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File: 506 KB, 1536x2048, McCafe Sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52717979 No.52717979 [Reply] [Original]

In Europe, your job makes little difference to how much you can earn. Basically, there is no point in following difficult pursuits unless you don't care about social status.

What drives you to work harder in burgerland?

>> No.52717986

Stop making these fucking threads, they make zero sense.

>> No.52717993

>ties in McDonald’s
Nigger were a mistake.

>> No.52718036

they cute

>> No.52718048

Wtf doctors make the same as burger wagies


>> No.52718054

getting away from shitskins
and It's starting to be the case also for Europe, the europe you talk about no longer exist, people now thrive to either get super rich to live in the most elite part of capitol cities (+80% white still) or get rich enough to buy property in rural communities (+95% white) and start comfy live there

>> No.52718105
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I would fuck all three people in that picture.

>> No.52718386
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It's true

for example in France, a cop in Paris (the lowest level) something like 20 years old is paid 2,100 euros net per month

a code monkey at 25 years old and after a computer science degree is paid 1,800 euros net per month

a plumber, who dropped out high school at 16 is already making 3,000 euros net per month at 25 years old, same for butchers and welders

of course the code monkey will get a better salary with the time but the cop, the welder, the butcher and the plumbers too

when each one of these wagies is 30, only the butcher, the plumber and the welder are homeowners

>> No.52718414

By the way, in my group of 8 (male) friends from high school, 7 are now living abroad

Ukraine (yes)

My friend living in Ukraine (Odessa) prefers to live in a country at war rather than coming back in Paris

the last one (still living in France) is an under-paid code monkey trying to get experience in order to move abroad soon

>> No.52718434

Diversity is our strength

>> No.52718447


Only in America can I work 10 hrs/week from home making over 200k. I literally sit in a bathrobe all day watching movies, working out going outside, etc. while getting paid more than 95% of the world.

>> No.52718455

And yes, the first argument for them to leave (and myself too) is that there are too much shitskins in France and that our government is pozzed

We are not talking about working class, one of these guys has a hedge fund in Luxembourg, one became a lawyer in Sydney, one owns numerous flats and shops in Odessa etc...

France is the 2nd country losing the more qualified workers every year just after India and this flow is increasing every year

in 2050 there will only be boomers, antifas, ngubus and achmeds in France, nothing else.

>> No.52718481

>Complain about lazy immigrants
>Move to Britain

>> No.52718495

Of course the two guys who moved two London are cucks but still they left France and I'm not too worried for them regarding diversity because they have finance jobs and live in South Kensington so they probably don't meet any Jamaican except when they order uber eats.

(They brought their ugly french gfs tho...)

>> No.52718569
File: 39 KB, 416x643, case of natty light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the boomers will still be around by 2050, brah.

>> No.52718579

this is why everyone despises am*ricans

>> No.52718587

boomers are born between 1945 and 1965
some will remain and will reap what they sow
i can't wait to see them dying in pain as their real estate bags crash under the weight of africa

>> No.52718595

More money. Working hard to make money to invest in bit to make even more money. we are driven by greed here in burgerland.

>> No.52718597
File: 30 KB, 350x350, wu tang financial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't sound sustainable. I hope you've got some side projects going for the long term.

>> No.52718598

you just forgot to say that 200K is the gross salary and that your rent/mortgage is at least 3K per month if you don't want to live in a nigger / meth town

>> No.52718601
File: 78 KB, 604x699, 1639532116941555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 2050 there will only be boomers, antifas, ngubus and achmeds in France, nothing else.

Exactement. Et je suis un turboprolo qui ne pourra jamais s'expat d'ici là. It's over

>> No.52718617

You're right, im an accountant and i earn more 200 euros than minimum wage but i do a bunch of unpaid hours and its super stressful half the month, i dont understand how people do this, im going to quit and get a easy job, i dont care about the wage

>> No.52718619

Go for the high score then, this train has no brakes

>> No.52718644

rural areas are mostly still cheap as fuck while even rich part of the cities are total dumps
remember proper public transit and relative small cities mean the garbage can move around with ease
the problem is no jobs in rural areas so you need do work out something first before moving there

>> No.52718645

>as their real estate bags crash under the weight of africa
kek. Yeah, that's not the best investment vehicle at this point. I think your friends in Australia and England are at a high risk of getting themselves stuck in the same situation, though. We need to be minimizing our exposure to zog as a long term goal.

>> No.52718658

The rest of the world is making it sustainable. US is subsidized by every other country

>> No.52718663

I'm too young to die. I'll just unironically get on a boat and flee the continent like a shitskin kek

>> No.52718665

Chad guy :)

>> No.52718671


>> No.52718681

No. OP is a gay lying retard

>> No.52718684

there is nowhere safe left anon
letzi is way too tiny and eu cucked to resist anything
aus and albion lol same problems
bulgaria no comment sneeded
schweiz is holding out for now but the current financial crash and energy problems are gonna rekt them too

if you want to move its either the usa for a wagie or one of the rich people enclaves post made it

>> No.52718708
File: 463 KB, 900x506, mutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want to move its either the usa for a wagie or one of the rich people enclaves post made it

>> No.52718710
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 1562959740155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rest of the world is making it sustainable.
lol not, they're not. You're getting paid by an employer to jerk off. The rest of the world has nothing to do with it. If you get a slight change in management, they could can your ass tomorrow. Whatever, nigger. Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.52718742

i am from europe you tranny
i said move to the usa as a wagie since the massively bigger wages there allow you to escape so much faster by having a large buy in investing stack
instantly going to a real safe zone isnt possible as a wagie

>> No.52718753

millenial mutts are living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.52718794

Op, stop posting on the internet and take your meds.

