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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52706232 No.52706232 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52706253

go ahead and get someone to try and explain to you why it is this is considered "bad"

>> No.52706343

"Just pull bootstraps bro"
"Stop being lazy bro"
"Just work 2 jobs bro"

Unless every single bootlicking parasite is euthanized we will never be free and slavery will reign supreme. Good news is that your rotten cancerous parasitic status quo has a built in expiration date and soon your rotten world will expire one way or another. 30 long years ive been a slave in perpetual torture, pain, submission and suffering but the time is fast approaching. We will have all your putrid heads parasites

>> No.52706369

This is why we need the vax. Gets rid of useless eaters.

>> No.52706450

30 and still living with family
Homes are unafforable, dont want to live with roommates, and getting a studio will cost half my salary to a bumfuck landlord who will double the rent in a year.

>> No.52706519
File: 157 KB, 633x440, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a feminist problem. smash the patriachy!

>> No.52706565

Society used to be give and receive. Now they just want you to give and give more. So many stupid decisions in the last 50 years have accumulated to the worst possible living conditions for men ever. Even during the depression men could still start a family, nearly impossible now. They need to reverse on so many decisions that would cause big corporations, billionaires, and women to riot but its the only way to save men and in the process humanity.

>> No.52706724
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>> No.52706727

Pretty much this. Most current jobs benefit some random fags while I get buttfucked. Half of my money spent on rent and groceries so it becomes living only to work. That would be fine if the work was something meaningful but it isn't

>> No.52706744

Sounds like you need to get out of the house. Have you considered a second job? Little bit of hustle never hurt anyone

>> No.52706787

i'm 33 and i moved back in with my parents 6 months ago, everything is too expensive for what you're getting, women included

>> No.52706790

How do we free the other 2/3 of men still trapped in the matrix?

>> No.52706805

Why do I see this image basically anytime I click on this board?>>52706232

>> No.52706833
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oy vey calm down Kanye

>> No.52706980
File: 31 KB, 500x494, 1665538355044066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow turns out a full social propaganda campaign demonizing men and white people actually doesn't motivate them to be productive members of society!

>> No.52707013

why only young men? 50% of young women arent working or raising kids
this is a disaster but more so for women

>> No.52707139

its misrepresentation to demoralise men. ignore it.

>> No.52707220

A full grown man making over $100k a year working 9-5, living on his own, would need to save for about 25 years to save a down-payment for a house in the suburb of any major American city. There's literally no reason to work. Any woman he might consider making his wife is an unrepentant prostitute and when he gets elderly, the government will simply euthanize him because he is "too poor." We have reached a tipping point in our culture where these men will either quietly go out into the cold dark night, or explode.

Verification not required.

>> No.52707296

Well, survival remains a reason, but nobody wants to work in some corporate office just for survival. Not to mention how many jobs are still filled with people who won't retire and how many more go to diversity handouts.

>> No.52707328

It's bad because it doesn't just declare that they're not working. It suggests that they're not doing anything at all, which is a much bigger problem.

>> No.52707332

A human being isn't an animal that just works for survival. The existence of kamikaze and suicide bombers is the simplest proof of that. If people don't feel any sense of dignity or purpose in their life, they simply choose to die. Or at least they make the calculation that life and death are equally desirable.

>> No.52708419

Probably half the men living with family are gainfully employed and doing so in a last ditch effort to save for a house. Not having to worry about rent also means you can take riskier speculative gambles which can pay off. It's what I did and now I own my house outright. No regrets. I have a loving family which helps, not everyone can do the same.

>> No.52708469

30 and making $120k salary.
Going to save up on a down payment on a house.
Never paying rent.

>> No.52708556

Had to move to work and it sucks. Stay at home as long as you can kings

>> No.52708578

i wonder what OP looks like. the type of person to compulsively post the same twitter screenshot over and over again, at least once a week for literally years on end -- who is he, what does his anti-psychotic medication regiment look like? i guess we will never know.

>> No.52708582

Nah, modern day time is the worst time period to live for 97% of men. The 3% that are chads pretty much have the entire female population as their harem and can have sex with anyone of them on demand and also have very high paying jobs because the HR roasties get super wet during the interview and hire them no matter what

>> No.52708588

Any thread with an OP screencap of a twitter post with that article is a botpost. It's literally just a bot sliding the forum so that we don't talk about other stuff.

Stop fucking replying to these spam posts.

>> No.52708610

i doubt it's a bot. a dopamine depleted permafried niggerbrain NEET is more likely.

>> No.52708640
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>30 and still living with family
Are you a third worlder?

Everyone i know either voluntarily moved out of the house or were kicked out at 18 ( like me).
How the fuck are there grown ass men still living with their mom and dad

>> No.52708665
File: 7 KB, 150x150, 4j7x9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 32
I rent a house with my parents
I pay most of the bills, they pay for food
I haven't seen pussy IRL since i was like 25

>> No.52708734

More than 1/2 of the USA lives on 20k net or less a year.

>> No.52708747

As in more than half the USA are essentially in poverty.

>> No.52708754

And they never report on the real number of homeless in this country but I know it's a metric shit ton. at least 15 million. AT LEAST

>> No.52708759

This is Jewish propaganda. It's designed to show you that men are failing as a gender and it wants you to convert to a woman with a penis. Do not listen to this garbage, embrace masculinity.

>> No.52708773

Mouse Utopia

>> No.52708788

correct. im not doing anything right now, except interacting with bizfags. i do work out, and i got a job opportunity soon but everything in life is shit.

>> No.52708879

This is the real answer so based I hope we accelerate more