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52780382 No.52780382 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder girls care more about /fit/ guys then rich guys

>> No.52780393

Be fit and rich. Keep it pushing fellas

>> No.52780395

i pissed in an eastern european girls asshole yesterday, best $150 spent.

>> No.52780402

literally untrue

>> No.52780418

tfw i'm getting /fat/

>> No.52780424

That's a man

>> No.52780435

Yodie family fr fr

>> No.52780442

Nowadays with a welfare society, and a structure that eliminates consequence from the actions of young girls

Yea, sure

But when that all goes away, believe me it will not be a brad Pitt looking broke guy the girls will chase

Females are simple creatures that chase those with access to most resources they’re biologically wired for that
You’d be a retard to think they’d rather starve or live poorly with a chad. They would never, they’re insane and illogical but not to the point of risking their survival

>> No.52780461

i tried getting in shape for a while but i just couldnt get used to eating raw liver every day. shit made me want to gag

>> No.52780476


>> No.52780523

>gets aids

>> No.52780670

Have you ever watched Cops?

>> No.52780762

>mfw I got redpilled on this the day my software engineer friend who makes 180k but desu is also kind of a chubby basedboy with fading hairline got cheated on by a literal 35 year old ripped bartender bro-dude

>> No.52780775

Are you retarded or did you actually fall for the liver king scam shit

>> No.52780803

Yeah they will be chasing a Brad Pitt looking rich guy.

>> No.52780831

there are 3 important things for a man
to be fit and healthy
to be driven and wealthy
to be socially capable.

in order.

>> No.52780846

Just take the escortpill. Who cares what women think

>> No.52780874
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Anyone who posts an anime profile on twitter/discord is a guaranteed tranny.
and yes /fit/ guys love fucking dudes so this isn't a larp per say.
They just gotta stop calling their guy friends "girl" and all of this make sense.
>t. 6'4 chad who slams women like crazy and haven't picked up a weight in over a decade due to a bad back and don't even have money to spend.