsiders? Or is it as simple as someone with a nice title spitting bar graphs onto a website and you believing it hook line and sinker with zero critical thought?

>> No.53045939

>t. literal retard

>> No.53045961

Did it take a year? Vaxx rolled our winter spring 2021. When did deaths spike. "2021" isn't a good answer because that means what exactly? January 2021? December 2021? October? If it was the vaxx, we need to see a clear spike that correlates to an equal number of vaxx'd people some time before then. But you don't have that, do you? You just have "2021" which would lend one to believe it's something in 2020 that is causing it.

>> No.53045969
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lol normie cope. good job with your 11th grade debate club jibber jabber. You have a promising career in low level government bureaucracy.

The vax was designed to reduce population growth in preparation for the [economic] GREAT RESET

>> No.53045992
File: 13 KB, 173x290, 1650480083309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The vax was designed to reduce population growth in preparation for the [economic] GREAT RESET

>> No.53046060

All that shit talking hit you still can't provide any relevant input.

>> No.53046168

Just like you, who tries to paint official Information from the association of german health insurance providers as not valid.

>> No.53046230
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the homo erectus will deny a mountain of truth to protect his world view. It's painful to watch, because they are screaming about how smart they are,

>> No.53046268

I didn't say it wasn't valid. I asked for more details. A name and a graph is not enough to validate.

>> No.53046327


But you're just proving yourself to be nigger cattle. The sources are the national health registries. I'm sorry you're too retarded to look at that data set and you need someone to tell you how.

>> No.53046348

Good. We only need so many goyim on this planet.

>> No.53046372

There are plenty of people who analyzed the dataset.

Other companies are also noticing the rise in deaths. https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Querschnitt/Corona/Gesellschaft/bevoelkerung-sterbefaelle.html#:~:text=Erh%C3%B6hte%20Sterbefallzahlen%20waren%20dann%20erneut,COVID%2D19%2DTodesf%C3%A4lle%20auftraten.

This is unironically a huge problem and fighting about it will help nobody.

>> No.53046375

Sudden cardiac deaths tripled in March 2020, dumbshit. This was headline news in 2020.

>> No.53046415

only a problem if you think fewer goy cattle is a problem

>> No.53046434

If the deaths continue in this rate our entire economy will break down (without recovery this time)

>> No.53046500
File: 77 KB, 314x476, IMG_20221217_185309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conspiracy theorists
Live is amazing. I enjoy every second of it.

>> No.53046504


Why do you think the WEF has been saying GREAT RESET GREAT RESET GREAT RESET GREAT RESET over and over and over and over.

You think the richest and most powerful people on Earth are going to keep repeating some esoteric meme just for the lulz?

They are saying: get ready for the great reset. It's in their white papers, books, videos, interview, speeches... And homo habilus screams "YOU HAVE NO SOURCE FOR THAT CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!000111ONEONE!"

It's factual economic policy

>> No.53046571

I know brother. The sad part is that we told them since years but they rather inject themselves with experimental gene therapy against a fucking cold Virus bc the TV told them so. They really are cattle tier.

>> No.53046623
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>Vaxx Die-off

>> No.53046701


it used to make me sad, but now I want to divorce my psyche from their psychosis. they are worm food to me now.

>> No.53046781


>I've gone to more funerals this year than in the whole of my previous life

long funeral homes etc. ?

>> No.53046826

kino really. i have chickens and potatoes and no vax. thats on the Akashic record. im ready for the great reset bros.

>> No.53047136

>Yeah bro the untested gene therapy we made everyone get? LMFAO like it could cause any problems
>clearly it's winter vagina making people have heart attacks and also conspiracies by chuds!
>Take your updated 4th booster or you'll die of the common cold!

>> No.53047147

>>Literal novel virus with unknown effects
It's not novel and the """effects""" are known. What is not entirely known is side-effects from an unknown "vaccine".

>> No.53047383

Unironically this. Anyone contradicting this anon is coping.

>> No.53047441

create a marketplace for options trading with deathrates as the underlying

>> No.53047457

my closest friends and family forced me to get it

>> No.53047507

excellent thing we have 2020 as a full year without vaccine and with covid, so that covid alone isn't believed to be the cause.

>> No.53047519

Should have had the balls to tell them to stfu or just lied about it.

>> No.53047541

>Gee why are so many people dying during the worst flu/COVID/RSV season in 20 years while also being effected by fuel shortages (no heat) and record out of control inflation (no money)
>I know it must be because of the vaxx because I've been desperately trying to justify the made up reality in my head that the government is poisoning everyone for no reason
>Ugghh why can't 80% of the population just drop dead already so I can say I told you so!
All /pol/tards are unironic psychopaths

>> No.53047577


They arent friends then

>> No.53047620

It's easier to fool a man than to convince a man he's been fooled.

>> No.53047643

Exhibit A: >>53047541

>> No.53047668

>during the worst flu/COVID/RSV season in 20 years
Literally nothing serious happened. You didn't notice it without the mainstream media.

>while also being effected by fuel shortages (no heat)
Another mainstream media only problem.

Anon you are bluepilled.

>> No.53047670

Why didnt death rates spike in 2020 when covid is the reason? Its also not possible to explain this spike in death rates with "Le worst flu season since 20 years". Something like this has NEVER been witnessed.

>> No.53047809

Lockdowns are coming back, this time backed by military force. Some people will try to resist, but the repression will be brutal. Camps will be set up. Nobody is going to 'make it'.

>> No.53047844

There is no fucking way they will be able to do this in europe. People are finished with this covid crap and tons of people, even vaxxies lost faith in their governments. They arent even enforcing mask mandates ATM.

