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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52644928 No.52644928 [Reply] [Original]

So, like...where do you actually buy NFTs?

>> No.52645027

on centralized pieces of shit

>> No.52645032

on an NFT marketplace but this >>52645027 anon is right, they're all centralized garbage

>> No.52645062


>> No.52645174
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If you want to actually get NFTs from a growing project keep your eye on marketplace.assetmantle.one because they're doing a lot in this space. The vision is to leverage NFTs for real-world use cases, enterprise integrations, and an interoperable Web3 ecosystem. Their product offering includes MantleBuilder, which allows for a no-code custom NFT storefront, and Mantleplace which is an NFT marketplace utilizing DIDs.

>> No.52645212

At gamestop.nft it’s built on eth layer 2. So when you buy a nft you wil hold receive it in your own eth layer 2 wallet. It’s possible to send it to a layer 1 wallet or an exchange, but you have to pay the gas fees yourself then

>> No.52645295
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I buy hro hybrid nfts because I actually get a card and like DC

>> No.52645322
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>> No.52645331

Today's the last day for bundle sets for hro dc cards I believe and they have a 20 dollar promo rn on their website

>> No.52645333

can you buy there yet?

>> No.52645610

I think they're rolling it out soon

>> No.52645640

Can you fuckers stop with all the sockpuppet threads already? Christ.

>> No.52646860

Buy all mine on twetch dot com.

>> No.52647372

>me right now

>> No.52647400

How much for the 'Pepe Sitting on Loo Frogposting' NFT OP? I can't pay more than 10 BUSD.

>> No.52647862

sudoswap exists if you want a decentralized way to sell an erc721 (not for 1155s)