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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 1200x630, simple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5295421 No.5295421 [Reply] [Original]

10x moon mission coming soon
>working team with a very strong community sense and will constantly keep you updated! (unlike chainlink)
>working product
>muti partnerships already
> Team members hinting of listing on new exchanges coming soon

Get in here or miss out on this free 10x coin this is the next tron get in here!!!!!

last chance to get in near 2000 sats!

>> No.5295453

of course i have simple token..
what do i look like? a pajeet?
simple token to the moon.

>> No.5295473

how the fuck are you bagholding already. did you seriously buy as soon as it got released and let it bleed out slowly?

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5295489

i bought in at the floor
id suggest you buy in too or youll look like a fool within a couple of days

>> No.5295515

i wouldnt expect anything less from a non pajeet

>> No.5295527

Red pill me. Why do you think it's going to moon when BTC is about to rise?

>> No.5295528
File: 82 KB, 771x582, Jason (((Goldberg))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews and Pajeets, stay well clear of this shitcoin goys.

>> No.5295614

I dont think its going to moon. IT WILL MOON.
This coin is undervalued and the team members are very adamant about making their early investors money. Do your research man and you wont regret it

>> No.5295680

Look at that chart. Get ready ladies, we will be taxiing down the runway in just a few moments.

>> No.5295777



we ain't seeing the floor til 1k sats

>> No.5295781

I'm all strapped in now. I'm ready!!!!

>> No.5295800

you can either buy in now or you can buy in tomorrow when its 1.5x the price its up to you bro

>> No.5295839

I'm on board this bad bitch but don't you ever throw shade on ChainLinkie again.

>> No.5295847


you can either sell now, or sell them to me later at a 50% loss, up to you bro.

>> No.5295909

(((Goldberg))) sure seems (((trustworthy)))

>> No.5295923

Stop trying to sound like you know what you are talking about boy, Its had support at 1800 tested three times and held

>> No.5295947

you must have been a stinky linkie

>> No.5295965

ICX has had its fun. It's time for OST.

>> No.5295974

Whoever is not buying BZC right now is wasting money.

>> No.5295980

ICX might be off again :)

Glad I have both

>> No.5296064
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>> No.5296079

It wouldn't surprise me that much since I was wrong about XVG, but I think ICX needs more time.

>> No.5296120

we have OpenST protocol v0.9.1 Release
TODAY get in here simpletons!!!!!

>> No.5296140

More time?

ICX has a working product and multiple partnerships with hospitals, banks, ripple, and colleges.

What does XVG have? ICX will come sooner than you think

>> No.5296259

theres no reason to buy this when theres waves.

>> No.5296284

10x moon mission is a reason

>> No.5296294

>trading on 1m candles


>> No.5296311

120k wall being taken down in seconds get in here!!! we are going to be mooning this week!

>> No.5296346

Been watching OST for 3 fucking days watching it bleed.

Looks like we may have found the floor.

>> No.5296348

That just proves prices in crypto do not need a basis in reality. Whales will do what whales do. They need more time to prepare the ICX rocket.

>> No.5296356

Simple token is way better than waves....its be right there at the same market cap in no time

>> No.5296376

I agree, alot of this is based on hype. Look where that got linkys

OST and ICX are both safe bets IMO. They both have partnerships, a working model. Much more than just an 'idea'.

>> No.5296396

list the reasons why its better than waves then.

>> No.5296483

waves already mooned

>> No.5296588



>> No.5296597

lmfao ok kid. you people are gonna get burned when this turd dumps.

>> No.5296685

Waves doesn’t have enough payment gateways which limits their ability to become more global. In addition, there are some problems and issues that arise with the payment gateways which can hurt user experience. Simple Token creates a side chain for each branded token, solving the scaling problem

>> No.5296686

10m volume on the up trend do you wanna miss out?

>> No.5296691

I have stop limits, don't worry.

See you at fomo stage

>> No.5296700

most obvious pajeet shill l ever seen

>> No.5296737

if you have any questions you can feel free to ask a question in their telegram and have it answered in under 1 minute by a team member or admin.

>> No.5296760

Thats why I've been watching this. Sounds like they are giving constant updates with projects.

>> No.5296826
File: 145 KB, 711x892, 1445064840228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets backed by jews. Is there a worse combo?

>> No.5296852

what are your intentions with this post?
You cant offer anything of value so you make some stupid comment?

>> No.5296876

>white men are the best
>jews control everything

back to pol plz

>> No.5296883

250k wall is being broken currently!!!!!

>> No.5296890

idiot , project is fucking good use case for enterprise business. thats y binance added on day one. stay poor. its next moon after icx

>> No.5296894

>what are your intentions with this post?
Alerting my fellow man to shit coins, whats your intention?

>> No.5296926

You don't understand how big SaaS is for companies do you?

>> No.5296931

alerting my fellow man to a promising project that will 100% moon. WALL BROKEN BIGGEST SELL WALL IS BROKEN

>> No.5296969

No, i dont.

>> No.5296989

stay poor i guess. I'll be riding this jews back to the moon

>> No.5296994

On the way to 2100 sat get in here we are going to the moon!

>> No.5297057

This is looking promising. Already new high since ico sell off

>> No.5297082

It will get dumped hard at 2100. If it makes it past that, we will have lift off

>> No.5297088

biggest wall till 5k sats has already been absorbed

>> No.5297107
File: 65 KB, 570x587, 1469420468374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look mum I posted again
>that's nice dear

>> No.5297117

2050 wall broken!!!!!

>> No.5297160
File: 200 KB, 1275x1650, simple_token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check this out

>> No.5297169

finally ive been hodl since it dropped

>> No.5297229

ouch man, never buy at drop. Wait for floors to be tested

>> No.5297264

Alt coin buzz made a video about this. BUY AND HODL.

