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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52858201 No.52858201 [Reply] [Original]

How many people on /biz have started their own biz and only lost money

>> No.52858205

well he has a bad business then lol
the market filtered him

>> No.52858236

I started a farm

my family already owned the property it was just full of old junk

I spent a decent amount of money to get started a few k

it's a farm so I won't realize the profit potential until farmers markets come around again, and I could buy a few more things to be at a threshold of profit to sell to wholesalers, and at this location like half of the building is filled with more fucking junk that my family owns, assuming all of that is cleared out in the next 10 years or so I could make double the amount on it

overall, I feel great about it

>> No.52858254

also, why start a business in the city, dumb as hell, find a rustbelt town with rich boomers and then provide a service

>> No.52858264

>Have a business idea
>Don't know how to code
>Stuck being a wagie
>The cycle continues

>> No.52858281

my cope on that front is that I wouldn't have the money to manage my website properly anyways so I'll wait till I have more cash anyways

>> No.52858302

also lol at britain, should have left 250 years ago

>> No.52858306

I'm literally begging a bank to open up an account for me, but they have no faith at all. They keep trying to think of excuses why not to open my account, even though I've done the corporate filings perfectly.

This is my 3rd time trying with them. Should I just give up and use one of my personal checking accounts? My business does not make money right now, but IT WILL.

The death of many businesses is the financial institutions, who don't believe in startups, and only want your money when you're (((established))).

>> No.52858305

>family fund baby thinks he's a successful businessman
many such cases

>> No.52858319

I do Airbnb/VRBO that are stupid expensive on islands people have never heard of and they are busy as fuck.
Cater to the rich right now, they won't feel a recession ever again lol

>> No.52858327

>money to manage a website
More like brain points.

>> No.52858337

sorry your family is poor even though they lived through the most prosperous time in history

really just a unfortunate case of low iq genes

yes my family owns 1 building that they filled with bullshit that will never make anyone any fucking money so being a man, I decided to put it to use

>> No.52858348

You don’t have the brain to hire someone to code

>> No.52858355

>starts a farm
>gets called a family fund baby
Yo we're all going to die lmfao, people think growing the food we need to survive is a rich people thing

>> No.52858358

my family was middleclass but didn't give me a cent, I made it from crypto
but I get that you have to make up strawmen to defend inheriting your business

>> No.52858360

a sportsbook on the darknet takes more brainpoints than I have allocated to that task, also might need employees

imagine an illegal sportsbook only dealing in monero on the darknet but also one that is fair and isn't a blatant scam, no one likes taxes on gambling

>> No.52858370


>> No.52858372

We talked about this the other night. You would get killed by glowies/mafia/cartel if you make that shit.

>> No.52858374

you're not entitled to labor

>> No.52858387

there was no business until I came up with the idea and did a lot of research on growing the specific thing I will grow

it just would have been a boomer shed full of rusty old shit and broken 5 gallon buckets

they would have sold the building and everything in it if I didn't stand up and say hey, this is actually valuable, fuck off cunts

>> No.52858388

wake up bro it is
it's all monopolized at this point, to be competitive with a small business you need to be starting with significant capital already

the ladder is being pulled up
covid was the last straw to legit small business

>> No.52858390

> Made it from crypto
So you did nothing

>> No.52858400

a lot of people have that idea, but yes, that's why I can't afford it but it would be based

>> No.52858408

I know man, was just being spiteful cause this is biz
gl with the farm

>> No.52858414

>electric bill is 90k
why does every shitty bar have 10 tvs on the walls

>> No.52858417

I didn’t start a business but I invested $150k in someone else’s

>> No.52858421

luck is my first and last name

>> No.52858434

Dude what? Do you live in the US?

>> No.52858447

i make some creative agency business but my designers just quit to design on their own term or do freelance because they hate deadlines.
the future is bleak anon

>> No.52858455

Because the kind of mongoloids that hang out at bars need sports at all times

>> No.52858484

also called the stock market, or you losing money

>> No.52858504

Straight up come to post this same fucking thing. What is wrong with zoomers? You all know someone grows your food right?

