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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52741244 No.52741244 [Reply] [Original]

You really think you can win in the stock market?

>> No.52741276
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thats a really appealing building. very unique. the shape is so timeless and attractive. nice to see someone build something with some aesthetic value and not just a spec house

>> No.52741509
File: 166 KB, 630x630, IMG_20221205_082019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funnier if you turn it around

>> No.52741541

I don't want to entrust $500,000 in capital to some rentoid for a 3% return that the government can just declare they don't have to pay because I'm not a fucking complete retard.

>> No.52742332

only invest in what you understand, and personally I pref more liquid alternatives

>> No.52742455

if you have ever stood in a building you have literally understood real estate

>> No.52742995

>Why aren't you investing in realestate?
I want to... but the cost to get into the game is tooooo much.

>> No.52744974

I got an inheritance from selling my home last year in the PNW after my dad died, I wanted to invest it back into real estate(also so that I'm not wasting money as a rentoid) but as it's in a trust handled by my family they decided to put it in stocks instead.
They have the big plan to have it doubled in ten years with a diverse portfolio or some shit the bank told them. This sounds mentally retarded to me though because a home seems way more practical and sure to increase in value.
Are my family dumbshits or am I being unreasonable and unrealistic?

>> No.52745016

>3% return
you’re retarded and doing it wrong if you aren’t yielding at least 20%

>> No.52745174

Real estate is cool when you are buying buildings and doing multi million dollar capital raises for the 30% down you need to even get started.
For the average person crypto is going to give better returns.
Very simple progression l:
>get a job
>get better at your job and get more money via raises, promotions, etc
>use money from your job to buy crypto
>learn the basics of cycles and getting good entries and exits
>start taking out loans once your experience is good enough you won’t get rekt
>start looking for assets outside of crypto, stocks and/or private business deals
>start looking to further diversify into ‘safer’ cash flowing plays like dividends and real estate
That’s just one example, there’s lots of ways to make it but opting for real estate right out of the gate is going to be pretty tough in today’s market especially if you don’t have some unique advantage

>> No.52745213

There's about to be some good deals and scared people willing to sell for a great price in 2023 and 2024, prepare your anus bizbrahs

>> No.52745239

whoever designed this knew what they were doing. You can't miss that in plan view

>> No.52745355

using 100$ to purchase a few nails screws and wood doesnt make you a real estate investory you numbnutz

>> No.52745374

You are not getting a 20% cash on cash return on anything bought in 2022.
Real estate has cycles just like anything else and niggers talking about how great it is are people who bought at a good time in the cycle. Buying now would be the absolute worst thing you could do. The cycles are also incredibly slow.
The best case for real estate right now is that the market remains frozen until the fed pivots but if you think for a second that Powell is going to pivot before inflation is reeled in you’re legit retarded.
This is an absolutely horrible time to buy real estate

>> No.52745538

This building reminds me of my ex

>> No.52746263
