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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52558309 No.52558309 [Reply] [Original]

please can someone clear this fud for me

>> No.52558331

ICP has done nothing for the NWO and therefore is not needed. We can wait for our own gay solutions.

>> No.52558909

Bro, don’t worry about it. There is no death spiral and the monthly payouts are nothing compared to the unlocks which are ending quickly- just stack, or don’t. Internet computer is a top 2 coin. It will print millionaires. Everyone thought the same of eth, but people were less certain about eth

>> No.52558951
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Anon, you’re funny

>> No.52558995

you call -99.9% NOT a death spiral? LMAO

>> No.52559048

Wtf is the deal with ICP? I don't really get it.. unless their website is pure BS, it seems pretty innovative and advanced? But why TF has this thing been going to zero?

>> No.52559181
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>why TF has this thing been going to zero?
1. ETH and BTC fags bought ICP for 3 cents in february 2017. Some genius thought that the people who bought in first at the lowest price should be vested for 4 years. So now we have to wait until all of them are unlocked before we can move out of the single-digit range. See picrel for the unstaking schedule (icscan.io). You see that monthly unlocks are nearly non-existent after April 2024. Until then there are about 1 Million ICP per month unlocking (and I expect them to dump)

>> No.52559191

you bought internet computer
id mock but i bought something named after fences

>> No.52559193

there have been a lot of attacks on icp because it makes most other projects completely obsolete. note the 20 icp fud threads posted every day. also the chart looks like shit because ftx pumped the price super high before the tokens were even launched and then the crypto market crashed like the day after launch. another point to mention is that retail crypto investors are literal retards who will buy dogshit as long as there is a narrative of influencer telling them to buy. nothing on the website is a lie, if you are a half way competent dev you can install DFX and launch a full stack dapp to the blockchain in minutes.

>> No.52559198
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2. Node providers are paid in ICP but they get paid a USD amount. Node provider rewards continuously raise month after month. Node providers dump on the market in order to be profitable. They run the nodes to make money and they do make money with almost zero risk. Node providers last month were rewarded with 361k ICP (https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/circulation))

>> No.52559201
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It's only fifty cents away. It's gonna happen, and it is going to be neat to watch another token do the LUNC crash

>> No.52559253

Thank you Anon, I appreciate the time you took to go into detail. Very interesting.

>> No.52559255
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3. The internet computer relies on token burns and transaction fees to perform the deflationary function that is built in. ICP can be burned into cycles. Cycles are burned to pay for computation and data hosting on the internet computer. While cycle burning is headed in a parabolic direction, the amount of ICP burned from cycles and transactions combined is pathetic and has no effect on the dumps from 1 and 2.

>> No.52559346
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4. I don't expect ICP to go below $2 based on it's total number of tokens in circulation. ICP currently has 274 Million tokens in circulation. A $2 price point would place ICP at a $500 million dollar market cap which would make it hilariously undervalued when you consider it's capabilities. Amazon (ticker AMZN) has a marketcap of $943 Billion and 12% of Amazon's total revenue comes from AWS. If you weren't aware ICP is a blockchain equivalent of AWS, but with different abilities. ICP is slower than AWS, but retains higher data integrity and enables users to send/receive crypto securely on ICP websites with no additional trust assumptions.

tl;dr: The price has dumped and might continue to dump, but it is unironically a good entry point as long as ICP exists in about 2 years from now. There is no such thing as a sure-thing investment.

>> No.52559409

Good poster. ICP is a long play. If you think the project is interesting and could blow up some day, buy some and hold it and see what happens. Like with all crypto it could go to zero too so just invest what you’re comfortable losing.

>> No.52559428

so then I told him to go all in..on get this..INTERNET...COMPUTER..HAHAHABABAHAHAHAHA

>> No.52559667

>you can install DFX and launch a full stack dapp to the blockchain in minutes
underrated post.


>> No.52559759

so wait. us icp deflationary?

>> No.52559892
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One day it could be, but it needs to have a lot more usage to become deflationary. Its usage is actually growing in comparison to other chains (see picrel). There are 2 mint mechanisms and 2 burn mechanisms which are supposed to be in equilibrium, but unfortunately the minting side of the equation in combination with the vesting schedule means that ICP is currently inflationary.