>> No.52718828

averages vs possibilities
in europe there is a 0 chance of a high paying job no matter which degree you do or how ambitious or motivated you are
in america you can still get paid decent, the masses of low effort niggers dragging the average down dont change the possibilities

working 80 hour weeks for a multinational as an eng makes you 2500€ net a month
how much does a burger flipper make in burgerland for how many hours?

>> No.52718843

2500€ per month for 80hours per week?!?!

you live in fucking Kosovo or what?

>> No.52718851
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They are girls now

>> No.52718970

rich western europe actually, in kosovo that would be like 800€ a month

>> No.52719039

wtf are you saying
a cop in paris make 2100 euros net per month working 35 hours per week
kys and take all your bloodline with you

>> No.52719079

Sounds socialist.

>> No.52719085

only in socialist countries does that happen.

>> No.52719092

>implying you will still be alive
you could die before they do

anime truly is soulless

>> No.52719095

what you just said it part of the problem
be an ambitious motivated young person in europe and go down the career path meaning uni and wagie in high pressure big corp
congrats the unis produced more diplomas then jobs so every year there is another cohort of easily exploitable people
this results in career positions requiring 80 hours of no overtime pay a week level of effort just not to get fired and you get paid 25% over low effort careers
this is the depressing low of the current state of europe and as long as you remain within europe there is no escape from this

>> No.52719152

>In Europe, your job makes little difference to how much you can earn.

as it should be, and i say this as someone who works a soul suckingly jewish job (accounting) because it pays "decently."

>> No.52719179

no one work 80 hours per week in western europe

no one

>> No.52719215

oh you sweat summer childe, you have not yet plummeted the bottoms of the hellscape that is modern society
its getting even more cutthroat now with the inflation as the trapped people of our generation are getting close to the danger limits on their mortgages

>> No.52719265

Emigrating isn't hard if you aren't locked down with family and a mortgage.

T. Swedish expat in Switzerland

>> No.52719295

you forgot to realize that 200K after tax is still like 135k at least, and 3k/mo mortgage on 11k/mo income is insanely affordable still. Doubly so if your wife is also a high earner

>> No.52719296

That's kinda true, progressive taxes make it not worth it to go the extra mile, but entry level salary is is still low. After a certain point it's smarter to just look for perks like WFH or working less hours.

>> No.52719396

>graduate with medical degree which takes minimum six years after high school (balkan euro here)
>start radiology residency which takes another five years
>here's your 1100 euros a month bro

No debt whatsoever (compared to burgers) but still, not fucking worth it. Wish i took some trade or finished a business degree, fuck going through 1000+-pages-books and constant fear of missing something for some shitty pay.

>> No.52719453

my neighbor is italian, he is earning 1350 euros per month working for amazon call center

wtf are you smoking? a doctor in balkans make +2K minimum

>> No.52719482

>What drives you to work harder in burgerland?

A standard young American is in 5-6 figure debt. A standard young European has zero debt.

>> No.52719486
File: 931 KB, 1200x1200, 1668040399331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't have to pay for israel or niggers in europe or something.

>> No.52719828

>a doctor in balkans make +2K minimum

Specialist on call maybe, also depends on the region/city or country.
My lowest paycheck as a primary care doc fresh out of med school was 800 (eight hundred) euros.

>> No.52719856

>What drives you to work harder in burgerland?
I have to rent other wise I'm homeless and I'm starting to think NOT WORKING is better.

>> No.52719865

>buy property in rural communities (+95% white)
I see niggers all the time in rural areas.
You're coping.

>> No.52719893

camp of the saints is real

>> No.52719914

Mohammed and Samira on gibs earn basically the same as a doctor in Europe

>> No.52720166

>2500€ net a month
kek. i was making 1500€ /month delivering food (45 hours/week) on my bicycle in a literal ee shithole. eu is a joke.

>> No.52720248

there are four people

>> No.52720322

>What drives you to work harder in burgerland?
Buying land, a bunch of neat tools, and guns.

Pretty much owning all the things your average Eurocuck is not allowed to. Also living away from niggers

>> No.52720433

100% would watch this sol.

>> No.52720489

They don't. Differences in salaries are similar. However doctors do make less than fast food workers in the US. Unless we're talking about scandinavia, germany, austria etc.

>> No.52720554

what a load of bullshit

>> No.52720631

>balkan euro
Also you forgot to add that your living expenses are probably 200 euros at the max.

>> No.52720768

I live in Sweden and work as a Head and Neck Specialist doing sinus- and facial fracture surgery...making ~100k USD/y. I work around 50 hours/week.

In my opinion it's underpaid. But you guys are welcome to call me a faggot and threaten to rape my ass.

>> No.52720799

oh and that's the salary before taxes. I'm only left with 5,5k USD after taxes.

>> No.52720819

so wrong
The USA in reality subsidizes every other western country, since none of you need a real military with us around (and you’d start another world war if you did have one)

>> No.52720912


Haha hanrej. Du har gjort allt du skulle. Bra jobbat. Din belöning är svältlön och samhällelig kollaps.

>> No.52720969

Javisst! Börjar tvivla på min egen sexualitet när det svenska samhället sätter på mig dagligen och måste dessutom känna skuld för min "höga" lön. Hur vågar jag klaga!