>> No.52858512


I am in the US. You'd be surprised. I thought it was maybe just this bank, so but I tried to open an account with Vanguard instead (brokerages are superior to deposit accounts anyway, and have cash management features). Now Vanguard has they've been dragging their feet as well.

AML = Anti-Money Laundering Laws, might have something to do with it?

I truly believe that no one wants to take the risk on a new business, they believe your business is destined to fail, and they are offering YOU a favor to open an account that will be closed later anyway. Fuck them, I wish I could just operate it purely in crypto or something.

>> No.52858538

So at the very least this anon putting in the initiative is going to be able to feed his family?

>> No.52858550

I’ve started 2 business.

First one I sold for 250k. I immediately started a second business that I am currently running. I’m 33.

Ask anything.

>> No.52858558

How did the strikes account for 50%+? Fucking Kek!

>> No.52858566

I know that I'm lucky to be able to do what I'm doing but if I was in any other position I would still choose to start a farm

it's the best job on earth imo, it feels like you're actually accomplishing something, everyone needs to eat

if I couldn't do what I'm doing now, I'd buy some unzoned land somewhere and raise chickens

>> No.52858576

why sell the business, when you could pass it onto potential sons or just "manage" it until your death leeching profits off as the owner

>> No.52858584

Based anon, it's unironically my dream too. Just looking for the right piece of land. Hard manual work outdoors, in the soil builds the soul

>> No.52858623


They’re 1000 businesses you can start without a loan and without a business bank account

>> No.52858629

look up the market gardener, and curtis stone

they made 6 figs growing food in backyards in cities, and on simple 2 acre plots, really inspiring, if you're a third world fag probably not possible

also of course joel salatin, and other "property managers", boomers have a ton of land that they don't use, if you offer to pay them more than the taxes to "rent it" manage it etc, and graze animals people also make a ton of money on that

>> No.52858637

No this is because UK energy prices are sky high

>> No.52858657

Both good channels, I'm lucky I'm in a country with a lot of farmers market opportunities too. And land prices are primed to drop here because we don't have 30 year fixed rates like burgers.

>> No.52858659


I got fatigued and tired and bored and just didn’t want anything to do with that industry anymore. A big cash check to just walk away and live a different life was really appealing.

Any business you start becomes your life and sometimes your life needs a reset

>> No.52858661

fucking retard should close during winter maybe?

>> No.52858670

Stock market is publicly traded equity this was private equity.
I opened a checking account for my LLC in like 10 minutes. Just use a different bank

>> No.52858675

>help a shitskin arab moroccan
>his bznz scheme and influx of contracts were fake in the end
>file police report
>never do bznz with sandniggers again
>become wagie in engineering

>> No.52858679

Not that straight forward, I assume he would still have to pay rent and connection fees regardless, along with the insurance and licensing costs. Also good luck trying to find new employees every year who know what they're doing

>> No.52858703

>close during the winter
>lay off your entire staff
>rehire all new people in the spring
>you still have to pay your lease btw

>> No.52858725

tradefag or online

>> No.52858754

I'm starting to feel like we're pretty fucking doomed if people don't understand basic principles like this. And also calling people wanting to grow food fund babies, how did we all devolve into Zimbabwe tier economic understanding so quickly

>> No.52858811
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I've created a few businesses that ultimately failed (my fault, of course).

Allow me to share some brutal blackpills about the starting a business in today's times:
> YouTube & the rest of social media ultimately ruined entrepreneurship by not just oversaturating the market, but literally hyper-saturating every single niche in existence by giving everyone the fantasy of "if i can make it, so can you! just do x y and z outlined in these vids and tiktoks and you'll be good" - once you follow through every single tutorial and instruction video (obviously ignoring famous YouTube gurus obvious bullshit), you'll eventually be saddled with the brutal blackpill - that everyone else on the fucking planet is strategizing and wanting the same exact thing as you, so not only are you dealing with saturation from the obvious dead meme business ideas (dropshipping, print on demand, etc.), but people are thinking the same thing as you in that they're going to the underground business idea videos and shorts with few views and they're already pouncing on that niche.
>Read the above point over and over again and let the blackpill set in.

