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File: 2.06 MB, 1188x2123, iceberg chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52758966 No.52758966 [Reply] [Original]

How long have you been in crypto?

What got you interested in the industry?

>> No.52758982

2019. money

>> No.52759187

2012 and I got into it due to lefty libertarian anti-government views. Although crypto has since been colonized by the usual GOP rightwing libertarian retard types. The early adopters were a very libertarian left culture

>> No.52759191

Bought bitcoin for the first time when it was at around $200 to order drugs

>> No.52759198

>monerochan with big booba
t...tell me more...

>> No.52759225

>2012 and I got into it due to lefty libertarian anti-government views. Although crypto has since been colonized by the usual GOP rightwing libertarian retard types. The early adopters were a very libertarian left culture
Oh and also PS I think it's important to note that in the last couple of years I've become increasingly bearish on crypto. In the last year especially. It seems like it runs a serious risk of being a tech that's just not going to pan out in the way the early adopters hoped it would. No real use. Desperately in need of regulation that it's community is resisting. There are a lot of realities about economics that I didn't under entirely understand when I was younger and things the government just has to do to regulate things.

>> No.52759246

5 years
getting away from banks and the centralized corruption

>> No.52759261

Buying drugs online

>> No.52759391
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>> No.52760481

what kind of robot ass mf made this

>> No.52760501

i'm still not convinced i'll need to see more evidence

>> No.52760557
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Level 9, but I legitimately think CHIM is real.

>> No.52760612

And quit a year too early. Fuck clean living, fuck choosing life.

>> No.52760615
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>> No.52763441

you put forth a compelling argument but for me to believe such a ludicrous assertion i'm going to need much more evidence

>> No.52763490

2017. I worked part time and full time in the “industry” if you will. I traveled a lot to meet with VCs, start ups, and tech.

At first money got me interested, and then tech, and then money again when I learned 99% of it was a scam.

>> No.52763520
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These icebergs are always a meme. Half of the stuff on these is made up nonsense just to fill the iceberg and sound "cool". 70% of what's in that iceberg has nothing to do with cryptocurrencies at all.

>> No.52763554

monerochan with big booba is real though right??????

>> No.52763933
File: 90 KB, 721x900, 1315932933415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since summer 2017 when ETH mining got big. Then started reading more about the tech because it aligned with my libertarian/anarchocapitalist views. For oldfags it's always some combination of libertarianism (ideology or just wanting to buy drugs) or tech. Now the OG idea is overshadowed by the moneymaking shitshow. It's still there and progressing though, only public opinion is taking heavy damage.

>> No.52764090
File: 253 KB, 1892x801, cypherpunk-manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long enough to ask you to add these

dyn ddos
retroactive money printing
Memristive photonic ASICs
NIST-Koblitz Schism
stealth quantum supremacy
antarctic flag design
Nvidia hash throttling

The orwellian doublespeek of how i was taught fractional reserve banking in econ 101

>> No.52764117

fuck that so long ago. I was a little nerdy kid (14 years old) obsessed with money, math and economics and my cousins were all cool chads who needed fake IDs - the rest was history.

>> No.52764317
File: 133 KB, 860x602, 51vaiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take me back to 2012-2013 the comfiest time in crypto.. Im not even rich i fucked up

>> No.52764446

2016 got into it to buy drugs online still use it solely for that purpose

>> No.52765062

>Read Voynich m. before shrooms
wow... so weird, different, and interesting
>Read Voynich m. after shrooms

>> No.52765391
File: 213 KB, 512x512, 1668720919759580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 9 and 10 have goofy shit. What do you dispute in 1-8?

>monerochan with big booba is real though right??????

>> No.52766056
File: 2.66 MB, 1580x1965, crypto-iceberg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52766119

jean.py good times

>> No.52766194

A brainlet Monerochad detected. Privacy protocols like Railgun and Zcash don't condone illicit transactions.

>> No.52766240
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 1651521335362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems like it runs a serious risk of being a tech that's just not going to pan out in the way the early adopters hoped it would.
This is what makes me bullish. The internet was intended to be a digital library of research, for research, never intended to be a mall/theatre/town square/psyop/job board/pron repo/etc. Then it became a weird hobby for nerds, then it became a joke (don't believe the web, don't trust anyone on it, don't put in an online application) and now look at us. Crypto is a very similar tech advancing at a very similar rate.

>> No.52766493
File: 83 KB, 660x660, En4gLXEVQAEQ2J2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although crypto has since been colonized by the usual GOP rightwing libertarian retard types
yeah because your faggy "left libertarians" sold out and became shock-troops for censorious big tech companies.

Really funny how those who embody anti-censorship, privacy, and 'information wants to be free' ideals are the very online anime obsessed nazi and reactionary types.

So fuck off.

>> No.52766837

>lottery invented to catch time travelers

fucking kek.

>> No.52768047

Kek. Of all the things that's the one that got me

>> No.52768072

That's the point. Putting random garbage mixed with truth is the best way to disinform