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52913999 No.52913999 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck they are literal shrill lunatics that are CONSTANTLY starting shit unnecessarily, trying to gossip with me about people every single time they speak to me (and I know they’re doing it about me when I’m not there), constantly nitpicking shit that doesn’t matter, and are always throwing tantrums if some arcane “standard” or thing that doesn’t make sense in a specific context isn’t followed.

It’s unbelievable how different the workplace becomes when women are brought in, it’s a fucking nightmare. I went from an all men engineering job to a more corporate style job with women and it’s an absolute fucking shitshow because of how women behave in the workplace, they’re CONSTANTLY trying to start shit.

>> No.52914008

China has the right idea on how to handle this.

>> No.52914075

It is obvious you are just another incel schizo larper who has never worked a single day in his life and is a terminally online basement dweller. Had you worked a single day in your life you would know that men are the ones who are sadomasochisric psychopathic violent parasites who will bully you every single day and relish in violence suffering.

Know that everyone hates your guts and soon even your own mother will be done with your bullshit and kick you out of the basement parasite

>> No.52914084

Hmm well what's your job?

>> No.52914088

agreed 100%

>> No.52914116
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If any posts reeks of incel schizo it's this one.

>> No.52914117

I work in construction and every single coworker i have is a psycopathic bastard. Almost exclusively men. A single women technician i work with is the only breath of fresh air in this shithole industry. Mfs be flexing working on sundays too and every single day is literally only filled with passive aggressive snarky comments. I hate all of you parasites. Soon your rotten world will expire parasite

>> No.52914122

Indeed. Steer clear and do your own thing. They're intense about everything and need to take a chill pill

>> No.52914148

>I work in construction
fucking kek

>> No.52914150

True, law firm. Lawyers from two different departments/divisions were chill. But the assistants(all female) had beef. Me as a student, sitting at the front reception in between.

>> No.52914176

thats probably why gays have such success in the corporate world. I dont know why but its kind of the only way to one up this dynamic and rebalance the playing field somehow

>> No.52914183

To me it doesn't matter how females behave as long as they're hot. I can put an ugly woman down but a beautiful goddess can do whatever the fuck they like, I even encourage it sometimes, makes me erect.

>> No.52914212

Why do you laugh? What do you do mister passive income financier parasite? Oh wait you dont work i forgot. You are a literal parasite incel schizo
"ChiNa hAs FiguRed It OuT"

You should kill yourself putrid parasite why do you carry on

>> No.52914224

They weren't. And even if they are, I don't let that slip through.

>> No.52914238

Kek you’re not wrong.

>> No.52914242

you get bullied every day don't you

>> No.52914261

The sooner you realize you never actually leave high school, the faster human interaction starts to make sense.

It's fragile egos all the way down.

>> No.52914268

ok chud

>> No.52914305

>I work in construction
maybe you should choose a more suitable branch? Working construction and complaining about sexism be joining the Mafia then complaining you dont like pasta

>> No.52914319

Is it really too difficult for women to make appointments with the people who get the real work done? How can they be this incompetent?

>> No.52914347

I didnt complain about just sexism. I said every (male) coworker is a sadomasochistic psycopathic bastard who relishes in violence and will bully you and everyone else 24/7. Toxic barely scratches the surface. I would describe them more as "parasites" or "soldiers". But i am not surprised a 4chan parasite is illiterate

>> No.52914366

I pray that when your anger reaches the tipping point you shoot yourself instead of other people

>> No.52914377

I asked you a question parasite answer mine first and i will consider answering yours

>> No.52914456

>you would know that men are the ones
you are making sexist comments tho
do you find that ok?
sexist pig

>> No.52914473

Isn't construction full of low IQ retards who can't hold down better jobs? Maybe it's the construction industry which has the toxicity you describe and not men in general. I've worked and still work with petty, ratty, passive aggressive men, but it's not all of them. 8/10 of my present colleagues are incredibly mild. I'm a pleasant helpful guy too.