I could write and entire novel about my personal failures in business and what I learned. As far as my personal businesses failing, that was my fault because I didn't bother to research my niches' audiences well enough. There needs to be a market for what you're providing or making, obviously first of all, and the other thing is you'll need to stand out above the millions of others you're now competing with in the brutal modern marketplace, thanks to social media sabotaging everything once again. It isn't just dating that social media ruined, but it's also just social life and business ventures in general.

Rant over. I know my perspective isn't entirely perfect and narrow visioned in ways, but I did unveil the inconvenient blackpill that triggers so many "thAT's noT TruEE!!!!" larpers out there.

>> No.52858814

making that shit rn and am.going to be so rich that I can hire devils to kill other devils

>> No.52858851


A trade baby!

People need floors put down.

>> No.52858882

We're doomed because niggers like you don't understand that all the kings and governments are working together to enslave humanity a la Atlantis.

>> No.52858903

I understand that too. I'm referencing the anon who told him to close his business for half the year.

>> No.52858919

Literally only God can save us brother. Whether it's in this life or the next is another story.

>> No.52858922

has anyone here started a meme business like a laundromat or carwash?

>> No.52858945

SBF tried his hand at running a laundromat, look how that turned out.

>> No.52858952

nobody will be able to afford a floor or a house soon so probably a good decision, or everyone will be able to afford it because vaxxie die off and mass chaos

>> No.52859003

I was going to watch a youtube video about a guy who bought a laundromat but it was clickbait and I didn't have the energy to hear how much bank he was making

>> No.52859032

supposedly laundromats have a good success rate and return on investment, but it seems like the nature of them is that you have to deal with low-lifes. at least around me, you don't see them in great areas.

>> No.52859039

Your family is garbage then, what's the point of having a family if they won't support you in any capacity?

>> No.52859044
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>> No.52859050
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how did you sell the business? what kind of business was it?
>many such cases

>> No.52859068

you can create and host a website for like $50. build it with squarespace or shopify or spend a week learning how to code it in your spare time for free, find some good stock photos for free or get them from a free trial and then host it on AWS or Azure, then you only have to pay if your traffic is over 2,000,000 hits a month. it litterally is a fraction of a penny to host i’m not joking.

most expensive part would be original content and probably the website name

>> No.52859074


That was part of my rationale. The west is about to collapse and I wanted to be cash heavy so I could turn it into precious metals, land and guns

>> No.52859099


I used the bizbuysell website.

It was a trade. I had guys putting down flooring in homes and businesses. When you pay guys $25 to $30 an hour to do manual labor and you just buy all the materials and sell the jobs to the customers you can make a lot.

>> No.52859116

>90k/yr electric bill
>probably most electricity is wasted on AC to keep the restaurant open during summer and winter
then close the building but keep the delivery? be creative ffs

>> No.52859222

>coping peasant thinks because his family hasn't accumulated a dime in all of history that his dollar is worth more than yours

>> No.52859358

very wise

>> No.52861254


>> No.52861286

>find cheap shit , sell x2
>.hurr durr look i'm the businessmen now

>> No.52862046

your still here, you didn't make shit LMAO

>> No.52862548

>The west is about to collapse
2 more weeks

>> No.52862597
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>go to bar, order beers and pay for them
>place another order for fries
>ff 30 min, no snacks
>ask for an ETA: "soon, sir!"
>ff 40 min, no snacks
>"what order?! let us put this right!"
>ff 20 min, get up to leave
>"here are your fries, tee-hee!"
I'm never stepping in a Wetherspoon again, I hope they choked on those fries.

Another one:
>go to chinese "restaurant"
>get a half of a gucking raw onion in my noodles
>take it back, the retard "chef" doesn't see a problem
>mfw I've been going there every few months and never been served raw onion
>they take out the onion and bring back the same fucking plate, with the rest of the vegetables still raw
Really hoping that most "hospitality" places go bankrupt, we need people working construction and cleaning the streets, enough with these retards wasting oxygen in pampered jobs. I can cook pot noodles myself and they taste much better than "hospitality" food.

>> No.52862612

>starts a farm
>immediately gets shit all over by jeets/amerigolems
this is why there's no one who's actually successful on this board

>> No.52862651

What are you growing on your farm? Has this generated any revenue yet?

