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52862619 No.52862619 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins Chainlink reputation

GG no re

>> No.52862645

Chainlink is ruining its reputation by not acknowledging it.

>> No.52862648

remember dmg

>> No.52862663

what the fuck are they even doing? Are they waiting for it to die down? Because it won't. Chainlink and moreover Linkpool holders are the most obsessed autistic crowd in crypto, they had them on their side now they will have them shitting every public mention or appearance from them

>> No.52862673
File: 162 KB, 628x360, 1671022290469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im lost for words. It just doesnt make sense.

>> No.52862682

This situation is way more fucked up than dmg.

>> No.52862683

pool = closed

>> No.52862697

yeah thanks for reminding us this was premedited

>> No.52862709

lmao you dumb horse rimmer retards

Chainlink has explicitly said numerous times that Linkpool is not official Chainlink and all their services are entirely third party, yet you still drank the koolaid. now enjoy your closed pool and speedrunning all the stages of grief trying to find a different culprit than you yourself

>> No.52862736

>Chainlink has explicitly said numerous times that Linkpool is not official Chainlink and all their services are entirely third party

then why did they get shares airdropped for free?

>> No.52862738

Jonny is on the chainlink team, sure looks bad for chainlink. But i guess they will do everything to cut their connection to early holders.

>> No.52862740

Cursory due diligence on dmg led to shoddy auto loans and other nonsense. Linkpool was always tolled as equity in an elite node operator, with rev share from current jobs and promise of new verticals
>tfw the betrayal is real

>> No.52862763

all of the past few years has been a gigantic test to make it. yield farming was appealing but fucked you, lpl sounded fantastic but fucked you, swinging link on centralized exchanges fucked you. all you had to do was be patient and now us stinkers are at the ground floor to finally making it.

>> No.52862783

that's on Linkpool. you can create some service and give shares to Chainlink as well, doesn't make your service suddenly as an official Chainlink service
>Third party and unofficial delegation systems should be viewed as an experiment that are independent from the Staking v0.1 beta
plenty of people working for Chainlink have different third party services as well. Linkpool was never official Chainlink, never ever. and when I told you that fact for years the only response I got was "well uhhhhhhh where else would you stake duhhhhh pools closed". you were literally just speculating on third party services

>> No.52862797

>Chainlink has explicitly said numerous times that Linkpool is not official Chainlink
congratulations LINKtard, the 12 biggest node ops in the LINKchain are now a cartel and can safely be considered compromised. You think Linkpoolers were dumb and smug ? Look in the mirror and look at the even biggers smug retard, not realizing the contagion of the situation.

>> No.52862810
File: 162 KB, 1080x849, lpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am financially ruined, in terms of my linkpool investment. we still have a chance for change until chainlink acknowledges sdl, keep trying bros

>> No.52862817

more money to gain for being honest then to try and game the system.

>> No.52862834

nice FOTM buzzword
did you have money in FTX too cuckie?

>> No.52862839
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If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.52862864

>that's on Linkpool. you can create some service and give shares to Chainlink as well

that's on Chainlink to acknowledge receiving that. They also said it was to align incentives, what incentives are they talking about? Is this going to influence Chainlink development decisions? You cannot just say they aidropped us shares but we have nothing to do with it, they have to come clear

Also, Jonny is a chainlink employee, nice gift to his employer innit?

Finally, all nodes are kyc'd to bootstrap the network with trust instead of truth in the beginning. If one of the node is breaking the trust this should be adressed by Chainlink

>> No.52862875

kek, not my keys not my coins, no, i never held a large proportion of anything longer than maybe a couple weeks on any CEX and never used FTX. And my loss on stink.link is negligible financially speaking.

>> No.52863378

That is for the BUILD initiative.
stake.link is cooperating with Chainlink and they had to give part of their coins to them

>> No.52863491

feels good being an ICO holder and watching eveyrone after you get BTFO. Sorry chaps, but this market isnt made for you

>> No.52863582

>feels good seeing my unrealized gains vaporizing before my eyes as long as you guys lost some money

>> No.52863644

it's their new damage control narrative

>only ICO holders had promises made to them and they did not even loose any money!

>> No.52863650

not him (obviously) but yes seeing your adversaries fail is better

>> No.52863676

>loser mentality
only winning AND seeing enemies fail is better than winning.

>> No.52863681
File: 809 KB, 1424x1424, sergey working on staking 0.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink reputation

>> No.52863689

no that's the conan mentality
and compared to poolboy faggots I won

>> No.52863770

Are linkpool holders the biggest cry babbies in crypto? You bought an unironic security, with a few eth when eth was worth peanuts, for an absolute shitcoin made by some chav autist in his bedroom, serving zero actual purpose and with absolutely zero liquidity, yet you still got like a fucking x500 that you could have maybe sold to each other (the dozen of other arrogant autists serving as the only liquidity), while every other 2017 ICOs imploded to zero, for the last three fucking years you still received like 40% of the linkpool nodes revenues and behaved like the most arrogant fuckers on this board, gloating about illiquid gains that somehow outperformed LINK itself, despite all level headed linkies kept telling you there would be many other alternatives for retail to stake and your model didn't make sense. Now the horse rimmer in chief fucked you up with a shady token relaunch cutting you off from their direct revenues and diluting you to fuck by printing new tokens and given them for free to their competitors, but you still get priority access to their node staking and 20% of multi node rewards revenues, you're still way up compared to initial compared to the rest of the market that got murdered by this bear market and you're still whining hoping for some pity and sympathy? Lol fuck off and fuck you. I'm glad sirgay fucked you over by letting us plebs stake without some not needed third party scam token.