>> No.52914523

you're retarded. Male dominated work places are more efficient, they only care about getting the job done. If you're getting shit on it's because you're incompetent not pulling your weight.

Women on the other hand are more focused on petty drama, gossip, politics, and other stupid bullshit which leads to inefficiency

>> No.52914587

Yes they are efficient and most importantly PROUD slaves and soldiers. Parasites. Dont conflate a job with work. They are "good" at jobs but extremely useless at work. Work is a mathematical concept, a job is a social construct. They have nothing to do with one another. They are all lazy bastards who cant take care of themselves and hide behind slavery for cover. Not a single construction worker ive met can take care of themselves. They require slave wives and slave assistants to boss around and clean after their mess. Im honestly impressed most of them know how to wipe their own ass. They dont give a fuck and you should kill yourself desu incel

>> No.52914633

This nigga definitely gets bullied at work.
Shit, I don't even know you and *I* would absolutely bully the fuck out of your gay ass if I had the misfortune of working with you.

>> No.52914644

You should legit have yourself tested for psychopathy, anon
Like most other minor self satisfaction ego boosts you get from these type of things, I guarantee you'll pass with colors

>> No.52914737

poor thing

>> No.52914740

>Women on the other hand are more focused on petty drama, gossip, politics, and other stupid bullshit which leads to inefficiency

Yeah but if you're at a woke tech company they can be alright. I got hired on to a position and then management basically eliminated my department. My boss scheduled a meeting with me to tell me that I "am valued and an important member of the team" and that I won't be fired, but I can still keep clocking in daily even though there's no work to do. It's pretty fuckin cash. I wake up, clock in, go back to sleep, get up around 11, get coffee, browse internet all day, clock out at 5

If a guy was my boss I have no doubt they'd find some task for me to do

>> No.52914799

hello tranny discord raiders.

>> No.52914823
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Damn, China really can't stop winning

>> No.52914880
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let us hope and pray, tis indeed a troll
for no human deserves to be this wretched

>> No.52914883
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They smell nice, free tits and camel toes to stare at. They often bring food, and you can win them over by bringing in a bag of cheap chocolate. Easily convinced to do your work if you ask nicely and smile at them.

What's not to like?

>> No.52914902

reddit moment

>> No.52914933

>Immediate name-calling

>> No.52914938

Would you stop throwing the word parasite around? How is a slave or soldier a parasite? You are contradicting yourself.

>Work is a mathematical concept, a job is a social construct. They have nothing to do with one another. They are all lazy bastards who cant take care of themselves and hide behind slavery for cover. Not a single construction worker ive met can take care of themselves. They require slave wives and slave assistants to boss around and clean after their mess. Im honestly impressed most of them know how to wipe their own ass. They dont give a fuck and you should kill yourself desu incel

I should have read your post to the end before even trying to argue with you

>> No.52914950

>tech company files bankrupcty

>> No.52915032

Men do all that shit too.

>> No.52915057

if your job can be done by a woman it's a shit job

>> No.52915092
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>> No.52915096

They're only like this if you're ugly. Women are offended when they're forced to be in the presence of ugly men. If you're tall, handsome, and jacked it's entirely different. Then they're backstabbing eachother to suck your dick.

>> No.52915116

No we don't.
>Paul, Ryan was talking shit about you
>whad' he say?
>"ur a faget"
>k *sips coffee*

>> No.52915146

yeah, because you picked an industry where the only qualification you have to have to work is a felony.

>> No.52915149

>starts with ad hominem
>random bullshit
>more ad hominem
touch grass

>> No.52915170

Lmao don't act like you wouldn't get instantly reported to HR by Paul and blacklisted from your industry. Men are incredible faggots, a boomer once fired me because he was jealous I was talking to the girls on the team so much.

>> No.52915597

it might seem hard to accept this but I honestly think you are the problem and your experience as woman in the construction industry is painted in your own way of seeing this not as they actually are .

