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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 544 KB, 698x546, avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52658867 No.52658867 [Reply] [Original]

The future of DeFi

>> No.52658873

i would like to De her Fi

>> No.52658877
File: 460 KB, 1284x1746, 69C938CB-3B27-4FE2-81F8-559BED48FAE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of nothing

>> No.52658909
File: 432 KB, 1232x2048, FO3gsOKX0BESH8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the future of Crypto

>> No.52658946

Beady little eyes, small dick energy- hanging out with disgusting bugs. What could be worse

>> No.52658967
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have sex incel

>> No.52658990
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u jelly?

>> No.52659044

The fact that they're whoring themselves out to AVAX shills is like literally the cringiest part-
This amount of advertising for a tech project truly shows how fucked AVAX really is.

>> No.52659052
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>> No.52659105
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>AVAX is confirmed a scam
>a ginormous amount of AVAX shilling and ICP fudding starts from seemingly no reason at all
>they start marketing a whore for the coomer "customers"

>> No.52659126
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>AVAX is confirmed a scam

>> No.52659143
File: 34 KB, 647x778, 1659566937362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>AVAX is confirmed a scam
>>a ginormous amount of AVAX shilling and ICP fudding starts from seemingly no reason at all
>>they start marketing a whore for the coomer "customers"

>> No.52659160

>no retort
I guess they are not paying you guys enough to do your homework, huh?

>> No.52659179

I really don't give a fuck about Icypee or whatever the fuck it's called, you're the ones shitting up every AVAX thread with spam. Just make your own generals and discuss your mongoloid coin there.

>> No.52659189

>make retarded statement backed by nothing
>is outed as a gorilla nigger
>muh no retort

>> No.52659202

post pic of your timestamped toilet (if you have one) lmao

>> No.52659221

I would Defi-le her if you know what I mean

>> No.52659223
File: 191 KB, 574x795, Goon Le Roach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like roach in here

>> No.52659235

That's exactly what I mean, this link gets insta-posted whenever AVAX is mentioned here. It's either a bot or there's someone monitor /biz/ 24/7 to reply with it.

>> No.52659240

>seed bought for 3 cents

>> No.52659259

Look at all this seething from the roaches.
I own exactly 0 ICP so your cope mechanic won't work with me losers. You guys are shitting up the entire board with shilling and fudding because your scam coin has been revealed. I seriously hope you guys are getting paid from this and you are not doing it for free (AVAX Jannies) because you have a personal and economical interest in it LOL

Keep seething towards my general direction. It's further proof that you guys are panicking about your shitcoin.

>> No.52659261

Maybe if you jeets would stop spamming /biz/ with roach threads I would stop posting this. You fucking retard.

>> No.52659264

and it was already debunked and turned out to be nothing but hot air.
since then Avalanche onboarded more projects.

>I own exactly 0 ICP
kek you sold at a loss.

>> No.52659267
File: 432 KB, 700x700, R (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo it's YOU thats seething, not me!!!

>> No.52659290

There's maximum 1 AVAX general up from time to time, you can just filter it if you don't like it. Spamming the same link into every thread and insulting people won't make your scam ICP coins pump.

>> No.52659309

I don't hold ICP, if you stop spamming /biz/ I will stop posting the link. Until then...

>> No.52659310
File: 220 KB, 1225x332, VEBQmkG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek you sold at a loss
I never bought. I don't buy garbage like ICP OR AVAX.
YOu are underwater in your AVAX purchase even if you didn't sell, though. Enjoy those bags, they are not getting any lighter LMAO

>m-me? NO I'm not seething it's y-you that is seething not me!

>There's maximum 1 AVAX general up from time to time
Nice try roachoid. Pic related.

Man it's gonna be a few funny weeks with all you losers roping slowly and seeing the threads decrease accordingly.

>> No.52659342

From your pic, there's 1 avax general in which over half of the replies are from icp jeets who are paid 5 rupees for every post, 1 thread made by the "hey niggers i have avax" autist (at least it's amusing) and every other thread is made by you dumb esl street shitters that are fudding avax 24/7

>> No.52659365
File: 85 KB, 562x314, lE5hwUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh general
I don't give a fuck about your general cockracoh I care about half the board being AVAX shilling and ICP fudding from AVAXbots like you
tell your roaches to converge all their retarded shit in a single point

even fucking ISEEPEE retards are more respectful no fucking wonder even random people are walking into your trash threads to shit in your scamcoin

>> No.52659374

why dont ICP shills just go to their own /biz/ isnt there a biz board on the ICP chan?
why dont you go there and stay there?

