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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 1024x576, dishwasher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52772016 No.52772016 [Reply] [Original]

>can't sit down, no chairs anywhere expect office and dining areas
>scolding hot water and nails falling off from constant wetness
>back and feet killing me at the end of each day
>payout? $900 a month

>> No.52772046

Minimum wage here is $2,600 a month

>> No.52772058

Just get arm length rubber gloves and better insoles for your shoes nigga step it up we washing dishes out here

>> No.52772072


rather just work at amazon as a stower. Take a xan before your shift and nod off in your 4x4 isle for 8 hours

>> No.52772073

Sitting on a chair is a jewish trick to make you weak. Real man stands up. You're a faggot nigger.

>> No.52772075

Dude, just shoot up your workplace.
Plus it gives anti gunners more ammunition to ban guns from mutts.
Literally don't work if you can, try selling drugs.
It's what I'm doing.

>> No.52772085

This might be more realistic too.
You boss should be giving you gloves at least, unless he's a white boy.

>> No.52772115

Daily reminder that finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

You know how all of you parasites always say "HuRr durr gommunism maybe good in theory but always 'fails'"? Well capitalism doesnt even work in theory and unfortunately for financier parasites like you, we live in a mathematical universe and if something cant be expressed in a theoretical/mathematical way it WILL not appear or be maintained in the physical world.

The freer the market the more enslaved everything and everyone else is and the more blood sacrifices need to be performed to "the Line god". An economy needs to be as regulated and planned as possible to serve the living beings needs and desires and be able to be adjusted according to our needs at any given moment/period.

4chan parasites, financiers, rightoids and nazis like you will seethe and cope but these are the facts and the longer you deny them and bury your heads in the sand and scapegoat innocent beings("niggers","females",poors,"faggots","kikes" or whoever you braindead parasites hate) the more you will continue leading lonely, sad, hateful and painful lives into even more miserable and pointless deaths as the proud, obedient, compliant, insecure and submissive bootlicking proud modern day slaves that you so desperately want be. Reap what you sowed 4chan parasite

>> No.52772116

I hate you faggots so much, you are working like a slave and are so happy to wash fucking dishes.
>so much work but it's worth it!
>the company needs the plates clean! faster!
>work harder, we need to finish 2 rows of dirty bowls by tonight

>> No.52772128
File: 661 KB, 1080x1068, 1664209296769878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So find another job, no one is making you work at McCucks for $900 a month. If a slob like me can work IT with minimal effort for $4000 a month so can you. Just start at the helpdesk and have basic people skills

>> No.52772148


>> No.52772147
File: 26 KB, 640x361, 6A83DC2A-4A5E-4311-8C59-7D7DF1F70764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fun with my coworkers and I get a stream of QT’s coming in while I go to school calm down anon jeez

>> No.52772153

4chan parasite discovers what a job is and lo and behold he is suddenly concerned about labor conditions after spending the last 20 years in his favorite nazi financier imageboars forum calling everyone a lazy subhuman parasite and deepthroating every single authority boot in existence. How about you practice what you preach, stop whining and "pull on those bootstraps" and take some "personal responsibility" anon? :) Reap what you sowed parasites REAP WHAT YOU SOWED REAP WHAT YOU SOWED REAP WHAT YOU SOWED PROUD SLAVES PROUD SLAVES PROUD SLAVES PROUD SLAVES

>> No.52772263

>skip school
>skip college
Complain about entry level jobs that don’t pay the same as a college graduate chad

>> No.52774140

your suppose to milk your 9-5 to start your own side hustle/business

i have a friend who runs his own carpet cleaning company and makes $1k weekly, he just has guatemalans to do all the work while he sits at home answering a few calls

i have another friend who has his own food truck and sells over priced food weekends outside concert areas where hungry people would happily spend $20 for a burger and drink

think OP, find problems people have and provide a solution, this is the only way

>> No.52774481

>Plus it gives anti gunners more ammunition to ban guns from mutts.
never gonna happen yuropoor, stay mad (and poor)

>> No.52774523

>can quit anytime you want
>can use the library to get an education at night
boo hoo, woe is anon

>> No.52774549

you're barking up the wrong tree, poor faggots are poor because they would never even consider trying to solve someone elses problems, all they want to do is whine about their own

>> No.52774643
File: 266 KB, 500x500, meme1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong ppl profit from capitalism and freedom. Good luck fighting for team losers, budy
Also communism is slavery. You know what a gulag is? St cut that out of your argument. Capitalisms rise was the end of slavery in europa and the usa btw

>> No.52774674
File: 53 KB, 500x490, everyday_kindly_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once worked a job like this. Buyed amphetamines from my first salarie and quit. Everybody doing this is only to blame themselves. Nobody makes you. You do it by going and BEGGING for a job like this

>> No.52774690

no one is forcing you to work there nigger tier retard.

