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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5261393 No.5261393 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5261426


Fuck man, LINK is gonna set me up for life. For LIFE!

>> No.5261461


>> No.5261502

No one talking about Slack? Sergey was actually responsive to questions.

>> No.5261524

Are you aware the price is tanking as we speak

>> No.5261586
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>> No.5261608

Are you aware that BTC is tanking again?

>> No.5261638
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>> No.5261658
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>> No.5261679
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>> No.5261700
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>> No.5261730

Shit, looks like someone already did the leg work.


>> No.5261749

I appreciated the effort anon

>> No.5261803

So I will make it with my 10k?

>> No.5261851

would you have made it with 1000 ETH bought in 2015?

>> No.5261905


>> No.5262032

Sergey is actually responding to questions and no one is going ape shit?

>> No.5262038

Seriously tho. Knowing I'm set in ~2 years is a crazy feeling.

>> No.5262163
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>> No.5262261

nah drop this line and rank up lad.

>> No.5262431

I want to be set in the next couple of months. I don't want to get a job.

>> No.5262798

No anon, get a job. Even if your links make you a millionaire someday. Jobs give you purpose and social skills, essential for being a productive member of society. What this crypto shit might afford you is the ability to get a job you WANT instead of a job you NEED.

>> No.5262836

I don't want any job you faggot fuck off. Suck Mr. Shekelstein's dick a bit more won't you?

>> No.5262867

i just looked at link and noticed that i actually own some. i cant recall when i bought them (at least not on binance). was there a giveaway or something or am i going crazy?

>> No.5262882

31st of March at 23:59 then?

>> No.5262909
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>> No.5263024

Muh sats

>> No.5263101

No giveaway. Maybe you should stop taking the heavier stuff mate?

>> No.5263111
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>> No.5263245

>an investment going x200 in 2 years isn't enough

fucking spoiled kids

>> No.5263247

Pls no bully

>> No.5263266

BTC is down. Don't expect turmoil to last.

I know biz seems to get this backwards but you are supposed to buy LOW not try chasing it while it moons.

>> No.5263295

So they are continuing to hire more and more devs
Seems like a good sign that they have a good amount of faith in the project

>> No.5263433

Keep in mind too that sergey specifically mentioned working with insurtech. /biz/ tends to focus on muh swift, but mass implementation in insurance (AXA is confirmed) would take us to the moon several times over itself.

>> No.5263460

>sergey specifically mentioned working with insurtech

>> No.5263491


did you not read the blog post? Aka the december pronouncement?

>> No.5263535

I read it, just skimmed over/didn't remember that part.
Assumed it was from somewhere else.

>> No.5263633

Let them FOMO later. What do I care

>> No.5263656

this thread has restored a lot of faith in me i was beginning to believe the 'sergey is travelling SEA with his $32 mil' fud

next years lookin good lads

>> No.5263754

Dubs don't lie.
I choose to believe that it is only the collective visible mentality that actually shows signs of unironically following buy high sell low. I choose to believe that a majority on an individual level are more sensible than that. It takes a fool to remain sane.

>> No.5263845

Could there be a comfier hold going into 2018 lads?

>> No.5263977

No. There simply aren't any better holds into 2018. It's almost stupid how obvious it is.

>> No.5264061


The minute four or five extra coder, marketers, etc., show up on the website and they start pushing regular tweets and blog posts and shit AND actually have a main net up unlike many tokens it'll be over. That's in 2018 But I feel like any minute something substantial could leak that sends it to the moon.

>> No.5264274

Thanks for these. Did no one ask him about the two conferences he'll be speaking at in February and March?

>> No.5264390


there are a lot of things they didn't ask. It's annoying. /biz/ his ripped this coin to shreds over analyzing every detail then they ask him dumb questions about what the subreddit should be called

>> No.5264425

Fuck me do I buy now, or wait for more dips, I feel like it might cool off a bit more in a couple of days.

>> No.5264441

link always tanks after news, just wait

>> No.5264484

yeah that's what I think too, I learned my lesson after SIBOS even tough I knew it was going to come back, a good portion of my funds were left in bags.

>> No.5264486

This is /biz/ dude
you should be in a BCH thread right now asking if you should buy not here investing in new technology

>> No.5264504

Yup, and finally hiring a marketer that everyone has been crying for. You guys should be happy they don't have a marketing team yet. When they hire someone the price is never coming back down to these levels.

