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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52738388 No.52738388 [Reply] [Original]

Will fast food perform well during a global depression like it did from 2008-2012?

>> No.52738420

No. Prices are going up and local businesses are offering better value for money.

There will be a transitional period while commercialism eats away at the poor but most franchises place their cost on the licensee so it is basically a house of cards ready to fall over and has the potential of happening overnight.

>> No.52738431

No more dollar menus. Everything is minimum $2.50. The large drinks are smaller than the old small sizes back then, and they have machines that fill them with mostly ice and nowhere near the lid. And then there's niggers who now more than ever want to defile your food because their boss won't pay them an office wagie salary. Of course it will do well. People will dop anything for goyslop. That's right you kikes, I said goyslop again. Cry about it to your foreskin barren dick.

>> No.52738437


I hate women bros

>> No.52738445

This post makes me want to get a management role in fast food

>> No.52738463


Imagine you’re 40 and work in fast food. Do you think the TikTok whores who work there would fuck you?

>> No.52738469

What if I can give them a higher salary

>> No.52738486


I’m honestly surprised a girl like that would work fast food, she’d make way more for less effort by becoming a sugar baby or getting some OF simps

>> No.52738495

recession is hitting hard when roasties have to fuck their wagie slave master for more funny money.

>> No.52738502

Holy shit, how do I get a job as a boss at five guys?

>> No.52738517

Shes retarded or faking. Honestly I think women have too much pride to whore themselves out. If they didnt then the market would be saturated and OF prices would crash.

>> No.52738560


She's playing the game you dimwits. She's not actually fucking her boss, she's trying to "make it" on tiktok and the way you do that as a young woman is to post lustful videos aimed at older men.


>> No.52738562

You can give them 1 salary raise per inch of a chub you can make.

>> No.52738773

Not every girl has the courage of doing it,specially if she lives with her parents.

Plus,the recession will hurt the OF girls that didn't make it already.

>> No.52738789

the eternal "recession" everyone is waiting for...

>bro you can just make you rich with this next recessios is comming bro!

>> No.52738794
File: 20 KB, 659x779, polturd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate women bros
>Imagine you’re 40 and work in fast food. Do you think the TikTok whores who work there would fuck you?
>I’m honestly surprised a girl like that would work fast food, she’d make way more for less effort by becoming a sugar baby or getting some OF simps

>> No.52738855
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1666930777124554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TikTok should be banned.

>> No.52739211

rent free

>> No.52739508

is she saying shes a whore? I don't get women

>> No.52739584

She's come to the realization someone is fucking the manager but making the video vague enough to possibly imply she's going to

>> No.52739589

>courage to be a whore

Kykes are everywhere

>> No.52739602

all women are whores you retarded christshit
they were "trad" when they were beaten and oppressed

>> No.52739694

She does LARP fetish videos bruv, it's fake

>> No.52740055

Nice try Cleo.
We all know its you trying to get /biz/ to sub to your shitty Tiktok.