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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52954889 No.52954889 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52954923

honestly, not even surprised
Polygon did the most this year

>> No.52955003

did nothing other than globohomo partnerships

>> No.52955066

>developed 7 Ethereum scaling solutions
> developed the first ever open source zkEVM
>introduced a shit ton of web2 platforms to the blockchain space
>reached 200 million wallet addresses
>gained hundreds of thousands of daily active users
>went from sub 20 in mcap to the top 10 list
>surpassed Solana, Avalanche and many more in DeFi TVL
>surpassed all chains other than Ethereum in NFT volume

it was an amazing year for Polygon and not acknowledging that is the purest form of uncut, unstepped on copium

>> No.52955080

>globohomo companies
call them what you want but these companies literally control the world and them using Polygon is as bullish as it can get

>> No.52955151

this. it should have been avalanche
imagine flexing cause of "partnerships"
avax chads know that tech development is all that really matters

>> No.52955219
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>imagine flexing cause of "partnerships"
>avax chads know that tech development is all that really matters

>> No.52955234

Satoshi/cypherpunks then:
>decentralized revolution, radical libertarian idealism, anarcho-capitalism

'Web3' today
>companies that literally control the world? omg yes please <3 give me that jewjew cum, many blessings of Vishnu sers

crypto is a joke

>> No.52955614

imagine flexing with a chinese company and another one that’s so obscure you have to actually explain what it does

>> No.52955626

stay mad maxi
arent you cocksuckers the same ones that preach “mainstream adoption is the goal”?
have fun gaining that without any of the actual mainstream companies of the world

>> No.52955655
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but isnt integrating centralized companies into a decentralized space part of the revolution?

>> No.52955701

i sold at a 2x way too early. i almost wanna blame /biz/. they stopped shilling it for a month in like march or april? and then i thought it was dead. it kicked off like a fucking rocket... fml

although in all honesty, the price it's at now isn't too bad. i see it hitting $3.00 next run up. if crypto isn't dead.

>> No.52955805

+5 peas

>> No.52955821
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Accumulate Avalanche (AVAX)

>> No.52956353

if you really think Polygon is a “jeetchain” then how awful is Avalanche knowing Polygon has more daily transactions, more daily active users, more monthly builders, better scalability, more dApps, more TVL, more NFT volume, more DEXs, more everything

>> No.52956370
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higher mcap too

>> No.52956378

This project will end in a disaster and deter idiot web2 companies. Good.

>> No.52956389
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and higher TPS

>> No.52956396

please do explain why

>> No.52956395

Do they steal user data like the polygon “partners”? I guess when the chain reorgs no one can tell anyways…

>> No.52956419
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of course they do consider Avalanche themselves steal tech and insider info from other chains

refer to —> https://cryptoleaks.info/case-no-3

>> No.52956421

The POS chain has constant reorgs. Cool, they are moving away from it, but do you really believe a team that can’t get their old chain to not reorg will get something as experimental as zK to work correctly?

>> No.52956432

its already being solved as we speak
IBFT is getting implemented pretty soon

>> No.52956437

What tech did they steal exactly? Their consensus? Who did they steal that from? What about their up coming cross subnet communication architecture, who did they steal that from? There is nothing to steal from competitors that just tweaked old protocols.

>> No.52956442

this is all FUD
non of whats written in the article is true or has an real sources

>> No.52956476

the fucking god damn head of the legal team was CAUGHT IN 4K VIDEO confessing to Avalanche using cheap and dirty legal practices to extract insider information from their competitors
you dont need a “source” better than that

you’re one of two:
1- paid to say this
2- you’re so fucking retarded and delusional that you actually believe Avalanche didnt do this, which would be understandable considering you’re dumb enough to own AVAX

>> No.52956510

the platform that released the article has ties to ICP. how can you fully trust this info?

>> No.52956539

As well as ties to Craig Wright lol

>> No.52956569
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obviously a platform releasing an Avalanche scandal would naturally be opposing to Avalanche. what the fuck did you expect retard?

>how can you trust this info
BECAUSE IT WAS ALL RECORDED. i dont need to “trust info”
the motherfucker is right there confessing it all in an inebriated state

>> No.52958681
