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52628179 No.52628179 [Reply] [Original]

>been here since April 2017 and not only did I not make it, I'm down my principal
Anyone else in the same boat as me?
Why do practically all coins have to either rug or die? Every time I either sold too early or sold too late and when I did sell just in time, it was completely negated by selling too late next time.

I have no clue what to do anymore. I have 2k left

>> No.52628199

I left everything on btc, but this last year i let my nephew get into my head and day trade, lost 3/4 of my money.

>> No.52628207

Literally how? Had you bought LINK you'd be 30x up on that only. ETH 10x.

Were you trading?

>> No.52628210

>missed all the pumps from the last 5 years
should have just shorted yourself.

>> No.52628229

Espers on yobit?

>> No.52628264
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You already made it. You made frens!

>> No.52628274

How are you "people" still this braindead about the function of your very own game? Finance is by definition a pyramid scheme. How are you still ignorant of the fact that for every "winner" there are like 1000 bagholders? Were you expecting you would be one of the lucky few? No my dude. You just have a gambling addiction and also kinda braindead since you literally just admitted you have been using 4chan since 2017 and therefore you are a putrid cancerous vitriolic braindead hateful parasite

>> No.52628310

Go back to plebbit you disgusting nigger lover

>> No.52628343

I would rather go to your house and torture you till you beg me for death

>> No.52628373

lost on that too
before the meme even, probably. Actually I think I sold positive on espers. I bought at like 6 satoshi and got out at like 7 or 8
There were a few coins I bought on yobit. One was Bunnycoin I remember that.


from one of my past posts in like June 2017. I dont even remember wtf EDG or NAV was.

>> No.52628401

>been here since 2017
>didn't buy link and sell during 2021

>> No.52628441

You must be pretty retarded my man.

Why did you hold shit instead of good projects? It's excusable in 2017 because you had no idea what you were doing but 2020-2022 was such easy money.

>> No.52628536

to be fair i wasn't really around 2018 to 2020. Brief stint in 2019 losing money trying to leverge trade and also buying crap like holochain. And NKN (which finally actually turned out to be a good investment in 2021).
Then I happened to come back in 2020 during July where I lost pretty much everything remaining on a couple rugpulls.
And then I came back in March 2021 by chance to find I had a 10k Uniswap airdrop waiting for me. Actually got as high as six figures momentarily in April from BSC shit, but I held too long... And then when Vitalik killed the market in May that was basically it for me just a slow descent from there.
Haven't actually bought anything in almost a year now I've been tethered the whole time. I've been paralyzed by fear.

>> No.52628617
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I got in summer 2020, made a bunch and then lost pretty much all of it by the beginning of this year. I was greedy/complacent for not taking profits periodically sure, but man there are so many moments I can distinctly remember where I ironically should have been MORE greedy lol. Oh well, it was my first bullrun so maybe next time lessons learned and what not. Assuming there is a next time...

>> No.52628669

>buys absolute dogshit
>doesn’t understand why he hasn’t made money.

Should probably just walk away from Crypto. Or buy 1.5 eth and call it.

>> No.52628683

I turned 5k into 100k with Holochain. That shit absolutely mooned. HOW DID YOU BUY HOLOCHAIN IN 2020 AND NOT MAKE MONEY

>> No.52628689

Deserved. Speculators get the rope.

>> No.52628706
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I lost it all twice almost hit 100k.
Now I'm broke and If I had 20k I could leave this site forever and regain my mental health but I'm stuck here now.

>> No.52628718

People like you are why people like me make money in crypto.

I suggest you start doing the opposite of what you feel is a good idea.

>> No.52628738

Have you considered just buying things that are good and holding long term? That isn't rhetorical, a lot of people are trapped into a mentality of random gambling shots on shitcoins.

>> No.52628792

I'm up 14% for 2022, feel like a winner.

>> No.52628841

I sold 13 million HOT for like 4k in mid 2020. Missed out on almost 200k.

I'm retarded pls help

>> No.52629077

>the side of compassion
back to r*ddit faglord.

>> No.52629854
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I kinda did that with NKN but I mean, it went up and went back down. I mean come on half the shit from 2017 top ten isn't there anymore. Buy and hold long term is probably good if you are rich and want a store of value, not if youre trying to actually make it and get rich unfortunately. Its about as much gamble as a shitcoin to be real, the only difference is you find out if your pick was correct or not over a much longer period of time. Because whats "good" today isn't gonna be good in 5 years. And if it is, the return on it isn't gonna make you rich.

I mean come on, imagine if I had parked my money in WAVES the past 5 years. That was a good project in 2017 and I'd still be down right now. Even if I timed the tippy top back in March 2021 that'd have been like less than a 20x.

I mean look at this chart of 2017 coins. Now to be fair this was the peak of the bullrun, but most of these prices aren't far off. Look at XMR. 351 dollars then, and 120 dollars now. It was too late to get off holding a "good" established product back then and it's even later now. At the peak of these coins you'd have gotten maybe a 10x. Which is great is you had 100k to put in.

Buying "good" projects and hold just does not work. The closest you can get is timing the absolute bottom and hold and that might work, or you buy what is a shitcoin today and hope it is not a shitcoin and 100x sometime in the future.

>> No.52631497

Was fortunate enough to sell half for BTC, so still a bit in the green since 2020, but not a ton.