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53009552 No.53009552 [Reply] [Original]

I'm open an Irish pub. What should I call it? Financially speaking of course

>> No.53009564
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Also posting these fun backyard pubs because I feel like they'd be a good passion project for anons who've made it

>> No.53009565

Regg In

>> No.53009582

Potato Inn

>> No.53009590

My name is Irish but not Irish enough if that makes sense. Not gonna make it Ryan's or O'Briens obviously

>> No.53009601

Fuck n' off

>> No.53009604

F n' O's pub

>> No.53009619

Pat McGroyn’s Irish Pub and Islamic Community Center

>> No.53009636

Tranny Slaughterhouse/Fuck Niggers

>> No.53009647


>> No.53009681


>> No.53009687


>> No.53009728

Potato Nigger Paradise (PNP)
Cum Bucket (a play on spongebob)
Black Man Twelvie’s
Gay Mann Inn
Kill Yourself Immediately
Patrick O’Doul’s
Crack Rock Paradise
Square Peg n Round Holey’s
Foley’s Fag Den
Gray Gays n Pay yer Way
Alien’s Pub
Buscemi’s Trebuchet
Hargus Pargus
Ye Olde Cum Dumpster
Little Rosario’s (sell pizza as well)
My Little Foley
Rape Baby
Gang Shit Mah Niggaz
Tortuga Grundle
Bemis (use the B emoji in the sign)
Red Klansman

>> No.53009738

Paddy's Pub

>> No.53009750

Mark Cuban’s Bunghole
Crank Den
Free Drinks
Rigor Mortis
Pure Vida
Lewd Dudes
Iodized Lion Chimes
Geode Ricky’s

>> No.53009753

Potato Nigger Paradise, Kill Yourself Immediately, and Cum Bucket are my top 3

>> No.53009763
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Typical Irish surname as the proprietor.
O' something's
You have to fit it out with as much Irish decor as you can and make sure you have a couple of Irish beers on tap and Irish whiskeys behind the bar

>> No.53009766

>I'm open an Irish pub.
you have to be a stupid motherfucker to do this
irish are pure trash. i bet youre one of those burgers who claims irish heritage.

>> No.53009769

Op is a ginger

>> No.53010001

yank irish pubs look nothing like actual irish pubs

>> No.53010010
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The Blue Boar Tavern

>> No.53010011

The Black Bastard

>> No.53010018

O'l Cunt

>> No.53010183


>> No.53010236
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>> No.53010269


>> No.53010340

Fenian Fervour

>> No.53010584

Considering OP is opening it should be called The George.

>> No.53010595

IRA but have the bottom part of the R flicker in and out on your neon sign.

>> No.53010612

Swan and Pedo

>> No.53010626
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>opening a pub in 2022
Kek, your asking to lose money. If you have any foresight you'll know the alcohol industry is dying and is to be replaced by restaurants. Reducing pubs is a part of government strategy for many reasons.

>> No.53010661


>> No.53011074

Call it 'the troubles' OP.
I've always wanted to do this.

>> No.53011092

Potato nigger public house

>> No.53011105

Go shite fookin hat ya mick bastard ya

>> No.53011113


>> No.53011121

>to be replaced by restaurants
Restaurants with private rooms like in Japan are going to be the next big thing. Zoomers are antisocial as fuck, just like Asians and will value privacy a lot more than older generations in the west.

>> No.53011538

Callaghan's Cuckshed

>> No.53012116

Padraig O' Potatos Potater Palace

>> No.53012143

In Philadelphia so it's already taken

>> No.53012149

>Kill Yourself Immediately

>> No.53012204

The Potato Senpai-Inn

>> No.53012215

The Potato Senpai-Inn

>> No.53012276

The Down Bad Den

>> No.53012288

Ye Ol Sneed

>> No.53012292

Call it "Ireland's getting nuked because they rebelled against their God."

>> No.53012295

Checkum and /thread

>> No.53012297

OP, I'm going to come to your pub and take a shit on your floor

>> No.53012371

no, you checkum nerd

>> No.53012390

Gobshite Inn.

