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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 178 KB, 773x707, cz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52894353 No.52894353 [Reply] [Original]

The guy is a megachad inspiration
Not worried one bit by what essentially a healthy stress test

He's making them seeth.

>> No.52894418

Go to bed CZ

>> No.52894432

Fuck CZ
Fuck Binance

>> No.52894438

CZ is unironically the best thing in crypto after Satoshi

>> No.52894440

im a little confused, where is this hatred for cz coming from?

>> No.52894460

People that lost money in FTX blame him for initiating the bank run.

>> No.52894475

it's not people who lost money, it's literal zionist jews

>> No.52894482

CZ is based. I trust this man with 80% of my wealth

>> No.52894485

Why not a 100 brother? You can do better sir, come on now

>> No.52894495

Never used FTX

Fuck Binance

>> No.52894528

M*ssad or whatever particular Intel agency was in charge of FTX is playing damage control after learning retail had enough money to collapse their ponzi when instructed to by a balding Chinese Jew. They're going to try to make an example of him.

Tldr; it's a psyop

>> No.52894529

why would stinky zionist jews use ftx?

>> No.52894554


What's done is done. But spamming a business anime board with demoralization and fud shows weakness.

>> No.52894561

Back off. I saw him first.

>> No.52894591
File: 113 KB, 500x375, 1652145340421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cz is such a chad, i can't believe he gained my admiration when i hated exchanges in the past.

But he is answering to massive non stop fud by giving vibes of calm and not bollshut.

The thing is that ftx was doing fractional reserve on crypto to the point they created the equivalent of 35% of btc mined in a year just in paper supply all while being a small exchange.

Whoever is fuding binance is angry but retarded, last thing they want is more eyes looking into ftx which is what they will get if they keep fuding binance.

The story of ftx is so dirty yet most of the media did not understood what really happened, if they were wise they would back down and consider the little media exposure as a victory.

>> No.52894624


>> No.52894630

this too

>> No.52894663

Im starting to buy his BS. He seems legit. Stoic, transparent.

>> No.52894691

Organic. get your funds off this site new fags

>> No.52894715

no OG ever liked binance, they came out of nothing and is trying to control the crypto market for years, ETH would be easily #1 by now without their doing. it's wishful thinking, but should it ever happen then the day where binance goes down will be celebrated as one of the most important days in crypto history.

>> No.52894829

ive been here since 2017 so im an 'og' and i was telling people to buy bnb in march 2018. best decision i ever made so idk what you are on about. eth flipping btc is bullshit none of these cryptos do nothing anyway at least binance knows how to make an exchange for people to trade all these random bullshit tokens

>> No.52894837

i had so much bnb, and sold it for a cube. I really should avoid the majority

>> No.52894869

bro, how many times do we need to tell you to FUCKING NEVER listen to /biz/?
It's the same with this entire fud campaign

>> No.52894870

ETH is trash. Early adopters get the rope. sorry baggie.

>> No.52894871
File: 304 KB, 428x368, 1613835559900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ive been here since 2017 so im an 'og'

>> No.52894878


>> No.52894879

fuck you inbred jewboy

>> No.52894885

also reminder that americans cant use binance (binance.us is something else) so a lot of them just hate it cuz they never used it and it has a huge market cap

>> No.52894889

i think he meant an OG for binance

>> No.52894911


>> No.52894926

newfag fuck off

based CZ btw

>> No.52894969

>people who started crypto in 2017 are now OGs
sounds funny but true, almost 6 years ago now

>> No.52896101

>ETH would be easily #1 by now without their doing
wtf I love CZ now?

>> No.52896131
File: 60 KB, 750x425, FhGUiK-UAAAEVyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52896146

I can't believe you faggots forgot about the CZ scamwicks. Fishbrained retards, all of you Binance shills

>> No.52896179

This, hopefully.

Although Satoshi is probably the NSA so maybe not.. lol

>> No.52896327

go back in your cell Sam

>> No.52896346

I want to use international binance. How do I get that going?