>> No.52915609

>office perimenopausal cat lady secretary sets her sights on me after I ignore her when she bothers me about staying late
>2 days later, invited to manager's office
>"anon we heard you were being insuboridinate and REALLY CREEPY. people are COMPLAINING ABOUT YOU"
>ask what the complaints are
>"Well we haven't had any complaints but someone asked me why you always stay late"
>answer i stay late because that's when i tidy up my space and prepare for the next day
>get lectured on the importance of cleanup and preparation because it helps the rest of the team, as if i didn't just tell them that this is why i stay late
>get told to not stay late or face consequences
>rumors start spreading around office everyone begins avoiding me
>2 weeks pass
>fed up with the bullshit, I go to cat lady's office, get her to take out her earbuds so she can't ignore me
>stare in her eyes and tell her I think she's creepy too
>get fired 30 minutes later
i hate women

>> No.52915824

Hello roastie

>> No.52916003

more like
>Paul, Ryan was talking shit about you (I was talking shit about you too, hehe)
>whad' he say? (I'll fucking kill that faggot)
>"ur a faget" (You really are, haha)
>k *sips coffee* (starts thinking of a way to get even while pretending he doesn't care)

>> No.52916041

Sounds like you are low education induvidual working with other low education peers. Maybe get a job that requires a higher education? I work in a stem cell lab and all the women are educated and professional and a joy to work with.

>> No.52916103

what % are Jewish?
>jus askin

>> No.52916108
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>other responsibilities

>> No.52916959
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At least they're honest over there

>> No.52916983

Pretty solid bait not gonna lie

>> No.52917030


Yes, but you can fuck them op.

>> No.52917049

Don’t even doubt this happened, women aren’t even bad workers but if you get on their bad side for any random reason they will poison the well and fuck you over immediately. I got fired from my first salaried job for swearing at a female coworker when she was being a pregnant cunt trying to get me to stay late on a Friday to finish work that could have eaasily waited until Monday. Bitch literally reported me to HR that same afternoon and I got fired the next Monday, all for saying “Becky I’m not fucking doing this work”

>> No.52917519

Sage in all fields, another demoralisation thread. Do you retards not see how jewish bots like OP are pitting white men against white women to further destroy western civilisation? That's it goy keep hating women and never procreate, let the pakis and niggers infiltrate your country and take over.

I work in M&A and the overwhelming majority of the men in my team of about 200 are fucking cunts and I regularly daydream about bashing their fucking skulls in. Some women are just bad, but most women can be a refreshing break from the constant showboating and one-upmanship that you get from other men. What you faggots fail to realise is that befriending the single middle aged women in your team who are either reaching the wall or are menopausal is by far the smartest career move you could make. If you are charming and funny, and listen to them babble on about their problems, your life will be on easy mode. The elder women (50+) who are senior members of your team and are divorced with kids will mother you, do all of your work for you. The women in their 30s who are still single and haven't managed to find a husband yet are great friends to have because they control the flow of gossip in the office, and are members of cliques which will include very senior members of the team which will help you enormously when it comes to the annual promotion rounds.

>> No.52917541

wait til chinks are on your team

>> No.52917554

I work with like 90% women (restaurant) and none of that happens. They do suck at getting anything done though compared to guys, usually, but I have some that are hustlers and run circles around the guys

>> No.52917600

it actually happened. women are terrible

>> No.52917808

I worked at Mcdonalds for a few years and it started out great and productive with men mostly then it went down hill with more women in charge.

>> No.52917885

Nah that's bs. Most guys in office jobs are onions as fuck. You're the one who has obviously never worked in in his life. I've worked with literal psychopathic men at work and they are manipulative and fake af but they are not violent.

