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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53019965 No.53019965 [Reply] [Original]

Trending at #7 on DexTools. Hope you enjoy the ride to the top.

8879 Genius holders. Are you one of them?

>> No.53019970 [DELETED] 

haircomb trending at #1 at


>> No.53020011

SK loves Jews

>> No.53020166


>> No.53020243

My RVPeepees stay Jewish

>> No.53020256

I made a nice 250x off RVP sometime in 2020 - my first significant profit in crypto.
I'm afraid to reinvest in case I get newton'd

>> No.53020307
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Confidence trick scam. Do not be fooled.

This shit is a fucking confidence trick scam.
>They have enough money
>Successful people don't go in public to make a quick cash grab, they already have all the money that they need
>Fair point, though in RVP's case it's more than just one guy, rob rosenthal, todd aydelotte, gary chan, and david gelernter, all in it for a scam?
>Most of them are already somewhat famous in their fields and rich enough already. Why would they ruin their reputations with a crypto scam?
Why do you guys think rich people cant scam? They have nothing to lose. Boomers dont give a fuck about crypto, and if it fails they can just go "oh well volatile market guess we failed" despite having put in literally no effort. The reason they dont heavily market their scam is because they want to get away with it with as little attention as possible so people do not point out that they have no product, that they are confidence scammers, and so they can continue to be dirtbags in the future long after this project is declared dead.

By the way genuine question to baggies, has anyone here even looked at the whitepaper?
Looks like a toddler made it in 5 minutes.
I've seen fucking dogcoins with more text in it.

>> No.53020314

What the fuck is this? Is it going to be on mantle network?

>> No.53020323
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>Rich people won't scam
>Clearing House for crypto.
>Social Media

>> No.53020332
File: 832 KB, 1000x1000, 62988944585d81461a978cbcb5e372c0a9d447c7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RVP is a scam.
Imagine making a communist name for a capitalistic banker coin. Imagine not only making a "clearing house for crypto" (holy fuck, crypto is a clearing house, RVP just increases risk from 1 to 2), They actually advertised RVP as a social media blockchain? It's an unfinished vaporware byteshare fork that doesn't even know which kind of midwit it wants to attract so it just markets to all of them.
Communists welcome.
Clearing house welcome.
Social media welcome.
It isn't any of this, but it sure will try to catch the hype of all 3 despite delivering none.

>> No.53020352

These jeets even tried to claim a change in license from GPL to MIT is bullish.

>David Gelertner is an active professor at Yale university, so it is curious on why he would choose the license belonging to another school. This seems to confirm that there is a partnership between MIT and Yale to develop the project alongside big banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

>The switch to MIT license is probably the biggest happening in the last 3 years of crypto. This basically allows researchers from MIT to perform blockchain data analysis on quantum computers to find any bugs or exploits and use Machine Learning to write more sophisticated code, which allows for bigger block sizes (1mb to 30gb, using .zip compression algorithm). MIT grants also allow the devs to pay for blockchain development and security. This is a huge step up.
You don't need to switch from GPL to MIT to perform analysis on the code. Quantum computers have no relevance to the sentence it's thrown in as a bullish buzzword for no reason, you don't need to change the license to look for exploits, you don't need to change the license to use machine learning to change the code (machine learning / ai code sucks ass at the moment by the way, it's not inventive at all and mostly relies on existing code), has nothing to do with bigger block sizes, and .zip compression algorithm isn't specific at all, not possible at all you can make 30gb blocks of real data appear as 1mb, and MIT grants have nothing to do with whether your stupid devs will get paid "for development and security" and no, changing the license does not mean your scam will get any grant at all. It's complete nothingburger and clearly the change from GPL to MIT is more proof that this chain is in fact NOT for the people.

>> No.53020414

Salty af kek

>> No.53020457

Merry Christmas!

>> No.53020525

impossible. it never made a 250x.

>> No.53020914

reminder that all fud is from trannies seething cuz of Gelernter

>> No.53020931

How much RVP to make it

>> No.53020933

He’s probably pissed off because he sank all his pocket money into KDA.

