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53004205 No.53004205 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, seriously, whats the best way to meet chicks and get laid. Share your modern approaches. I don't like chicks from dating apps anymore.

>> No.53004209


>> No.53004217

become a TA and get /fit/

>> No.53004231

if you don't have friends then it's really hard. you can try picking up slags at a bar or a club but good luck doing solo approaches as a non-chad.

>> No.53004235

tell her how much you hate niggers, nobody like them

>> No.53004252

yeah this seems like the only answer, don't currently have one and im too far removed from the people i know that used to have one. i have a project that im working on and might help me plug in so looking forward to that. do you just generally like a chicks photo and wait for the like back, then go in for the DM?

>> No.53004263


Can someone redpill me on how to bootstrap an IG profile to get laid? I’m not very good looking (manlet with an OK face) but am successful with a high salary. How does getting laid on IG work? What do I do to get started with a profile?

>> No.53004292

you can try buying a profile but honestly i wouldn't take this approach, for one, most people, esp women can smell out a fake profile and two even if they don't most of your contacts will be short term and if the chick finds out youre hollow and your profile is fake they might even throw you a sex charge. best option is to build an organic page with engagement.

>> No.53004297

Make an IG account, make a tinder account, girls post their IG in their tinder bio, message them on IG.
It has a very low success rate btw but I guess eventually it works. You’re prob better off just going outside and talking to people or going to a bar

>> No.53004308

I’ve only had dating app pussy for the last few years
there have been irl girls that have shown me interest but I usually just clam up or try to ignore them because I know if I make contact it will turn into an embarrassment

>> No.53004318

are you /fit/?

>> No.53004335

yes, very strong and somewhat lean, but the holiday season is not helping in that arena
cutting the extra weight won’t be a challenge though

>> No.53004336

Play the friend / social game, hang out in places with women of fertile age in general like universities or through hobbies.

Talk randomly to new girls you don't know or through acquaintances and see if the conversation evolves.

Look well groomed and take way more risk and don't be a faggot.

>> No.53004342

do you have a pic with your shirt off?

>> No.53004385

Go to a store/restaurant or any place of work and flirt around.
Waitresses are a good way to get a number.
If you don't have any beautiful women around you it's probably because you live in an ugly town. So move.

>> No.53004410

Latin dance class

>> No.53004511

I don’t think I’m delusional though. I haven’t had a gf in 5 years but I’ve had 9 women since her lol

>> No.53004524

wish you didn't have to violate your privacy though

>> No.53004587

by the way, i meant do you have a pic with your shirt off on your profile kek

>> No.53004636

oh no I do not
would you recommend that?
I’m thinking of making some AI adaptations of my photos to swap in and see how that works

>> No.53004666

yup, it'd def help you out more if you have abs.

>> No.53004679


>> No.53004689


>> No.53004721

>use an ai to make your photos handsome
>hire bots to boost your social media numbers in the algorithms
>use chad-gpt to write your posts and spam bot insta roasties
the ai isn't just taking jobs and doing art it will take over dating. you won't even arrange dates your phone will do it. before the date you'll have a brief synopsis you can read of what the chad-gpt ai said to her (or her man screening ai) to get the date so you can pretend you said those things at the date.
but watch your edits on photos once ar becomes widespread she'll have an app in her vision scan your face against your photo edits and she'll instantly know you thinned your lips, hardened your jaw, and shrank your eyes in the pictures with ai to look more chad-like. but by then everyone will be doing it so maybe it will be considered normal and maybe she did it too and is actually fat but you're already on the date so you end up hooking up anyways

>> No.53004751


300mg test 600mg tren 16 weeks. Connect IG to all dating apps. Get professionally taken modelling photos

>> No.53004801

based, are you on tren right now?

>> No.53004887


no I don't need it anymore. Both times I blasted it my body transformed in recomp terms. Currently 6' 205 lb at 11% bf just on a 250mg test cruise. If I need pictures taken i'll get on winstrol or masteron to look more dry. I'm pretty close to approaching "too big for girls" territory anyway.

