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52714926 No.52714926 [Reply] [Original]

What was it like?

>> No.52714981

If the ratio is more nerds than chads, it’s great. Very fun, chill, easy to talk to people. People talk about their hobbies, passions, what they’re working on, etc. Examples: ETH Denver, ETH Portland, SmartCon

If it’s more finance chad than nerd, it’s very gay. A lot of dick measuring, posturing, pretending they’re doing great things. Assholes will be very quick to talk about their net worth, talk about what NFTs they own, what they’re investing in, etc. Examples: Consensus, Bitcoin Miami/Dubai, Art Basel.

>> No.52714993

Yeah im a trans girl and i was raped at a link conference

>> No.52715015

Several. I work in the “industry” if you call it that. Some are quite comical and cringe. Mostly cringe.

One of my first meet ups was to fleece wealthy people who wanted to do ICO/STOs. One event I went to had an old man who claimed it was a bitcoin meet up but actually was his event to shill some useless token, but why it’s funny is he bought BTC at 16-19k and leveraged his house to buy more right before the crash. I don’t know if he held on long enough to see a return but I always chuckle at some old man bag holding for three years.

Recent meet ups and conferences were for Avalanche. Avalanche Spain was awful. It was basically a bunch of r*dditors and autist who couldn’t converse to save their life and ever project was basically bringing board games to the blockchain.

Avalanche Creates in Berkeley was a bit better. But only for outside VC firms there that we needed to pitch to. Other than that it was a cringe fest.

Chainlink ones are okay. There’s a lot of “those” guys there who are just there to have fun which makes it better

>> No.52715037

I banged Caoline at one last year. She was extra grippy.

>> No.52715056

Try having sex lel

>> No.52715080
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Went to the chainlink after dark party in NY. It was pretty good ngl, had an awesome time and there were many people that were easy to talk to. Good times.

>> No.52715284

I delivered pizzas to a crypto party. None of the lights were on but could hear them cheering about catching weasels. No tip either.

>> No.52715287

fuck no thats nerd shit

>> No.52715308

was she slippy and grippy? or just grippy? makes a difference for me masturbating rn

>> No.52715320

thats fucking disgusting.

>> No.52715432

I went to smartcon and pretty sure I met some of you. The saying "nothing ever happens" definitely applied, waste of money and time

>> No.52715464


Eth Denver had agents filming the crowd for face recognition

>> No.52715531

Steven Mckie.

>> No.52715569

I attended Zcon this year, it was total fucking shite compared to the last Zcon (which was in croatia). This one was in Las Vegas and the food was total shite. Zooko brought his 19 y o sugar baby along. Very boring.

>> No.52715604
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>> No.52715657


>> No.52715711

I see pee

>> No.52715727

>if the ratio is more nerds than chads
note this hasnt been the case for at least 2 years. had a guy say "im in it for the money not the tech". should have been a top signal in retrospect. I think this has been a recurring theme in every industry for hundreds of years. guys with money chasing after guys in tech. the worlds a ponzi scheme and im thoroughly blackpilled after listening to faggots brag about using blockchain technology to "own" a picture of a monkey.

>> No.52715753


>> No.52715802

we are watching you Steven Mckie

You should delete you post about ETH denver

>> No.52715975

not every chad is a piece of shit grifter anon. some do understand what is happening they just cant help but being a chad themselves. also these meetups are all by default going to be cringe because bitcoins strength is it existing online interacted by people that talk to eachother without having no idea how one looks. nobody knows what satoshi looked like and i dont know what any of you look like but its the ideas that we all share which is what binds us together in this world not the barriers which prevent ideas from being spread that exist in the outside world

>> No.52716004

I never been to one, but considered Bitcoin Miami until I watched the live stream and got really cringed out.
Plus tickers were like $1,000 or something.

I don't want to meet locally either because I don't want people knowing I'm into bitcoin close to where I sleep at night.

I think this space functions better on the internet.
In person the fake people are just there to pomp their egos, and the real ones are just exposing themselves to nonsense.

Unless you're in with a developer community and the event is private, but we hardly ever hear about those until after the fact.

>> No.52716014

Fuck well said. It's also why I cringe with all these faggot "crypto influencers" who doxx their faces and full names and pretend to know anything about the tech or care about it. In hiphop they call these types culture vultures and these types of parties attracts them like flys

>> No.52716152

those people are actually necessary for us anon. its harder to put us all in the 'crypto bro neo nazi' box when there is a black poc or some white woman tweeting about bitcoin to her many simp followers. Let them be the face of crypto for us while we are in the background making the real money because if you think about it we actually need those people more than they need us

>> No.52716184

You will have to pin the weasel to find out.

>> No.52716191

Everyone tried to shill me this shitcoin called Bitcoin. One good look at it and I knew it was dogshit

>> No.52716194

I hear you but literally "crypto bro" is now a meme. It used to be "wow you're into what? crypto? cool..." now it's "ohh you're a crypto bro..." aka a douchebag that peddles scams. I'm a dev and I don't even say I work in crypto anymore. It's embarrassing. People look at you like you're a retard or a scam artist and unironically respect people who build useless phone apps over crypto dapps and infrastructure.

>> No.52716209

>Art Basel
My NFT company was in that, can confirm many in our company make our art out to be a lot more than it is. Still I work around 15 minutes a day and make almost $30 an hour so I play along.

>> No.52716241

im just going to give you a forewarning that its about to get a heck more embarrassing and worse at least in the short term. The innovative tech side of crypto is stalling and there needs to be another serious bear market in which everyone leaves except the developers and libertarians so a new ethereum can come about. cos rn L2 is still just a meme and we are already pushing up against the walls of defi as of now

>> No.52716310

I was at Xday and I was very proud that it was my first crypto conference. Many amazing projects showed up. That's where Elrond officially announced the name change to MuktiversX and reveal their xMoney crypto & fiat projects.

>> No.52716390

Agreed. Unironically I am getting more and more convinced ICP is that new ethereum. Still you're right that we do need a true bear so all the hucksters can leave.

>> No.52716431

But what's the new ICP?

>> No.52716478

Are you drunken link jesus?

>> No.52716503

i know what you mean, i just briefly mentioned crypto to my female cousins and they looked away and gave each other "that look" idc though, they wont care when im inviting them to cancun for a family vacation

>> No.52716541

I hate talking to other people about crypto, why would I go to a convention so people can shill in person?

>> No.52716545

I twice attendedcrypto conferences that were focused on blockchan privacy and other facets of human endeavour, and they were both informative.

>> No.52716562
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is that fuckin bruce jenner

>> No.52716565
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I knew guy who would sleep all day in his mother house then get dressed up in a suit and tie and go to happy hour after work business bars and pretend he was one of them

>> No.52716574

I don't leave my room to begin with

>> No.52716576

i went to one in 2017, have never seen so many virgin losers in one place. sold everything (actually pretty close to that top, about what it is now) and never looked back

>> No.52716611

absolute based multi-tasking chad move

>> No.52716751

yes with my black roommate, we waited outside and just took all the watches off the ones wearing bayc tshirts then drove off. only one dude tried to fight back and i paper sprayed his eyes