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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 833x814, 77777777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52648357 No.52648357 [Reply] [Original]

This is not schizo, this is controlled demolition right before the golden smart contract age. Incredible that they accelerated the timeline like this, but you surely can't believe FTX, BlockFi, Genesis, etc. blowing up NOW is a coincidence.

Flushing out retail and then announcing fireworks the rest of 2022, what a timeline. 7 days

>> No.52648408

you're looking at it incorrectly, it's the other way around. Why didn't Sergey release staking in the bullrun? Before you tell me it wasn't ready, I mean the next bullrun. Yes, he should postpone any release until the next bullrun IF he really cares for his holders.

>> No.52648416

Who copied who with the schizo timeline, link or XRP? They seem too similar, with anything bad gets turned into a bullish schizo happening.

>> No.52648496
File: 34 KB, 849x642, 1655130344012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of (((coincidences))) surrounding link

>> No.52648539

what took you so long today kek

>> No.52648764



Sorry but I am talking about absolutes. December 6th is days away. Material happening that will have permanent effects

You aren't paying attention, this is all orchestrated.

>> No.52648791

>super publicized thing will pump the price because it just will okay, it's definitely not a sell the news event

>> No.52648908

You think its gonna moon on December 6th?

>> No.52648989

Cope, you're about to seethe hard

It will probably stay steady until accompanying announcements are made

>> No.52649130

The only people who can stake December 6 already have link
Why would there be a pump

>> No.52649159

... OK then why did you say material happening with permanent effects

>> No.52649198

You're about to see supply immovable for quite some time, plus new node + customer announcements

>> No.52649372

How many cryptos do you think will make up the new system?

>> No.52649473
File: 149 KB, 891x1097, ftxdump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you surely can't believe FTX, BlockFi, Genesis, etc. blowing up NOW is a coincidence
The FTX collapse was initiated just in time to stop Link from breaching above $10.
The situation was so critical that CZ himself had to manually crash the market.

>> No.52649593

XRP's general appeared after LINK's bullrun in 2020 and it was full mostly of recycled LINK memes.
At the time I speculated it's done by linkies to poison the /biz/ well with an obvious cult scam. Why? A major topic in 2019 was how discovering LINK will sooner or later kill /biz/ as it fills up with retarded newfags looking for the next guaranteed x1000.
It was an era of optimism and the fudposting was funny and ironic, not the malice dripping screeching we get for the last 2 years or so.

>> No.52649602

15% of tokens will be out of the circulating supply for 2 years, no?

>> No.52649632

XRP was already big in the 2017 bullrun

>> No.52649643

On what time frame? It will always go up

Quite a coincidence

>> No.52649697

Be thankful for the opportunity to slurp more

>> No.52649802

I can call bullshit just by looking at the picture.
Tell me oh superior narcissistic "sociopath" what Satoshi Nakomoto means.

>> No.52649937

who os kendra for $100

>> No.52649979

but the schizo meme didn't start until 2020. xrp was laughed off the board in 2018

>> No.52649993

I suspect most of these random shitcoin generals are just delphi troons and others pretending to be shills to trick newfags. Like the ICP thing, all of it, has to be discord trannies with one big inside joke, nobody on /biz/ is that dumb as much as we all like to larp as retards.

That's not to say there isn't unironic paid shilling/astroturfing that takes place here as well, look at hbar threads for a good example of that. Or unironic retards attempting to shill shitcoin bags, like the dumbass zoomers who bought dog with a bat.

>> No.52650014

central intelligence

>> No.52650237

it's probably 3 years but yeah. CLL might dump immediately afterwards though

>> No.52650294
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>> No.52650413

>only realizing that this is a controlled demolition just now

>> No.52651245

Knew the entire time, but to see each hedge fund, exchange and lending co. go down in real time is truly kek worthy. All ends a week before LINK staking

>> No.52651450

staking isn't going to make the token needed. The dumping will continue and chainlink will go back to sub 1 dollar.

>> No.52651553

Not everyone with a eligible wallet has the full 7k

>> No.52651760
File: 42 KB, 362x352, 20221128_095300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure as fuck arent staking the max amount, maybe ill stake like 2 or 3k

>> No.52651838

Cope, staking + pending announcements call bullshit

>> No.52652236

That's fine, you aren't compelled to stake the full 7k

>> No.52652810

please tell me this isn't real. Is the team purposely doing this? AHHHHHHHH

>> No.52652924

Good times indeed. I remember all the funny screenshots anons would post from reddit where some linkies we’re trolling them with jason parser and 2 man team copypasta. I wish we can have good times like that again

>> No.52652935
File: 119 KB, 1998x502, BUILD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this image being posted when he is literally just repeating what was said in the blogpost?

>> No.52652952

All of us with big boy 20k+ stacks are going to stake 7k, because that’s a reasonable fraction

>> No.52652982

Small brains do small brain things

>> No.52653024

Because everyone was saying that stakers will get a free assortment of shitcoin airdrops when it was first announced. Literally dozens of threads with hundreds of replies talking about getting free airdrops 100% just from participating in staking.