>> No.53048069

>i don't believe them
>but this i believe
if they fudged the numbers what makes you think they haven't been fudging the death numbers all along or even fudge the spike you fudgin fugg edd

>> No.53048104

Makes sense though.
It's too late to admit anything now. Better enjoy some of the blissful ignorance

>> No.53048117

Magnificent b8 m8
Kek smiles upon you man

>> No.53048157

>There is no fucking way they will be able to do this in europe
The cattle took every kind of abuse, resistance was minimal
By Lord, I hope you are right, but I'm warming up for round 2 Anon

>> No.53048170

>all vaccinated goyim die
>only schizo right wingers who hate the ruling elite class are left
>the elite by now know the reason why most of the people who refused the vaccine did so because they saw it as a clot shot trap by (((them)))
>somehow with this reality the schizos think they will win a war against the ruling elite rather than being hunted, castrated and used as slave labor
Enjoy paying your taxes

>> No.53048172

They didnt release these numbers on their own, they got pressured into it.

>> No.53048238

it doesn't matter at all. remember the white hats in syria? how about the missing money from the pentagon?
choosing to believe some things from the same people you believe to be lying about other things...like i get there is nuance but they're in the business of getting you into narratives. shrug it off, focus on family and stop tying yourself in knots.

>> No.53048456

Thats probably good advice anon. But somehow i have the feeling that were on heading straight into a dystopia if nothing is done.

>> No.53048511

2 words: mutation rate
That's all you need to know to understand why every measure taken with the exception of lockdowns was a mistake. A 'vaccine' (as you like to call that ineffective serum) shouldn't even exist in the first place. Every effort should've been focused on strengthening and agilizing therapeutic treatment. And all of this could've been solved in advance by anyone with knowledge of high school level biology. It's a damn shame that idiots like you keep defending the sloppiest institutional work (and that's really something) I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.53048657

they demanded i take this vaxxine. I lost my career over it. but I will survive longer than all them.

>> No.53048697

>It's a damn shame that idiots like you keep defending the sloppiest institutional work (and that's really something) I've ever seen in my life.
it wasn't sloppy institutional work; they did exactly what they wanted to do which was create something plausible as quickly as possible to sell to governments with no liability and pocket billions of dollars

>> No.53049976

Had all those billions been used in improving actual treatment conditions instead of buying snake oil from pharmacists, many lives from the OP's picrel could've been saved.

>> No.53050073

dont forget the steroid abuse. Its always the safe and effective steroid

>> No.53050180


Lmao retard

>> No.53050802

You’ll die from a heart attack before 2022 ends. Don’t worry though at least it will be painless

>> No.53050855

Reported for hate speech

>> No.53050899

Okay schizo, back to /pol/ with the other brain damaged retards.
We just surpassed 8 billion global population lmao

>> No.53050911

>Young people suddenly dropping dead because their hearts fail
>Oy goy take meds schizo nothing is happening. You’re a conspiracy lunatic.
At least vaxxies wont suffer while their heart explodes so kudos to them for making it more humane kek

>> No.53050913
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>muh vaxxineeess
Or it's just antivaxx retards dying from COVID induced AIDS and brain damage. Oops

>> No.53050957

>In order to be classified as a hate speech it would mean that vaxxies are a group of individuals that have an inherent characteristic (in this case a predisposition toward sudden heart attacks)
You basically confirmed that vaxxies hearts are a ticking bomb kek. Well played , you wont be missed.

>> No.53051113

I know two guys under 27 who've had heart attacks. This shit isn't normal.

>> No.53051267


>> No.53051398

Wow imagine thinking you're clever. Must be the holes in your brain from repeat COVID exposure.

>> No.53051522

>it has to be intentional

Why does this strawman always have to come into play? I work at one of the big vax companies literally making the shit. There is no inside job going on. But these companies are seriously incompetent and the vaccine was rushed. Plenty of unintended can consequences arise from those things

>> No.53051576

What are your colleagues saying about this? Is the death rate increasing being talked about?

>> No.53051612

>Short real estate; long SEA; long cash
Long South East Asia? You mean, like, impregnate a Thai chick? I'm gonna go ahead and assume you meant impregnate a Thai chick. Thanks.

>> No.53051627

>What should we short/long
If true get ready for asset price crash. RE, gold, anything that is made more valuable by population and GDP growth. Stock food, guns, and silver/gold. Cash will probably be king for some time too.

>> No.53051700

No they wont. The whole system nearly caved in on itself when they did it the first time and they needed to print large amounts of money to try and keep the whole thing afloat. The idea that they can turn the economy on and off was nothing more than a white paper fantasy dreamed up by central planers.

>> No.53051711

Was for,

>> No.53051740

Yeah because they’re Germans, the most cucked Whites. Imagine letting Americans invade your country and occupy you almost a century later.

>> No.53051763

>brain damage from a mild respiratory illness
lol, I had it right after getting over a two week cold and the cold was honestly just as bad if not worse. If you die from Covid you deserve what you get, sorry Grandma my happiness is worth more than you living another 2 years.

>> No.53051772


>> No.53051814

Wow you are retarded. How is 2022 and you don't even know it's a vascular disease with respiratory symptoms? Very different from respiratory disease. Jesus, no wonder why you guys are horse paste lol

>> No.53051831

>2 more weeks bro!

>> No.53051842
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>although if you had trusted your closest friends and family instead of the magic box it wouldn’t have happened
Unfortunately, all of my closest friends and family went right out and took that shit. I have one cousin and one uncle who didn't. That's it out of dozens of people I know. Shit is so not cash.