>> No.53004913
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>tfw went to countless parties in college, and not just parties but music festivals, concerts and various other social events and I STILL literally never even managed to get a single kiss, let alone anything more.
I'm the quintessential failed normalfag

>> No.53004915

I would say stop before it's too late but I'm afraid it's already too late bro...

>> No.53004925

wait so you are able to keep your gains? do you think you'd return to your former self if you stopped cruising? i'd love to run a cycle and keeep some gains. steroids worry me as I really dont want to fuck up my normal function. might give TRT a try at some point.

>> No.53004940

i'm actually gonna do this, but to learn salsa

>> No.53004962

the most success I've had was when I was out with a bunch of social dudes. only way to meet women is through others for me, at least recently. opens me up and grants social proof. I've gone out solo but I just feel like a weirdo. need to lose some weight I think to get a confidence boost

>> No.53005050

"Getting laid" is a meme. Only top 1% of chads go out and hook up with girls with any consistency. The average 19 year old might get lucky with a drunk girl once or twice, but that's it. The way you have sex is to meet a girl and make her fall in love with you. This can take weeks, so you have to milk it for all it's worth until you can't stand each other anymore and stop fucking. This is called having a girlfriend. The way you get a girlfriend is by knowing people in general. You meet your friend's girlfriend's friend, get to talking, like each other, and start hanging out. Eventually you fuck, and now she's your girlfriend. It's really pretty simple.

>> No.53005069

you bitch and moan, but joining a club or some kind of local activity group is a good way to make friends, not just women. and if you're confident enough in being embarrassed and dont come across like an insecure dumbass, chicks might find it cute. (either way, if it's a class, people are there to learn, some of the women also probably dont know what they're doing.) or you can, you know, keep coping like a fucking loser

>> No.53005082

Seems too easy. What's the catch?

>> No.53005115

yeah i was gonna say, "embarrassing yourself" isn't a problem if you handle it right. just gotta be confident and know how to laugh at yourself

>> No.53005162

I keep on hearing this "club" or local activity group but I don't know any real examples of these besides like a church

>> No.53005189


I know a guy like this, I fucking hate him but he’s a Chad. About 5’11, jacked, he takes some combination of PEDs (saw the syringes in his fridge). He makes about 250k-300k in some meme tech job and spends every penny of it on partying, drugs, his car, latest fashion trends, all that shit. I think he’s fucked at least 150 women by now. I do know that he takes fin for his receding hairline, which gives him ED so he takes viagra at the age of 26

>> No.53005190

you need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.53005193


>> No.53005214

>he takes fin for his receding hairline, which gives him ED
he fell for the fin ED meme

>> No.53005228


Lol it’s his words not mine, I’m not balding so I wouldn’t know

>> No.53005247
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No shame in taking tadalafil or sildenafil regardless of age or circumstance. Shit's cheaper than a glass of water. If that's all you have on him, it's a desperate cope.

>> No.53005248

kek, fair enough

>> No.53005265


Oh I’m not denying that he’s a fucking insane gigachad, I’ve literally seen random chicks walk up to him in person and ask if he wanted to go home with them. Extremely blackpilling

>> No.53005267
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>load up an escort agency website
>pick a qt azn or two
>pay and fuck
It's that easy.

>muh law
Not American, sneed.

>> No.53005268

>salsa dancing classes
no way this isn't primarily middle aged women and people who are already couples

>> No.53005273
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i live in the midwest but i backpacked through europe last summer.
tinder works better in big cities, midwest girls mostly arent looking for hookups with people my age
so i decided to lie about my age on tinder, matches skyrocketed 500% 24 and successful is the best age for hookups, had plenty of european girls message first. thats only in big cities.
for the midwest its harder if your not in college or working a cool job, most of my hookups are from the gym or grocery store.

