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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52650175 No.52650175 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.52650194

paid fudders can go suck nigger dick

>> No.52650202

Oh boo hoo no one is falling for the ICP scam. I can't wait until all you fuckers kill yourself. Gullible retard /pol/ tourist scum.

>> No.52650211

Jannies need to ban everything ICP related.

Dead shitcoins need to go.

>> No.52650216

A buy signal if I have ever seen one. Inorganic shit like that is always worth looking into.

>> No.52650369

Tomorrow is a big day. That’s why they’re pushing so hard.

>> No.52650387

Is the BTC INT out tomorrow?

>> No.52650389
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with what's coming up for ICP this week, it makes sense honestly

>> No.52650513

btw you can add these 3 OP

>> No.52650621

My balls are going to be DRAINED. I HAVE SO MANY PAJEETS TO RAPE. The streets are gonna be white in New Delhi for the first time in ages because they're gonna be shitting nothing but my coom for months.

>> No.52650646

what does ICP stand for? I can’t pump, right?

>> No.52650722

SNS-1 sale will occur. BTC integration this week

>> No.52650732

What does the SNS do again

>> No.52650750
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:A buy signal if I have ever seen one. Inorganic shit like that is always worth looking into."

>> No.52650801

Just look at this. These paid fudders can't even greentext properly.

>> No.52650842

I'm a poor nocoiner, your shits still a retarded scam investment that will go to 0.03 EOY

>> No.52650887

SNS-1 sale will take place on NNS whis is the main DAO of ICP. SNS will become kind of subDAO where devs are able to launch his own subDAOS. Once BTC integration is completed all these daos’ tokens will attract funds. I know there are some tech things but this is my view bc i’m here just to make money xd

>> No.52650929

Will my bluechip nfts pump
i dont want to waste yet more fucking money on SNS tokens that turns out to be glorified shitcoins
Someone please give me hopium before I kill myself

>> No.52650992

Not even chainlink is funded this aggressively what the fuck.

>> No.52651037

I own exactly 0 ICP.
And you just admitted to be a faggot shill ID hopping.

Lmao, as I said these pajeet fudders don't know how to navigate this site.

>> No.52651080

>spam threads with UHH YOU AREN'T BUYING ICP LOL?!?!? in unrelated threads
>oy vey, why do they persecute us so?

>> No.52651093

the real buy signal is how it was surpressed by our friend SBF
watch the bitboy interview with dominic
i barely own any ICP and never really did but I am starting to look into it and will be adding it to my DCA (small till I am a believer) but I like owning things shills tell me not to cause of the tism

>> No.52651116

QRD on sns?
Should I buy?
What do I buy?

>> No.52651140

well that faggot Heart is paying for 4chan ads you know.

>> No.52651146

I own nothing, not bad to fud, not paid to post.
I hate most of you idiots who shit the board up for years now bagholding this retarded scam perpetuated by a photoshopping wannabe bugman who got you idiots to buy in at what like $40?
or was it $25
I dunno it's been a minute either way you constantly shit up the board and it was never shilled here before moonman.

You paid me to fud it because you constantly picked and prodded until you made a bunch of us hate your retarded ass scamcoin.

>> No.52651158

Paid to fud*

>> No.52651217

Just about all cryptos are going to be classified as securities by the SEC, it's only a matter of time. LBC court case set the precedent, utility didn't matter. It's over.

>> No.52651242

Again, I don't own ICP and you are just some pathetic shill shitting up the board.
>shit the board up for years
ICP has been a thing for little over a year.
Not only you are a fudder you are a garbage one that doesn't even do his homework about what he is fudding.

>> No.52651259

Correct, the Ripple case will set the precedent, and all other shitcoins & scamcoins will go to fucking zero

All of le /biz/ will cope, rope and seethe, not in that order btw
stay smart bozos

>> No.52651261

/pol/qcks wont buy no ICP you jeet ass plebbitor. /pol/ only buys silver

>> No.52651329

And there's significantly more fud than there are shill posts. The only positive ICP threads are the spoonful ones and even those get shit up by fudders.

>> No.52651346

Spoonfeed* fucking phone. But yeah can't post about ICP at all without 20 different ID'S jumping down your throat will bullshit. And then they try and call the small number of people even remotely positive about it the shills.

>> No.52651384

ICP is trash and its good that anons call it out

>> No.52651437

>Again i don't own this but I defend it schizophrenically.
How am I shilling you retard, you clearly are some ESL
Shilling implies I'm advertising, talking shit on you dweebs isn't fudding either it's realism.

Had your coin "mooned" I wouldn't have said shit but I've watched in real time how you guys got rekt and not baghold like fucking niggers.

>> No.52651557

>calling out obvious faggot fudders shitting up the entire board
>"defending" "schizophrenically"
you are just now projecting, fudfaggot

>How am I shilling you retard
You shill whatever your shitcoin of choice is by proxy by fudding this one.
You are fudding ICP schizophrenically, bro.

>> No.52653513

another one >>52653482

>> No.52655596

ICP is a fakeandgaychain
There will never be BTC integration.
There will never be ETH integration.
There will never be an SNS.
There will never be DAOs.
It’s a centralized POS

>> No.52655660

and like 5 avax shill threads, really makes you wonder

>> No.52655717
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>why they're pushing so hard.
If it was such a "big" day, they wouldn't need to, now would they?
Icy Penis
Frosted Wang
Frozen Phallus
Siberian Member
Ice-Covered Manhood
Arctic Erection
Deep-Freezed Man-Meat
Refrigerated Ramrod
Winter-Touched Boner
Popsicle Pisser
Wintery Wang
Hyperborean Dipstick
Blizzard Bellend
Chilly Chub
Cold Cock
Baltic Bazooka
Below-Zero Meat-Thermometer
Crisp Peen
Siberian Package
Permafrosted Pork-Sword
Frosty Wee-Wee