>> No.52659385

Another seething roach walks in
Why don't you ask it to them, not me?
In fact, why don't you create your own avax chan and leave the fuck out of this?= Aren't you supposed to be able to do the same thing as ICP, roach?

>> No.52659398

/biz/ is an Avalanche board, its not an ICP board.
go away.

>> No.52659416

Over half of the replies in every avax thread (threads starteyd by icp retards like you) are fud from icp morons, and you have the audacity to call others bots. The cognitive dissonance is outstanding

>> No.52659418

So you can't host your own chan in your own blockchain is what I'm reading? Wow, I thought you guys were better than ICP or something?
LOL I guess AVAX is truly a ghostchain scam.
Nobody wants all of you roaches here, anyways.

>> No.52659428

>Over half of the replies in every avax thread (threads starteyd by icp retards like you) are fud from icp morons
Good. That way all the trash stays contained.

>> No.52659440

>go away

>> No.52659446

>So you can't host your own chan in your own blockchain is what I'm reading?
why would we? we have 4channels /biz/ which is the home of the Avalanche.
> I thought you guys were better than ICP or something?
Avalanche is better in about everything.
if it werent like this then you wouldnt spend all of your day fudding it.

>> No.52659451

Who's the broad?

>> No.52659464

>AVAX can't create its own website on-chain
yikes, nice scamchain bro

>> No.52659471

Emin calls her good girl

>> No.52659476

No one gives a shit about the link it's a nothing burger you're fucking cringe man. Imagine thinking it's so important you have to post it in every thread lol. Imagine being so mentally ill you monitor a board for a coin you have no interest in to do that. lol you complete virgin. I bet you can't even explain the relevance of your link. Omg avax hired a lawyer...

>> No.52659482

I fud AVAX because emin is a lying fucking roach and everyone who Simps for that retard deserves to rope. It also just so happens that AVAX is a hobbled together shitchain frankensteined together from stolen parts to be a barely usable centralized aws hosted cashgrab.
Simple as.

>> No.52659489

nobody cares about ICP websites, useless junk thats doing nothing for the ICP price, I guess thats why it keeps dumping to zero, the team is doing stupid shit that has nothing to do with Blockchains or crypto.

>> No.52659498

I'd rather have no websites than websites with these links:


Fucking cringe lmaoooooooo

>> No.52659499

Also you can’t ‘hire’ a lawyer to go after your technical superiors, that’s cringe. So you deserve the ol’ rope you fucking disingenuous faggot

>> No.52659502

its more useable than ICP will ever be.
you dont even have any DeFi LOL

>> No.52659504

Just got done reporting AVAX to the SEC.

>> No.52659505

That's a lot of ad hominem, mr. jeet. AVAX colluded with a law firm to take down competition using US law, doesn't sound like a very decentralised thing to do... Sounds like something a scammer would do.

Seethe harder, AVAX is going to zero.

>> No.52659510

Meanwhile Deloitte, Mastercard, Bank of England are building on avax. Sorry your shitchain is absolutely useless, smart money already chose avax, cope.

>> No.52659511

that's nice and all but AVAX can't create its own website on-chain is what I hear? I thought that was one of the selling points?
imagine a garbage coin called ICP having an actual working product that you don't LOL

>> No.52659515
File: 95 KB, 740x740, 1661997122595022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one gives a shit about the link
>burger you're fucking

>> No.52659523

>technical superiors
ICP is inferior in every way. completely useless and nobody uses it. the definition of ghostchain.

>an actual working product
has no DeFi but instead useless websites that nobody visits.
maybe ICP tards wouldnt look all that retarded if they had more than 0 USD TVL.

>> No.52659526
File: 670 KB, 1275x1916, 96234B9E-0580-4232-BEE2-61AAD47EA7D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I’d rather have a decentralized fiat on ramp for btc.
Smart contracts that sign on the btc /eth ledger
Fully customizable sns style dao’s and token distributions
A protocol more efficient than AWS and a protocol literally 20,000 more efficient than its nearest competitor

>> No.52659527

>Meanwhile Deloitte, Mastercard, Bank of England are building on avax
Really, huh? Show me a working product.

Spoiler: You won't

>> No.52659534

What are you even trying to say here Rajesh? I'm sorry English is tough.

