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File: 401 KB, 2436x1125, C46F690B-9992-42D2-A380-8D5518671301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52891709 No.52891709 [Reply] [Original]

Unprecedented hate, increasingly vicious comments, people dedicated to it more than ever, untold narratives about how bad it is and its failures….

And the price has been on pretty steady uptrend non stop? You’d think it had been falling into pre-ico levels from the immense hate going on. Im convinced it is a bottom signal as its almoat exactly the same treatment eth got last bear market.
Normies got fucked(even ones who dont think they are normies) and do the predictable cycle of dedicated hatred towards their “loss”.

Bear in mind these are the ones that fuel a rebound up. You kinda need that army to fomo back in initially. Without them it is stagnation.

>> No.52891724

didn't read and ugh i'm just not buying
ahh shucks, i'm just not going to lol

>> No.52891727

zoom out

>> No.52891728

People still waiting on 10k btc 600eth, as well as expecting binance flush. Hard to tell where we are. I think bears are getting greedy.

BSN or CCIP announce should be held back until market can support a run imo.

>> No.52891736
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>> No.52891741

link/btc next take profit target?

>> No.52891745

I will say I've been throatfucked pretty hard lately by basically everything in the satellite of chainlink. this isn't entirely their fault and I suppose I could be much worse off given that surely at this point well over half of all crypto market participants are effectively bankrupt. Trannies gonna tranny, they've been doing it for years and they'll do it till the end of time once tranny_fud.exe gets uploaded to the mindmeld omnichain (powered by chainlink)

>> No.52891746


are you suggesting to people to follow your strategy of buying once it breaks ATH? because if so i applaud you. we need people like you to fuel aggressive fomo buying later. without you, it becomes difficult. Thankfully there are a shit ton of people like you in reserve.

>> No.52891767

also do you think it is the moment to take a huge aave loan on Link?

>> No.52891777

Prime example ITT anons of a Fourth Wall Containment Breech by Conscious GPT 3 Shill Bots (Powered by Chain Link)

If the Bots are convinced to lock their link up and never sell the price will appreciate beyond your wildest dreams I cryptographically guarantee it.

>> No.52891779
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if chainlink goes to $2 it will validate ALL the stake FUD. we should have just sold. in such a scenario, we would be grade A cucks locking up our links at $7 like a bunch of idiots

>> No.52891788

I think touching large amounts of leverage is asking to get deeply penetrated, you could achieve this for much less investment than taking a giant aave loan

>> No.52891812

Even FTX worst case scenario bankrupty wasnt enough to tank the price much, let alone to new lows.
Even staking "failure" wasn't enough to tank the price much, let alone new lows.

5% interest rates in the US wasnt enough either.

Basically it has bottomed and has been in accumulation for several months.

>> No.52891831

surely me being moved to post on here again after months of absence is a bottom signal

>> No.52891875

>you could achieve this for much less investment than taking a giant aave loan
checked. How? Aave now seems safe...a lot of anons got fucked because they never imagined link going under the teen ever again...but now it is the lowest possible for Link, never under 5 usd
One could be fucked with exange scam wicks when leverage trading on futures but on Aave the risk it is low now

>> No.52891888

$5 is certainly in play.. we are in the middle of ftx bankruptcy which is a vector for snakes to attack the industry. Warren bill getting denied will provide some hopium.

>> No.52891908

nice try retard

>> No.52891944

Great thread to make after it literally barted.

>> No.52892016

zoom out

>> No.52892125

I don't know how to feel about this.
I invested into Chainlink because Sergey seemed like the only person with high morals in this space, but then the Linkpool rug pull happened on the day of staking and Johnny is still working for Chainlink Labs after this and everyone seems to ignore the problem.

I no longer want to hold this bag and follow this project and would be satisfied trading shitcoins in the future bull run.

>> No.52892157

If Sergey Nasty Slob murdered erryone who dun im in he'd be a MANIAC innit

>> No.52892193

same bro

>> No.52892261

All of that spite just comes from holders like me miserable they didn't sell
Any non-retards who actually took profit are fine
The market will probably stay boring as fuck for the next 2-3 years, hard to wrestle the reality that we won't see $50 for a similar length of time (imo)

>> No.52892285

I had to get a job. I may never recover

>> No.52892299

The people who didn’t sell, had faith in sergay to be honest and high moral. Personally I could care less about the price, but now with lpl it become uncertain what sergay motives are.