>> No.53012602

Ye Olde Pube

>> No.53013047

The Tramp’s Bounty.

>> No.53013057

The Tax Haven

>> No.53013060

the pot of gold!

>> No.53013103

Schlomos Oven

>> No.53013137

wow i really like the stained glass

>> No.53013175


>> No.53013188

Bog and stool

>> No.53013193

The Stinky Foreskin

>> No.53013200


The Golden Harp.

Pubby McPubface.

The Harp and Shamrock.

The Dullahan.

The Headless Horseman.

Potato Gathering Facility.

The Secret o' th' Fae.

The (something) Leprechaun.

The Irish Pub.

>> No.53014063

Did you peak in the 90s? fuck Irish bars.
Open an ale house and get customers who aren't cheap annoying cunts

and serve a full English brekky

Irish bars are for old chavs and fat slappers in Benidorm

>> No.53014244


>> No.53014347

The Leaky Butthole

>> No.53014351

Not the best name for an Irish pub, but call it Moderation. You should always drink in moderation.

>> No.53014469


you're opening a bar in a severely oversaturated service sector in a deep recession, literally just go for it, this is a serious suggestion, the amount of risk you're willing to take is right on for this name

>> No.53014486

If red ID name the bar Bono’s

>> No.53014494


>> No.53014962

Unironically I have a decent name suggestion (am irish)

Tús Nua

It means 'new beginnings'. In 2004 my primary school raised money to give boats to the people of Sri Lanka after the tsunamis. We held a competition to name the boats and my name (Tús Nua) won.
I thought it was cool anyway. Good luck!

>> No.53015002

Mumu O’Bobo’s

>> No.53015109

Spuds and turf

>> No.53015130

This is a comfy picture

>> No.53015141
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This entire list fucking killed me
Kek x100

>> No.53015150

Ye Olde Cum Dumpster
Tortuga Grundle
Potato Nigger Paradise

>> No.53015151

Any number of fitz- surnames. They almost sound german but theyre lots of irish identifying fitzs in my locality

>> No.53015160

Then you must exclusively hire Mexicans and other Central Americans for the kitchen and staff, financially speaking of course

>> No.53015165

the sheep fucker

>> No.53015212


>> No.53015275

>Considering OP is opening it should be called The George.

>> No.53015282

McSneed and Feed

>> No.53015314
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Mo Hoin
(my hole)

>> No.53015317

Jeffrey Kegstein

>> No.53015338

O'Shlomo's Foresk Inn

>> No.53015635

Niggerkiller's Chamber of Rape

>> No.53015703

If you are an alcoholic go for it

>> No.53015711


>> No.53015766

Stabby o'Finegan's

>> No.53015980

Subtle, nice.

>> No.53016014


Snorkledorfs breakfast and beer.

>> No.53016038

The Forsk Inn

>> No.53016182


>> No.53016185

Call it the Mudded Sled

>> No.53016192

Lol. "Charles the Headless Inn"

>> No.53016226

Diarrhea O'Slurpee's Cum Fountain

>> No.53016823

very gay

>> No.53016836

this movie was a complete and total glow op and watching it with my family was an intense blackpill

>> No.53016999

you should call it:

O'Fuck I'm broke now

>> No.53017022

anon opens an irish pub in america le lol

>> No.53017087

The Joyce Hole.

>> No.53017161

>Swan and Pedo
It'll freak 'em out! What the fuck's a washing machine doing in a pub? Jesus, I need a drink. Yeah?

>> No.53017170

The Wife Beater

>> No.53017276

You could call it Stop N Chill kek

Will you take bitcoins for payment anon?
could be one way to boost up your popularity.

