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52660100 No.52660100 [Reply] [Original]

Been a neet for a while and parents keep pressuring me to find a job; keep telling me they have to lie to there friends etc as to why I am not working or outright lie and say I WFH. We need money and they said they don't need my help but I know its a lie, on top they just say I should do something to cover for myself. I am afraid I'll be kicked out soon If I don't find a job plus the mental detoiration is coming every time I get asked If I have found work or not. I have delayed it for years but I don't think I can do it any further. I just don't want to work bros. I don't know if its this place thats made me this way but It makes me sick to my stomach having the idea of slaving away being fully aware of how the system is fucked for people like us. Any job recommmendations? I can't do manual labour I have a pre-existing medical condition; Maybe some sort of short course? Thanks in advance, I am a massive brainlet so any help is appreciated. The guilt of having my older parents slave away for more and more hours to keep up with the absurd prices is eating me alive.
t. 27 year old.

>> No.52660135

idk I had tons of jobs ever since I was 17 and they all suck dick, but everyone has to work some. working at a grocery store or something isn't bad.

>> No.52660167

Not sure man, I am scared of having my mind have acceptance of the modern slavery. I feel like If I do go for a prolonged period of time either I will go insane or I will be okay with it and I am genuinely not sure which one is worse of the two.

>> No.52660174
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>I can't do manual labour I have a pre-existing medical condition

>> No.52660226

It's actually not that bad, it's better than watching your parents suffer and doing nothing. Also you can actually have money to buy stuff which is nice. Honestly I would put some of your paycheck into crypto instead of starting to buy other useless shit with your money and then you might look like a fucking genius to your parents in a few years and be rich. If you can't stand the job you can always quit. Just stop showing up, fuck it.

>> No.52660242

Honestly If the house was paid off and I didn't have to worry about rent/utility I basically don't do anything other then the usual go out for gym/grocery and play vidya most of my days.. I do meet friends 1-2 times a week but don't spend much.

>> No.52660573

look into data entry.

>> No.52660938

WFH or door dash

>> No.52660979

It 100% depends on job you get and the people you work with. I’ve gone from horrible toxic environments where I hated everyday, to quitting to going to nearly the same job at a different location that was great. I’ll say this though, if you’re a neet because of a mental disability, don’t expect any sympathy from most normies they won’t give it to you. Honestly though, it’s not that bad, the stress you’re feeling now will be lifted and you’ll feel better about yourself. It’s just stepping in from one hell to another except you get paid instead of having time.

>> No.52661840

Waging is hell. Get NEETbux and put it all into crypto. You wont make it but you can get a foot in the door next bullrun

>> No.52661871

Wage somewhere where the skills will help you after you leave. Look on craigslist and see if there are some construction crews looking for entry level labor. You can walk off the site at any time if you can't hack it, but if you stick around you'll make good money and valuable skills

>> No.52661927
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24 y/o recovering NEET here. I used to feel the same as you do, just utterly sick to think about waging. I Graduated college in 2020 and moved back home. I day traded for a couple years and made 330k then I watched it go to 15k with the crashes. I’m not invested in trash so I’m hopeful I’ll make it back up in the next couple years. I just started working for my Diocese a couple weeks ago and it’s actually pretty comfy. I have my own office, everyone is very nice and helpful. I feel like I’m making a difference so I don’t mind getting up at 6:45 and going in even though that’s when I would normally go to bed the last two years. Just find something you enjoy doing and if the coworkers are cool you can have fun with it while you wait for crypto or start your own bizness or something.

>> No.52661973

>I can't do manual labour I have a pre-existing medical condition
just go live in a a third world country and starve to death on the street there or something we really cant afford people like this in the USA

>> No.52662029
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Stop being a leech, OP. Before you say "I don't want to work" or "working is slavery", think about what your parents do for you. Also, it's primarily a mindset thing.

>> No.52662071

McDonalds is always looking for employees, anon.

>> No.52662387

You’re fucked in the head. You don’t give a shit about your parents. There’s no way “it’s eating you alive” when you’ve never worked a day of your 27 year life. Kys.

>> No.52662446

I’d agree with this. If your parents could save the $500 a month they spend on you and rent your room for $300 a month they’d make $9600 a year, by the time you’ve been gone for twenty years that’s $192,000 without even investing it. You’re a million dollar liability, you are making them actual slaves because of your fear of “being a slave”.

>> No.52662468

what's your medical condition?

>> No.52663586

become a wagie
you're just gonna luv the hustle and bustle in the open layout offices haha
we JUST have to order a takeout to the office and enjoy our 3 minutes of peace before getting back to work
and ANON, ANON, we HAVE to get ready for the matrix themed party event for christmas in the office, i myself am going to be wearing that long trench coat and black sunglasses haha
by the way, what are your KPIs this month? have you overperformed like i told you yesterday? our department must be at 110% this month so we can get our BONUSES haha

>> No.52663726


>> No.52666095

Face it, you’re not doing anything worthwhile with all that free time you have. You’re just dicking around. You may as well go get a job. If the idea bothers you that much, just get a part time job somewhere to get a little extra money. A lot of easy to get jobs are part time anyways.

>> No.52666190

stop acting like a child

>> No.52666231

As old as stone
OP is a faggot.