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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 1405x1200, Hedera Redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52746999 No.52746999 [Reply] [Original]

>failed to capture enterprise adoption in 4 years
>failed defi
>literally single digit TPS
>constant sell pressure from founders
HBARfags, unfud this.

>> No.52747019

they are just building their warchest

>> No.52747068

Checked but OP is a faggot anyway.

>> No.52747814
File: 896 KB, 1024x1024, 1670278644028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/3 SAUCE left for emissions
2.5 years
All LUCKY already in circulation, 7 mil
Less than 1 mil in the LP

Hbar is not the play here
HTS is

>> No.52747936


>> No.52748013
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x1024, 1670279783986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust this man more than I trust myself

>> No.52748331

Simple. Don't buy enterprise coins, hbar, iota, aergo. Neither the project or their clients care about your bags. Same goes with irl use case coins.

>> No.52748392

checked, also scam
where muh coupons

>> No.52748495

Remember you niggers all going crazy because some shitty Welsh advertising company was putting through a bunch of pointless transactions. Still the only client?

>> No.52749005

Is SAUCE unironically the play? Be unironic just this once hbros, I'm retarded and don't know if I should diversify some of my hashies

>> No.52749836

Checked. Imagine the effort required to create, and post, this very informative piece of original content.

>> No.52749947

>less coins can be dumped on because they already were

>> No.52749960

>hbar cucks are such virgins to defi that they unironically think a farm and dump coin is the future of the """""""ecosystem""""""

>> No.52750802

yeah bro just buy a coin that is going to triple(!!!) in supply over the next couple years
sad and true

>> No.52750817

Read the tea leaves faggots and thank me later

>> No.52751946
File: 40 KB, 640x425, LIGHTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit that I never touched DeFi on Hedera. I could already smell the lingering stench of incompetence coming from miles away. This problem isn't only unique to Hedera either.

>> No.52752078

HAHAHA 50B coins, what were they thinking. Only a decade to go! How bullish. Heh hahahahahahahahaah

>> No.52753949

Hbar price action is a little bit dissapointment but i'm sure in the future it will not be. almost everything's down atm, but we will see good times again in crypto world i'm sure about that.

>> No.52753953

It's a scam to dump on mongoloid normies who think the enterprise meme is bullish lmao

>> No.52754003

i'm just going to accumulate HBAR because it looks so bad that it might just work

>> No.52754051

HBAR, like the US dollar, at least has the value of American military might behind it so bullish.

>> No.52754065
File: 22 KB, 929x194, Screenshot_20221130-232351_Photo Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went in the Hclub discord or whatever the fuck it's called and pic related is their most active chat. You literally can make this shit up, holy kek

>> No.52755705


>> No.52755753
File: 866 KB, 819x1024, 1670127164364539m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAUCE will mint millionaires before HBAR
>verification still not required

>> No.52755805

>designed for enterprise
That's as sure as sign of the product and company going nowhere as the CEO being a public alcoholic and gambler. The business-graveyards are littered with products "designed for enterprise".
Microsoft intranet initiative in the 80s and 90s is an instructive example: as the Internet was spreading, and was a Wild West that "reputable" companies wouldn't touch, Microsoft shilled intra-company intranets that supposedly would bring the benefits of networking, but in a "serious" way. Where are we now? People in adjacent offices talk with each other via Slack, Zoom, and Teams. Enterprises are the least risk-friendly and the least innovative actors; shilling a new technology specifically to them will never work, and because you shilled it to them, you can't even generate profit from other adopters, which would spread your costs. Enterprises are the last adopters, having to be dragged along kicking and screaming.
Full disclosure: I used to hold HBAR and don't anymore. I don't have any strong feelings about the team or the coin, it's just that I see it repeating a tried-and-failed pattern. And it's been tried and failed many, many, many times.

>> No.52755827

What I really like about HBAR is that its shills shat constantly on Charles Hoskinson, another conman with a failed product who is reading this post because of his webscraper that he runs over 4chan because his ego compels him.

>> No.52755843

source on pic?

>> No.52755880

>Hbar price action is a little bit disappointment but i'm sure in the future it will not be.

I think you should reconsider being "sure" of something like this in the crypto space.


>> No.52755997

Good example. Another one would be Steve Jobs' company NeXT that he created after getting sacked from Apple. Instead of going after retail like with the Apple Macintosh he marketed the NeXT Computer towards universities, research labs, etc. and his company floundered badly despite the impressive technicals of his computer. He ended up getting saved by huge investments from Ross Perot and Apple (ironically) buying him out, but his company would have likely been bankrupt quite rapidly if that hadn't have happened.

What's worse in the crypto space (unlike the above examples) is that most of these "enterprise" coins are based on lies in technical capabilities and using techno-babble nonsense that lures idiots into thinking it's the next big thing and serving as exit liquidity for the VCs with big bags (see also: ICP).

>> No.52756406


>> No.52757202
File: 206 KB, 1124x1118, 1BF336EF-39D0-400A-81A4-EB39C9632326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin not needed
Ethereum has been and will always stay king
>muh TPS
L2s are a thing for a reason
I’d rather use L2s like Mantle on Ethereum than this Hedera bullshit

>> No.52757477

Same Id rather need 2 keys to unlock my car made from 2 different manufacturers than one key.

Why simplify life when you can just complicate it for absolutely no reason at all. I can see your nose from here

>> No.52759534
File: 2.01 MB, 2498x1404, 1670351894001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething no tokener

>> No.52759884

Based. Hbros are undeniably the smartest holders on /biz/.

>> No.52760912
File: 58 KB, 1024x575, 1670004133608934m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean its safest investment on earth other than gold/silver. 6.5% APY guaranteed, 20% APY somewhat guaranteed via Sauce... best web3 wallet, defi protocol, best dlt by far etc...

Also not based in Judaism.

>> No.52761466

Yeah [anon-biz] you so smart, smarter than Anz Bank
Shinhan Bank
Shinhan Bank
Avery Dennison
DLA Piper
LG Electronics
Abrdn plc

Yeah, you figured it all out [anon-biz], the genius who did his phd in comp sci in less than 3 years, a former professor at the US Air Force Academy, and his acolyte who worked on wargames, the epitome of strategy are all doing it for dumping on us !
How smart you are [anon-biz] ! You have such a keen analysis on what the future holds, you’ve seen right through their incompetency !

The price of the token surely reflects its quality ! Like Dogecoin and Cardano or Solana ! Only trust the marketcap ! Who cares about the rest ?

>> No.52762230

Wtv let it continue flying under radar, just got my new job and Id rather put 500 to 1k a month into an immutable asset such as hbar/sauce than retirement fund.

>> No.52762703

I agree who cares about convincing anyone, it just blows my mind that this project is so under the radar.