>> No.52896365

since when did craig work for the nsa?

>> No.52896372

Wow this DM is totally organic and unsolicited.

>> No.52896751

He wrecked a couple of oldfag whales back in the day

>> No.52896765

>ETH would be easily #1 by now without their doing.
You're making me want to buy more BNB

>> No.52896799

>Fuck literal Jesus Christ the Messiah! Oy vey!
You kikes crack me up
It's okay there will be another holocaust soon. This time for real too :-)

>> No.52896822

without following it too closely, I think when he triggered FTX' downfall he knew there would be a response, even if that kike was a degen thief, the fact he touched a jew would bring out jews to go after him to teach everyone a lesson. Hence the fud and the funds being pulled out. So I think he knows he needs to get through this, had his ducks in a row and he's confident people will come back when this blows over (where else would they go).

>> No.52897247

2022: The Chink trumps the Jew

>> No.52897252

This is correct

>> No.52897263

itt chink bots

>> No.52897952

Indeed. Used to stake my USDC in it before they fucked us over and stopped supporting it. Had to start using some jeet shillef middleware, SpoolFi or some shit to earn interest. What a time

>> No.52898909

>He didn't shitpost in amezou


>> No.52898996

(((((who))))) do you think

>> No.52899018


nigga go eat more chink shit and fuck off

>> No.52899031

>I am good
I thought his name was CZ? Holy shit he's a pathological liar

>> No.52899379

When Binance stops shorting and naked selling XMR I can retract my "FUCK BINANCE"

>> No.52899600


>> No.52899726

he’s just as ruthless as any other competent business man, stop lionising him

>> No.52899810

ETH is currently a mangled and twisted up version of what it was supposed to be, and it still doesn't really do anything

>> No.52899938

Jews booty mad they can’t control the chinaman. Simple as.

>> No.52899968

Jew bros how do we win back the goyim's trust from the Chinese? We can't keep letting them win...

>> No.52900638


>> No.52900891

I would sacrifice my life for CZ

>> No.52901219

Eth is a scam ran by a retarded pedophile, enjoy your $100 gas faggot

>> No.52901260

>chink posts totally real conversation about how bad we should feel for him

>> No.52901276

From "them".

>> No.52901289

The problem is the huge outflow right now, 20bn and counting, if balances do not meet liabilities soon enough they will have to stop the withdraws...

>> No.52901299


>> No.52901429

Oy vey!

>> No.52901433

its fine dude, 20 bn is nothing to cz, people are just over reacting just because he doesn't believe in audits lol, you guys need to understand his position he can't just divulge all the balances and liabilities to a third party it's not safe like showing some random your bank account lol its weird

>> No.52902579

He just knows the jews are after him:
>oust Hayes
>put SBF in
>shill regulation
>kill FTX (making them billions btw)
>get reason for regulation
>move on to next exchange aka CZ
>use common tried and tested jewish tactics: he's crazy, 4 girls come out and say he raped them, bombard plebbit and other news websites with how bad he is, etc. just like they did for trump and musk
>oust CZ from binance
>put jewish regulated exchanges in place where your trading fee is 60% + your foreskin

>> No.52902602

For me it's not hatred, I just don't trust anyone anymore. I read that and I feel like Binance is going to die tomorrow. Idk

>> No.52902767

Hating on CZ is Zionist in nature, you can tell the Jews and poorfsgs apart from how they react to CZ call it a litmus test if you will

>> No.52902805

Thanks for the post WEF

>> No.52903233

> where is this hatred for cz coming from?
Scam Bankrun Fraud's army of paid Bulgarian shills.

>> No.52903315

No OG thinks ETH should be #1, GTFO scammer, this is not a board for charlatans.

>> No.52903331

>oust Hayes
Kek this is funny because bitmex is still going strong and even launched their own exchange token recently.
The glowies putting Arthur in jail did nothing to harm bitmex.