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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52927923 No.52927923 [Reply] [Original]

So recently i tried using other chains because TVL decreased a lot for C-Chain

What can i say is that its all a shit show, especially
Arbitrum: centralized shit which feals really sloppy and gas fees aren't better than C-Chain (0.07$ - 0.50$)
oh you want me to pay 50$ or wait 8 days to settle on main-chain, go fuck yourself
main DEX beside uniswap is a pancakeswap clone with ridiculess slippage
ETH: i saw a nice pool on convex and payed stupid 50$ to open it - fuck yourself
ATOM: yeah 20 blockchains where i have to bridge constantly, no stables except USDC, all the Coins are high inflationary with 50-80% APR which get constantly dumped

i will not continue with the other centralized approches like BSC and Pajeetchain
and muh usecases - its either
1. farming shitcoins and hoping that there are "believers" to dump on
2. gambling on shitcoins using perpetuals and options

>> No.52927964
File: 214 KB, 985x1249, pepevalidatoronoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avalanche also has the best Staking Mechanism in the entire market.

>> No.52927981


>> No.52929095
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XDDD keep coping nigger

>> No.52929174

Your analysis is solid but don’t forget that the goyim do not care about centralization they just want to easily buy funny dog coins and therefore BSC is strong

>> No.52929434

Where were you when you realized Oasis is like AVAX but with slightly better architecture and privacy preserving capabilities? Where were you when you realized Emin is a disciple of Dawn and everything he has ever built in blockchain has been off the back of her work?

>> No.52929695
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Funny thread AVAX shill but your gay chain is only decent now because there's no volume and the price of your token crashed, decreasing the inherent value of the fees. You completely missed the shitcoin action on avax last year, when a hyped launch would make fees skyrocket to 1 avax (~$100 at the time) and showing everyone how it didn't scale properly

kill yourself. tired of making this argument for FTM, AVAX, MATIC etc. you missed out and no one cares now

>> No.52930184

Subnets solved it.

>> No.52930305

i did not miss the action. - i was there when the chan halted for a brief moment because of a bug
and i also saw fees skyrocket

fees are dynamic and the parameters where adjusted manually multiple times to better catch usage-spikes

I don't care much about C-Chain and gambling with shitcoins actually

The future will be some automatically verifiable SC language

>> No.52930340

Oasis will become a subnet on Avalanche.

>> No.52930341

Someone is actually using these chains? Fucking weirdo.

>> No.52930698
File: 766 KB, 800x1114, AvaxChan Bite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 years of catgirls

>> No.52930719
File: 191 KB, 574x795, Goon Le Roach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your scam coin

>> No.52930744
File: 514 KB, 1200x628, Avalanche-AVAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only FUD I can think of for AVAX is that the CEO is a turkroach, but the team is mostly white with a few chinks.

>> No.52931406

lmao fees never hit that high, and their scaling solutions (subnets, pruning+raising gas targts) weren't even released by then.

try harder sweaty x

>> No.52931488

For now...The real use case of crytpo keeps coming and no one is going to want to use an inelegant settlement layer solution. Avax is the only real player who people will feel safe dumping billions or trillions of dollars into via smart contracts because it is instantaneous, decentralised, and scales without the need for l2 settlement. There is no competitor outside of Eth really but there you have none of the advantages and stupid gas fees.

>> No.52931532

>lmao fees never hit that high
t.never was part of a hyped launch kek
why is /biz/ always behind when it comes to shitcoin stuff. not my problem

>> No.52931559

>no valid criticism of cosmos (Atom)


>> No.52932025

for my part i never tried any other chains than avalanche and i am happy, it is quite enough for me for everything, soon i will even be gaming on avalanche!

>> No.52933261


>> No.52933744

Avax trying to solve problems other chains just want to earn money

>> No.52934567

>scales without the need for l2 settlement

>> No.52934652

novel consensus through probabilistic sampling of nodes

that means adding validators does not decrease throughput as on other chains like FTM, BSC, COSMOS

a node has much lighter hw requirements than e.g. SOL

>> No.52936550
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did someone say AVAX catgirls?

>> No.52938087

>decreasing the inherent value of the fees
you're dumb as fuck, ETH has the same problem with L2, only ETH maxi want to keep the fee high to extract rent and AVAX must be locked up with and actually scale with subnets

>> No.52940204
