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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 19 KB, 512x512, Bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52739648 No.52739648 [Reply] [Original]

is it still legal to talk about b*t here? how about it folks. are you buying the coin? selling it? shoving it up your fucking ass? what do you think about the cryptocurrency coin that exists in the real world, that is this coin. what business and finance decisions are you making regarding this coin?

>> No.52739727

I'm shitting on this token just like it shat all over me.

Fuck BAT
Fuck Brave
Fuck Brendan

>> No.52739996

The only thing BAT is good for is buying porn without feeling like your spending money you earned working. Thanks Brandon Reich.

>> No.52740005


>> No.52740760
File: 298 KB, 1180x662, Crab dance bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 60k. Average at about 60 cents each. Just going to let it sit. Probably unload half during the next bull run, assuming such a thing exists. If not I'll eat my losses.

Somehow I'm still hopeful. I wish this fucking thing would be on chain so people would actually take it semi seriously. Also hopefully something happens with the search engine that has a significant impact on BAT.

Floundering usage increases has made me lose some hope in the browser/search engine. Hopefully it increases eventually but it feels like all the momentum is gone. I'm hoping for an influx of cash from. The search engine so they can ramp up their advertising efforts. Or maybe something like manifest v3 will be the impetus that drives usage.

But still I don't see much happening past speculation on the demand side of things unless they could somehow get BAT on chain and out of exchanges.

Anyway still not selling. Probably won't buy anymore until I have enough food for years, an established farm, guns, gold, silver, etc. Then I'll maybe I'll buy BAT again.

>> No.52740879
File: 43 KB, 769x567, I HAVE ABANDONED MY COIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like my goals. Farm with a well, solar, 2 of every farm animal like a redneck Noah, I think I'll import a virgin waifu from SEA
But how much money do you need for this?
>5-40 acres(depends where you are)
>self sufficient house
>money for property taxes for years
Probably 5-10 million. 1 golden bull. Or 2 normal bulls away...

Funny the things everyone had 150 years ago and were given away by the government (homestead act) are impossible now (Virgin wife, diversified farm, few acres)

Oh and I fucking hate how retarded farming is now. Basedbeans and corn. 2 most unhealthy crops. Raping land for short term gains with fertilizer. Animal confinements are disgustingly inhumane.

Anyways. Fuck eich. 5 years holding this shitcoin. Dca every month. And in the red. I would be different if Dildo Eich actually hyped his coin. Or released.. oh I don't know. ANYTHING to add utility.
Every batties going to dump if it ever pumps. I fucking will. I hate this Stockholm syndrome token
>tfw 1 million bat

>> No.52741221
File: 371 KB, 2221x1080, Snapchat-2016295873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 of every animal sounds nice but I've heard it's better to stick to one or two. I'll probably do chickens and either goats or pigs. Not sure which yet, maybe goats for the milk potential. Thought about cows but idk its not a ton of of space but it could work. I have 5 acres and it should be enough for a few animals. Have about 20 large mulberry trees scattered along the perimeter, some wild black raspberries/wild grapes. The grapes are small and don't taste good but I could use them if I needed to.

I got this in the past year for 325k. Decent house and garage and 2 story barn style shed. Now I just have to develop it. For the farming I could do with a roto tiller or something similar. I don't think necessarily need to buy a tractor to be self sufficient. Although having one would be useful.

But anyway I say this because I strongly believe it is possible to be self sufficient for a few hundred thousand. And that's wife and a few young children.

If I was single with no children, and didn't have to worry about my wife being satisfied, or had a different more amenable wife, I could probably do it for 150k or less.

>> No.52741242

The crypto ecosystem needs a new theme. Lending and DeFi are fucked because of counter party risk and systemic risk.

>> No.52741306

I'd rather grow fruit trees, bananas, guavas, etc in the Azores. Actually delicious food instead of green beans and shit (which are easily imported). A lot of the best tasting fruits are impossible to import at a cheap cost. Or impossible to import at all. My dream is to run a Durian farm. After I die my relatives can sell Durian to China. Huge market for that.

Right now I can buy cacao for 99 cents a pod. In the US it's by the pound so like $20-$90 a pound? Can't make your own chocolate like that.

I think I need BAT to hit like $20-$40 for this plan to happen. But houses are pretty cheap in the Azores. And then you just gotta pay to do the upgrades. The problem with buying a house in the third world shit hole I live in now is that you need to install expensive triple pane windows and noise insulation in ceiling and all the walls because all the locals are assholes. If that's even possible.

>> No.52741649
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Strong bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my main goal is to have food more in a "just in case" scenario. I'm not exactly planning on selling the shit I produce initially but I want to be able to have enough to survive in case something like a solar flare like the Carrington event, or larger, happens and kills the entire electrical grid sending the world back 100+ years overnight.

>> No.52741907

Yeah I don't particularly like the fact that Brave is losing users. They just expect to run ads on Joe Rogan over and over and keep growing?

>> No.52741955

The lost monthly users but went up slightly in the amount of queries and amount of daily active users. So not exactly losing... but it's significantly different than when they were doubling users each year.