>> No.52862670


>> No.52862739

>I made it from crypto


When people talk about how they earn money, you are literally bottom tier intelligence. Below WalMart stock boys.

>> No.52862827

Have you tried SMMA?

>> No.52862844

tard business

>> No.52862866
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I started a business selling vintage clothes. I by job lots and sell them individually. Starting another next year painting sneakers. It's only a small profit but it's better than sitting around doing nothing. Cost fuck all to start as well. Helps to know a good graphic designer to do your logos for next to nothing.

>> No.52862903

The entire service industry is in dire shape. Restaurants are a total disaster

>> No.52862977

>brainlets think TVs waste any meaningful amount of electricity, especially in a restaurant
You have boomer-tier logic

>> No.52863065

He inherited land, not a business. Sort of like you inherited genetics, just not good genetics.

>> No.52863082

restaurants are the most retarded business idea in the entire world, 90% are opened by mouth breathers who just couldn't think of something else literally that's the only reason

>> No.52863086

That's the definition of money, yes. One is dollar is worth another.

>> No.52863331
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>> No.52863388

restaurants tend to be the least profitable businesses

>> No.52863413

Why are there so many then?

>> No.52863614

Because it’s a pretty straight forward concept.

>> No.52863641

Restaurants are a very very difficult business to be successful in

>> No.52863665

>Why are there so many then?

because a lot of immigrants dont have skills other than cooking so start ethnic restaurants as their first business.

later they branch out into other things like construction.

>> No.52863678

because it doesn't take a whole lot to start one

>> No.52863701

food business is usually a front for other business. not necesaarily illegal.

>> No.52863734

Because not many people are out there saying "You know what I'm really passionate about? Reselling medical supplies to hospitals."

>> No.52863741

Good for you anom, don't listen to the seethe.

>> No.52863763

It doesn't matter if your grandparents were upper class. They liquidated everything to fund retirement and blew every penny.

>> No.52863792

They are usually part of a shopping district or casino.
Fast food is a different story,

>> No.52863798

shut up faggot

>> No.52863870

>that video
top kek

>> No.52864106

so you havent started a business and havent made/lost any money on your hypothetical business? great input!

>> No.52864164

Social Media Marketing Agencies (i'm assuming that's what you mean by smma's) are another dead meme business idea, thanks to YouTube.

>> No.52864339

isn't there some quote about starting a restaurant is how rich people lose their money?

>> No.52864418

>be bongcuck
>pay 90k a year for electricity
how have brits not an hero'd yet?

>> No.52865503

HFSP= let them eat brioche

>> No.52866112

i didn't, i just connect to a bigger business
>Worked a shitty cleaning job at clothing shop at age of 21 while being an rt student
>Boss finds out im an art student
>Boss tells me that they lost a graphic designer lately and if i want to be a new one
>Boss gives me a job
>12 months later i get 100k salary at 22, don't drop out of college cuz i want that art degre so i can go forward and turn that 100k into 300k
>Spent weekends fuckin zoometes in the ass and drinking Grog
Life really is a random chance

>> No.52868174

More like your boss is gay and you are his male concubine

>> No.52868720

I charge for blowjobs and suck 12 cocks a week and have never lost money

>> No.52868725
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$1-2k a day e-commerce brand
$5k a month drop shipping second store
Seethe cope and dilate.
How are those bags doing? Pretty heavy I would guess. I've bought 30 btc below $20k so far and will be buying more.

>> No.52870112

One autist a few thousand dollars deep fucking around in his garden doesn't qualify as a farm

>> No.52870300

I actually have had a few customers, I think I've made like 300 dollars give or take 100 or so, this is with no farmers markets and just word of mouth

they were middle class

I haven't even inherited it yet, just on goodwill I'm being allowed to use it because it was just sitting full of bullshit and wasn't being used

>> No.52870365

it isn't a garden, it's a building with water, electricity, hvac, and lighting already built in

so I've been growing all winter, but obviously without farmers markets it isn't easy to sell and given I had my first crop literally on the last day of farmers markets I haven't made much

given the current space I'm allowed to use, I could make 150k a year assuming a wholesaler buys at the wholesale rate for my product and I can consistently stay in production

>> No.52870406

oi, you mad

>> No.52870429

haters gonna hate
a mystery product, indeed

>> No.52870472

My "business" is literally just me charging my time to companies as an IT contractor. I made $240k last year doing this and because I'm self employed I can claim back tax on everything including my rent, internet and phone.