>> No.5264814

Fucking redditards I swear

>> No.5265055

Yep, price is just gonna tank for the next 3 or 4 months then its smooth sailing :D

>> No.5265139

Shit will change real quick at the slightest hint of news.
Like Zeppelin, which came out of nowhere.

>> No.5265285

Zeppelin didn't change anything, the price started to crawl up when Rory said there would be an end of year announcement. Now that we know there was no announcement and there will be no announcement probably for like six months or something I have sold my pre-sibos bags at what I paid in at and you should do the same

>> No.5265337
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Sergey's a genius...
>completes project first in one language his buddy can handle pretty much solo
>competes against high caliber projects
>is now swift's chosen saviour in their inevitable move to embrace blockchain technology
>raises 32 million in an ico which sells out completely in about ten minutes
>connects all of the dots on the industry end by getting about a dozen-thousand different companies & organisations onboard
>goes ahead and allows his project's token to be listed on a couple of literal who exchanges in order to get some of the tokens out into the wild
>literally does not care at all about how well or poorly his token does in the market and is content to just let it simmer while he pays attention to the project itself
>hires one notionally regular guy (paying him with a resource he has plenty of -- some of his project's own tokens) to satisfy the most thoroughly autistic neckbeard /biz/raelis by answering their questions with uninformed vagueries (as he is intentionally kept in the dark) so as to cheaply forestall both some sort of rogue actor scenario and public abandonment of interest as well as general butthurt
>hires on some of the best available developers of a language better suited to the project
>has them completely rewrite the project in the more applicable language
>has the code audited
>has his finest handcoders tighten everything up very nicely
>has the final project at 100% (and may have already launched on mainnet)
>and only then
>bothers to eventually and finally hire a professional technical marketing director whose job is to pitch the already 100% functional project to any big players in the industry who have not already put the pieces together and gotten in
>pr guy probably won't even ever directly address linkholders because that doesn't matter
>the token sells itself to anyone smart enough to understand or smart enough to realise that the smarter people buying it up are onto something there
This is why I went all in.

>> No.5265364

>Zeppelin didn't change anything

>> No.5265509
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Pajeets gone wild

>> No.5265560
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>zeppelin durr hurr
ooh you crack me up anonchan
>wipes tear

>> No.5265647
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>> No.5265690

>Now that we know there was no announcement and there will be no announcement probably
we're you alive yesterday?

>> No.5265905
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>They're hiring a Marketing Director
It's time.

>> No.5266059

I need sleep

>> No.5266063
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I will lmao myself straight to retirement in 2018.
>One of the most hyped products
>One of the most needed products on the market
>100% complete product
>Hiring a competent marketing guy


>> No.5266111

Yeah, what was the announcement? What new information was revealed to the community?

>> No.5266150

How many do you own?

>> No.5266169

That's actually promising. We need normie investment

>> No.5266171


>> No.5266184

can someone post the chainlink stan eminem shit i need a good laugh

>> No.5266408

Thanks for the link to an article that contains a basic description of what Chainlink is supposed to be. Do you mind highlighting to me the part that's supposed to constitute an announcement? i.e. important NEW information

>> No.5266683

Where is the news

>> No.5266685

ETP will kill LINK. You are holding the wrong coin.

>> No.5266764

What news were you looking for?

>> No.5266847

don't mind him he's retarded he was literally expecting Sergey to come out and say 1000$ EOY 100% confirmed

>> No.5266968

There are 1 billion link tokens if this coin hit $50 That would mean a 50billion dollar market cap. That seems off. That's higher than etherium

>> No.5267035

Correction my bad Eth is now worth 77bil

>> No.5267040

My interpretation of the word announcement is that it would contain some relevant NEW information, not sure if that makes me a retard....

>> No.5267052

It's not higher than ethereum, which is 70 billion.
And it was only 700 million in January.

>> No.5267071

>There are 1 billion link tokens if this coin hit $50 That would mean a 50billion dollar market cap.
>That's higher than etherium
that's also wrong

>> No.5267094

The announcement is full of new insights, confirmations, expansions, ...

So what exactly are you looking for?

>> No.5267099

okay buddy we already know you're mad because it didn't moon, if you're so salty dump your bags and GTFO

>> No.5267146
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Gggggbbb marrrakaahh cooop

>> No.5267157

guess i am also selling.. will buy when the news is solid. and sergey made it clear there will be nothing for at least another 2 months. Better to chase projects with ready products. and i will never get emotional with any coing and fall for biz meme.