>> No.53017296

Sneeds Feed

>> No.53017319

L name

>> No.53017330

I'm setting up a vending machine pretty soon and plan to accept few cryptos.. any tips?
The sylo app allow users do that, might integrate alongside strike

>> No.53017382

easy way to rekt your business

>> No.53017385
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>> No.53017404

btc eth and stables should be fine, you'll hear folks suggest xrp but don't fall for that scam.
personally I'd prefer cheap chains for low fees

>> No.53017490

"Ball suckers joint"

>> No.53017517

Heard one time that Sylo allow payment across certain coke vending machines in Aus and NZ
Courtesy of a partnership they had with Coca-cola back then

>> No.53017519

Feinian Den

>> No.53017619
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Guys how do you like these
>The Dolt n' Dullard
>Drunken Dullard
>Crow Patrick's

>> No.53018044

call the pub Pure Grit and have it be an entirely gritty-themed irish pub

you're welcome

>> No.53018045

anon get a list of pubs in Dublin and pick the one you like best. There's fuckin hundreds. Most Irish pubs just take the name of the owner / founder tho so don't be afraid to just use ur name.

It's harder to give it a freaky english name like Free the Pedo's because you are a slow brained potato nigger, but you already knew that! Here are some truly legendary Dublin pubs to illustrate the point;
McDaids, Kehoes, Mulligans, The Hairy Lemon, The Long Hall, The Stags Head

Happy boozin!

t. ex dublinite Brit.

>> No.53018055

>>Crow Patrick's

Call it Croughpatrick's you nigger.

>> No.53018059

this is good

>> No.53018068

Paddy o furniture
Jims dying from ass cancer

>> No.53018081

call it i hate the antichrist and market it to poltard types

>> No.53018099

anon you should google the history and culture of Irish pubs, you should also go to Ireland and do alot of drinking there to see what a real irish pub is like as they are a monument within world culture - James Joyce, Brendan Behan, it pisses over alot of Parisian 20's cafe culture. Pubs in Ireland are run with intense care and pride, you really have to experience it.

Fake Irish pubs are a fucking abomination. Unless they're in America then you've fuck all choice of a decent drink anyway.

>> No.53018103

Mick's backdoor boys.

>> No.53018586

Are you currently living in Doha, Qatar? You just named all 3 of their Irish pubs

>> No.53018810

"The Drunken Crab" is an English style name and the interior on the right isn't that Irish either. It's trying but failing.

>> No.53018851

Baile Átha Warszawa

>> No.53018859

O'Sneed's Feed & Mead
>Formerly O'Chugs

>> No.53019052


>> No.53019808

Call it the Emerald, or an Irish surname as someone else suggested.

Drinks to serve on tap:
>Smithwicks (or even just serve Kilkenny Draught, which is a different brew of Smithwicks specifically made for selling abroad so people could pronounce it)
>Heineken (not Irish but everyone drinks it here in Ireland because there are fuck all Irish beers)

Spirits to serve:
>Tullamore Dew

And whatever other drinks people generally like in your local area.

Make sure to have Irish coffee on the menu and a few other staple drinks

>> No.53019834

"Jewish Shamus' Nigger"
The sign can be a negro holding a potato and the bar can menorah themed with plastic foreskins on the wall.

>> No.53019872

Oh and decide what kind of a pub it’s going to be. Is it a sports pub? Will you have football matches on? You have to pay for the tv licensing which can be really pricey… also it’s not very Irish.

You could get live Irish trad music playing every weekend, but idk how hard it would be to find actual talented trad musicians in the US.

>> No.53021007

Americans won't be able to understand it though

>> No.53021033


call it Irish Pub LOCATIONNAME
why? because that's what normies will google

>> No.53021102

Pogue Mahone
which was the band (The Pogues, dur) original name, until the multilingual BBC censors caught up with them.

>> No.53021112
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Nope, a bong.

I just thought 'what phrase would people hear and immediately think 'Irish' even if they weren't irish?'

>> No.53021173
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I take it you've never been to NYC then..

>> No.53021177
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>The Hairy Lemon
like the name, but it looks like insufferable Oirish bar tourist twaddle, and this middle o' Dublin Brendan Behan would not approve.

>> No.53021239
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Been to the hairy lemon, definitely full of tourist. I had someone else pay for my tables meal because I was like 20 in the military. Very American stuff going on in there

>> No.53021256
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kek, dont forget house of drag as well, if were going intersectional feminism you have to go all the way

>> No.53022122
