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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52645378 No.52645378 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52645403

How many neets do you think have even tried to grow tomatoes? The big meme on 4chan is self sufficiency on private land yet 99% would wheeze after turning over 2x2 plot.

>> No.52645499

ugh, I stopped doing tomatoes because they just are so easy to fuck up. Especially without pesticides it's always a coin toss it they're gonna get a fungal infection. Maybe if I put them in the green house it should help.

>> No.52645592

Tomatoes are easy as where I am. Capsicum is fucked though. Unless you fence em and bug shield them they get fucked up.

>> No.52645595

You can only do /gardening if you are /fit desu.

>> No.52645604

both dreams are retarded

>> No.52645626

Both are equally unaffordable now, so who cares. 3 bed house with a small garden being 10x yearly median salary is the new normal, chud!

>> No.52645680

Plenty of places you can get a property that you can be self sufficient off for less than 10yrs savings. You'll have to barter and interact with the local community though.

>> No.52645725


>> No.52645962

You want to be the rich guy’s gardener out back behind the palace?

>> No.52645993

My potatoes and tomatoes got fucked by spores. I can only grow hot peppers for now

>> No.52645996

Both are equally degenerate. The Neolithic ruined everything.

>> No.52646000
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I just want my children and grandchildren far away from this, I would trade both of those for enough money to get away from public school for 2 generations. I don't care if I live in a shipping container

>> No.52646081

comfy watch

>> No.52646129
File: 1.50 MB, 1734x1742, 232EE90A-1F4C-411A-813A-38FEC815C29F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want monetise the gardening, so that I grow cashcrops on 90% of the property and use the rest for myself only (food forest, hugelkultur,etc). Otherwise it’s just a giant money hole… I would still continue to work and hire people for the commercial part. I still think you can enjoy nice objects, but I couldn’t bring myself to spend +100k on a car.

>> No.52646148

>uguuuu my dream is to be a poorfag farmer
You can be that right now, you choose to LARP on the internet instead

>> No.52646159

>I want my children not to fit into the society they're born into
Why? Move to a different society instead
>nooo they're all bad
Yeah you'll have to settle for something though

>> No.52646182
File: 515 KB, 1146x1317, 4A6CA21D-07A4-431E-8027-58ED6BED5F62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a lot of capital to be able to loose money farming

>> No.52646235

as if "multiracial democracy" has ever been used as a political term
how foolish and fearful of her

>> No.52646249

I grew potatoes on my aunt's plot of land

I love the taste of dirt in my mouth
Only problem is my back hurts like a mother fucker
But at least I pass out and enjoy some nice sleep
I can't sleep more than 3 hours in the city
Constant Brian fog

>> No.52646277
File: 2.83 MB, 3924x2264, dsc03238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pretend going medieval is more authentic, and wont take 30 years of there life.

>> No.52646366
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Nooo! You can't have your children be the farmer instead of the cattle!

>> No.52646384

Nobody buys any of that shit, one guy in the village has that stuff and everyone rents it from him, that's how countryside poorfags cope.

>> No.52646394
File: 195 KB, 1125x1282, 707d6fad8b9c66fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Jews deserve to be genocided.

>> No.52646418

Private farming isn't going to be legal a few decades from now in the first world. You MUH GUNS MUH LAND larp isn't going to make a difference, just as it hasn't in the past two elections

>> No.52646431

Is that the Naked Gardner from Youtube?? Shes obviously a retarded liberal but damn what a body

>> No.52646711

Anytime a normie talks about immigration laws, just tell them that you want the US to have the same immigration laws as Israel.
Then watch their heads explode.

>> No.52646795

Checked. This anon gets it. It's incredibly expensive to escape the jew.

>> No.52646884

Homeschool is surprisingly affordable if you set it up as a "tutoring business", enroll other students via Zoom/MS Teams, and deduct business expenses against your taxes.
When the system fucks you, you have to fuck the system.

>> No.52647163

In shitty backward places in europa you can have a house for $20000. Sure it's a shitty, ugly, in the middle of nowhere house. But it's a house.