>> No.53020995

>The official revolution TM coin.

>> No.53021200

Unironically the most retarded shitcoin that's been around. Maybe just the most retarded community. Pop in a few of their telegrams, you'll see how deluded from reality they are

>> No.53021813

rvp is bad don't buy please

>> No.53021880

The Elon musk tweet rumor was a larp right.

>> No.53022191

kek get a load of this larping faggot.
Probably had a 2x at one point in paper gains, held while it started to dump, and sold for like a %10 profit kek.
I wouldn't worry about getting Newton'd, you're shy a good 120 IQ points or so.

>> No.53022244

Kek, kek, kek? Kek! Kek. Guys look this guy started browsing /pol/ after 2016! Kek!

>> No.53022258


>> No.53022519

Last activity on twitter/medium was on March. No bull no shill meaning scamerino?

>> No.53022564

Yes it's a scam, confirmed at this point, i don't know why people still even bring revolution poopoolee up at this point.

bitshares copy paste code, stretching the release date to scam as many as possible, deceptive marketing with the billboard, and devs selling their secret wallets.
the testnet also barely even does anything.

>> No.53023056

I sold in november 2021 and been on the sideline for bear market. Pretty comfy personally.
Just like shitting on scams and shitcoins, it's my sad hobby.

No fucking shit they were larping. Pure XRP schizo retardation to post a photo of a gun and a drink and claim its proof of RVP due to acronyms and retarded shit fuck thinking.

We just have to shit on it every single thread thats get made until they remove liquidity and permanently kill this retard coin. Even dogcoins don't annoy me as much as this trash pretending to be legit.

>> No.53023340

So you buy shit coins and scams? You sound like a genius.you are a very intelligent person, much more so than average. I am very impressed by your insight and feel we could all learn from you. Dare I say that you may be the try successor to Warren Buffett, November 2021. Should I call you Daddy?

>> No.53023356

>So you buy shit coins and scams?
I said I like shitting on them Mr. Illiterate.

>> No.53024159

6k bag holder here, what am i in for ? rich or loss of $400

>> No.53024561

>mfw bought into a literal scam

I thought famous people would be above making cash grabs but holy fuck I got suckered into this. I was expecting the bear minimum of development but theres eth dogshit coins with more activity than this. How the fuck is it not illegal to release a token with paid for news articles and then simply not do ANYTHING AT ALL and just keep all the fucking money? I understand shitcoins with anonymous devs do this but holy fuck these are people with wikipedia pages how can they openly scam like this and have absolutely nothing happen to them?

>> No.53024591

look at the whitepaper lmao
never ever expect someone rich or famous to be above fucking you over and use that as your "research" confirmation.

>> No.53024775

I did but I expected them to at least do something like hire pajeets to update their website or make some fake git commits or run a telegram or something. Anything. They did literally zero work and stole millions of dollars how the fuck is this legal? I understand a pajeet shitcoin doing it but how can someone famous openly commit fraud against thousands of customers and just walk away with all the money

>> No.53024796

>impossible. it never made a 250x

Yes it did, I think it pulled a 600x from the presale

>> No.53024893

Rvp is an IDf led scam. These jews are worried about upcoming black swan and need to hedge so they have tons of these low mccap scams to jump into to. Fucking jews. Not to mention this coin reeks of antifa aesthetics . Definitely a revolutionary “groomer” coin for Reddit retard commies

Death to Israel

>> No.53024904

Fuck you IDF

>> No.53025479

>David Gelertner
Fucking love this nigga. Is he still even involved with RVP?

>> No.53026096

biz is pretty stupid, so they won't buy it, or already sold at a huge loss. This will likely 10x in the next 12 months without a bull market

>> No.53026731

revolution rugpull

>> No.53026986

Getting some heavy early FTM and QNT FUD pasta vibes from this thread. Always thought "Fud on biz is bullish" was just a meme but the way this specific project is always fudded the exact sae way (confidence scam, jew scam etc) sure is intriguing