>> No.5267178

I already corrected myself on eth. Last month it was 30 billion. Why is my other statement wrong,

>> No.5267244

Getting out too. Fuck this shit. Seriously. Pieces of shit. Everyone else is taking advantage of this. Piece of shut sergay does everything wrong. Drops announcement same moment as BCH listing. The fuck

>> No.5267259

>will buy when the news is solid
aka too late

>> No.5267279

>Why is my other statement wrong
do you know how market caps are calculated?

>> No.5267283

He definitely planned that.

>> No.5267313

I'm out too. I believe in LINK, and will get back in in a month or so. Meanwhile I'll chase moon missions.

>> No.5267319
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Thhhhhbbbb whaaay waaroong?

>> No.5267327

never change /biz/

>> No.5267364

No. Always assumed it was number of tokens × price per token. Please correct me.

>> No.5267373

>Meanwhile I'll chase moon missions.
... during holiday season.
Smart move.

>> No.5267397

Release date for GO testnet. New hired devs. Still hiring devs, and that precious marketing guy that everyone has been dying for. Mentioned SWIFT twice, which I doubt was just for lulz.

And then he goes on Slack confirming what smart money has thought the whole time. That he is more concerned about getting a working product than hyping the coin. Confirmed he would be in communication more often, and when marketing guy is hired we will have regular contact from the team.

>> No.5267426

It's based on circulating supply.
For instance, Bitcoin won't have all of its coins circulating until a few decades from now.

>> No.5267471

He announced it the moment LINK was taking a dive due to BCH. That was the perfect time to buy.

>> No.5267507

More like 120 years.

>> No.5267527

CIRCULATING supply times price, not total supply. And nobody knows how much link will be circulating, could be 100m, could be 700m, nobody knows.
Sergey could give out the 350m tokens reserved for banks immediately or could give them away slowly year by year for 10 years. He could sell his own 350m instantly or never touch them.
In any case the supply will NEVER be a full 1 billion.

>> No.5267544

I'm aware. And if more bitcoins are added
Without the market cap increasing then the price per bitcoin will drop. Are you saying that in 3 years Sergey won't have the rest of the 650 million tokens circulating?

>> No.5267569

It’s right back there now. Why the F would he choose that time to announce? Can’t just be a random coincidence?

>> No.5267674

>if more bitcoins are added Without the market cap increasing then the price per bitcoin will drop
The market cap is based on the price per bitcoin, not the other way around.
What determines the price is how it is traded.

If all unmined Bitcoin were to be dumped into a bunch of random wallets overnight, and people are still buying at the same price as the day before, then the price per Bitcoin simply stays the same and the MC is what gets adjusted.

>> No.5267766
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Nice high quality images

>> No.5267807

>Go developers
Absolute red flag. Wouldn't touch this shit with a 10 foot pole

>> No.5267827

Lol, please do tell why.

>> No.5267838
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>> No.5267893

is swift GPI winner announced this month?

>> No.5267977
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>no pepes please

>> No.5268022

he's right though

>> No.5268046

Guys something tells me we're gonna be sandbagged for a couple more months. $1 isn't as close as we hoped. We're entering accumulation phase 2. prepare for the bleed out.

For my linklets out there, this is your last chance. I'm guessing you'll have another month at least to accumulate, probably at higher prices than before.

>> No.5268085
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>Pepe icon doesn’t help

These mods are wojack posters.

>> No.5268093

I'm hoping it stays this way for a while. I made bank on the ICX ICO but I'm waiting for it to pump over the next month before cashing out a portion to 2x or 3x my LINK holdings.

>> No.5268244

This, I'm 100% comfy.

>> No.5268387
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>I'm hoping it stays this way for a while
Do people who say this really mean it or is it just cope? Like, fair enough if you're waiting for a paycheck and a coin has only been shilled for a week but LINK has been dragging for months now without doing much price-wise. I understand that good things take time but you can't deny it would be nice to see LINK have a solid (and very much deserved!) bullrun for once.

This crypto bull market won't last forever. You can talk about accumulating all you like but when the bubble does finally burst the opportunity will be gone - at least for a few years.

I'm pretty confident that LINK will be in the top 10 market cap within the next year or so. But I'm less confident that the top 10 market cap will remain as high as it is currently forever.