>> No.53051869

>Unfortunately, all of my closest friends and family went right out and took that shit.
This! I am part of the 30%

>> No.53051888

I have unironically seen 10 young colleagues die from heart attacks in the last 6 months. All vaxxed to the hilt ofc. very curious

>> No.53051932

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.53051971
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Why is it literally always antivaxxers who are dying or know of people dying from a vaccine they never took? Literally every single time lmao
Meanwhile, in reality, I don't know a single fucking vaccinated person that has died or was even hospitalized despite you brain damaged retards claiming 40% mortality because of some faggot shit you saw on /pol/. I know 2 unvaxxed tards that dropped dead though lmao. And a third one who is now permanently fatigued and can no longer work due to long COVID symptoms. Hopefully you retards dropping out of life crashes the real estate market.

>> No.53052003

Same, don't know anyone. Only hear of it on the internet.

>> No.53052006

it's not even worth trying to persuade anti-vaxxxies friendo. they're just as deluded as the fucking covid niggers.
>they're associating everything with covid to inflate the death numbers!!!!
>every single death since 2021 is because of the vaccine!!!!
i'm firmly convinced the anti-vax faggots here are some kike shill to mock this website

>> No.53052011

Two pieces of data for you

1) only 80% of the population is vaxxed but they now make up 58% of deaths. Not very effective

2) the CDC or any international health agency refuses to release vaxxed status of people with long covid. Curious

>> No.53052043

So I've been having chest pains after getting vaxxed but then I remembered having those chest pains before Covid even started (although to a lesser degree and on the right side). I burp hundreds of times a day so that probably has something to do with the chest pain. I probably just have gerd or something.

>> No.53052049

>>every single death since 2021 is because of the vaccine!!!!
I remember in 20 every single death was due to covid, man killing crime rates was 0!

>> No.53052071

Wait.. you're not joking, are you? Behold, the mind of the antivaxxers lol

>> No.53052084

Risk of myocardities from vaccination is extremely low, and even then for 99% of people it clears up after 3 days. Schizos are wrong about everything.
/pol/ is literally the ultimate filter on what to believe. If those retards say one thing then you can bet the opposite is true.
My whole family is double vaccinated and not a single one of us has caught COVID so far, and better yet, not a single fucking one of us has even been sick in 3 years lmao

>> No.53052091

yea and that was retarded too! both sides sound exactly the same. ignore data when it disagrees with their narrative or move the goalposts to maintain their view.

>> No.53052093

>But these companies are seriously incompetent
Why should they be any different? They're already protected from being liablility and the public will literally die defending what they gave them. On top of that the government is paying them ludicrous amounts of money.

>> No.53052110

if you're belching that much, it's GERD, GERD + Rhinitis or LPR.

>> No.53052115

The largest published dataset which came out of Israel found that there was no difference in rates of myocarditis between unvaxxed with prior covid infection and people who had never had covid. The increased rate of myocarditis can only be from the vax

>> No.53052135

what you're saying is true and that provides evidence that the highest risk group (young males, 20-40) shouldn't take the vaccine or potentially just get one dose if they have other comorbidities. That all being said, huge leap to say that because of the myocarditis risk, no others will benefit from the vaccine.

>> No.53052153

you are a fucking dumb cunt eh, glad u got the vax

>> No.53052156

Never had covid once still unvaxxed seethe & cope vaxchud seethe & cope

>> No.53052163

I agree. Although the percentage of people who can benefit is rapidly dwindling as the virus evolves to be less pathogenic, as expected.

>> No.53052165

>source: my ass
What else did you learn from /pol/, faggot? Imagine taking medical advice from flat earthers lmao
>A total of 95,565,309 vaccine doses have been administered in Canada as of December 9, 2022. Adverse events (side effects) have been reported by 53,064 people. That’s about 6 people out of every 10,000 people vaccinated who have reported 1 or more adverse events.
6 out of 10k people, who so much experience a tickle in their throat, count as adverse effects. 6 out of 10k. Where is the die-off dipshit?
Meanwhile every antivaxx retard who caught COVID gets to live with a permanently damaged brain and immune system for the rest of their lives while we normals pick up the tax bill. Keep coping though, unfortunately it's not going to fix your damaged body.

>> No.53052184

the /biz/ pill, summed up in a post. well said
now what remains to be seen is the fate of swab testers
>t. 1-time swabber
I'm ashamed of it

>> No.53052202

this board is hardkek sometimes :D

>> No.53052216

He's telling the truth you covid nigger dimwit.

Here's two free spoonfeeds on myocarditis and the vaccine:
Thailand study
Israel study

I hate covid niggers and anti-vax faggots. You are the same fucking person arguing from ignorance and cherry picking data. Fuck you both.

>> No.53052238

Lol what? Provide a source instead of posting some random uncontextualised screenshot from an obscure German (maybe Buzzfeed for Germany) looking article. I mean, let's not submit ourselves to confirmation bias and engage in some critical thinking about the evidence (or lack thereof) for your claims.

>> No.53052268

>Approximately 5.1 million Israelis had been fully immunized against coronavirus disease
>Among 304 persons with symptoms of myocarditis, 21 had received an alternative diagnosis. Of the remaining 283 cases, 142 occurred after receipt of the BNT162b2 vaccine
>The overall risk difference between the first and second doses was 1.76 per 100,000 persons
I already acknowledge myocarditis was very low among vaccinated in another post. So what exactly is your point?

>> No.53052280

fucking LOL

>> No.53052299

>”zero critical thought”
Bro you wouldn’t know the phrase “put two and two together” if it vaccinated you four times against a engineered virus that had a 99.99% survival rate.

