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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53018519 No.53018519 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53018668

They’re already talking about banning gas stoves next year. There’s no breaks in this Bug train

>> No.53018680
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I wouldn’t be surprised if the EU cracks down on Bitcoin because of “muh CO2 emissions”

>> No.53018682
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Italian banks are already doing this shit carbon credit score shit btw

>> No.53018727

at least BTC doesn't care about EU insanity

>> No.53018743

The future being created for normie is the CBDC-UBI-MAID pipeline while being enmeshed in a social credit-carbon footprint control grid. Do whatever you can to quickly become financially independent and outside of this matrix.

>> No.53018765

pro tip - you can't

>> No.53018783
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Reducing amount of (often) unelected policy-making officials would definitely contribute to lowering CO2 emissions more than setting up limits for normies

>> No.53018803

ofc u can, this sort of system is entirely dependent on a servile urban population but it's very fragile. all you have to do is move out of the city, earn money in digital currency and keep your cash outside the banking system. The black market will find a way, it always does (since it is more efficient than centralized tyranny)

>> No.53018804


I've been ready.

>> No.53018823

Where does one move to to avoid this?

>> No.53018833

muslim countries with a lot of oil seems not to give a single fuck
they still have some smokescreen green organizations, but it's just to send them to WEF to tell a bunch of bullshits and then it's business as usual

>> No.53018835

EU is cancer. The sooner it dies, the better.

>> No.53018836

god i hope you are right

>> No.53018931

Eu is cucked lol. If they tried to pull that shit here the boomers would start going on shooting sprees

>> No.53019837

>he thinks you will be allowed to move
>what are "climate lockdowns"?
>citizen, your carbon allowance for this month has been depleted, you are denied your travel privileges until further notice
LMAO, you fags are so naive it is painful

>> No.53019858
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>If they tried to pull that shit here the boomers would start going on shooting sprees
You must be in cryo sleep for the last two years

>> No.53019879

You sure about that?

>> No.53019908

is that a ted quote ?

>> No.53020870

>There's a global conspiracy on the verge of complete tyranny but if you buy monero you'll be hecking free!

>> No.53020880

Imagine believing this in the fourth year of 2020

>> No.53020890
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you will never be a woman

>> No.53021255

Two more weeks trust plan.
Qanon patriot #7574.
"Lies are my enemy's ally."

>> No.53021319

There is literally no point in continuing on. We should just surrender everything to the Jews now. They are going to win anyway. We are only prolonging our suffering.

>> No.53021408

source: trust me bro

>> No.53021593

You're giving them too much credit, we are at all times 9 meals away from revolution. Laws and mandates are only weak social structures that you don't actually have to care about if the cost of enforcement becomes too high for the gain. Get out of the city and buy the same model car that the law enforcement uses, there will always be spare parts and gasoline
It's not black and white and any crypto is fine as long as its decentralized. There will be capital controls. Buy the stuff that you know you will want to have in the future now and keep alternate means of payment and exchange

>> No.53021659

if you have such a long surname as ms. VLAARDINGERBROEK here, you should be taxed as well... because all the extra CO2 I have to expell needlessly, just to pronounce it.

>> No.53022222

Made me chuckle

>> No.53023080
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What you are saying is historically true, but the banks know this as well and will fight against your efforts to be independent every step of the way.

For example, there are already plans underway to ban and discontinue the use of cash and replace it with a central bank digital currency as well as regulating or banning all competing cryptos. These actions would make it significantly harder for people to live outside the system so prepare accordingly.

It will still be possible to live outside the system but there will undoubtably be obstacles we have not yet forseen.

>> No.53023149

The elite don't stand a chance in hell.
All that is needed is privacy communication apps and 3D printed guns.
The Chinese people have already declared their hatred for their government and their prison smart cities.

Even if revolution becomes completely impossible through the banning of privacy apps, crypto, and 3D printed guns, society will no longer be able to function with human beings as the substrate and unit of society. Their controls and systems are far too restrictive and destructive to human life for humans to co-exist with their system. Non-stop mass rioting will eventually happen and will not cease until their entire world burns to the ground.

Their strategy to implant and enslave people with BCIs will simply birth a new generation of cybernetic head hackers who will have even easier access to societies internet connected infrastructure.
They think they will enslave mans minds but they are simply making them super human.

At this point they have to completely eradicate human beings and replace them all with AI and automation, because their systems simply cannot coincide with the very concept of individuality and human beings and their ever tightening control merely unifies the people under one will, one completely uncontrollable will.

>> No.53023235

The elite are moving forward with their plans far too soon. Their tyranny merely unifies the people and the people, hundreds and hundreds of millions of them globally, all have access to guns or will have access to guns through 3D printed firearms. Even the most powerful militarys in the world, with all their weaponry and sophistication, simply cannot content with the sheer numbers of hundreds of millions of gun owners. It's not feasible, they don't have enough soldiers. The greater their controls become, the more unified the people become. They are empowering their would be subjects in this way.

If I was the elite, I would wait until mass industrial manufacturing facilities for military automation and killer robots are built, because you will need sheer numbers to contend with sheer numbers.

>> No.53023247

If I was the elite, I would give up on the pipe dream of smart city hiveminds and realize the futility and self destructive nature of my own control obsessed psychosis.

>> No.53023360
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