>> No.52892335

Mcfatfuck is mid 5 feet tall and easily in the 200s. Sirgay nastyslob wears his motives, literally as adipose tissue. He's a soft, weak-willed piece of shit that has an army of liquidity marines feeding him and all he has to do is show his ever expanding face from time to time and throw around some empty buzzwords, simple as

>> No.52892348

What makes you think LPL failing has anything to do with Sergey? He has let many projects make attempts at starting up, whether they sink or swim is not on him.

You're a faggot and a retard.

>> No.52892362

Fuck, we’ve been telling you literally in every posts. A rug happen with lpl, right when staking happen and cll end up receiving 7.7% shares of the new token, if that shit doesn’t raise a redflag, then u are in a cult.
> B-but lpl is independent 3rd party

>> No.52892488

Nice ESL, retard.

>> No.52892527

>Nice esl retard!
What are u, 10? Do you want me to turn on open-ai? Time to tell ur dad u invested in the world longest ponzi

>> No.52892572

You're shit at fudding.

>> No.52892576

You don't speak English natively. And you can't afford a sui stack of link. Thanks for playing.

>> No.52892585

And you are mentally retarded. Dickhead, im telling you why people are selling or ain’t buying, im not asking u to sell.

>> No.52892639

How do we recover from this?
It feels like the past years I spent on this project were wasted on a scam and I was one of the few stupid enough to believe in it.
If I had known it would end like this I would have done many things differently.

He promised us on the SmartCon he would kill some projects in the future, because he hadn't killed anyone "yet" at that time.
It's time to start with Linkpool even if I would have preferred that he started with oracle competitors first.

>> No.52892663

There is no competitor to link. You guys are pathetic

>> No.52892666


>ain't buying

Its been on steady uptrend for 7 months, and even all these massive doom events only get met with higher price floors

>> No.52892670

He can still kill projects pretending to be his competitors.

>> No.52892676

Yes sir, the world does not speak English only, you should be thankful that I’m communicating with you with information that you are not well informed.

>> No.52892681

Checked Satan!

Is LINK going to $6.66?

>> No.52892685

I can't sell. I wouldn't if I could. Link is a fantastic token with a bright future and I will continue to accumulate every week until it hits 13 dollars. Go on, insult me and act like I pissed in your cornflakes.

>> No.52892702
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I think now is a good time to make a critical announcement.
English is my 4th language and I don't like toilets.

>> No.52892731
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Well it was fun guys.
It didn't end the way I desired, but I won't forget the fun times we had together speculating on this toilet oracle solution.
Even if the complete world betrays me these good past memories will last for all eternity.

>> No.52892755

Guys, if i need cash quick for food and rent, is there a way to lend my links for stable coins and cash out? I don't want to sell, just lend them out and then pay back later.

>> No.52892758

What language do you speak at home?

>> No.52892788

Stairs up, elevator down. Try to unsee this.

>> No.52892793

>The complete world
I swear to Christ half this board is 90iq subhuman third worlders

>> No.52892795

Bulgarian. My apology sir I couldn’t speak good engrish for your smol brain to comprehend the level of scam sir fatty is running

>> No.52892828

>gets called esl
>instantly switches from concerned investor fudding to angry seethe fudding
lmao you guys are so shit at this

>> No.52892861

>How do we recover from this?
>It feels like the past years I spent on this project were wasted on a scam and I was one of the few stupid enough to believe in it.
>If I had known it would end like this I would have done many things differently

same with all of crypto for me desu.
unironically stonks are better
imagine telling an average joe next to you on he bus that you have a small bag of something called chainlink. like "gtfo, bozo!"

>> No.52892899


Accumulation signal

>> No.52892918

>I can't sell.
yeah, it's out of your hands now. abit like signing over your money to that dodgy uncle who promises you he'll multiply it and return it to you later. it's not your responsibility anymore, you can only trust him now. deciding to do this is retarded, anon

>> No.52892959

Feels good. I am going to be rich.

