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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 696x506, logo-ICP-696x506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52559798 No.52559798 [Reply] [Original]

unmatched technology
largest developer base
largest cryptographic research team in the world
most GitHub contributions of any crypto project


>> No.52559818

icp is the future, if you don't see it you're probably brown

>> No.52559836

post indoor plumbing

>> No.52559942

>Hey mom, can i use the internet computer? its the future of technology!
unfortunately such a faggy name was chosen and it had the largest crash of any coin this cycle. dfinity is also only about 200 people which would make it a medium sized team in the crypto world.

would not waste time or money on it

>> No.52559948

no one on reddit knows anything about ICP

>> No.52559977

>doesn't like the name
>thinks the team is too small
>invests based off above reasons
quite the sophisticated investor aren't we

>> No.52560057

>from $700 to $3 in 1.5years
quite the sophisticated investor aren't we

>> No.52560197

I can imagine you sniffing your own farts as you wrote this. All smug like. You didn’t have to buy Icp at the top. Quite the faggot aren’t we?

>> No.52560221

wait until bitdao's bitnetwork is operating, it will be a real game changer especially for defi, since it will be powering groundbreaking projects, protocols, products, and services to push decentralization even further

>> No.52560272

>You didn’t have to buy Icp at the top
This doesn't even matter because if you bought at any point you lost money lol

>> No.52560681

5500tps isn't that special when it's literally on fucking amazon web services

this chain is literally just a few data warehouses, and a coin they invented and gave to themselves so that they have control over the network or can dump, it's literally an obvious scam lmaoo

>> No.52560735

>when it's literally on fucking amazon web services
it is not on amazon web services ser. that's one of the main selling points.

>> No.52560751
File: 46 KB, 980x590, Capture3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice man tell me which projects you've been holding

>> No.52560917

ICP you stupid faggot

>> No.52560932

thinking about picking up a 1k stack and just leaving it sit for 5 years
if i'm wrong i lose 3600 bucks (two weeks after tax salary)
if i'm right i'll make a lot more than that

>> No.52560933

Literal dying scam, buy legit stuff like Avalanche if you don't want to lose everything

>> No.52560952

>5,500 tps

>> No.52560959

hmmm.... eth clone or next generation blockchain tech. It's a tough decision.

>> No.52561254
File: 214 KB, 748x445, E57A8543-DF07-415B-B6BF-9E614D88ABE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TPS is the funniest fucking 2017 meme that newfags in 2022 still fall for.

>> No.52561354

stop projecting, jeet. nobody spends years coming up with all this new tech just to scam people