>> No.52917916

Have sex

>> No.52917936
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Everytime my team has a woman, drama ensues. Right now there’s le muslim “trad” woman on my team and she is responsible for 80 percent of dramas

>> No.52917955

Acting like a woman

>> No.52917978


>> No.52917982

Worked in a supermarket stacking shelves during a summer in colleage, half of the employees were women, I wouldn't hire a single one of them.
Slower than men, took extended breaks, stood around talking a lot, were often late or phoned in sick. I could do the same job as 3 of them in an hour.
Crazy think is that the industry is unionized so they were getting paid exactly the same for doing 10-20% of the work. Oh and they got the easy jobs too, the light work.

>> No.52917994

I’m going through some crazy woman drama too, these threads are helping me not feel so alone. My mommy m1 gave me a write up for creating a teams channel instead of a teams chat -two days before thanksgiving. Fucking insanity in tech right now with people like this.

>> No.52918020

What a mentally I’ll parasite!

>> No.52918153

Holy shit grow the fuck up, women's opinion has never mattered.
They exist solely to serve under man

>> No.52918861

I've started building up a sort of memory palace effect in my mind where I've trained myself to scan any incoming information to see if it originated from a woman in any way, and then I immediately shut myself off and refuse to consider it if it did originate from a woman. At first I did this just as a joke but it started improving my life so much I started doing it more. You can add in secondary layer of exception-granting for special cases, like the woman is a statistical anomaly or Emily Dickinson or something, or you are in a brief functional situation like exchanging information with a bank employee and just need to be pleasant. But any unsolicited information whatsoever coming from a woman, even if it's online, even if it's indirect or something that just arose in a general way from some vague feminine consensus, I immediately terminate it. Not violently like fuck this shit, I simply turn off my receptivity to it, it becomes like infrared radiation to me, presumably it's wafting around somewhere in the ether around me but I can't perceive it so it is effectively nothing to me.

>> No.52918867

Really think about it, when was the last time you saw a woman say something that was interesting or worth listening to, and she wasn't related to you in some way or you wanted something specific from her and thus had to listen to her out of necessity? Attune yourself to this and you will find that women never say anything at all, they talk about themselves, food, buying things, consuming in general, but never anything real or substantial. Women's opinions mean nothing and have never affected anything historically except through men's reactions to them. Imagine seeing a thread that begins with "women like..." or "women don't like..." and actually letting it enter your mind. Might as well tell me what a little retarded kid thinks the ultimate season ranking is for Pokemon. Tell him to stick it up his ass, I don't care about that so much that I don't even want to anti-care about it, I just want him sealed in a room on the other side of the planet where his literally valueless purposeless babbling about something nobody gives a fuck about will not even generate noise pollution.

>> No.52918937

just do the opposite of everything they say easy.

>> No.52919117

I love your work

>> No.52919132

Men are a pimple on the arsehole of a workplace. Too many of them are a fucking cesspit of shit. I know this from
Once you work with many women and you are somewhat good looking you literally drown in compliments from women it feels fucking godlike. Incels cope, if you wanna fuck bitches, work with bitches.

>> No.52919170

The worlds workplaces are lubricated with pussy and you have to know how to tease it and get it wet, it’s not a girls job to show you, hating on women isn’t gonna get you laid hahaha you need to better yourself if you want something that is difficult to obtain for the average guy. In this case, pussy. Are you fat or have you got money?

>> No.52919213

Sounds like you are in a low-skill, low-education workplace. I'm a software engineer and have had zero issues with men or women because everyone I interact with is 115IQ or higher. Just defer to people with authority and do your job without causing problems. It's so fucking easy.

>> No.52919298


>> No.52919314

One of my first jobs was a temp call center worker. The women loved me. When it was time for me to go, they literally when in a single file line to hug me, LMAO

>> No.52919331
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Also the supervisor commented on it too in a seething way, lel. I forgot what she said, but ya. Good memories. Didn't like the job itself though. Stressed me out a lot.