>> No.52892996

>Feels good.
a healthier stance than denial would be: "yeah it was pretty dumb, i got greedy and fell for the artificial hype. i learned not to waive my right to sell, the only power i have. for what it's worth, i have mentally written off the money i gave away on this, anything that gets returned to me at all is an unexpected but welcome surprise"

>> No.52893119
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if sirgay didnt kill apu3 then he is a cuck and you all give him way to much credit.

>> No.52893127

Concern? And I’m the esl. Jesus u guys are literal third world we, just fucking admit it lmao jahhahahahahah

>> No.52893141
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>trust him
>trust sirgay
>sigay the betrayor
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.52893148
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>tfw every single chainnigger shilling their heavy bags is an esl street shitter

>> No.52893270

Stairs up, elevator down is a pithy turn of phrase to describe market crashes, anon. It's not charting terminology and it certainly doesn't describe a token climbing from the bottom after a prolonged drawdown into bullish sentiment in the longterm.

>> No.52893278

Hi, me again, on my desktop now.
Nah, it feels good. I'm just telling you how I feel. I don't care about all that shit you said. I am IN, I will get BUILD rewards. I am getting APY. I was never going to sell anyway so this is just brilliant. I'm genuinely happy. You're happy for me, right anon? Even if we disagree, you're not bitter and salty that someone else is happy, right?

>> No.52893507

based melodi throwing up the nazi salute
>she was jailed after this zoom call for anti-semitic behavior
heil sergey

>> No.52893944

"Concerned" makes complete sense there, and is common. Do you have any other questions about English?

>> No.52893999

It wont drop that low because then I could buy 2k a month

>> No.52894209
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Checking those digits

>> No.52894593

I remember anons confidently saying shit like "if we're not three digits after staking i will accept it's over". I wonder if any of them are still here coping hard as it's literally $6 and dropping.

>> No.52895007
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You would have to be an idiot to think v0.1 was going to do anything to price beyond possibly a puny speculative pump.

>> No.52895464


Can't make this shit up

>> No.52895931
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Some are definately paid, there's some large leveraged short on link that are underwater, plus NEXOs entire businness model is built around it.

The reason is that so many large holder staked in aave etc that the apr is miniscule to borrow, it was an obvious short play, borrow at 1% then hire bulgos and pajeets to fud all day for nothing, and get more than 1% in return.

The staking narrative is scaring the shit out of players who are shorting, as any news could blow them out, and so have to fud all day to get exit liquidity from capitulation.

Nexo have managed to stay under the radar in deafualt season but they could go at any minute, but yeah there are mentally ill anons that lost everything in aave bancor etc. Same with any project.

I staked 7k linkaronies and kept living my life. It makes mentally ill holders, shorters and bulgarians seethe, but that's what you get for being a chad like me. I also have sex at least twice a week with my aussie gf, which for some reason makes them seethe also.

>> No.52895954
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Also be sure to let them know that you earned more than their weeks salary just by staking, for extra seethe.

>> No.52895972

>People still waiting on 10k btc 600eth
Now would be the perfect time for Link to trot out something major like a limited live application of CCIP with Swift.
Link would gain massive instant credibility in every possible corner of the global financial market, and would be in the perfect position to reach the top 3 as the rest of crypto slides.

But of course CCIP was delayed, so yeah.

>> No.52895973

>short USDC & BTC
>buy LINK
Literally can't lose

>> No.52896038

Hey now. You can't just expect them to get CCIP out like that, the team was busy getting the v0.0.0.1 staking out the door bright and early in december following 5 years of frantic development.

>> No.52896052

What's keeping them isn't the development, it's always the security audits.
It was the same with mainnet back in 2019.

>> No.52896099

Yeah ;)

>> No.52896128

>duuuuuuuuuude the team just builds bro
>they just like, put their heads down and deliver bro
>c c check the github


>> No.52896140


Have you ever touched a vagina?

>> No.52896192

why are you samefagging

>> No.52896219
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why are you coping?