>> No.5297271

2070 broken! next stop 2100!!!!!

>> No.5297315

2090 broken!

>> No.5297318

Good buy point?

>> No.5297338

before the moon

2100 sat is broken!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5297382

got in around 2500 sats, hopefully we will get past that right now

>> No.5297403

buy the bags simpletons of the people with weak hands!!!! this is a guaranteed moon mission!!! do not miss out on this opportunity!

>> No.5297455

let the iron hands rule!!!!!! we arent selling till we go 10x!! leave the weaklings behind!!

>> No.5297491

Why does everyone hate on OST so much lol

biz only likes coins that have already 10x and then buy ATH

>> No.5297512

break that 2120 wall we are almost past it!

>> No.5297644

weak hands are getting BTFO they will buy back as soon as we get passed 2120

>> No.5297684

Holy fuk is this actually happening!

>> No.5297696

Bought in. Did I get pajeet'd?

>> No.5297703

yes, now leave

>> No.5297730

its going to moon very soon within EOY. weak hands getting BTFO they are going to panic buy back in after the 2120 wall

>> No.5297755

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5297776

approaching 2120 t minus 10 seconds!

>> No.5297798
File: 28 KB, 659x770, Screen Shot 2017-12-21 at 3.11.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking tasty

shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.5297801

2120 broken weak hands BTFO!
next stop 2150!!!!

>> No.5297868

just placed all in for this coin...i'm confident in my 10% short term gains so i can place a stop order and be comfy hodling

>> No.5297887
File: 62 KB, 1132x434, money snake confirmed!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money snake confirms!

lets break 2150!

>> No.5297922

This is the last chance I give a shillcoin on /biz/. If I lose money in the next three days I will never buy another coin shilled on here again.

>> No.5297951

Why would you buy shilled coins anyway?

DYOR lol

>> No.5297958

you wont regret it man i promise you that!

>> No.5297967

Alt coin buzz just put out a video 2 hours ago about this coin. Go watch some of his videos from the past week where he calls the moons. Youre in good hands anon. Just HODL.

>> No.5297983
File: 134 KB, 700x875, 171656_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jew pnd get out now mate.

>> No.5297985

approaching 2150 t minus 30 seconds!

>> No.5297990
File: 81 KB, 300x250, 1510419524536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes...the simple things...are better

>> No.5297998

For anybody too retarded and/or lazy to do any research, just watch this:


This is the next full fledged moon mission, and you faggots can buy in cheap instead of at the peak for once.

>> No.5298005

Still here? How's being poor and obsessing over jews working for you?

>> No.5298011

2150 broken!!!!! you can still get in! this is a 10X coin in the near future!

>> No.5298035

No need to post about it so much my man, this project will do all the talking for us.

>> No.5298047

thread theme!


>> No.5298048


>> No.5298052
File: 83 KB, 560x280, 5aussiebucksfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not sure obsessing is the right word.

>> No.5298059
File: 51 KB, 301x559, 1510417724039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Simpletons, where do you see this bad boy on the future? Tencent is involved with this right? *sips*

>> No.5298081

between this and ICX, I am getting my lambo in ~6 months

>> No.5298119

i see it breaking 2200 in 10 minuites

>> No.5298184

buy the weak hands they will BTFO again just like at 2100

>> No.5298210

This one guy super shilling is worrying me. He must have super bags.

>> No.5298227

He is posting alot, but check the project man. It's solid.

Already has 9 companies using their product. This is a SaaS product for enterprises. This could be huge.

>> No.5298231
File: 43 KB, 300x250, 1510419850077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Sounds a little pajeety if you ask me. No offense to that poster, maybe he's just excited *sips*

>> No.5298263

M2. I'm a simple man too, but I dislike OST being shilled that much here.

>> No.5298347



>> No.5298352

rebound incoming! damn near only 50k were sold. back upwards lets get it!

>> No.5298377

weak hands BTFO bahhahahhahahhaha

lets bathe in their tears!

>> No.5298471

Swift recovery I like it

>> No.5298536

Yeah the guy who made this thread is annoying me too, but just look into it dude.

>> No.5298559
File: 402 KB, 1245x1920, 4ueniI4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go faggots, to the moon

>> No.5298560

Lmao this is straight garbage looks like the coin is clearly being pumped by shills in the subreddit

>> No.5298595

its not a pump if its undervalued

>> No.5298597

If TRX can moon with an idea, how is OST trash? lol

I know you've never heard a real job, but every tech company uses SaaS products.

>> No.5298684

this has now gone into accumulating phase. not enough sell orders

>> No.5298763

so another pump sometime in the near future then?

>> No.5298811

of course it seems like people are wanting to buy low so they are hiding their buy orders. this will only go up 2000 sat is the new floor. they also hinted in new exchanges being introduced in the coming weeks

>> No.5298860

hell yea

>> No.5298913

Berg literally means mountain in my native language, (((trustworthy))) as fuck.

>> No.5299082

relax dude you are 70% of this thread

>> No.5299237

How do we know when to sell? This shitcoin is gonna pump and dump

>> No.5299261

It wouldnt be stable around 2k sats for an hour if it was gonna dump

Enjoy your 3% pnd gains lol

>> No.5299526

what is pajeeet?

>> No.5299682

enjoy my bags, i went to ICX

>> No.5299705

jokes on you i went both

>> No.5299724

>when do we sell

enjoy losing your money

>> No.5299792

There's not much going on in their subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Simple_Token/new/

>> No.5299815

You got dumped man. Take your losses and move elsewhere for more losses

>> No.5299916
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>> No.5300015

No I just bought in

>> No.5300306

Imagine that, a hustling pajeet just dropped bags on us.