>> No.53052345

>source: my ass
>What else did you learn from /pol/, faggot? Imagine taking medical advice from flat earthers lmao
deb00nked with actual studies

the thailand study showed 30% of their young male patients had a documented cardiac issue after getting the vaccine. the israel study also showed an increase in the risk of cardiac issues after getting the vaccine.

the risk of a young male getting a heart issue is greater than their risk of catching and dying from covid. therefore there is a strong argument that young males shouldn't get the vaccine. you're wrong covid nigger.

>> No.53052360
File: 29 KB, 728x546, 3a8374289c23f201be75243b37ca33cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever i feel bad about myself, i check 4chin to remind myself that there are actual schizos and paranoids who didn't get the vaxx because some extreme right wing board on the internet said so. You can't make this shit up KEK.

>> No.53052386

>from tachycardia or palpitation to myopericarditis
1) So not just myocarditis.
2) It goes away after 3 days in 99% of cases
3) Why do you retards have to cope with a cherrypicked study from fucking THAILAND of all places you dumb nigger? Why isn't every other country showing the same retarded number?
4) Why does every single doctor in the real world laugh at you retards and mock you for how utterly fucking stupid you are?
It's just too easy with you brain damaged retards lmao

>> No.53052403

one more fortnight

>> No.53052406

These are the same retards filling up GME and PMG general threads on /biz/ and losing their life's savings on meme trash. It's funny until you realize the holes in their brain caused by COVID have left them disabled and we'll be picking up their slack with our own tax dollars.

>> No.53052426

>holes in their brain caused by COVID

>> No.53052464

Anti-vaxx care more about the vax than vaxxed.
I got vaxxed. It’s ok, I feel fine. I’ll die when I die. I browse /x/ also so I’m ok with leaving when it’s time. Don’t stress, meditate, and enjoy what you have. Like the Covid, the vaxx was there to steal our attention and energy.
Lucky I didn’t know any people that died from it that’s all I can say.

>> No.53052534
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have you read the posts ITT? they are recruiting us
also, whole lotta trannies ITT kek

>> No.53052550

>vascular disease
Imagine being this stupid. Don't talk about things you don't understand monkey.

>> No.53052582
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>antivax thread on /biz/
Stays up for hours
>Discussion on how the Russian economy is doing poorly
Nuked immediately and banned


>> No.53052587
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Covid deaths we're trying to blame on the vaccines. Keep up buddy.

>> No.53052600

Don't forget that the people telling them not to get vaxx'd are vaxx'd and probably double boosted by now
>Buy my book and find out why the vaxx is bad!
Friendly reminder fox news had stricter COVID restrictions than most countries.

>> No.53052619

>It's just a cold bro!
>Why can't I remember my wife's face?hope getting drunk at Applebee's was worth it. You really ownd the libs by getting early dementia!

>> No.53052639

This has to be b8. No way it's almost 3 years into COVID and you don't understand what vascular means or why it's important.

>> No.53052672

Depends on the race. Some are prone to immediately complaining, or inventing illnesses if they have gone too long without

>> No.53052673

Why are you so angry? I am laughing at the thought of you saying any of this IRL because only weak sub 200 pound effeminate faggots get this worked up over internet drivel

>> No.53052683
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This you?

>> No.53052699

That's one way to do it

>> No.53052702

>not just myocarditis
yes, a host of heart issues. myopericarditis is a worse form of myocarditis anon, it means the outer AND inner muscle of the heart is damaged
>cope with Thailand data, cherrypicked
because there were none done in North America, which is pathetic and sad that the covid-nigger establishment was so fearful of any study going against the vaccine that they weren't funding any.
>every single doctor in real world laugh at you
this is how ignorant and self-assured you morons are. look up any of the following doctors who have expressed skepticism about the vaccine for all and tell me why they aren't real
>Vinay Prasad, UCSF Hem/Oncologist
>Marty Makary, Johns Hopkins Surgeon
>Jay Bhattacharya, Internal medicine at Stanford
>anyone who signed the Barrington Declaration

>It's just too easy with you brain damaged retards lmao
and yet you have provided no retort. what does that say about you that you can't even rebuke a """brain damaged retard""" you 10 iq dolt

>> No.53052721

>It goes away after 3 days in 99% of cases
No, it doesn't, you retarded fuck. Only 81% were fully recovered 90 days after according to their cardiologist and from those, only 5% showed no signs of myocardial damage.

>m-m-muh sauce!
Fucking CDC you brain-dead nigger.

>> No.53052733

I would refuse to believe anyone is that tarded.
But I would be dreadfully wrong to do so, wouldn't I?

Dont worrie jabbie, your death will likely be relatively quick.

>> No.53052744

>clears up after 3 days

You really are retarded, good God. You deserve everything that happens to you.

>> No.53052750

vaccinating against a flue is retarded. Seasonal flue vaccine is a guess based on where it starts, from there on they see how it mutates and vaccinate for that strain/mutation. It is not recommended for people not older than 65 years.
Covid itself had a 99 percent survival rate and most of the deaths had underlying health conditions or were obese. Media fearmongering with the perverse stimulus to count all deaths as from covid makes covid a nothingburger.