>> No.52863776

Most pool boys are OG linkies and have stacks you can only dream of

>> No.52863794

Hi Eric, did you know there is a price on your head?

>> No.52863822

is that the latest cope?

>> No.52864095

you guys haven't even started to process how fucked you are. You can downplay it how much you want, Jonny would still be in his basement posting here if it wasn't for the cry babies supporting him. You betrayed, expect consequences

>> No.52864168

If we get SDL Build drops, that'd be the ultimate insult to Linkpool investors.

> all you had to do was buy link

>> No.52864185

lame cope

>> No.52864311

Saying 20% is misleading you twat. It’s 20% of 7% spilt between 260 million sdc tokens

>> No.52864502

we did the calculation in some other thread. 12500 SDL (25k LPL or 1 original LP share) would give you about half a dollar per year at the current rate. anyone wanting to sell SDL as good works directly for SDL or chainlink (because it shits up their rep too).

>> No.52864519

sorry, forgot to mention that would be at $81000 per LINK and current reward rates.

>> No.52864821

chainlink itself has ruined its rep lmfao

>> No.52866147

what is this calculator that must have been recently added?

>> No.52866171

i can't tell if this new fud angle is being pushed by salty poolers or the classic discord trannys. either way lmao at your life.

>> No.52866291

two things:
.no sdl calculator (lol)
.if they handle community pool this will dilute the rewards (double lol)

>> No.52866320

could be that they're one and the same

>> No.52866703

A wild Chainlink Labs employee appeared! It used "ad hominem". It's not very effective

>> No.52866957

I've been off the internet for a year. QRD on what is going on here?

>> No.52867080

jonneh pulled the rug

>> No.52867104

Who the fuck is Jonneh?
I've had 3K linkies sitting around for years, but I haven't kept up on the news at all. Kind of forgot about them.

>> No.52868955

because jonny is a retard and thinks this is how he legitimizes the project.

>> No.52869047

Mat stop

>> No.52869107

jonathan huxtable from sheffield

>> No.52869424

i'm buying. keep fudding

>> No.52869448

Remember when vitalik got all this dog shitcoins?

>> No.52869511

>trusting some 3rd party nigger with your linkies
lol morons

>> No.52870046

Kek at all the linkdroolers coping. There's a reason most OGs went all in Link. LPL was always retarded. Now you try to drag us into it with you and act like Chainlink is responsible. You're all fucking retarded losers and I hope you lose the kys to your little tiny Link stacks.

t. 80k Link OG

>> No.52870217

Smug cunts got what they deserve.
>pool's closed
Haha get fucked, faggots, should have bought link, retards

>> No.52870292

>Jonny "Horserimmer" from Linkpool works/worked? for Chainlink Labs since 12/2018
>Rugged his "investors"
>Created a cartel with the 12 biggest nodes of the network
>Gave Chainlink Labs 7.7% stake in said cartel
>all of them KYC by Sergey
>almost all projects associated with Chainlink rugged
>Bancor, BlockFi, FTX, Celsius, Gemini, LadyLuck, TerraLuna, Moab
>Nexo has not
>Calls his convention "Smart Con" like any good narcissist would do to see if they get away with it
There's a hundred more things I could count up that stink but I'd say that's pretty damning you dumb fuck. Has anything of the above EVER been adressed ? No? I wonder why, maybe that is a major red flag and reason for FUD?

btw I'm not endorsing Nexo, I just think they are not associates of Sergey's scam circle and hence the reason for the Nexo FUD here.

>> No.52870298

Linkpool does infra for Link you brainlet. The fact that sergey is always around scammers is definitely fishy.

>> No.52870310

>used cars on the blockchain

>> No.52870383

>Hey guys I've got a job with a real company so now I don't need to run my scam anymore!
>thanks so much for your support it wouldn't have been possible without you

>> No.52870397

>8 projects out of 1600
The absolute mathematical capacity of seethepoolers lmao

>> No.52870423

how many of those 1600 "projects" appeared at "Smart Con" ?

>> No.52870476

70 or so?

>> No.52870603

Your Bulgarian flag is showing.

>> No.52870665

'ello 'ello wots all this 'en hey come on down the pub lads n we'll have a nice chat about it man to man over a couple a pints. whats a couple a quid between s few frens hey? no hard feelin's then guvnor you'll be right as rain in the morrow!

>> No.52870710

>muh nexo
yeah, they're probably the same kind of scammers but because they don't work with sergey his associates like (you) shit on them.

>> No.52870718

Holy shit anon. They accuse of you of what they are doing. The whole nexo thing just clicked.

>> No.52870776

He's Norf FC not Souf FC.

>> No.52870799

btw, notice how the catalog is being filled with dumb frog posts ? gotta get that shit out of the catalog...

>> No.52870801

>Bancor: a lot
>Celcius: A bit, generally laughed at as centralized
>BlockFi: Never? I don't ever remember seeing blockfi get shilled.

>> No.52870838

I'll translate for you cos I'm feeling nice

>Eyup chuck, hows it going? hey come t'pub down road lads n we'll have a nice natter about it man to man over a cheeky pint. What's a couple a quid tween a few frens, ey? No hard feelin's then pal, you'll be reet as rain in come the mornin'!

>> No.52870877

where are ari's assassination contracts when you need them

>> No.52871061

I fell for the bancor scam. Got what I deserved in the end. Still don't think Chainlink is comped

>> No.52871136

Buying what?

>> No.52871476

lmao you cucks are pathetic
three for free kek seeing 42 get burned like this warms my heart truly this is a Christmas miracle praise Jesus Christ is king