>> No.52742122
File: 45 KB, 569x365, 1601342253533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first three years of that growth seemed fairly organic, but now it appears last year's insane continued growth was clearly bolstered by pajeets and other third worlders who were just trying to scrape up free BAT. They're largely gone now, which is why MAUs are now fucking lower than they were in the summer even. As for how to go up from here, I'm not sure. I think it will require a combination of:
1. Entering a new bull market
2. Manifest v3 knocking loose many millions of existing Chrome users whose extensions will become gimped
3. Some sort of viral endorsement of Brave
Ultimately BAT has never experienced its moonshot, despite being in the top 100 all this time. The day will come.

>> No.52742148

Legislation seems unlikely in the US but the EU could potentially force Apple to show browser competitors when using a new iPhone for the first time. That's a long ways off though.

No one punishes companies like the EU. It's really awesome.

>> No.52742366

Elon is currently beefing with Apple too over then wanting a cut of his user subscriptions. Who knows what will happen. They have a lot more pull than Brave but this could have some impact down the line.

>> No.52742403

I say this because Apple currently does not allow users to get a cut of rewards on iOS. Fucking blackballing half of the mobile market.

If that changes significant demand could increase overnight. Brave could have a bit more sway with advertisers seeing as iPhone are typically higher end devices — and in turn higher value customers.

>> No.52743149

Goats are hardy, but high maintenance since they're smart. They can unlock doors, fuck your shit up, unless you build for them. Sheep are easier, but love to die. Look at most breeds the wrong way and they'll keel over.
A good compromise could be hair sheep, Katahdins, Barbados Blackbellies. Much hardier than conventional sheep.

>> No.52743558

Harvesting wool would be the shit. I've got wool slippers, wool dress shirts, wool sweaters, and wool t-shirts.

>> No.52743755

Depends on what breed you want to optimize for. Hair sheep are good for meat and milk, don't die at the slightest provocation, but absolutely useless for textiles. But I feel wool is a lot harder to get into, requires more work & infrastructure than meat, with a more difficult market.

>> No.52743757

sure is reddit spacing in here, i’ll make sure to upvote these comments with awards :^)

>> No.52743781

k fag

>> No.52743838

I just want sheep as a hobby project. Maybe other dude wants them for more. I was inspired by The Shepherd's Life by James Rebanks. Has a farm in the Lake District and does remote and on-site work for UNESCO. Has it made!

>> No.52743912

I got a friend who does that, has her own spinning wheels and looms. Though she raises alpacas, since they've been much more popular at markets.

>> No.52743956

Sounds like a great business. Especially since she can prove it's 100% alpaca.

>> No.52745020

I just bought more BAT. I don't think 20c will last much longer. A lot of people will wonder why they didn't buy any here when they look back.

>> No.52746143

This is the first documented pay with bat purchase gentleman.

>> No.52746438

>I think I'll import a virgin waifu from SEA
No white erasure buddy. If you aren’t a total slouch you can go find a country white girl no problem.

As for bat I’m still holding its way too late to sell now and I’m too stubborn. $10 will eventually happen.

>> No.52746708

Nice view man. Upper Midwest?
Yea 1 cow. 1 steer. Keep the cow for a calf and eat 1 steer a year.
Chickens or ducks for eggs and meat
You got a massive garden too?
I'm 40. I've been with so many white women. They all have the brain rot. Even the "conservative" ones. Phone phone phone. Wow they love their fucking phone. Rather have a humble 20 year old 3rd world Asian chick helping me out and raising my children

>> No.52746742

>Rather have a humble 20 year old 3rd world Asian chick helping me out and raising my children
Deluded. You are a green card and a meal ticket to them.

>> No.52746882

Of course. And I want a hot virgin 18 year old . They want financial security and out of the 3rd world. Trade off.

All relationships the both parties want something. No matter what happens there is no way I end up worse than 99% of marriages with wives that ballooned, think of their husband as a buffoon walking ATM. And watch jew media all day.

>> No.52747216

You're suggesting a marriage that, by your own admission, would be transactional, and at the same time suggesting you wouldn't be treated like an ATM? Because that's what a Thai woman will treat you like.
You gonna ask her to get her hymen authenticated by a gynecologist too lol you're shark bait man

>> No.52747278

In any healthy relationship the man is the provider. And it's not like you marry some random woman with no father figure

If it turns out bad. I'll be the first to admit it on the bat yacht

>> No.52747404

The only true way to know if a woman loves you is if you get a vasectomy, tell her, and she doesn't leave.

> And it's not like you marry some random woman with no father figure

On the flip side, strong relationship with her parents might mean you're getting dumped. They prefer she marry someone local.

Thai women are so ugly. Why not hit up LATAM? When I lived in Asia all the expats were dating ugly women, sometimes older women.

>> No.52747626

Women who were raising right don’t become mail order brides. You’d be her meal ticket and then she leaves you for a younger guy.

>> No.52747741

Based agreed. Chile and Paraguay patrician choice
Obviously same principles apply. Don't be fat. Don't be poor. Be in shape.
And yea. Mail order bride will be just like marrying a western woman.

What is the bat cutoff date and minimum amount for the bat yacht party in Miami. I was for sure thinking we would have it by 2024. But looks like 2026