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52774917 No.52774917 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that I called the end in Feb. faggots. 2023 will be even worse, you have seen nothing yet.

>> No.52774954
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80% of my networth is tied to bitcoin/crypto

I still see too many retarded copers saying we've bottomed and the next cycle is an absolute certainty. This makes me unironically fearful, uncertain and doubtful about the future

>> No.52774960

[Bobo euphoria intensifies]

>> No.52774976
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>it will be even worse
>you have seen nothing yet
>we are so far from the bottom it isn't even funny
all things deluded bears say near or at the exact day of bottom like pic related

>> No.52775019

unironically a great bottom signal.

>> No.52775766
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>> No.52775914

Show us your 8 figs in stables/fiat of fuck off

>> No.52775943

>Reminder that I called the end in Feb. faggots.

why is
>on Saturday night live
purple text?

>> No.52777028
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I want number to go up too man but we've been in Bobo euphoria for a year straight and its done nothing but drop. On top of that even "normies" and MSM have been screaming so called bottom signals from the mountaintops for at least 6 months now and there's been no end to the dumpage. Add to that all the globohomo fear porn and nasty looking macro econ shit and things are just grim. Ultimately, who the fuck knows what will happen though...I'd really like a winter rally

>> No.52777343
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Unfathomably based

>> No.52779531
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>There are MILLIONS of websites that do NOTHING! Fucking NOTHING! Any person that's used the internet since 1998 must kill themselves in a brutal, public before we have a faggot's chance in church of anybody making money in any sort of tech business let alone crypto (Kek!).

>Let the bodies hit the floor. When every last one of you faggots are dead and bleeding on mainstreet after jumping off your local McDonald's I'll consider buying back in.

>> No.52779759

So you missed the by 4 months and you think you’re an oracle? Lol

>> No.52779827

My dad came for lunch today and crypto came to the subject. All he knows about is the FTX MSM rethoric and he's a real boomer, couldn't change his mind.

My point is, the real money except the top 1% is the boomers and they're mostly all in stocks. Some might have thought moving some assets to crypto but now, I doubt that

>> No.52779854

if the "easy money" is gone then who will buy crypto and pump bags?

>> No.52779870
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No one.

>> No.52779890

if the number doesnt go up then theres no way for us to short

>> No.52779898

i think it bottomed but imagine being at $16.5k 3 months from now with +/- 2% scam wicks. the guys who think theyre calling the bottom now will have derisked, but they actually made a good call.

>> No.52779948

I like you OP

>> No.52779949

imo the bottom is 14k
but were still in prime buying territory

>> No.52780048

The dotcom crash saw every worthless publicly traded domain name go to zero, while companies like Amazon went down 90%. Amazon survived and ultimately thrived, but not before wiping everything and everyone out. This is what is happening to crypto. It's not over until shitcoins are zero. Bitcoin will survive, but the bottom will be 80-90% from ath.

>> No.52780181
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and what happened after that in 2018/early 2019?

>> No.52780559

I remember seeing this thread when you posted lmao.

>> No.52780688

>unironically a great bottom signal.
Sure, like the Titanic going end-up, it's a great sign that the bottom of the ocean has been reached!

>> No.52781044
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>tfw just realized I'm one of those twitter tards who will kill themselves if I don't get a job very soon
jesus christ

>> No.52781080

OK. Then why does every bobopost have to be so melodramatic and sound like a faggy 19 year old typed it?

>> No.52781730
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LMAO OP unequivocally BTFO!

You faggot bears want to know what's absolutely 10x worse than not selling the top and baghodling to -99%?

Selling the bottom and 2 years from now crying that you would have made it while every 18 year old who buys shitcoin xxx becomes a millionaire.

Ask yourself anons. Given 2 options.

1. Buy in too early......baghodl......everything collapses to 0.....ahh well everyone lost and at least you took a shot. It was a scam anyways.

2. Selling the bottom and 2 years later seeing BTC at $1Million a coin and knowing you held 5 BTC but thought BTC would go under 10k and now you continue to wagre slave as faggot Peter in the next office quit after buying an NFT that 1000x'd in the last 2 months but you a literal tech nerd who knew about crypto for the last 5 years is still broke......

Yeah I will NEVER be a faggot bear. The two scenarios above tells you everything. Only 1 of those scenarios could easily lead you to suicide. Think about which one that is!