>> No.52919333
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>almost 2023
>imagine hiring a woman

>> No.52919353


60,000 years of human evolution where women are designed to make babies and care for a homestead/cave

But yeah sure lets make Sally the executive vice president

>> No.52919379

hi neet

>> No.52919401

Oh yeah I understand, I worked in the mining industry and it's the same, also ALL men working on construction and mining industries are fucking simps dude, they are literally beta cuck providers that will kill anybody just to be able to simp to some woman

Tech bros may seem soft but they are actually beyond based compared to those simp monkeys you see on these industries

>> No.52919409
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>I work in M&A
>I regularly daydream about bashing their fucking skulls in

That being said, I worked with both sociopathic men and women. But the latter were by orders of magnitude more irritating and petty over literal nothing. They are not only boring, they are what happens when you mirror excitement at the zeropoint. Some exceptions.

>> No.52919524

My boss is a woman. I literally don't get reviewed about my work, just by smoothly the weekly meetings go.

>> No.52919559

>Your boss only cares about how comfy the meetings are
Doesn't sound too bad. Obviously not productive but that's not your problem.

>> No.52919589

It's pretty comfy, because I only see my manager like 30 minutes a week. But I do feel like she has no idea what anyone is doing on the workfloor. And it kind of goes both ways. I have no idea what she does at work.

>> No.52919625

This reeks of disgusting subhuman tranny

>> No.52919683

Based checked women are children

>> No.52919881

>I work in construction and every single coworker i have is a psycopathic bastard
I work in construction too and i can't even imagine how much of a whining faggot you could be for thinking like this inside an environment with pure masculinity.

Maybe you're the weak simp here that should gtfo.

>> No.52919926

Oh lady, let's not go that route. For your own sake

>> No.52919951

t. Got laughed at by male coworkers for doing something retarded one time and is now relishing in their victimhood fantasy on a mongolian bed knitting communion website

>> No.52920021

In my experience as a straight white male, some woman are incompetent nitwits who's only job is to fuck shit up and flirt.

Some woman are horrendous cows due to being washed up - usually the result of their looks going downhill and their technical skills are lacking.

Some woman I want to murder because of how ugly and incompetent they are. These woman are usually in it for the looks.

some woman I want to talk to because even though they are incompetent they are still pleasant human beings.

There are also competent ugly woman who are fucking gods at their job and who you will pay literal thousands to step on your balls and crush.

>> No.52920074


there's something with women and rules and procedures where they follow them even if they don't make sense which is bad, but on the flipside it limits the amount of damage they might cause because there's a level of control where they won't cross certain boundaries. with men, they're much more likely to take or leave things based on common sense (or what makes sense to apply when), but then the flipside is they can be chaotic and completely throw them out of the window.

>> No.52920822

I was in a relationship with a personality like the last one. Loyal but scary.

>> No.52920900

They probably have some ccp hiring quota so instead of doing endless HR hires and diversiry bullshit at least they're honest with this and make the hired women try and be useful to workers who actually matter

>> No.52922918

This is an incredibly based take. I will say however that I’m in a discord with some very spiritually enlightened people and the wisest one is actually a 40 something married woman. I would not expect to ever meet this kind of woman in real life though

>> No.52923008

Women working together in an office with an office manager is a complete and utter shitshow. If you really wanna get their wheels spinning send some secret admirer flowers to the queen bees bottom bitch at the office.

>> No.52923027

get a job involving manual labor and enjoy the frenship and brotherhood.
jk most men nowadays are just as passive-aggressive and gossipy as the next best office roasty.

>> No.52923072
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>> No.52923100

>single women technician
Thats you right?

>> No.52923149
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Supremely based

>> No.52923983
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By the way guys, if you haven't noticed it yet, this screaming hole ZPjnfwf5 is here every day. She responds to a lot of threads and always posts in the same manner: shrill and hysterical, angry at everything and keeps repeating the word "parasite". She seems to especially hate it when someone makes money off crypto. I wonder if she bought at the top and got her savings rekt, then latched onto this place as a sort of vengeance.

