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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52911410 No.52911410 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52911428
File: 262 KB, 583x673, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, binance bros?

>> No.52911435
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>> No.52911471
File: 39 KB, 598x415, coinbase-auditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody should be keeping funds or assets on any platform that can't demonstrate the same level of transparency that even Cuckbase does. Simple as.

>> No.52911500
File: 106 KB, 804x779, AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alamerda filed for bankruptcy chapter 11 on 11/11/22

>> No.52911505
File: 496 KB, 1000x1000, 7D47329B-D6A3-4376-AAAE-1566A5D5B4F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto can solve this problem

>> No.52911609

Apparently, even the big 4 don't know how to audit cryptocurrency exchanges. Having a big auditor give us the green light would be reassuring, but in the world of cryptocurrency, the data we need to triangulate whether an exchange is good is already publicly available on the blockchain.

>> No.52911630

I work at Capgemini. It's a big consulting firm too.

>> No.52911897

oh they're auditors now?

>> No.52912054


>> No.52912090

this rather shows that somebody wants to kill Binance on purpose, maybe out of revenge, who knows. I heard some people have the power to do this, but they vehemently deny it while virtually ruining the accuser.

>> No.52912109

It's the j-(banned for racism)

>> No.52912130

risk aversion means not taking on clients rather than making conservative audits
i learned something new today
what brian actually meant by that tweet and is not understood by the board it seems is that you have to be big/rich enough to bribe the big 4 to 'audit' you where the conclusion is now beforehand
how many scams did the big 4 ever discover during audit huhn these guys are a total scam to reassure midwits both retail and .gov compliance

>> No.52912136
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>He bought the crypto meme

>> No.52912140

Yeah, they don't want to risk auditing something wrong and fuck their name for it. Like EY with Wirecard.

>> No.52912189

>require companies to have a lot in place
ESL here, what does this even mean?

>> No.52912262

A company that can't go bankrupt suddenly and completely show how worthless the big 4 are. It's a circlejerk. You pay somebody to audit you, how fuckin independent will the judgement be?

>> No.52912325

It doesn’t make much sense. He seems to be implying the big 4 only work for big, established companies

>> No.52912385

That's fucking retarded. What's the point of the audit if not everyone can get it? Do I need to be from the chosen tribe to be their client or what

>> No.52912461

>implying that Binance isn't big/rich enough to bribe auditors
>even chickenshit firm Mazars wouldn't go out on a ledge for CZ
jfc. You guys are really just committed to getting wrecked. It's like trying to reason with a kamikaze pilot who just found out his wife has an OnlyFans.

>> No.52912472
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>> No.52912475

>It's like trying to reason with a kamikaze pilot who just found out his wife has an OnlyFans.
I don't even understand this mess of an analogy.
I don't even hold/have any crypto. But it's obvious people want to drag Binance down with them. Some people are mad.

>> No.52912534

I don't hold any crypto either, but it's because what should be obvious is that the industry is riddled with fraud and scams.
I won't feel the least bit sorry for anyone who loses their asses as the whole thing collapses from Binance down.
You were warned.

>> No.52912609

midwit conclusion
always remember that a bribeable system is in itself also corrupt
so what this means is they will also be bribed to not perform certain actions
in this specific case, lets say take blackrock for instance says dont do binance are we will fuck you up; any revenue binance can bring to the table dwarfs to that proposition regardless of the rather big size of binance itself
in the end its more about connections and promises of future contracts rather then a sack with a dollar sign on it today

like others have pointed out the auditee pays for the audits in perpetuity thus there is a giant conflict of interest here as you just made the financial interests an iterated prisoners dilemma

>> No.52912728

You just killed this thread. Nobody wants to really argue here, kek

>> No.52913050

look at what happened to Arthur Andersen after they """audited""" Enron

that's why they are risk adverse

>> No.52913305

dont care i still trust my nigga CZ

>> No.52913421

I was watching this thing. He said the reason gold became used a currency was because of a touchstone. It was a stone they could rub gold on and see how pure it was. They had a way to understand the value of it. Gold has varied purities and sometimes people would just try to scam. The touchstone has no interest either way. Whats the touchstone for exchanges that we can rub it again to determine its level of actual reserves versus "contracted paper"

>> No.52913807

pretty simple not your keys not your coins, how many times must this be repeated
just send your cash buy your coins and move to your own wallet or reverse when applicable
and all of a sudden it doesnt matter anymore
funny how nobody here lost anything to ftx isnt it

>> No.52914052

I use coinbase which is audited by an american chad BIG 4 auditing company.

Thanks but im keeping my coins and keys on coinbase.