Some cool facts about the vaccines:
- producers are not liable for damages
- first time a drug was released with no studies on long term effects and normal checks were bypassed (speed of science!)
- first time an mrna vaccine was used on humans
- booster frequency is similar to vaccination schedule to make horses infertile (look it up, funded by WHO in the late 90s, big rabbit hole)
- people were semi forced to take undergo a medical procedure (against nuremberg code https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2011/04/BMJ_No_7070_Volume_313_The_Nuremberg_Code.pdf )
- the protein itself has a furan cleavage site, a patented sequence by one of the manufacturers, sequences that have similarities with prions, it also cytotoxic by itself
- annyone who was critical of it on certain platforms got deplatformed, to this day for example youtube does not allow negative opinions on it or so called 'misinformation' https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9891785?hl=en
These are the main funny facts from the top of my head. As a real believer in science i did not take it. Every good experiment needs a control group.
Do not waste your time and energy trying to convince people. Take care of your loved ones and let father time do the rest.
Christ is king

>> No.53052767

Stop writing in a manner pretending to understand the subject you're addressing to sound smart, you brainlet. You're not fooling anyone. You're a fucking midwit who couldn't describe the physiopathological mechanism of COVID-19 if his worthless life depended on it.

>> No.53052778

Look at those graphs you dolt. Did "depression" or diet or whatever go super saiyan and become 4x more effective at killing EXACTLY when the unprecedented medical intervention was visited upon the entire population?

>> No.53052779

>Don't forget that the people telling them not to get vaxx'd are vaxx'd and probably double boosted by now
Yep. all of Fox News employees were all vaccinated while peddling retarded antivaxx conspiracies to their idiotic fanbase. Rightoids are the easiest NPCs in the world to grift. Look at how these retards line up to worship oligarchs and globalists like Trump or Putin or Elon fucking Musk who literally wants to put a brain chip in every human's brain lmao
schizonigger conspiracytard is upset he has permanent AIDS and brain damage because he took medical advice from the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet. OOOOOOOOOPS
Everything you just said is bullshit cope.
Literally every country and their various medical institutions have pages on vaccine side effects. I even posted Canada's above. 6 out of 10k with "adverse effects" which includes everything from a throat tickle to myocarditis which goes away after 3 days. Cope more with your east asian shithole studies that you cherry picked lmao
Congrats on your AIDS

>> No.53052786

im accumulating coffins. ill be a billionaire in a couple years.

>> No.53052787

>your closest friends and family were right here

>> No.53052793

>"t-two more weeks anon"
>t. literal faggot with permanent brain damage and a ravaged immune system

>> No.53052807
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how convienent you left out experimental vaccines

>> No.53052808

>"vaccinating against a flue is retarded."
>"Covid itself had a 99 percent survival rate"
You're right, being left with permanent brain damage and a wrecked immune system has no effect on your quality of life. The only thing that matters for every disease known to mankind is literally just the death rate.
Why is every antivaxxer such an utter fucking retard hahahaha

>> No.53052817

You just listed the two more common effects of the vaccine, but ok.

I don't really talk to vaxx apologists anymore desu, you're just dead meat anyway.

>> No.53052826

pointing at typos is not an argument

>> No.53052828

Jesus, there is literally no data to support your assertion. There is more and more data coming out showing vaccine damage. You're hopeless.

>> No.53052848

It's clear by your dogshit IQ post that the only one with brain damage is you, anon. And judging by your mental breakdown, you're probably a tranny too which explains your obsession with AIDS since your mouth most likely gargles on it every weekeed nonstop.

>> No.53052854
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building solid reasoning in individuals is not "nothing"

>> No.53052855

>you're just dead meat anyway.
It's been 3 years already and the only ones clotting up, dying, getting permanent AIDS and brain damage are antivaxxer cattle like you who decided to take medical advice from other literal fucking retards in your echo chamber.
Meanwhile every doctor in the real world thinks you're an absolute fucking retard. Funny how that works. Unfortunately nothing is going to reverse the permanent damage inflicted on you. Cope more. Maybe you should stick to seething in /pol/ and your other safe space echo chambers.
Same retards that fall for every dumb fucking conspiracy that gets peddled to their retard brains lmao

>> No.53052858

>pointing out a typo
>unable to refute his points
so this is the power of the vaccine

>> No.53052867

>As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it has become clear that infection with SARS-CoV-2 may be responsible for previously unexpected long-term immunological health consequences.
Still waiting on the "vaccine die-off" you clotted up retard lmao

>> No.53052869

>cherrypicks the adverse events log over and over again and then criticizes me for cherrypicking when I include multiple studies
>muh cope
>muh aids congrats

>> No.53052877

>There is more and more data coming out showing vaccine damage
Show me something within the past three months that isn't just random numbers you schizos bend to suit your narrative.

>> No.53052883

he's cornered and scared anon. just keep dunking on this dummy until he leaves

>> No.53052906
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Kek schizos

>> No.53052913

>spend every single day of your life posting cringey antivaxx conspiracies
>it's all cope to try and deal with the fact that you've been left with holes in your brain and a ravaged immune system
lol it's just pathetic at this point. Nothing is gonna undo your AIDS or brain damage, faggot. Sorry

>> No.53052930

Here you go buddy

>> No.53052951

>no data
>muh cope
>calls me an antivaxer when all I said was that not everyone should get it
just give up, you're embarassing yourself. you didn't even know what myocarditis is and yet you're the one saying the vax is completely safe LOL

>> No.53052953

14 posts, calm your tits. Why are you so angry?
Take a deep breath, after all, we are the ones dying of aids and brain damage.

>> No.53052965

>Retrospective cohort study of 196,992 adults after COVID-19 infection
>Nine post-COVID-19 patients developed myocarditis (0.0046%), and eleven patients were diagnosed with pericarditis (0.0056%). In the control cohort, 27 patients had myocarditis (0.0046%) and 52 had pericarditis (0.0088%)
>myocarditis (0.0046%)
holy fucking kek
This just proves these antivaxx subhumans either
1) Don't read any of the bullshit they post
2) Have no fucking clue how to read what they post
And he posts a twitter link first. My fucking sides went into orbit from this faggot's post lmaooooooooooooooo

>> No.53052984

was it the third or fourth booster when your brain started decaying?

