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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52960975 No.52960975 [Reply] [Original]

Can you actually make money online in 2022/2023, biz?

Are there any non-oversaturated areas left?

>> No.52961701


>> No.52961940

Why would I give you my methods? Or all of /biz/?
Be creative. DYOR. If other people are doing it, it probably sucks.

>> No.52962156

I'm currently selling negroes online, it's a pretty decent job

>> No.52962187

Looking for a nonspecific yes/no. It's 2022, people have been trying to "make money online" for 10+ years - wondering if it's a rigged scam at this point, or worth getting into and taking seriously

>> No.52962193

Just get into the fake dating websites. You can easily do 2-15K/day per website if you know/learn your way in the affiliate world.

>> No.52962222

Lmao. I'm stupid, but I can estimate that the number of people pumping out fake dating sites, all fighting for scraps, outnumber the idiots who allegedly keep signing up and entering their credit cards on them

>> No.52962243

The only people who can reliably make money there are the affiliate/ad businesses, the gay "shovel sellers"

>> No.52962251

Nah, the market has a lot of competition but its aight. We lauched a new platform in USA a couple of weeks ago and it's already doing 25-30K/day. Alongside of the 30+ other platforms we have in that GEO. There are so much more stupid people that are willing to spend their dollarino's on those websites you really can't imagine.

>> No.52962270

Do with that information what you want, there are even GEO's where there is nearly ANY competition right now. You just have to do your research. Source: been in this business for over 10 years and am making 200M+ year since the last 4-5 years. It's an easy market to be mediocre at, but thats enough to make some nice money as an individual.

>> No.52962488
File: 45 KB, 600x508, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and am making 200M+ year

If you don't send me $2000 for fun, then I know you're LARPing

>> No.52962788

I won't but I'll answer any questions you have that are affiliate/operations/business related to help you out. It's honestly a super easy market to enter once you know where to get your traffic, operators and payment service providers.

>> No.52962803

Of that 200M roughly 40M is pure profit. The rest is money we pay affiliates, operation costs and salaries of course.

>> No.52962849

Yes you can anon, look into the bitdao embassy.

>> No.52963016

Every time I put effort into starting an online business over the last 5½ years, it felt like I'm 1 out of 100,000 sellers fighting for 15 buyers

Online ads feel like they're slowly dying and paying out less, as more and more people are starting to ignore them, or install adblockers (or VPNs with adblockers)

Even before you start thinking about ads, trying to get consistent traffic without a lot of starting capital (yes, poorfag) makes your hair fall out. Again you got to fight with 100,000 other fish for Google search ranking, social media followers, etc.

As a software developer wageslave for 7 years, I can program basically anything you can think of, with very high quality, performance, speed, etc. So I have 100% skill and 0% ideas. Though I have a rare programming talent, I only want to work for myself, because other people don't pay near enough for all the pain that 7 years of programming gives to a man...

My current project which I've been working on for 1+ year is my only hope.. otherwise it's back to slaving for other people, with lots of debt (about $20k, a lot for me lol)

>> No.52963038

In relation to your comment, looks like I don't know how to get traffic, without paying for it with money I don't have

>> No.52963057

I'll take my latte now neetcuck

>> No.52963125


>> No.52963302

>write "I'm stupid"
>god and jesus gives the post quads


Hope you like cum

>> No.52963350

>file for a job
>put REMOTE ONLY in your resume

>> No.52963475

So it's a fake dating site (not app) with bot "female" users? And guys get charged money to send "messages" to them? And I can get paid as an affiliate sending you leads? I'm guessing it's PPV/adult traffic?

>> No.52963655

You should build saas.
If you are that good of a programmer, build something like photopea but for another niche. There isn’t currently any free daw easily accessible through browser.
Or build the future twitter.
Or build the best app for any niche you have. You should make money that way.