>> No.52870475

Like I said
>few $k deep
>one guy probably with zero experience fucking around in his garden
Tell us what you grow and the tonnage you're producing. As someone with a background in farming I know you're will never make profit

>> No.52870533


in peak production, probably some time next year, I will be growing 300-600 lbs of mystery product per week

I'm an hour away from a major city and terminal market

I'm only using half of the building and the rest of it is still full of worthless junk so I can atleast double my operation

>> No.52870580

OK if you're growing weed I take it all back

>> No.52870605

incorrect, it is food

>> No.52870635

>Pandering to self centered rustbelt shitters.

>> No.52870636

OK tell us what it's it that you produce less than half a tonne of

>> No.52870662

what are your other options son
why glowie, you can do the math on the numbers I've listed and find the unit price and make a reasonable guess

>> No.52870695

This is wise perspective. People can shuffle thru businesses like trading cards in a deck. Getting overly attached will run you down from sunk cost and lost opportunities.

Best slackmaxxing business today is have ChatGPT spin up a saas product you customize and find a market for.

>> No.52870714

So you aren't growing anything. Just lol. You can just say citrus, stone fruit, cucurbits ect

>> No.52870715
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Redpill me on owning a franchise like Subway

>> No.52870730


porcini mushrooms

>> No.52870749

oyster mushrooms, fucking goons I swear

>> No.52870772

jersey mikes and jimmy johns are probably owning subway at this point

>> No.52870786

Sounds cool. Post your product

>> No.52870794


>> No.52870814

do you want my address as well

>> No.52870839

your wholesale rate for 600 lbs/week which equates to about 30k lbs/year at 150k if you sold all of it is about 5 bucks a pound, you are growing indoors so high priced fruit is out (and fruit trees take 2 decades to get established), mushrooms are the only possibility

>> No.52870848

Nah I just want to see that you've actually gotten them to grow. They aren't easy to produce which is why they're worth so much

>> No.52870860

I already revealed it's oyster mushrooms, might also do shitake at some point when I have the whole building to use, but with the limited space I have I'll maximize it because oysters grow faster

>> No.52870880

>sell the jobs to the customers you can make a lot.

What is your expense/profit ratio? As in, you're paying 1 guy 30/hr, are you making 100/hr and netting the 75/hr?

If I have a $10,000 flooring project that takes 2 days to complete, 16 hours and 2 people. That's 30*2 / 60/hr * 16 = ~$1000. Materials maybe 4k, so you net 5k on the job?

>> No.52870881

>I already revealed it's oyster mushrooms
I know, I just was showing my logic so the other retard could learn how to google and do a little napkin math instead of just being a sperg and calling everyone a liar on the internet

>> No.52870885

I'd say they're pretty easy, you just need sawdust, which I get from a department store, and basedbean hulls which any farm supply company will sell to you

then you sterilize it, then you innoculate, and then after 2 weeks you transfer to your grow rooms

>> No.52870907

I opened a web dev and consulting "business" during the pandemic and I just don't know how others do it, literally nothing left after paying wages, licenses, taxes, etc.

>> No.52870911


since I mentioned wholesale it couldn't be "microgreens", that's like a big city hipster thing that apparently still sells real well and makes big profits indoors

>> No.52870913

>$1-2k a day e-commerce brand

Can you elaborate on this? Literally everyone making bank these days says their into "E-Commerce".

What in the fuck do you actually do?

>> No.52870928

oi guv...

>> No.52870967

If they were easy they wouldn't be worth anything. I just want to see that you aren't a larper

>> No.52870972

(I meant software licenses)

>> No.52870985

Wtf? Are you talking about a loan? A business banking account requires proof you have a business and otherwise that's it. There's no approval process other than validating your a legal business entity.