I still believe

>> No.5268432

>mfw when I made the post in your image
I'm glad you liked it anon

>> No.5268449

>I'm pretty confident that LINK will be in the top 10 market cap within the next year or so. But I'm less confident that the top 10 market cap will remain as high as it is currently forever.
then you don't get crypto

>> No.5268482

I mean it, didn't you read my post? I bought LINK at ICO, but also bought ICX and that shit exploded on me so now I'm crypto-rich. I think ICX is going to pump before LINK does, so I'm going to ride that gravy train and when I cash out a some of those holding to buy LINK it is better for me if it is cheap. Understand?

>> No.5268487

Yeah, I’m out guys, just market sold all of my Chainlinks. Brb have to take a trip to the street.

>> No.5269100

My man, I spoke to the biggest fish in the bank I work at and he talked about blockchain insurance.

>> No.5269430 [DELETED] 

Genuinely my sister works for a bank doing web and mobile applications, she said they do discuss blockchains but are not anywhere near implementing one but when they do they will use their own blockchain rather than an existing one.

>> No.5269621

they can use whatever blockchain they want, doesn't matter

>> No.5269716

>blockchain insurance
>Smart Contract insurance

How the fuck would that work?

>> No.5269786
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>> No.5269829
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How do they keep getting away with it

>> No.5270005

what's up with that weird volume pattern? i think it has something to do with binance, saw it on multiple other coins too.

>> No.5270050

They have projects to implement it. He said you don't need to sign a paper contract as you can agree to insurance digitally and see the details digitally or something. You'd go on the internet, read the contract and sign it digitally or something.

I honestly don't know, I'm not a tech guy.

>> No.5270712

Are you guys actually selling?
Are top wallets selling?

>> No.5270732


I actually meant to post that in another thread, a thread where I posted a link to a french forum where somebody said he had sat next to some big AXA guy who got to talking about bitcoin and said that they were actively doing smart contract implementation. This is big because we know AXA has a lot of test contracts on the SmartContract test net. And this was a few days ago, so there's a very good chance AXA has moved forward with SmartContract and Chainlink.

>> No.5270795

Actually it looks like the top 100 wallets are getting bigger by .35 percent, But it also looks like the big binance wallet went up about half a percent so that may account for some of it but not all of it.

>> No.5271001

my wallet was in the top 900's and now has moved up 10 positions higher, so it's either being only spread across different wallets or it's being actually sold

>> No.5271051

Also AXA already worked on implementing smart contracts with AirFrance and now just think of the possibility of flight insurances combined with decentralized/distributed oracles..

>> No.5271212


I'll have to look for that AirFrance thing; I hadn't heard that. But that's interesting because in the French forum I posted he said they were doing smart contracts with airlines so he probably wasn't bullshitting (unless he also saw those articles). Looking at the test smartcontracts though none of them appeared to be airline related.

>> No.5271272

The external event serves as a trigger for the smart contract; the smart contract is the insurance product (‘if condition X is met (car wreck, plane delay, whatever) then condition Y is triggered (indemnity)’

They need a trusted oracle so both parties (insurer and insuree) are comfortable entering the binding contract

>> No.5271424

After skimming through again after three months, AirFrance isn't explicitly stated. My apologies

>> No.5271645


insurance is very interesting on the blockchain and smart contracts. It feels like eventually you could come up with a decentralized insurer, like they're creating decentralized lenders enabled by smart contracts and public decentralized oracles, and it would have its own token of course.

>> No.5271652

Both parties have to use the same Oracle. no? ie. AXA and Air France

If Air France used a centralized oracle and AXA used Link, would their be fall out if a conflict happened that triggered the indemnity?

>> No.5271705

Can someone just fucking kill me already? I thought it was our time. I'm sick of being a minimum wagie. We literally will never fucking make it. Crypto is going to crash before linkies have a chance. All the biz bros will have rode enough moon missions to exit in the amount of time we spent sandbagged by this gay coin.

>> No.5271746

in the ideal case, if the centralized oracle is legit, it would output the same data as the approved link oracle network - but again it's safer to trust a decentralized network than a centralized third party who can easily tamper with the data

>> No.5271788

You absolutely could but you’d need a way to pool capital to offset the risks (usually at a 3:1 risk:capital ratio); could be an app were people put up their cash then get return on it, select risks to allocate against, etc

I think the decentralized node network is ideally positioning itself to be the most trusted of data providers as a selling point over say Oraclize but as long as both parties agree should be fine. AF and AXA wouldn’t enter an agreement without consensus on data provision - if they did it would go to court.

>t insurance co ops strategist

>> No.5271875

He said last night he already hired a marketing or PR person.