>> No.52653333

That doesn't change the fact that posting that image from the Telegram is retarded.

>> No.52653344

Delete this shit right fucking now

>> No.52653445

Checked and that image is from the blogpost, not from Telegram. You can tell by the font. What's retarded about it anyway?

>> No.52653520


>> No.52653536

>but you surely can't believe FTX, BlockFi, Genesis, etc. blowing up NOW is a coincidence
right, it was all done to keep the price of a shitty midcap memecoin down

>> No.52653598

Because the link community wants clarification and then team refuses to clarify the wording and insists on keeping it vague at "maybe you might get something"
As an OG i am fucking outraged

>> No.52653632

oh right i thought you meant this image >>52652935
what an hilarious misunderstanding

>> No.52653641

quite amusing

>> No.52653726

>He doesn't know

>> No.52653797

>he only people who can stake December 6 already have link
>Why would there be a pump

Link has started its solo bull run again just like in 2019-2020, look at LINK/BTC and LINK/ETH, massively macro bullish
Sergey could start posting BBC's on his twitter and Link would still go up at this point

>> No.52653839

not to bring it down, to ensure as many normalfags are out of the game as possible so that their bags are go to the big boys
1 link = 1 link
every single marine who falls is a victory to (((them))), considering the scale of the upcoming singularity

>> No.52653904

Bullruns are built on link progress. That's why link pumps in bear and precedes bull as well. The concept isn't that hard to understand you will get it soon.

>> No.52655761

Im glad it was posted otherwise I wouldnt have known. And it does bear discussion. There was like 5 heated arguments here last week on whether these were taxable. I guess we can table that for a few years

>> No.52655831
File: 91 KB, 934x512, bre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be fun two years on here, 'innit

>> No.52655874

>come on, roll the dice

>> No.52657149

>i-i'm an og
you're way too retarded to be an og
just stick to your usual shit - spamming the catalog with 12 low quality fud threads an hour that people only reply to to make fun of and the rest are just you samefagging

>> No.52657726

I only have 17k. But I do have 60k lpl. Can I be big boy?

>> No.52657920
File: 384 KB, 1080x789, 42-sS5wrsJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 more weeks
the absolute state of stinky linky

>> No.52659285

>I don't read the relevant sources themselves
>instead I rely on possibly tainted secon-hand information


>> No.52661428

Josh from Chainlink labs is tainted second hand info? are you braindead?

>> No.52661436

I'm talking about screenshots on 4channel in general.

>> No.52661492

Because he’s being a snarky little fuck, which is par for the course when dealing with the CL team.
They have no regard for the people who hold the token, and they’re doing whatever they can to get us to sell before mass adoption

>> No.52661619

it's a statement on the official telegram of chainlink, made by a verified chainlink employee
would you prefer anons offering anecdotal evidence instead of the actual statements?

>> No.52661648

>it's a statement on the official telegram of chainlink
It's a literal repetition from a blog posted a week ago.
Acting like it's some revelation is retarded.

>> No.52661681

>may or will, huge difference
chainlink josh:
I'd say it's valid, otherwise why did Josh even bother replying?
why are you seething though?

>> No.52661721

Both that Telegram image and the blog say the exact same line, word for word.

>> No.52661744

then blame Josh

>> No.52661817

Josh isn't the guy who posted his own rehashing of a literal blog statement.

>> No.52661842

>you're not allowed to repost official chainlink employees statements if they simply reiterate official blogposts!!
why are you such an autistic imbecile? if Josh thought this was worthy of posting, then reposting it here is valid
cope seethe and dilate

>> No.52661879

what point are you trying to make? two sources say that you are not guaranteed aiir drops.

>> No.52662343

Posting a secondary source that literally repeats the original source kind of says a lot.

>> No.52662359

Please remind me why people keep their decentralized currency on centralized exchanges again?

>> No.52662363

>posting confirmation from an official representative of Chainlink says...a lot
...you still don't have a point, you realize this right?

>> No.52662609

It shows you get your information from here instead of the actual source.
Meaning you're much more likely to fall for retarded fud people make up, like token not needed, 300k salary roasties, cup of coffee price, etc.

>> No.52662637

>a statement from a verified chainlink employee is not an actual source
>even more so when he reconfirms and clarifies the official blogpost
what is wrong with you? why are you implying that chainlink employees are not trustworthy?

>> No.52662662

>>a statement from a verified chainlink employee is not an actual source
It is, but he's simply repeating the blog.
If you're reposting screenshots of the Chainlink employee instead of the blog, that means you got that info from an anon on 4chan who also didn't read the blog.
It's a double layer of dumbassery.

>> No.52662684

a community member asked for clarification, that statement is literally the official response to the community regarding the eligibility of early stakers for build rewards, thus making it a 100% valid source
if Josh, and by extension chainlink the company, felt that reiterating the blogpost in that case would be redundant, then you would be right
as it stands, Josh is as much of valid source as the blogpost himself, and your hilarious mental gymnastics of trying to dismiss it are entirely pointless

>> No.52662699

>a community member asked for clarification
And the response was a literal quote from the blog.
Using that response as a screenshot instead of the blog shows you didn't read the blog.
Reposting that screenshot shows you also didn't read the blog.