>> No.53052991

>every doctor in the real world thinks you're an absolute fucking retard
The doctors in my country never took the vaxx. They knew why they suddenly get x10 increase in salaries, so they knew to stay away from the shit they administered by the government order.

>> No.53052994

Trips of truth

>> No.53052995

10 more to go.
It proves at least 1 case of heart damage.
Safe and effective goes out the window.
Did you look at the twitter link? Its a video from japanese doctor speaking to government officals. Why are you so stingy? Look at the video and disprove what he says.

>> No.53052996
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If you are a vaxxie, why even click on this thread? Why even reply? Why are you so angry?

>> No.53053023

>"0.0008% chance of heart inflammation that clears up after 3 days is worse than 100% chance of having brain damage and AIDS like me!!"
lmao I don't even feel sorry for you subhumans anymore
>"let me make up bullshit because that's the only cope I have left"
Okay ranjesh. I'm sure your sri lankan doctors agree with your retarded conspiracies.

>> No.53053024

you know what the funniest part is?
that study is about UNvaccinated
The disease, containing the spike protein in itself can cause myocarditis.

>> No.53053039

top kek, heart muscles dont repair like regular muscles, myocarditis is permanent damage and reduce life quality and expectancy

>> No.53053046

>everyone I know and their entire families took the vaxx
>about 200 people total
>read about how deadly it is on a Chinese cartoon imageboard
>but not a single one is dead 2+ years later
That's some pretty ineffective poison they concocted

>> No.53053125

>>"let me make up bullshit because that's the only cope I have left"
Well, the onlyguy coping ITT is you, I just share my observations with the other anons. I can also say that the official treatment course by WHO includes:
1) Using chemicals like Polyhexamethylene guanidine to clean the patients rooms. It has side effects for people inside - shortness of breath.
2) Putting people with shortnessof breath on ventilators. The pre-requirement for this is to basically kill the immune system with special drugs.
As you can guess, patients then die of pneumonia because they have no immune system, but they have COVID + any bacterial/virus infections that reside in hospital. This is a conveyor of death, and people die in hospitals far easier than if they are treated at home.

>> No.53053211

Checked and based. Everyone here thinks they’re le smart and based and redpilled for not getting vaccinated. Fucking retards. Ooga booga big government man doesn’t stand to gain anything from you insolent fucks getting vaxxed other than maybe a few more productive hours at your shitfuck wagie job

>> No.53053250

What you quoted suggests the **virus**does not cause heart issues which has been vaxxie cope number 1 for a while now. "If" there is heart damage going around it definitely is not coming from the virus itself and unvaxxed (subjects of that study) are definitely not at risk. That study says the virus is safe w/r/t heart issues and says nothing about the vaccine whatsoever

Everything you cited blew you the fuck out and you are too dumb to even realize it, I am deeply embarrased on your behalf and you may want to delete that post

>> No.53053440
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most of the people in this thread are trolls
most of the arguments are fake and designed to harvest (you)s
stop feeding them

>> No.53054065

>The hubris of the modern human is truly astounding. Possibly the dumbest generation of human to ever live with the most unearned opinion of self intelligence.

>> No.53054111

>trust the government, if you are not smart

>> No.53054162

He doesn't need a source, because i knew 8 doctors that died from [rereads thread] covid. I'm sure another anon speaks of the doctor genocide.

You should shut the fuck up and think. Its embarrassing

>> No.53054173

were they living in blue states
>inb4 cope

>> No.53054219

Yes, it’s the vax.

>> No.53054241

Embarrassing. I left thread here

>> No.53054356

Good post

>> No.53054367

Relax vaxie you totally won’t die earlier than us at all with all the graphene oxide in your veins its just healthy kekekkekeee

>> No.53054387
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There are too many jews in this thread

>> No.53054394
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>16 posts to shill a shitty shot that barely works
How many shares of Pfizer you got?

>> No.53054477


Yes but there is a slight problem: vaccination started early 2021. In January 0% of the German population was vaccinated. In April only 10%. It is only in July 2021 that 60% of the German population was vaccinated. So how do you explain the death rate in Q1 2021?

Did people die massively anticipating the future effects of vaccines? Why wouldn't the death rate follow (lagging a bit) the vaccination rate?

>> No.53054526

Bullshit. I know of no one that died from covid itself. I work in the medical field and it was a scam. Now everyone coming in for strokes and heart problems.

>> No.53054554
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The Reason why so many useless People got culled is the Great Reset but the Great Reset is not what you think it is.
In the coming decades the ELites expect a big Geophysical Event caused by the Sun and Earths Magnetic Field Changes.
Before that Main Event happens the Suns activity will increase and many CMEs will be hitting the Earth all the Time destroying its Electrical Grid, all Supply Lines will be destroyed and its basically the end of industrial farming and industrial goyslop production.
If the Cattle wasnt depopulated with these Vaccines then these People would Riot in the streets, they would steal, murder and eating each other as they are all Starving. It would be too much Chaos for the ELites, Chaos that is worldwide and impossible to contain.
So what they do is they cull them, give them long term diseases to immobilize them and just cull them with cancers and heart attacks.
Reducing Mobility is also the reason why they want to get rid of Gas powered cars, so you cant roam around too much causing them more Problems.
Everything that is happening today is preparation for the Event.