>> No.5271881

Fucking scum

>> No.5271944

it's also cheaper because you'll have a ton of different nodes competing to give you the data for less money

>> No.5271993


I couldn't really make it out if he said they were hiring a person with 3-5 years of experience or had hired someone already. I kind of understood it to mean they still have to. But either way that's what like a month or two away which will be huge.

>> No.5272064

>>5271875 read >>5261638
has that statement been updated by him already?

exactly, it works by itself by incentivizing the whole oracle "economy" via the token - the invisible hand

>> No.5272099

One question remains....

How much link/day would you get from a node if you have for example 1k link?

How is this going to work? So far there is only one pool and ofcourse it's still in development. 2018 is going to be exciting.

>> No.5272197

He didn't say they hired a marketer, he said they were looking. Guess what, HE FUCKING SAID THAT MONTHS AGO AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Cockstain Sergey held his ICO way before they were ready because they wanted to get as much ETH as possible before crypto shot up again. Now we're left holding bags because these selfish bastards held an ICO way before they should have.

>> No.5272216

>only 1k

>> No.5272242

Why doesn't he get crypto? Crypto has market cycles every cycle makes it end up higher than it was before.

>> No.5272243

ChainLink nodes have to pay a penalty fee to bid on API requests to process, so the more LINK you have the more requests you can bid for, and node operators set their own prices. I think this is correct, can anyone set me straight?

>> No.5272266

How do I join the link slack? I want to ask sergey questions next hes on

>> No.5272284

Is 21k enough?

>> No.5272393

Must be alot of volume tied up in off the table dealings and node operation. I want to believe.

>> No.5272540

Thank you, this is what I understood as well. I think pinpointing the price is very hard. We'll see what happens.

This is the monetary (and deluded) reason for me buying link:

1. Hodl 4k link
2. Link 7.5 usd eoy 2018
3. Sell 1k so I can move to another place and go on a cruise with my gf whilst still holding my other investments long term
4. Stake 3k link in a pool or create my own node.
5 get 5-30 link daily staking my 3k link (including fines) whilst price is rising and sets a floor somewhere around 10-20 usd
6. Passive income achieved

On a scale of 1 to 10, how deluded am I?

>> No.5272589


>> No.5272666

>30 link daily
>while staking 3k
hahah holy shit you expect 330% returns yearly?

>> No.5272697

with LINK, anything is possible :^)

>> No.5272711


quite deluded. Revise your expectations.

>> No.5272722


5 or 10% would probably be more reasonable. I think that's neos rate atm

>> No.5272811

9/11 or us-fags 11/9
I doubt that we will be able to actually have demand for data feeds for smart contracts THAT early, as the real fun only will begin once industrial implementation begins
and also, how much link you get for staking depends on $$$ value, validity, speed, accuracy, relevancy, size of the oracle network, price elasticity of demand and so on

>> No.5272813

The reason I said 30 is to bait people into giving some good replies. This happened, thank you.

5 link daily with 4k link sounds better doesn't it? Kek it would probably be 2 link a day tops.

>> No.5272836

5% annual? I've been trying to calculate some possible staking returns, was thinking maybe 1% a month? Is that too much you think?

Would like to someday make a $2-300 a week off my 10k linkies. Not a whole lot, but I could go backpacking indefinitely and live a digital nomad lifestyle. A minimum wagie can dream...

>> No.5273010
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>> No.5273014

This. Only I won't be backpacking and I have 6k less link than you :(

>> No.5273270

Never, you would need at least 50k

>> No.5273342


>> No.5273455

Ok so when/if link hits 10 usd I should just sell? :(

By the time this happens my knowledge of crypto would be so big I could live off making 2 small trades a day.

Why am i so deluded reeeeeeee

>> No.5273485

Of course not, you start thinking about selling maybe at 100$

>> No.5273513

Don't sell at $10, this can go into the hundreds next year easy

>> No.5273552

At $20 LINK with 10,000 LINKs, making 5% annual return you would get almost $200 a week.

Who knows what node staking returns will be like but 5% seems like a decent estimate. Linklets could legitimately make it.

>> No.5273597
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I made a lot of money from deluded bcashies yesterday

Should I put it all in link?

>> No.5273621

Ok, i want to believe but that just sounds too good to be true

>> No.5273624

I have iron hands and can almost put emotion out of the equation, but a wagecuck like me would surely sell half or all at ~50USD/Link so I can start a goddamn milkshake company which my country so desperately needs.