It's hilarious.

>> No.52662704

so are you implying that Josh didn't read the blog?

>> No.52662713

Absolutely not.
Even the guy who asked for clarification probably read the blog.

Who didn't read the blog is the guy who made and originally posted the screenshot, and whoever reposted it.

>> No.52662723

good, so why shouldn't this official statement be reposted here as further clarification?
what the fuck is your problem bro?

>> No.52662738

>why shouldn't this official statement be reposted here as further clarification?
Because it's a literal quote from the blog.
It shows at least two of the people involved in the repost didn't read the blog.

>> No.52662754

you just said that both josh and the guy who asked for clarity were probably aware of the blog in the first place, yet josh issued that literal copy pasted response regardless
so instead of focusing on anons propagating the official statements of chainlink employees, you should take it up with josh himself

>> No.52662772

>you just said that both josh and the guy who asked for clarity were probably aware of the blog in the first place, yet josh issued that literal copy pasted response regardless
It's not some mystery; someone asked for specific information and Josh repeated the blog, implying that's as specific as it's going to get for the moment.
The funny part starts when people take a screenshot of it, and then other people repost that screenshot as if Josh's answer is somehow a revelation.

>> No.52662785

what exactly is funny you braindead moron? someone asked for specific information and people are reposting the official statement from chainlink regarding that specific question

>> No.52662795

>what exactly is funny
The fact that people think that telegram screenshot is some revelation.

I really don't know why you're so butthurt over this, it's not that big of a deal.
A lot of people who genuinely believe in Chainlink probably didn't read the whole post either.

>> No.52662809

>The fact that people think that telegram screenshot is some revelation.
it's not revelation, it's official statement from a company employee, thus a worthy source
>I really don't know why you're so butthurt over this, it's not that big of a deal.
pot meet kettle

>> No.52662826

The reason people post that screenshot is to clarify that the blogpost is as specific as things will get. It wasn't just accidentally vaguely worded, they explicitly are making clear you are not guaranteed to get BUILD rewards.

>> No.52662832

>it's not revelation
So posting it as if it is a revelation is funny.

>pot meet kettle
How am I butthurt? I didn't use a single swear or insult against you, while you used many against me.

>> No.52662845

kek whatever you say.
And why did you switch ids?

>> No.52662850
File: 2 KB, 125x125, D2C31670-6BA6-4F4E-BE7A-C171C44154D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blindly follow information I read on here, and as a result I have 800 stinky linkies

>> No.52662853

>So posting it as if it is a revelation is funny.
is this your own headcanon?
jesus christ don't tell me we've been arguing over semantics this whole time
so your issue is if this is deemed as "revelation" instead of a reliable source?
you have serious mental issues if that's the case
anyway, it's not revelation, it's facts
better now?
take your meds

>> No.52662854

I'm not the other anon, I just wanted to clarify why people post that screenshot.

>> No.52662866

>it's not revelation

>I'm not the other anon
t. the other anon

>> No.52662885

bro, I've never said it was a revelation, all I've been saying is that it's a valid source, my fucking god
are you inventing arbitrary retarded arguments you can easily win?
>t. the other anon
he literally posted 5 seconds after me you schizoid fuck
>how am I seething
you've been arguing over literal nonsense for 20+ hours straight, begging people to dismiss the official statements of chainlink employees
I'm fucking done here

>> No.52662896

I'm gonna be honest, I'm not reading all that shit.

>> No.52662904

thanks for conceding that you're a braindead mongoloid

>> No.52662932

see >>52655761
for exactly why this is funny.

>Im glad it was posted otherwise I wouldnt have known
This kind of people is extremely vulnerable to made-up fud.

>> No.52662975

so you've been arguing for hours because you're concerned about retards not bothering to read the official sources and instead relying on....official statements from company employees? are you literally retarded? in this case it's the same thing, he did not post a screenshot of some random uninvolved literal who spouting bs, it's from Chainlink themselves ffs
if somebody posts a dubious unverified screenshot, then by all means tear them apart
what the fuck is the big deal here?
>muh concern trolling for gullible innocent anons
>well yeah this time is legit, but what if an illegitimate fake fud screenshot is posted??? omg omg
is that really the hill you want to die on, anon?

>> No.52662983

Why are you writing so much?

>> No.52662993

why are you furiously trying to discredit that particular screenshot with all kinds of mental gymnastics?

>> No.52663007

It's funny.

>> No.52663023

Thread derailment attempt detected. 55 rupees have been added to your accounts.

>> No.52663029

it's not, it's tiresome
you're actually right, that makes sense
he's derailing on purpose

>> No.52663043

>it's not, it's tiresome
It highlights why there are people on here who genuinely believe things like "price of a cup of coffee".

>> No.52663890


>> No.52663918

do the needful and clock in sir