>> No.52659536
File: 451 KB, 1284x2681, 2D7B628B-7A4C-4AD8-8F62-AD65AC249E0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would legitimately be hard for icp to be worse than AVAX

>> No.52659539

Scam. I'll just use AWS if I want to host shit, not use some vaporware cucktech with a scam token

>> No.52659544

A fucking website lol what is it 2002?

>> No.52659553

>and yet, AVAX still can't do it
Crazy stuff. Really.

>> No.52659554

all the Subnets are in the works and will launch soon.
meanwhile ICP is still making shitty websites that nobody uses.

>> No.52659559

>Posts a chart of the c chain.
Lol you utter retard way to out yourself as low iq.

>> No.52659561
File: 70 KB, 750x711, 1644715634558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two more weeks trust the plan

>> No.52659562

u saying wat u son of basterd bich?

>> No.52659564
File: 181 KB, 1284x1229, 93323228-BDA0-46A0-BEA9-9D2BBEA8C0CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so mad? Do you have any thing but personal hyperbole to back this up? Maybe go fuck yourself- but before you do, check this pic of icp’s block explorer and sound out the tps to yourself a few times

>> No.52659576

actually not real transaction, misleading garbage like everything about ICP.
nobody actually uses it for anything of value.
go play your flashgames kid

>> No.52659578
File: 139 KB, 820x703, 1659540648862270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noo that doesn't count because... well because it doesnt OKAY!?!!??

>> No.52659579

I'm not mad at all, I simply don't give a fuck about Icypeepee

>> No.52659583

I just posted icp’s true tps here>>52659564
(this is all the social dapps running) now you do it- total tps of AVAX running right now in real time, since you don’t like my third party realtors.org post.

>> No.52659600

Actually it is real tps, this is what through put looks like when you’re running social fi completely on chain

>> No.52659611

goddamn here we go again with the 2 shitchains' incels battling it out over whose gayer. Buy BCH

>> No.52659617

Where's the btc integration buddy? Delayed since 2021? Just 2 more weeks bro

>> No.52659618

See? Just a little look into the block explorer and it shuts the roach fag up pretty quick

>> No.52659624

This week actually less than 2 weeks this time

>> No.52659629

Terrible cope because I'm not defending BTC integration unlike that post I'm straight up shitting in your ghostchain scam.
So tell me, two more weeks for those subnets, yes? Haha, for sure bro. Two more weeks.

>> No.52659634

nobody actually uses it.
its a ghostchain with fake numbers, same as Solana and many others. its a common scam to fool low IQ poojeets such as yourself.
I predict it will not even come close to the Avalanche BTC bridge.

>> No.52659637

Same principle you mongoloid, subnets are in development, these things take time. You would know that, but you're disingenous or retarded.

>> No.52659641

Subnets are already doing more transactions than the main chain and growing exponentially lmao

>> No.52659646

>Same principle
Not at all because unlike you roachoid I'm not coping about how BTC integration is coming. I'm straight up shitting your garbage chain and your "two more weeks" gigacope.
oh wait
this guy said that the subnets are already in working order

You retard can't even keep your lies straight. LOL so is it coming or is it already in? Reach a consensus in your TG about what you are about to say, please.

>> No.52659648

Ok, so is avax’s tps fake from realtps.org? Is it less than 2tps? Or is everyone’s tps fake except avax’s?
also, in technical detail explain how Icp with all of its social dapps running isn’t doing 8000+tps? And how is the block explorer faking tps? Solana tps is fake because they were recording validator votes. Icp doesn’t do that or have that.

>> No.52659652

kek at all of you retards falling for the subnets marketing campaign. Not much different from normies buying the latest iphone because it has more gigabytes. You should all rope

>> No.52659660

>with all of its social dapps running
nobody uses it
>doing 8000+tps
no users and no transactions are actually done.
it doesnt even have DeFi.

>> No.52659661

>what is a testnet
Holy shit how utterly subhuman can you be? This is beyond stupid

>> No.52659665

Oh, I see. you’re a
Complete fucking retard. Why didn’t you just say so? Answer my questions you fucking mongoloid

>> No.52659670

everything that makes avax look like the garbage it is is fake bro and everything that makes anything else look better than avax (so, everything) is fake, bro
didn't you get the memo?