>> No.52870998

if this thread is still up you might get a picture in an hour or 2 when I go to my farm

>> No.52871003
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I own a wine/restaurant franchise

i was able to save about 40k USD in 6 years of working, made another 40k USD loan and more 20k to make it work.

I am completely, uterlly broke and with no vision of getting back up. Thinking about doing an hero or debtmaxxing, as in brazil you cant go to jail for this.

The sums i said i spent on the store and i am in debt, its a truly large amount here on brazil, not even 1% of the population has this

Ask me anything

>> No.52871009

Wife and I developed a search engine for a niche group of the population. You likely have never used our service unless you're 30+ with kids. We are making a few thousand off of ads and partnerships each month and it only covers a small part of the US. Currently hoping to expand it and move into it full-time in a year or two. God bless AWS, I literally would not be able to do this shit without lamda.

>> No.52871015

I did. Lost about 70K. Keep in mind that most businesses fail. Running your own business is even harder than waging.

>> No.52871026

Where do you source your drop shipping products?

>> No.52871036

Make thread on it.

>> No.52871037

I also think it's relatively easy for their worth

8 dollars a lb wholesale, doesn't require any advanced equipment just pressure cookers and a place to sterilize your substrate

sawdust and basedbean hulls are cheap

in terms of maintenance and actual babysitting of the production blocks itself it's pretty simple, shit just grows man

it's annoying to get everything set up like humidifiers, exhaust vents etc but once that's done, there is the manual labor of mixing the substrate with water and moving the 10lb bags of substrate around, which later can be done with machines

>> No.52871045

Sell shit on ebay/amazon/shopify

>> No.52871055

Did you just say that you buried 100k USD into a nonprofitable business?

>> No.52871091

i turn 31 in a few months and my son is 1 and a half, im interested

>> No.52871097
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The predicted spent on the store was 48k dollars, but it was literally the double, and as i was halfway already i had no choice unless go on with it

>> No.52871135
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I flipped a house last year and made 50k despite being a fat retarded loser

>> No.52871166

What accounted for such an increase in expenses, and why did you underestimate by so much?

>> No.52871477

England dropping out of the world cup might have had something to do with it as well.

>> No.52871507
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>> No.52871563

if you aren't laundering money it's a retarded idea to open a business like that

>> No.52871630

The fact that you think managing a website is expensive proves you are braindead, so you are correct. However since I am a nice person, I will tell you that it is not expensive. You're welcome.

>> No.52871672

I can’t stop farting.

>> No.52871701

Why won't you let him show his accomplishments to his internet friends??

>> No.52871954

The franchise said that with 40k the store would be complete with the building and everything to go. But it was a lie. Basically i spent almost 35k only on the building, and as it is a wine bar with french gastronomy, the other 45k was on things to go on it. i was lied to.

>> No.52872210

Oh boy... I'm a wagie but now it suddenly doesn't seem so bad to do 9-6 and save only 30k per year.

>> No.52873094

>AC/Electric furnace
>Hot water heater
>electric stoves/ovens
>Computers to run seating, billing customers, etc.

Nah it's the TVs.

>> No.52873113

>be creative
lmao never dealt with government before have you?

>> No.52873172

good luck bro im sure you can make it

>> No.52873302 [DELETED] 

running a gambling website though could be

that's one that makes money in and of itself

>> No.52873388 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52873457

Subway is a slave contract, other franchises are better but it is still a huge investment both financial and expertise.

>> No.52873632

Subway's main business model is making money off shitting on their franchises. I guess it's fine if you have no interest in running it and just want to throw money into a business and you don't care, but it's miserable if you're trying to buy yourself a job. Subway will allow franchises to be so close together that you could be competing with two other Subways within a five mile area

>> No.52874055

jew woes.

>> No.52874779

ive gone down this road as well – you can tell none of this shit is even viable anymore because all the grifters have moved to coaching people. its a brutal blackpill but i think the key is to get out of the mental prison of strictly digital work

>> No.52875409

Don't kill yourself anon. Seriously think for a second, it's not worth it. Believe in and follow Jesus Christ, gain eternal life.