>> No.53005287

This stupid fucking board is just the blue board version of /r9k/ sometimes

>> No.53005289

so.. are you hanging out with this guy or what? learn from him dumbass

>> No.53005292

>I don't like chicks from dating apps anymore
I met my wife on Tinder and she's great and we've been together for half a decade now, but I followed rules one and two of online dating (Be attractive; don't be unattractive) so I had a much easier time than most dudes. If you're also attractive physically dating really isn't that hard, you just talk to a bunch of chicks you think are cute that think you're cute and eventually you meet one you get along with and give it a shot. Maybe it works out, maybe it doesn't, you have fun regardless. If you're not attractive you're going to need to lean on your other strengths and most importantly not be too much of an asshole; pretty guys can get away with that but they're still idiots for relying on it as a tactic. Have a dollar and some sense and wash your ass on a regular basis and you're ahead of without exaggeration about two thirds of the male population; from there it's just putting your best foot forward and being an interesting person.

As for attitude, aim for an even mix of Andrew Tate and literal cheesy romantic comedy - you should be funny and pleasant and polite without being a pushover and while having something profound to say. Think of it like this; put yourself in her shoes, and imagine you're a dude and she's a dude and you want to fuck her. You wouldn't go up to another dude and be super aggressive and pull your dick out or threaten to kick someone's ass, you've gotta prey on their weak emotions until the idea of taking your dick to the hilt seems like it's both their idea and something they'd like to do and then once you've started fucking them on the regular you've gotta keep your dick game good so they don't get bored or realize it wasn't their idea.

Honest truth is if you're paying the bills and don't beat someone for trivial shit like an ape, most people will take your dick to the hilt right up the ass with a smile regardless of gender. Merry Christmas frens, go get laid.

>> No.53005363

>I met my wife on Tinder
so it's possible to meet non-whores on it? I always assumed Tinder girls had a 100+ bodycount

good advice btw

>> No.53005450


Can’t learn genetics

>> No.53005453

We met young and she was never the type to throw it around so I wasn't worried, and I've usually given chicks a "dick-per-year-after-17" leeway since I slept around about that much myself. Her count was six and mine was fifteen. You can definitely meet chicks with a 100+ bodycount on tinder but there's so many red flags the majority of the time that if you're going through with it it's nobodies fault but your own. Bumble usually had more trad chicks but with the downside being way more blue haired nutjobs too, and there if you're not following rules 1+2 you're almost certainly not getting a response and a date.

>> No.53005719

They're full of incels because that's been the meme advice for them for a while. It used to be "just join a climbing club bro"

>> No.53005749
File: 5 KB, 231x250, bitcoin chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to a bar and talk really loud to another man about bitcoin. The women will overhear and think you are a millionaire. Next talk to any woman and enjoy

Do not talk about altcoins.

>> No.53005754

met my wife on Tinder too, but she's foreign and very Christian. I feel extremely fucking lucky. There are good and bad girls everywhere, you just have to be super discerning and judgmental and have respect for yourself and your values. Also be honest with yourself and know your own faults and shortcomings.

Merry Christmas /biz/raelis

>> No.53005768

I'm beyond certain the rise of Tate is specifically to teach incels how to not be incels. If you drill down past the flashy shit to draw in eyeballs, most of what he says is "make enough money to justify being an asshole and have enough respect for yourself to not be an asshole unless you have to be". The number of people trying to date when they have no money or marketable skills and don't even know themselves is way too high.

>> No.53005784

Gotta violate some privacy if you wanna voluntarily violate her pussy, anon.

>> No.53005830
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>tfw 33 and still a kissless hugless handholdless virgin NEET

how can I score?

>> No.53005846

You could talk to a therapist about it and work through whatever has kept you from trying to date and then go give it a shot when you're ready.

>> No.53005862

learning salsa, west coast swing, and ballroom dance is a god tier strategy. Not to pick up women when you're learning but because once you know how to dance and get introduced to dance world you'll be drowning in puss.

>> No.53005871

>girl smiles at you on more than one occasion
>hi, i'm anon, you always give me such a beautiful smile when we see each other i had to come over and say hello, what's your name?