>> No.52924007

You and OP are both right. Fact is that 90% of the public would be unbearable to spend 8+ hours a day with

>> No.52924426
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>Everyone pretending ITT that construction workers aren't by and large psychopaths and harass each other into either quitting or also turning into violent psychopaths

The replies in this thread are confusing, /biz/ gets the most off site tourism so the reddit responses are expected, but do none of you have parents/relatives/friends etc that have family who've worked in this industry? Group work not solo or <5man jobs.
Sure the anon has worked himself up so you can't resist the urge to type a "gotcha" response but he's not at all wrong.

>> No.52924496

kys tranny

>> No.52924519

weird way to brag about the fact that you also get bullied every day

>> No.52925230

I work in a hospital tell me about it. You shouldn't however forget to mention the male coworkers that enable them.

>> No.52925297


>> No.52925322

> Woman coworker starts rumors that im a drug addict
> I tell the boss
> Her contract isn't renewed

Still, that was in 2016, and all the bullshit I had to go through in the meantime and probably from now on originating from her friends, who feel wronged, make it not worth it

>> No.52925360

I work in construction in europoor.

Sure, you can find some competent people, most are normal, but the bottom are alcoholic losers and psychos. So what? If you are working with felonies don't get that job, it's piss easy to get another job since it's not that high pay for the work.

For dealing with the ones that are more normal you just tell them to fuck off, if they wanna be friends cool, if not you do your job and come home. A few times I refused to do shit or drive someone somewhere when they were being faggots, what are they gonna do, I can get an equal job in a day if they fire me, and they won't do it because there aren't that many competent people willing to work in construction

>> No.52925387

It can also work in your favor if they like you and some idiot tries to start shit.

>> No.52926031

This is correct

>> No.52926399
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henlooo anyone know best place to get modafinil?

>> No.52926465

i'm sorry bro. women should never NEVER have authority. rest easy knowing that this is actually not the woman's fault but the man who hired her and put her above you to terrorize you. FUCK any man who puts a woman above a man. Seriously FUCK you down a hole.

>> No.52926501

Vice President?
Try harder faggot

>> No.52926538
File: 1 KB, 246x165, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lesbians are 100000x worse. I worked with a lesbian and every single day was a new problematic drama with another woman. They literally feed on drama like it's the only thing they live for. If there was no drama, she would start some. It's no wonder they have like 80% domestic violence rates.

Avoid women 100% if you can but if you see a lesbian quit the fucking company. They are the final boss of women .

>> No.52926588

that's the whole problem. women don't see the big picture, they only see their own immediate situation and act accordingly. this is why the buddha himself said that women can't reach enlightenment and should stay away from men's work.

>> No.52926628

No one cares about your anecdotal evidence

>> No.52926634


>> No.52926641

Communist bro is it you?

>> No.52926800

Did the Buddha actually say that?

>> No.52926843

>if they’re breaking balls then just bantz back at them
>if they’re psychopaths trying to stir shit up in the workplace then flip it and throw it back at them
>if they’re mentally femoids then show them you don’t fuck around, they’ll shrivel up and go submissive
Flaming homofags are by far the dangerous of them all. The cold calculations of a man and the spitefulness of a woman. A match made in hell

>> No.52927612

You guys think it's rough having female coworkers.

Imagine your own mom being your fucking boss.

>> No.52927663


Yeah. Basically his mom and his sister told him he was being sexist and threw a shitfit when he told them this so eventually he backpeddled and said women could meditate toward enlightenment too. When men dedicate themselves to the eightfold path in this life they are aspiring to be born into the life of a priest or monk in their next life so they can work even harder to reach enlightenment. When women do it they’re aspiring to just be reborn as a man so they can actually begin naming any progress at all, lol

>> No.52927818

rofl just say that you're ugly and aren't getting any preferential treatment.
Try wearing some makeup, lmao

>> No.52928057

Get a real job