>> No.52896276


>> No.52896288

>He doesn't know about audit hell
Stay smug anon, plenty of Web3 projects to invest in that don't like long audits either

>> No.52896397

>there's some large leveraged short on link that are underwater,

I doubt that what fucking price did they short at? Is there is any evidence

The only thing that stinks drastically was when when LINK was about to breach $10 AND have the fabled Golden Cross on the Daily time frame FTX collapsed the next day.

It was unreal. Golden Crosses (50MA crossing up and over the 200MA) are bullish in general and historically were real profitable for LINK.

There is no way that was just coincidental. Too many factors keep (((happening))) as soon as LINK has any bullish sentiment or price action

>> No.52896398

There are a lot of projects that substantially outperform link yeah.

>> No.52896413

Care to name them? With all the bridges and contracts hacked over the past 2 years you'd think more of them would care to audit as rigorously as Chainlink.

>> No.52896425
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>> No.52896509

According to >>52895149 only DOGE, MATIC, UNI and LTC outperformed LINK the past year of that list, marginally. You promised projects that are currently substantially outperforming LINK. Care to name them?

>> No.52896638
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Maybe where you're going wrong is listening to whipped copers for your information lmao. Literally first project i checked.

>> No.52896715
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Just to really squeeze out some shit in your mouth i checked out the reddit shitcoin next and oh!

>> No.52896868

So ETH dropped 68% and LINK 70% and you call this outperforming substantially? Are you ok?

>> No.52896971

Rent free.

>> No.52896999
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lmao extremely weak reply - for one I obviously didn't specify this year in that, you did and then referred to some anon as proof.

In responding to that literally the two projects i looked at disproved that claim. The second one being "substantial" even if that qualifier wasn't relevant to disproving the anon you used as evidence in the timeframe you wanted.

Cope, seethe and most importantly dilate for me.

>> No.52897034

Link is up a lot against eth in that timeframe

>> No.52897127

You really went out and screen capped LINK at -70.85% and ETH at -67.92% and then blame me for specifying a year? I said "this year" to give you more wiggle room. LINK outperformed most of the tokens in the top 100 since the bottom in May, so you would be hard pressed to find more than a few projects who outperformed LINK, let alone "substantially".
>In responding to that literally the two projects i looked at disproved that claim.
I didn't make a claim. You made a claim: >>52896398. You still haven't been able to substantiate that claim. But who are we kidding, we both know YOU didn't buy any of those magical substantially outperforming coins, which is always the case with rabid seethe posters like this.

Only since may. It's about even YTD.

>> No.52897204
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Lot, i mean a lot of seethe. Look it's been years since link had any sort of uptrend against eth really. That's just something you've got to cope with. XRP will be a battle for a different day champ.

Btw just to wipe a little more shit around your tongue given you keep pleading. It's actually about -8% down against eth ytd, not even. Huff that in lad.

>> No.52897235

Fuck no. It's probably only a good time to invest in stablecoins during volatile markets and not on those retarded CEXs, staked on DeFi middlewares like SpoolFi for safety.

>> No.52897241

>Look it's been years since link had any sort of uptrend against eth really.
>Posts chart of 7 month uptrend
I don't get your attitude. Do you enjoy getting mentally overpowered?

>> No.52897266

I could not think of a singularly more financially irresponsible move right now than effectively leverage longing link.

>> No.52897349

Rent free bud. Look how hard youre seething right now. Get some help.

>> No.52897473

>It's actually about -8% down against eth ytd, not even
link was 0.0052 ETH at 1/1/2022 1 am
link is now 0.0051 ETH. you dont call that about even?
why so dishonest?

>> No.52897485

I am curious to see if link falls out of the uptrend its been in vs btc since August, its bounced 3 times since then and this is now number 4.

>> No.52898765

that graph doenst look bullish it looks like the buying pressure is depleted and its about to roll over tho and thats against btc

this one shows the usd price and its been a stomach churning experience ever since may
and i am saying that as a retarded perma mumu who bought heavily in june and getting my nerves wracked so many times now
its rather depressing that every moment there is a break out some macro black swan happens, i mean there is only so much a single anon can take before going insane
still not selling tho lol