>> No.53005874

that doesnt work

>> No.53005884

go to Church
start lifting
start forcing yourself to talk to random people in public and get outside your comfort zone (yes they will think you're fucking weird at first, no it doesn't matter, yes you should keep trying)
also pick up a hobby that you can do with other people (sports, card games/trivia at a bar, whatever)

and if all else fails >>53005846 there's always therapy but that's hit or miss because a lot of therapists are even more fucked in the head than you'll ever be

>> No.53005905

>girls post their IG in their tinder bio
those are 100% all hookers or bots
tf is wrong with you

>> No.53005912

>go to Church
what church? how do you get laid in a church?
>start lifting
how would that get me laid?
>start forcing yourself to talk to random people in public
talking about what?
>pick up a hobby that you can do with other people
cant think of anything that would interest me

>> No.53005920
File: 840 KB, 889x1176, Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 16-45-50 SZKANI Women Ribbed Seamless Leggings High Waisted Workout Gym Yoga Pants Butt Lifting Tummy Control Tights at Amazon Women’s Clothing store.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at grocery store
>waiting in line for self checkout
>tall girl behind me,
>absolutely stunning
>wearing those yoga pants like pic related
>get phone call from older brother (we are both crypto millionaires)
>calling to thank me for buying our dad world cup final tickets.
>me scanning food while talking about how its our dads only world cup he saw live.
>go to my car and load it
>hot girl walks towards me while i put my cart back in the designated area.
>saying how sweet i was for doing that
>asked for my snap, didnt have one.
>gave her my instagram intead,
>instagram story is full of pictures of me in paris.
>now i have a 10/10 girl asking me out for coffee.
>how is it that easy

>> No.53005931

>kissless hugless handholdless virgin NEET
If this is actually true then it's just over

>> No.53005941

lol, you know what. Nevermind man

>> No.53005963

its always been over

>> No.53006076

You gotta go out with friends and talk to a mutual acquaintance girl then just be friends until you make a move or something.

>> No.53006101

That's where ROSE comes in.

>> No.53006120

those tranny meds are literal cope for your shit bald genetics dumbass

>> No.53006176

>go to bar
>offer drunk women a ride home
>rape them in your car when they pass out

Merry Christmas!

>> No.53006238

thanks nigger, I'm gonna do this

>> No.53006256

congrats bro I'm jelly

>> No.53006263

Dude nice ass but that thing is so fucking ugly hory shet, really, damn. I had to say it man. That thing is so fucking ugly. What head shape is that even? Pin head plus giant jaw. Disgusting skin. Wow. Is this what turns you on for real??

>> No.53006266

If you're not trolling then because you are unwilling to do anything to improve yourself and get what you want.

>> No.53006290

horse. fucking. shit.

>> No.53006305

i'm not an expert but from what i've gathered you have to essentially mimick paradise birds and perform elaborate mating dancing dressed in your nicest swag. i think there was a study which determined that human females are the most attracted to males with the most exaggerated dance moves. to sum up: have swag, swing wildly, yell or even better yodel and women should flock your way. having a well maintained nest decorated in sparkling or colorful things you find might help too. good luck breeding. you can do it man.

>> No.53006339

Is great when you meet women who don’t think about your money right?

>> No.53006501
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Cowtail to their ever increasing laundry list of delusional demands that temporarily placate their incessant hypergamous nature that's only further been exacerbated by social media/modern tech/forgiving court laws that enable their delusional whims.

>> No.53006642
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Do not put up with faggotry of female and just date a guy with similar interests.

Also sex is overrated, but actual human warmth and talks with someone who can truly understand you are not.

>> No.53006796

Rip man

>> No.53006798

why do I have to change myself for others?

>> No.53006833
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 8423D7BC-E919-4981-9743-EBEDC3B7BD39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>married a whore from tinder
>giving advice on dating

>> No.53006847

>Her count was six
It keeps getting better Kek. Six men (at least) nutted on her and you were the poor bastard standing at the end of musical cocks. It’s too funny

>> No.53006868
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dating is dead, the kind of dating you find in 00's films. hot girls are trying to secure the bag. theyll fuck jsut to keep you interested, enjoy the sex and focus on getting other girls.
women today dont appreciate in value, thats why people marry younger girls.

>> No.53006923

>As for attitude, aim for an even mix of Andrew Tate and literal cheesy romantic comedy
so Conan + Woody Allen?
fair fucks you found someone retarded enough to marry you tho.

>> No.53006932

I genuinely feel bad for gen z and younger millennials. Modern dating looks like an absolute algorithm driven shit show. TheThe