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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52968859 No.52968859 [Reply] [Original]

>Work hard
>Save money by living below your means
>Invest regularly over the long term
That's literally it. The grand secret to getting rich. Why do you faggots make it so much more complicated than it really needs to be? Why not just accept the fact that getting rich is going to take about 20-30 years of saving and regular invest throughout your working life? Betting on useless shit coins gets you nowhere. Any money earned fast is gone just as quickly.

>> No.52968956

Slow money is also lost quickly

>> No.52968964

It's even better if your parents, family or close associates give the money to you for free.
To first squander it and then to give you some more.
Also for free, of course...

>> No.52968977

are all boomer investing strategies to just live off $20/month while putting your whole paycheck into some sort of low fee index fund to save for when you are a crippled 90+ year old?

>> No.52969153

Being young and rich is all that matters. If you have to work your entire life to get rich then you wasted your life.

>> No.52969376

This depression-era mentality is what the boomers inherited from their parents. The point of money is not to ever really enjoy it, it's to make sure you can have enough cat food to eat when you are ancient. As opposed to the zoomer mentality of becoming insta-rich, which most of these faggots couldn't handle anyway. They'd rope from the shock before they even got around to spending the money. The real answer is somewhere in between glumly saving for a future that may or may not come, and spending it all buying gimmees for your entourage at the cheescake factory. Being a midwit will get you neither, obviously.

>> No.52969406

>young and rich is all that matters
Luckily for Fag Ramsey, he was born with a silver spoon up his arse.

>> No.52969518

>Invest regularly over the long term
this is where the advice breaks down, it presumes there will be a safe and supportive wider society, with friendly and fair laws on tax and asset ownership, that will be in place for decades, long enough to support any drip feeding of excess income into assets, allowing them to appreciate over time.
it also presumes that throughout the years of saftey in which those assets grow, your own income will be at the very least steady throughout, that aslong as you do the right thing there will always be that income arriving.
any semblance of saftey or wider societal cohesion that can be relied upon decades into the future has long been obliterated, far less your income guaranteed by a default 40 year career.
even without going full on eat ze bugs micro-chipped pod party future timeline, we are already at a point where total societal decay is inevitable given the racial make up of the youth and the depth of poverty among them, the political parties people vote for now all over the west view libertarians as the evil super villains from their capeshit movies.
its get rich or die trying at this point, there is no plan B.

>> No.52969565
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>Just wage your whole life and then you can live like a normal person when you retire bro
>No private jets, no super cars, no vacation homes
>People are okay with trading their entire life for this

>> No.52969609

>don't think
>just work bro
>trust the banks bro
>trust the employers bro
>trust the landlords bro
>don't take risks bro
>just save
50 years later
>inflation ate all savings
>poor as fuck

>> No.52970986

Spoiled brats.

>> No.52971038
File: 22 KB, 277x340, index (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Dave's plan I paid off $16,500 in debt and I will never be in debt again. If you're living in paycheck to paycheck Hell read this book - It's the Red Pill for money,.

>> No.52971102

>I'm sharing this board with debttards.

>> No.52971121

You have a problem with people getting out of debt and living responsible lives? Sad.

>> No.52971173

This only works if you're already well off. You will never become rich following his advice

>> No.52971185

my grandpa bought 25k of apple stock that is now worth 900k... he's 96 and just tested positive for covid, he didn't even get to do anything with all that money.. what was the point?

>> No.52971186


>> No.52971253

No, Dave’s advice is tailored for unsophisticated lower-middle class normies with credit card debt, to whom saving $1,000 is a major effort. Dave is an unironic godsend to these bumpkins for giving them a plan for escaping Shekelstein’s debt slavery.

>> No.52971274

how did you accumulate $16.5k worth of debt tho. were you just comsoooming a bunch of worthless shit or what

>> No.52971332

>were you just comsoooming a bunch of worthless shit
That was me - eating out too much, no budget, stupid impulse purchases.

>> No.52971435

wrong. It literally is the most surefire way to wealth building

Fucking tard

>> No.52971476

Dave is based. Glad we got an episode with him on tonight.

The Ramsey host power ranking is:
Power gap
>the mixed chick
Power gap
>the guy who brushes his hair back like Draco malfoy but without the gel
>Dr. Blowhard

>> No.52971477

>live below your means but move out when you’re 18 so have a job that covers your rent and leaves you money leftover to save but already have a car to get to that job and make sure it’s paid off and don’t go into debt for college and always carry cash on you because credit cards are bad
>if you follow my advice you can have $1million when you’re 70 years old

>> No.52971515


I love Dave Ramsey, dude is emperor king of Boomers and unafraid to grab a millennial living at home with his mommy by the neck, make him bite the curb, and stomp him on air in front of 40 million listeners until there is nothing left

Dave, despite looking like a bullfrog, somehow birthed a pretty hot daughter too

>> No.52971527

Unless you’re very low impulse control he’s overly pragmatic to point it’s his seeing progress.
A lot of his principles do make sense but there’s times levering up can literally grow your investments at the rate where it skips take years even decades to replicate via traditional means like mutual funds (which he gets a kickback on btw).

>> No.52971554

Yeah Rachel is cute af. I’d tradwife her up and spoil her with Louis Vuitton and expensive jewelry to make her mad at my financial decisions but in a cute way

>> No.52971559

Big point a lot of consoomers in this thread forget: you don't have to spend a bunch of money all the time to be happy. They've convinced themselves the only way too be happy is to unquestionably consoom.