>> No.53054796

thats event isn't happening for atleast 1103 years, but other wise you are correct.

>> No.53054807

oh and also the vaccines weren't about depopulation, they were about dose response testing for transhumanist technology.

the economic changes and the medical disinformation was for depopulation and retardation of the populace.

they want people to slowly die off, but not in massive numbers, but they do want them sickly and retarded.

>> No.53054836

>'nuh-uh, you are'. the post.

>> No.53054843

i got swabed but thats it, why would it damage you? never vaxxed of course

>> No.53054846

No, third world country. If it's only killing people in red states, it'd make a lot of sense, but I haven't seen any data to back that up.

>> No.53054998

anybody else felt no pressure to get the vax?
like at all?
when I first heard about all this I just thought if covid kills me that's okay
life preservation just seems cowardly and off putting

>> No.53055061


I told several people, friends and family: "I WILL DEFEND MY BLOOD WITH LETHAL FORCE."

They understood

>> No.53055113

>for atleast 1103 years
and this is where you are wrong, it is already happening and the rate at which it happens keeps accelerating, we dont even have 2 decades left. They already knew this stuff in the 40s.

>the vaccines weren't about depopulation
they were clearly about depopulation, as already explained there is no use for these NPCs in the world after the Sun Reset and its not possible to feed them.
Depopulation is the only way and thats why it was done.

>> No.53055173


inb4 you post your blood pressure and weight, Clotstein Mcburgerdroid

anti vaxx is the 60IQ take of the century.

>> No.53055305

Depopulation for dummies:
>Step 0: Remember that NPCs think purely in words, not concepts.
>Step 1: Release a slightly modified flu, call it The Scary Flu.
>Step 2: Take The Scary Flu statistics (which is similar to the regular flu statistics of 500 000 deaths/year) and exaggerate it using the media to cause panic.
>Step 3: Produce a slow poison and call it "The Vaccine". Call anyone who doesn't trust you "an antivaxxer".
>Step 4: Administer "The Vaccine" shots to everyone who wants a vaccine against the Scary Flu.
It's so easy and foolproof that even a senile retard can do it.

>> No.53055331

I feel that whenever people insisted I get it I exclaimed “THIS IS HILL I DIE ON.”

>> No.53056237

OK retard, so why are people dying like flies since 2021? Its everything but the vaxx, right?

>> No.53056270

The source is included in the pic of OP retard. In the right corner.

>> No.53056879

The professionals insisted that there are no long term effects. Anyone who said otherwise was declared incompetent, a right winger, nazi or conspiracy theorist.

>> No.53056882

the galactic equinox will do the job of depopulating the earth so long as most of humanity is ignorant of it.

the vaccines use building block ingredients that are theorized would be helpful for transhumanism, they aren't about depopulating the earth, they are about using people as guinea pigs to better advance things like life extension for the world elite.

the ancient egyptions predicted when the galactic equinox was going to happen and knew that this was when the pole reversal takes place, the created the pyramids and the sphinx as a clock that counts down to the next event, the next event will be a minimum of 1103 years from now.

>> No.53056889


>> No.53056909

Its already happening, the Poleshift is accelerating just from the 90s to now it 4x and every planet in the solar system is changing too.
we dont have 1103 years, we dont even have 20.

>> No.53056916

i have done extensive research into the matter, theres nothing to indicate that the pole shift works on a linear scale, the ancient egyptions have given numerous indications that they very well understood the exact nature of how it works and have indicated that it takes place in conjunction with the galactic equinox.

>> No.53056938
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nope, its already happening.
thats why earths rotation is changing and breaking speed records, why all the jovians are heating up, why every planet is changing. and these changes are accelerating.

>> No.53056957
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"its already happening" doesn't mean it will finish before 1103 years. its not merely the movement across the globe that is the issue, its a crescendo point where it becomes pic related

>> No.53056959

FYI that guy is jewish and disinfo

>doesn't mean it will finish before 1103 years.
Its finished by 2046.

>> No.53056973

>16 posts of vaxxoid cope

lmao still never getting it

>> No.53056993


the article is by scott creighton

its not about merely the poles moving, its about events that could lead to a large scale disruption of the dynamo, effectively turning off or greatly weakening the geomagnetic field.

if the geomagnetic field were turned off, then the atmesphere wouldn't protect us from highly energetic particles which would be liberated from the van allen radiation belts and pelt the earth.

the magnetic field moving would cause increased disasters like tidal waves, but it wouldn't get biblical, like a deluge, until the magnetic field was disrupted, not merely shifted.

>> No.53057007
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>> No.53057012

The sun is the issue, not the magnetic field, all the changes are caused by the sun.
>the article is by scott creighton
shilled by the disinfo hancock jew

>> No.53057019

the magnetic field is what protects the earth from harmful particles bombarding it from space.

its not the sun, its more the axial tilt of the earth as it rotates, which causes the starts to rotate around the earth on like a 12 thousand year time line, ever twelve thousand years, a half rotation of the starts takes place, and this shifted orientation has an affect on the magnetic field which temperarily disrupts and weakens it, which causes the earth to under go extremely violent changes.

just read the article and stop being a fucking faggot.

>> No.53057025

>its not the sun
thats what jew want you to think but yes it is the Sun, the Suns cycles is what influences everything on this planet.

>just read the article
its jewish disinfo. sorry you fell for it, happens to many midwit people.

>> No.53057026

samefag bot thread

>> No.53057027

the sun gets hotter for fifty years and then gets colder for fifty years, increased solar activity is simply part of this process, like half a century ago people were worried that there was an ice age coming from decreased solar activity.

