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52719959 No.52719959 [Reply] [Original]

Cars are a bad investment.

>> No.52719975

>buy 97 supra in 2010 for 17k
>it's worth 50-70k now

>> No.52719981

cars are tools to get from point A to point B 99.9% of the time and thinking about them as investments will only lead you astray

>> No.52720089

Yep that’s why I buy cheap Japanese cars that are at least 1 year old
Toyota, Honda, or Nissan will last you over 250k miles with simple maintenance

>> No.52720098

>cruising down the street in my 64
Nicely done

>> No.52721082

This. just live somewhere where you can walk for 90% of your trips and keep a shitty one for when you need it

>> No.52721216
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DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.52721235

who said anything about cities? I just live near a grocery store and gym

>> No.52721255


Not everything needs to turn a profit you dirty Jew. If you plan on buying a sports car and you plan on it being the one then what does it matter if it depreciates to nothing in a few years? Kindly face the wall please

>> No.52721256

>hustle and bustle
aka Life

>> No.52721274
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>be 27
>no friends
>try to leave my comfort zone and meet people IRL
>the majority of people i have met so far are unironically like this

where are all the cool people?

>> No.52721286

By cool you mean negative and bitter?

>> No.52721312

no by cool i mean someone who has varied interests and isn't shallow. it's so rare to meet someone who is thoughtful and has a creative hobby.

>> No.52721314

if you want to meet down to earth nerds then find places that hosts board game nights and shit like that

>> No.52721325

I understand what he means the actual cool people are focused on doing their own thing. A d generally have few friends and won't make friends with just anyone. You have to give them enough reason to come to you.

>> No.52721344

It depends on your line of business
Sometimes they are a great investment


>> No.52721389

>purchase tool to reduce commute time and vastly increase mobility without dealing with too many normies
sounds like a good investment to me.

>> No.52721397

>have to give them enough reason to come to you
that makes sense, but how is this actually done?

>> No.52721401

this pasta makes me sad because it's literally my friend who lives in the city. not jacked though.

>> No.52721432
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i bought a pre owned certified nissan like 5 years ago for sub 10k and i'm still driving it. the most expensive thing that failed was the fuel injector which i got replaced. it's currently paid off.

my boomer parents meanwhile have gone through 3 Ford/Dodge cars since then at 30k+ each which were obviously not even close to paid off.

>> No.52722135

t. carbrain

>> No.52722168

he sounds really cool,

>> No.52722177
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>> No.52722212

Enjoy your time bomb CVT transmission

>> No.52722229


>> No.52722231

Investments are stupid in general. Learn how to steal money or produce drugs. You can always make money that way.

>> No.52722241

In darkweb chatrooms.

>> No.52722245


>> No.52722306

I remember fucking a woman in my Porsche Cayman. We were in Palm Desert, up in the mountains, overlooking the town. First date. Picked her up and she looked at the car and almost started salivating. Sushi dinner. Few drinks. Nice drive.
Oh God I will never, ever, ever in my life forget that night. We broke up after a few dates but that first date was one of the best I ever had.
protip: you need to get into the passenger seat, push the seat all the way back, and let her put her legs in the driver seat and let her ride side saddle. She was skinny so it worked because I could move her up and down.
You fucking guys need to start living life before it passes you by.

>> No.52722319

Sounds like half the hipsters that live in Brooklyn.

>> No.52723022
File: 51 KB, 1024x819, 973E1F31-A126-4621-ACFD-2DA4EDD5C14D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well meme’d fren

>> No.52723051

I bought my Truck in 2009 for $34,000. I still have that Truck. Give the time I've had it, it amounts to $50 per week. I think it's fine given it's allowed me to drive many places.

>> No.52723896

>Midwest cope

>> No.52723986

Wrong. All new petrol and diesel cars are set to be banned in the UK starting in 2030. Electric cars will eventually take over market share and will be the norm in the future. All electric cars at the moment are automatic transmission. There will be demand for manual cars in the future. I will buy as many manual cars for myself and hoard them. Car enthusiasts and younger generation who wants to try out a manual car will come to me. I will keep manual transmission alive for as long as I am alive.

>> No.52724089
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, publictransport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate having to risk my life or serious injury every time I go to work or want to go to the store. I want to live in a civilized country with efficient public transportation and have a weekender car to drive around the country or on the track.

>> No.52724159
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>I hate having to risk my life or serious injury every time I go to work or want to go to the store.
me too

>> No.52724317

>not a manual
Anyone who bought an auto Nissan deserves that shitty tranny

>> No.52724367

based. i only drive manual

>> No.52724592

>train accidents are as common as car accidents

>> No.52725820

Very nice. What year and model?

>> No.52725843

I'm about to buy another car.

>> No.52725853

Cars are not an investment

>> No.52725868

this, but dread is down so no funny posts by people jacked up on god knows what.

>> No.52725871


>> No.52725903

They are busy sexually pleasing black cock. Rub off a few BBCs and you will find them.

>> No.52725922
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kek it never gets old and it makes city copers seethe

>> No.52725948

If you weren’t my friend in middle school I’m not going to hang out with you simple as. I only have two friends left but that’s all I really need ya know. Way too much effort trying to meet a new friend and it feels kind of gay.

>> No.52725953
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reading this thread. waste of time

>> No.52727643


>> No.52727652

You are right, brother. The second you leave that car lot your investment has dropped 25%

>> No.52727666

Fucking in cars is not nearly as good as you make it sound. Theyre way too cramped. No room for anything, plus you can become a sex offender if the cops catch you

>> No.52727670

>Sushi dinner.
Disgusting. The smell from your mouths must've been horrendous

>> No.52727703

They tend to be drug users. GO out with zoomers from your workplace, let them take you to clubs and shit. You meet all sorts of poeple. Lots of rich cunts off their heads if you're lucky and they give you free drinks and coke all night

>> No.52727724

The white population of NYC was over 6 million in 1940. Now it's around 3 million.

>> No.52727735

How did anyone think a money sink like this is good for poor people

>> No.52727770


The "muscle car" magazines were promoted by US car manufacturers as psyop to create a consumer culture so that american buyers would not stray away American vehicle manufactures.

There is a law still existing called the chicken tax law, it prohibits small foreign trucks from being imported into the US as a way to kill outside competition.

>> No.52727805

they don't exist. people are vindictive and spiteful

>> No.52727808

Not really.
>bought old mazda in 2013 for 5k
>worth 40k+ now

>> No.52727886

Anon I…

>> No.52727949

darkweb does seem to be getting more interesting

>> No.52728009

Cars aren't an investment, who the fuck said they were? They depreciate the second you drive them off the lot. Although this last year was fucked with used vehicles selling for more than new ones

>> No.52728461

are you tarded?


>> No.52728579

I bought a very nice new Audi in 2020 that is now selling for 10% higher on second market so I'm thinking about selling it and buying a cheaper one but it's so nice makes me feel cool so not all is about making money.