>> No.52971562


True there are quicker ways to wealth, but his is safest and most surefire. Ive seen people get wrecked by leverage before, though any serious real estate investor would laugh at 'all cash'.

His approach will take an average middle class family and have them retire in a paid for house with 1Mil+ in the bank, almost guaranteed. That is a far better outcome than most.

>> No.52971723

>Invest regularly over the long term
I started getting paid and investing right before SPY peaked. I have only ever known loss.

>> No.52971742

Same, but I figure the experience will be good for me in the long run. To see what a bear market looks like. I’m lucky I don’t have much in the market, really

>> No.52971755
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I've lost 20k dollars and all I did was dollar cost average into the s&p500. Can't wait to get back to those levels in 20 or so years.

>> No.52971769

>20-30 years
If you're going by daves advice its closer to 50 but the number is arbitrary considering how many retarded niggers get rugpulled by $PajeetFinacialFreedomCoin every single day

>> No.52971793

You were wrong about one thing you don't need to work hard. Business is about resource management. You can start with one dollar in the "shitcoin" market and by managing it correctly turn it into more than you could ever "work" for.

>> No.52971806

I’m pretty bullish on the long term. We have nuclear fusion, robots, AI, and brain computer interfaces progressing nicely.

>> No.52971844

Why does dave hire women? I thought he was a conservative christian larper shouldn't he be telling people to get married and have children as their retirement plan?

>> No.52971845

Yeah, I mean you basically won’t go broke doing his strategy but unless you’re an absolute moob / casual it’s going to drag you down. For someone who is more serious and aspires to be a professional investor it’s better to learn about the markets you’re playing and develop / use risk management.
These threads always go the same.

If you have no idea what to do and you’re kind of an idiot with finances then sure follow dave

If you want to actually make a lot of money and be a full time investor and put the work in that’s required, he’s not your guy

>> No.52971855

>read this book so you won’t be 16.5k in debt like me!1!1!1!1!1!!1

Don’t spend money you don’t have. How retarded are you?

>> No.52971861

Anon you don't know anything about fusion if you are hopeful for fusion.

>> No.52971868

If you manage to put $1000 per month into some cucked 3% yield savings, for fifty fucking years, you’ll still have less than $700k.

Even worse, in 50 years, $700k is the down payment to a shit shack in Detroit

>> No.52971871
File: 59 KB, 721x599, biz-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money system is fucked

>> No.52971895

eat a bag of dicks boomer

>> No.52971911


Good thing the market over that time averages 10%+ ya tard

>> No.52971912

Spend money you don’t have but spend it on assets that actually make more money. It’s that easy.

>> No.52971961

Basically this.

>> No.52971967

Take the roflschild pill and realize that you’re in this situation right now because nobody in your family previously were selfless enough to labor for you to have a good life. Save your money, invest it wisely, and maybe after inheritance tax your children will be just a little bit ahead and compound that money even more for their children. Banking and business has always existed, as far as your genetic line is concerned anyways, so be the one to make a difference in your tree.

>> No.52972837
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>jew worshipper
>ensure you live poor and support Israel with most of your remaining funds

Thanks for dying ensure your dumb offspring repeat

>> No.52972873

What a hypocrite. This boomer never did any of that

>> No.52972920

You get to spend it

>> No.52973136

His descendants get it. That’s a noble thing. Should he have spent it on Funko Pops?

>> No.52973153

>what are dividends

>> No.52973933

I'm sorry your father wasn't around and you were raised by /pol/ instead.

>> No.52974378

This is true and why slow money is very cautious. After GME blow up and seeing the market industry corruption, moved everything to TIPS bonds. This year has been good.

>> No.52974420

Deficit vs debt, please learn it.

>> No.52974631

That said, he's not wrong about avoiding usury like the plague.

>> No.52974642

I wish I could have been a fucking cag hot boomer and bought a house on cape cod with an acre for 30k.

>> No.52974665

So what's the answer for investing your money to protect against inflation or generate income?

>> No.52974678
File: 179 KB, 1170x1095, 6C8198C8-6F06-4411-91F3-14EA39621AA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a more cancerous, disgusting, disruptive country. Literally all this company exists to do is line boomers pockets and increase rent. Just had this conversation with some retarded boomer;
I swear there’s no on to work in (rural tourist town I live in)
>don’t you own several airbnbs?
Yeah but that doesn’t affect that
I swear to go they’re so fucking retarded. I own 3 condos and rent them out to locals. I think everyone who airbnbs should have their ass cut off.

>> No.52974687

life is uncertain.
why not if you have the chance?
i played it too safe and got fucked.

>> No.52974694

>r/atheism bros today i went to 4channel and told him god is fake!

>> No.52974723

>I swear there’s no on to work in (rural tourist town I live in)
>don’t you own several airbnbs?
>Yeah but that doesn’t affect that
I don't get it

>> No.52974727

Because when I am 60 - 70 that passive income your are raving about will be used to buy myself medicine from all the stress hardship and bad health habits of the working life.
It does not matter for me when I am old and slow.

The only saving grace of this approach is that if you have a child you may save him from the same fate that's all

>> No.52975009

they make it easier to rent with less commitment and are cheaper than hotels

>> No.52975141

You literally just started investing. Why are zoomers like this? Just keep dca