>> No.52875474

>wine bar
>in Brazil
Are you for real? Why would you do that? Do you even own the property at least?

It seems to me that these "frachises" are total scams, like the Cacau Show conteinters.

>> No.52875837
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Good luck, just starting as well. Going full bore next year if things are going smoothly (which it is). Tried to diversify with other variety like Shiitake as well.

>> No.52877470

oi son u got a loiscence f that computation programme?

>> No.52877944

>12h later
>no pics
schizo anon was right to question you

>> No.52878004

>Best slackmaxxing business today is have ChatGPT spin up a saas product you customize and find a market for.

eh, what? how would you go about that?

>> No.52878891

i started an amazon based business in 2016 with the last couple thousand dollars i had. i make stuff for house plants with u.s. materials.

last year was like 400k gross, this year will be less. like 300k the last two years were like 80k taxable income.

i work probably 12 hours a week and im still burned out because i moved to a shithole part of indiana. i needed low cost of living for the business. im burnt out because i dont like managing employees and cost of real estate is fucking me. its too expensive to afford a warehouse where i am now. i can afford a house, but houses were like 75k before covid. now they are like 150k for the same house and dont want to live here.

i regret not debt maxing during covid. The government gave out economic injury disaster loans, the biggest piece crock of shit you can imagine. A 35 year loan capped at 3%, with no personal guarantee, and a three year delay in repayment. ot taking one is the biggest regret of my life. i could have gotten like 200k of free money.
any business who did t take one is just fucked.

i want to sell my business and run away. i hate so much of the u.s..

>> No.52878922

>you did not beat the game
lmao cope scrub

>> No.52878958

based mushroom grower. i am a hobbyist. i dont think its for me beucause i only want a business where you can fuck off for a month and have the business running regardless.

>> No.52879110

what services do you provide as an it contractor? do you have your own business that you market or you found a job as a contractor?

>> No.52879126

Franchises unless they are extremely famous and do ads on their own are a SCAM.

>> No.52881925

kek the schizos are always right

>> No.52883767

this is cool.
since many years now I want to do a farm. sell to some wholesalers or distributors. could start as a hobby and go from there. check prices and plant the most expensive stuff or in most demand.

>> No.52883853

My brother opened his own business staffing firm. He is incorporated has a business address been losing money and after 9 months of lost placed his first pajeet at a firm and is making 20k a year for just sitting on his ass now

>> No.52884205

I turn $3k a month looking for deals at thrift stores and reselling online, but I'm familiar with a lot of mid-century items because my dad used to drag me around antique stores Fri-Sun my entire childhood. Recognizing crap people want is second nature to me that I'm just always buying cheap junk. At worst, I break even which is a loss of my time. The worst I've lost is always due to shipping issues. Owning a physical store is a waste; most people are just going to use a search engine to find what they want to get the lowest price. Restaurants are the worst industry to get into due to innumerable (((licensing fees))). Tons of arbitrary certifications and inspections destroy profitability. It's why a cookie costs $3.50 at a mom n' pop bakery. They don't want to charge that either.

>> No.52886191
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>i think the key is to get out of the mental prison of strictly digital work
basically the only thing that isn't hyper-saturated, with more work-that-needs-doing than is often available in a given market.
unfortunately, that's because it's labor-intensive and thus your ability to scale is defined by your ability to find and retain labor. That's expensive, and also it means finding someone who is reliable, capable, trustworthy, efficient, consistent, but somehow unable to make a business for themselves. Narrow slice of the population and if they're worth keeping around they'll likely outgrow their use for you in a matter of years, if that. Most people who are caught in the circumstance of needing to sell their labor to your business are street criminals, drug addicts, or sex offenders (that part sounds like an exaggeration but I assure you it is not). Your best bet is to have male children 16 years ago, and try to recruit their friends over the summer and hope they don't go to college.

>> No.52886425
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>graphic designer

>> No.52886469

>20k a year for just sitting on his ass now
>sitting on his ass

he works 12-16 hours 7 days per week babysitting 1 jeet while desperately trying to find more work for another pajeet. Sounds like a sad existence.

>> No.52888010

How do I get started on this anon sounds interesting do you have a telegram?