>> No.53057032

>the sun gets hotter for fifty years
thats not the main problem, the problem is the Sun magnetic field is trapping Material which chokes the sun out, every 12068 years that material gets blown off the surface.

>> No.53057043

plato literally wrote about the galactic equinox and how it correlated to catastrophe on earth, he learned it from the egyptions.

my argumentation has been alot more robust then yours.

"its the sun, muh pole movement"

like people have already historically observed what does this and on what time line. and your just like "jewish disinfo". so your opinion should be discarded and i should stop wasting my time with you, got it.

people like you want the world to end by 2046. the reason being, if it does, then you aren't a loser who wasted your entire life.

but if doesn't end by 2046, then your a guy who never applied your self and made something of your life "because the world is ending" and your left with just a bunch of wasted potential by being an old man who never did anything but buy canned food.

like if you have the money, buying provisions and even making a shelter is cool, but if you put all your eggs into the apacalpyse basket, like peopel i know did with 2012, and it doesn't turn out, then it just makes you a fucking homo who did nothing with your life, you become the hobo holding a sign saying "the end is nigh".

>> No.53057051

yea, every 12068 years, the ending of that cycle is 1103 years from now, the last time it happened was like 10965 years ago

>> No.53057066

>my argumentation has been alot more robust
Doesnt change that the Sun will Nova in the next 2 decades. There is a mountain of Evidence for this.
>want the world to end
it doesnt matter what I want, the Sun will do its thing anyway. and the "Great Reset" is coming. We dont have much time left so make the best of it (dont waste it on wagecucking and being a good goy).

>> No.53057073

the changes in the sun and on every other planet in the system say otherwise.
yes its happening, yes civilization is ending in 20 years.

>> No.53057087

Only 10k per quarter extra?

>> No.53057093

thats just the beginning, the depopulation strategy will take 10 or so years to fully unfold and in 20 years nobody thats vaxxed will be alive.
it Lines up perfectly with the Micronova/Poleshift thats currently unfolding.

>> No.53057096

ok provide your "mountain of evidence" that the sun will nova in the next 2 decades.

increased solar activity doesn't mean that the deluge is coming in 20 years.

it means increased solar activity, which we haven't even been observing directly for very many years in astrophysical terms.


heres a documentary documenting the evidence that the giza pyramids, the sphinx, and other monuments on earth were made by extremely advanced ancient societies and were made to calculate and warn us of when the next catastrophe is taking place, its 1103 years from now.

>> No.53057098

Americans are Germans.
At least the Americans that produce anything are.

>> No.53057105

COVID scare and vaxx fearmongering is chink propaganda to convince us their method works and ours doesn't.
>trust close friends and people who give incomplete proof on the internet
The chink is everywhere. Xi's are poisoning your mind. Fuck winnie the pooh worshipping dog eating gutteroil drinking smal penised yellow subhumans.

>> No.53057109

I'm pooping right now.
Will I get to finish in peace or will the sun explode?

>> No.53057110
File: 823 KB, 1856x866, itshappening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok provide your "mountain of evidence"

>> No.53057119

you got around 10 maybe 15 years, things will only go downhill from here.

>> No.53057132

better hurry just in case anon, dont risk it.

>> No.53057133

Are you factoring in that most "polar" clues are obscured by a massive weather manipulation campaign going since the 60s at least?

>> No.53057142
File: 508 KB, 2048x2048, Seal_of_the_Central_Intelligence_Agency.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Micronova and the civilization Resets it causes are known since at least the 1940s, the Logo of the CIA is literally a Micronova, their jobs is basically running psyops and disinfo so people dont figure this shit out.

>> No.53057153

the picture you posted listerally mentions the 12,068 cycle, the 12,068 year cycle correlates to the galactic equinox and is next taking place in 1103 years, holy shit dude.

>> No.53057157

watch the video

>> No.53057158
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>> No.53057162
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>> No.53057164

>muh graham hancuck disinfo jew!
watch the video

>> No.53057167

So no.

>> No.53057176

its not telling me anything i don't know, i'll have to watch it in detail tomarrow, but do you have a time stamp for undeniable proof that its happening in twenty years?

like the poles are moving and its speeding up, why the fuck does that mean catastrophe is gonna happen before the 12,068 cycle which has been observed by people across cultures and across time?

how do we know the poles won't slow down again before speeding up again in a kind of osciliation? you aren't providing evidence for anything, your just posting a video and saying "watch this", i atleast gave a summary of what the evidence was, you just keep saying its happening in 2046 over and over again.

>> No.53057183

the article is not written by graham hancock and is literally just examining the monuments around the giza pyramids. holy shit your ignorant. you want me to watch your video and you can't read a fucking article becuase your kiketarded.

i feel like i'm being raped by a person with down syndrome being made to watch a dumb fucking video that is just saying shit that i already know by a guy who him self refuses to look at any of my evidence. suck my cock.

>> No.53057196
File: 958 KB, 2760x1654, image_2022-12-29_024236761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, this is time stamped from your own fucking video, this means its happening in 1103 years like i fucking said, you don't even understand your own fucking material, shake your head from left to right.

>> No.53057206

>its not telling me anything i don't know
and then proceeds to ask all kinds of entry level shit.
maybe you should watch the video first before further commenting.

>i atleast gave a summary of what the evidence was
just watch the video, it answers all your retarded questions.

>the article is not written by graham hancock
but shilled by him, that already tells everything.
The hancuck jew disinfo faggot is just feeding disinfo to midwits.
now watch the video. or stay a retarded faggot, not my problem.

>skips through the video and doesnt even watch it
yep thats a jew disinfo shill right here.
now you exposed yourself.