>what is a testnet
so just like BTC integration has been a thing for a while in testnet too? I guess ICP is once again way better than AVAX huh

>> No.52659679

Im just going to take the win on this altercation. You’re too dumb and out of your league

>> No.52659688

Not him but it literally doesn’t matter how many TPS ICP can do. It’s centralized. Same with HBAR and a million others tprojects. Avax is the only alt coin that will work out because it can actually compete with ETH on the grounds of decentralization, not just speed. (Not counting Cardano because lol Cardano)

>> No.52659696

A few subnets are live, and they do more transactions than the c-chain. Hundreds of subnets are on the testnet, including the ones I mentioned from deloitte, mastercard etc. But you already knew this and you're just an icp bagholder that keeps finding new ways to cope with being down 99.6%. I'm done wasting my time with you tg jeets, keep spamming this mongolian basket weaving forum 24/7, I'm sure that will help your investment

>> No.52659709

So just like ICP integration has been a thing in testnet for a while already is what I'm reading?
I guess ICP is, in fact, better than AVAX as you, an AVAX roachholder, just admitted.
I accept your concession.

>> No.52659713

>brings up Cardano out if nowhere
stfu Rajeesh nonone is buying your bags

>> No.52659723
File: 208 KB, 900x1200, CEOofADA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not counting Cardano because lol Cardano
dapps arriving soon, then you apologize

>> No.52659736

Icp cucks absolutely have lower IQs than dodgecoin holders.

>> No.52659742

so why has it no DeFi?
where are all the tps coming from?
from the dead 4chan clone?

>> No.52659746

Let’s do a thought experiment: if you have 1000 validators on a server farm in let’s say Germany, like sol! And one day the server farm decides it doesn’t want to host blockchain anymore so it flips a switch and all those 1,000 validators go down- did you really have 1,000 validators or one? And was it ever decentralized? No. AVAX as well as eth are completely centralized because they’re on centralized hardware- it is impossible to host real data on chain for AVAX or eth- not a webpage, not an nft, not anything rather you POINT to where your nft is located on the cloud and that brings up your monkey picture- all of AVAX throughout is done on cloud, if all the AVAX centralized nodes go down- there is a cope that says well! We’ll just use our laptops and raspberry pi’s! Then you would have no throughput and you would basically have flux. Are you starting to get it now or no?

>> No.52659758

>it d-doesn't matter how many TPS $TICKER has...

>> No.52659761

Icp is starting defi. It’s a New chain. all of our dex’s are completely on chain- front and back end- so they couldn’t be copied or forked from some retarded eth shit. AVAX got defi going quickly because that’s all it does- it moves shitcoins around centralized servers fairly slowly.

>> No.52659779

I really don't understand why they think that piece of trash is valuable, even after getting dumped to hell on by the founders and VCs. It's a form of stockholme syndrome, and I bet given the chance they'd even suck Dominics cock and upload it to hhag--suss-kkka-hhat-utay.icp if they thought it could pump the coin a little bit. Unirionically are ICP baggies the same retards who listened to the band icp a few years ago? Is this a decades long psyop to get money from the most retarded among us? Is running an entire new internet on 40 censored validatirs really groundbreaking enough to rile up this many people on a -99.6% coin? Icypiss marines will never fucking make it and they will endlessly shill about websites and it's gonna suck forever

>> No.52659785


Avax validator hardware requirements are low. Anyone can be a validator with their own PC. ICP has or plans to have literal centralized server farms. Seethe cope dilate and sneed

>> No.52659800

>1000 validators located in Germany
Cardano solves this problem

>> No.52659808

Is this a bot?
You can’t run Web 3.0 on a few retarded NEETS computers you fucking retard. Again, AVAX is complexity centralized and even then IT IS ONLY USES to move shitcoins around a centralized server slowly- and this time is over the next bull run will be social fi and utility based. AVAX is over. A literal pump and dump from the last cycle

>> No.52659817

I’m not going to argue with you, cardano has much more going for it than fucking AVAX, SOL, LUNA all the scam shit from the last cycle. Atleast it has an ethos and a mission

>> No.52659855

Avalanche has over 1200 Node operators, ICP has only 40 validators.
Avalanche has a higher Nakamoto Coefficient.

>> No.52659920

You have no idea what Nakamoto coefficient is and all of AVAX nodes are run on a few centralized cloud providers look it up faggot and don’t respond to me till you educate yourself

>> No.52659982

Here’s how to think about crypto, starting this week: if you implement your protocol so that it runs in ICP canisters, does your protocol provide any additional value?
Projects that can answer “yes” to that question will do amazing and have solid fundamentals. For those that have to answer “no”, it’s over.