>> No.52888641

Keep farming anon. You need to calculate how much money you can make per square foot of land that is farmable.
I hear red onions are very profitable per square foot.
>t brainwashed by zog American
>tries shaming others to use Shekelstein's money for interest rather than getting help from family
>thinks he's "independently wealthy" because he would only ever use ""banks"" and not help from family
>other golems praise him for validating their poor decisions
My family and I would rather accept free help from each other or pay back a loan from family than the banks. Keep the wealth in the family.

>> No.52888774

>thanks to social media sabotaging everything once again.
Yeah. The soulless gurus who choose an industry to flood with their follows and show people how to do it step by step really have been a problem for a lot of professionals. But these trends and competitions tend to last for a year or two until people just fall away.
Unless it's print on demand and dropshipping. Those two will always be very saturated.
The best thing to do is to get work that is generally related to a field you enjoy and have the aptitude for and as you work build skills that you can market on the side.
Hopefully the skills you get on the job will complement the business you plan to make or the thing you do on the side. And of course hopefully you can get promotions.
Also you'll be getting money to use for funding your future business.
Don't give up anon, you're just at a more basic level of understanding how to make money through your own business if you're looking at what normies are watching. You have to think beyond that. It took me 5 years to get to the level I'm at now. And in that time I was cultivating skills, exposing myself to all sorts of different business models, etc.
In RuneScape terminology, print on demand and drop shipping is like have level 1-5 business skill. The more you study what types of businesses and models are out there, the more opportunity and options you will see you have.

>> No.52888798

I know a rich family that just owns laundry places. So it works.

>> No.52889247

Yeah this is really rough. I feel bad for a lot of those guys.
A huge benefit is that they get hit up by banks for commercial loans all the time.
That is a big plus and they can maybe use the Subways as a launch pad to get funding for starting another franchise.

>> No.52889642

I hate to say it, but;
That's a little different than opening a boot store or a hardware store.

>> No.52890018


It varies from job to job.

But as owner of a flooring company. For every $100 the company pulls in you hope to get $30 - $40 of pure profit. The rest is going to wages and business expenses.

So ideally you are doing $10k of jobs a week and netting what I mentioned above.

I honestly would have kept doing it but 3 things really got me down:

1) crazy customers who claim the work sucks and now they either don't want to pay or want us to return 3 and 4 and 5 times for unneeded fixes

2) slow times, when the sales slow employees complain because they are not working

3) nagging employees. Employees never stop complaining. The work is too hard, the customer is too crazy, the job is too far. We ran out of something, can you drop it off at the job site. Oh can I get paid early this week.

In the trades the employees are like watching over 15 year olds. It's amazing how little they think ahead. But that's why they worked for me making $30 an hour.

I'm really glad it's over

>> No.52890043

inheriting something isn't an accomplishment

>> No.52890092

I was into flipping from thrift stores to ebay for a while. It just became too hit or miss for me. Goodwills near me were filtering most worthwhile items to their online store anyway. The one good store where I would find stuff was filled with other flippers who would basecamp the area where carts of new goods would come in and pick off everything before they got to the shelves.

>> No.52890397

I was teaching and not that happy, but I had sold my house and bought a block of 4 flats, and I moved into one. Suddenly began saving money thanks to the flats income. Decided to buy a business and leave teaching.
Got a guy to set me up a shop in a big city selling donuts icecream and hotdogs for $60,000.
The rent killed any profit, and it was fucking boring standing behind a counter all day -- like being in a jail cell. Finally sold it to a new immigrant for $35,000.

>> No.52890523

it's interesting because the laundromats near me have been in business forever, so I assume they have a pretty good success rate. there are a few laundromats in my county that are for sale, but it seems like when you buy an existing business the financials are really opaque.

>> No.52891803

>get work that is generally related to a field you enjoy
I only enjoy drawing pictures of waifus and even that is being automated away, there is no place for me in this world.

>> No.52893045


>> No.52893130

enjoy getting sued by monsanto/bayer after they show up to audit you when one of their patented crops "somehow" ends up in your fields and or pollinates with one of your plants

>> No.52894265

have a day off cunt

>> No.52894451

very based
shout out to gab phones