>> No.52774692


>> No.52774733
File: 2.99 MB, 4000x3000, 20221201_130642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its a penthouse with sea view and a 19 year old gf. I dont complain

>> No.52774740

the punishment of not working under capitalism is starvation and homelessness, making no job under capitalism a voluntary one

>> No.52776381

Do you actually work in a kitchen? Cleaning two rows of bowls is five min work.

>> No.52776397

>$900 bucks a month
pick one

>> No.52776416

get a different job, retard

>> No.52776461

any job that pays less than $20 per hour (25-30 in HCOL areas) is basically wage-slavery. If you can't sit down often on your job, if you don't ever have downtime, you are essentially a slave

>> No.52776475

All of that electronic in your sleeping area is bad for you

>> No.52776488

It's called, living better than slavery-tier costs more than $900 a month.
If you're lucky that maybe puts a roof over your head in a shared apartment, before you think about feeding yourself or having running water.

>> No.52776549
File: 70 KB, 748x605, 1661807803924199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 paragraphs of commie cope

>> No.52776600

live in a van and use starbucks wifi. use a gym for a shower. stop coping and thinking you need to live in a house if you can't find a way to make more money.

>> No.52776675

>It's not slavery bro, just be homeless, living indoors is a cope!
>Well, it's kind of like slavery but it's your fault if you can't make more money!
nigga i make 6 figs in flyoverville, i live good and i have zero investment in this. i'm a tourist and i saw you make a retarded point.
next time can you make a point without such giant gaps in logic or moving of the goalposts?

>> No.52776722

Standing all day is terrible for your knees.

>> No.52776732

lot of seething from a flyovertranny. there is no such thing as slavery in america. cope seeth and dilate.

>> No.52776733
File: 896 KB, 631x637, 1670239914174709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This homeless ass nigga is trying to give advice.

>> No.52776756

If you want out of wage slavery, the answer isnt to gamble on shitcoins. This video has everything you need to escape:

>> No.52776796

most subtle glowie

>> No.52776803

Save on gym membership and just shit in the river. Your van is already parked there

>> No.52776834

see >>52776733
i find it ironic that a board of 50% broke NEETs has such a hatred of lazy people who don't work enough

>> No.52776839

You actually have to make these sparkling clean by hand? I'm third worlder and even i don't have to subject myself to this kind of debasement. I just scrub of the big chunks and wipe the oil(yes it's my problem) then insert into the dish washer.

>> No.52777043

Every Marxist has proclaimed if you don’t work you don’t eat you simple minded cunt. There are no artists or thinkers in communism

>> No.52777060

>essentially a slave
You get to leave after 8 hours and do as you please……

>> No.52777345


I used to be a dishie. Those were better, simpler times

>> No.52777572

Why are you working the worst job in the restaurant? Get a job as a server or bartender you will make 4 times as much while working half the hours.

>> No.52777620 [DELETED] 

>proud of being a slave

>> No.52777647 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 604x398, EqzNFn7XYAAcbvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no artists or thinkers in communism
>soviet film, art and music mogged America's capitalist globohomo shit

>> No.52777690 [DELETED] 

Shitty meme advice

>> No.52778127

> stoopid gommies :D - first man in space, chgildren aspire to become astronauts
> enlightened burger thinkers - fake moon landing, ambition of young generation is to twerk on tiktok

>> No.52778688

better advice: hire multiple private investigators to get blackmail on a rich/well-connected person, then blackmail said person

>> No.52779188

n-word used

>> No.52779665

>Just try to burn a glowie asset anon.
What kind of shitty ass advice is this?

>> No.52780176

im michael weston, and i used to be a spy
some fag on 4chan found my cheese pizza

>> No.52781871

Lmao imagine being proud being the lowest common dominator


>> No.52783145

>waterproof apron
>fatigue mat
i could wash dishes all day. chairs are meme while working they cause far more pain than standing. If you have decent shoes your feet should never hurt

>> No.52783188

What is that before tax? ...Where?

>> No.52783213

That's fuckin awesome. What area of the world is that? (You don't have to be too specific)

>> No.52783220

>8 hours

Not exactly a short amount of time is it. 8 hours is a long time to be doing something physically demanding. Meaning that your "off time" is spent recovering or sleeping

>> No.52783456

this, if youre working 5 8 hour shifts a week washing dishes nonstop standing up, thats a quarter of your whole fucking year that you cant get back in exchange for the shittiest pay ever

>> No.52783502

First day, officer?

>> No.52783634


Suck my dick, kike

>> No.52783730

Damn, you're all faggots.
Washing dishes is for students and retards.
So either get graduated already or stop being retarded.

>> No.52784657

Slavery implies no free will. Its your choice to work there

>> No.52784755

Sometimes I miss being a teen working as a dishwasher

>> No.52784952

Are you a Turk living in a Western city?

>> No.52784991

who the fuck does that past 18? i washed dishes for a summer when i was 16

>> No.52784995

illegal aliens

>> No.52785041

Slavery in Europe was already abolished during the middle ages due to pressure from the church, long before capitalism became a relevant driver of society. But for the US it was the cause for the slave trade and later it's abolishment so I guess you got that part at least partially right