>> No.52659992

>on a few centralized cloud providers
literally not true.
you can see it yourself here: https://avascan.info/stats/staking

Avalanche is decentralized and anyone with 2000 AVAX can run a Validator and you dont have to run the Avalanchego software on a cloud.
with ICP you cant even run your own Validator, ICP has no use.

>> No.52660006

nobody cares or will ever bother with it because Subnets on Avalanche are way more customizable and have way more potential. That also reflects in the token price because AVAX is actually needed for staking while ICP is not needed for anything. ICP token is completely useless.

>> No.52660012

"smart" contracts are vaporware anyways. Don't care how many shiny pieces of shit your network of shit has.

>> No.52660018

>ICP token is completely useless.
You are so retarded that by saying this you are admitting that the price of ICP (Your usual cope) doesn't matter.
Good job. I accept your concession.

>> No.52660035

>"smart" contracts are vaporware anyways.
what a stupid statement. only an absolute retard could have typed that up. its funny how clueless ICP baggies are.
>the price of ICP doesn't matter.
exactly, the token is useless. its not needed for anything.

>> No.52660041

Avalanche is not only the future of DeFi, it's also the future of GamFi, they have the best and innovative games so far

>> No.52660075

So you admit that literally the only fud cope you have abut ICP is pointless.
Imagine admitting that ICP is better than your shitchain unknowingly because your went too far with your fud. LOL.
Jokes aside, the token does have an use. Not surprised that you don't know though, if you knew how to read you wouldn't hold AVAX.

>> No.52660118

>the token does have an use.
so tell us about it, you wont because ICP is useless. token not needed.

>> No.52660164


>> No.52660184

You are in a fud feedback loop. That happens because you are braindead and fudded something too much and in so many nonsensical ways.
>You say that the token is useless
>I say that it's not
>You say "well but the token price is bad"
>I retort with "but the token is useless"
>Back to step one
Your posts are further proof of how retarded AVAX roaches like you are. You try to fud stuff in so many convoluted ways that you prove that your fud is a fabrication yourselves.

>> No.52660201

so whats the ICO token for? the token is useless.
if it wasnt useless you could tell us what it is used for.
then we compare it to the price chart and see that it has indeed no usecase.
ICP holders are so braindead they dont even understand why they keep dumping.
no surprise that you are poor.

>> No.52660219

>so whats the ICO token for?
It's has literally the same use as every other token ever created. The exact same use that the AVAX token has. The exact same that ETH has.
You are just SO retarded that you actually, unironically don't know what tokens are for for a very simple reason: Like somebody said before, AVAX is a slow ass shitchain to flip tokens with no other reason to exist.
I can already flip shit on Binance and ETH so no thank you, I won't be buying your most likely very heavy bags.

>> No.52660250

>It's has literally the same use as every other token ever created
thats not an answer, so what is it? what is it used for? you cant even explain it because ICP has no usecase.

AVAX is needed for Staking and operate Validators, its also needed for delegating to validators thats why most AVAX is staked already and why more will get locked up, over 60% of all AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators. its also hardcapped and deflationary. thats why AVAX price will actually go up.
ICP has nothing like that. the token isnt needed for staking or delegating or running validators because its all centralized anyway. there is no DeFi, no smart contracts, zero TVL.
the token isnt used for anything at all. its just inflating away the money of the poorfag investors. thats why its dumping thats why you get poorer every day.

>> No.52660276
File: 8 KB, 308x273, EAx22jC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that you were just being facetious but seems like you actually don't know what it does. I'm not even surprised that someone married to his bags this hard would fud something despite not knowing even the most basic thing about it that takes 5 second to read about.

I went to the AVAX chart out of curiosity and man I don't understand how you can be so smug about "token price" LMAO nice performance bro. Now I understand where all the salt is coming from.

>> No.52660277

>has a mission
>to do nothing
lol Avax is onboarding the entirety of the financial services sector. Its built a race-track for all of crypto with its novel consensus mechanism and is infinitely scalable. EVERY single chain and coin could benefit by porting over to an AVAX sub-net. It revolutionalises the world of cryptocurrency, and is unironically the future of finance. But Cardano has a "mission".

>> No.52660288

So /pol/ is all about centralization now?

>> No.52660303

/pol/ might as well skip the debates on these scam chains and donate directly to Israel