>> No.52559947

thank you fren. this is probably the first legit discussion thread on icp that got me interested. so if I decided to start accumulating, I’d have the full year of 2023 to do so, does that seem to be more or less safe assumption?

>> No.52560036

That's what I expect. A lot of sideways until mid 2024.

>> No.52560862
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>> No.52561418

ok? But what does it do? In Layman's terms. Are there devs actually working on chain? If yes, can you provide proof? Are there enough of these devs to make the token worth something? Are there going to be enough buying pressure to outweigh the selling pressure? Why the fuck is it called Internet Computer?

>> No.52561448

this is so fucking dumb. its all just a way for the uber rich to money launder and dump on retards like all of you. this shit is never going anywhere. please get a real hobby

>> No.52561466

Nothing to clear, it's true. Redeem all your Icypeepee scam shitcoins to AVAX imo.

>> No.52561495
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>Are there devs actually working on chain?
>can you provide proof?
oc.app, distrikt.app, icpswap.app, entrepot.app
And just a general list of projects: https://n7ib3-4qaaa-aaaai-qagnq-cai.raw.ic0.app/#/apps
>Are there enough of these devs to make the token worth something?
>Are there going to be enough buying pressure to outweigh the selling pressure?
>Why the fuck is it called Internet Computer?
it's actually a protocol. TCP/IP -> ICP Internet Computer Protocol. It doesn't need a fancy name. Bit Coin? What a dumb name, right?

>> No.52561548

since I stumbled on this thread I got some icp to register an icp id and i’m in process of figuring out how to deploy a static website on icp and map it to a web2 dns. that’s my hobby.

>> No.52561560

what is preventing ICP from being as fast as AWS?

>> No.52561579

>what is preventing ICP from being as fast as AWS?
It's not centralized and it also requires consensus from multiple nodes before the data is computed/sent to the user.

>> No.52561582

>But what does it do? In Layman's terms.
ICP does a lot but the main selling point is that it can host full stack dapps on chain which no other blockchain is capable of. Web content is served directly from the blockchain when you use icp, when you use dapps on other blockchains pretty much everything is stored on cloud and you are just interacting with a few tokens on whatever blockchain. You also don't need tokens or even a wallet to interact with ICP meaning consumers will be able to use the blockchain without even knowing it.

>Are there devs actually working on chain? If yes, can you provide proof?
go here https://dfinity.org/ and you can see the list of devs/ scientists/ engineers working on the protocol (the biggest development team of any blockchain) and for development of dapps you can go check here kinic.io (search engine for icp) and here https://internetcomputer.org/showcase/

As for the rest of your questions you will have to figure that out for yourself, im here to show that its the best technology in blockchain and if you cant see the potential here idk what to tell you.

>> No.52561604

my real concern for adoption is around the speed. i do a lot of work with AWS and i think ICP is easily the best technology in crypto but lack of speed might be an issue. how much slower are we talking, do you know?

>> No.52561643

>wat do
It provides data and computational storage, on blockchain, and allows token native defi on all chains within its structure.
>why important
Its pretty obvious. A do all utility level blockchain, that solves all of the interoperability problems, service location problems, and even authentication problems of blockchain; in one fell swoop.
>why internet computer
Why bob evans or international business machines?

This is probably the only time in crypto where biz will be so early its late, but a majority of normies will miss out entirely.

>> No.52561665

This page and pretty much every link on it are served directly from the IC. some are more optimized than others, i have noticed better devs = faster site so im not really sure of the actual speed limitations of the protocol.

>> No.52561667

>how much slower are we talking, do you know?
nah, not me. I know that query calls take about 0.6 seconds and write calls take 1-2 seconds. You might be able to compare it with that information. If you visit IC sites you can see for yourself how much slower they are. I use openchat every day, and I haven't had much trouble with speed. Distrikt is a bit annoying sometimes when navigating between posts. I don't think that the IC will completely overtake the traditional web, but people will build attractive services which use token-based governance that couldn't be done on web2 trustlessly.

>> No.52561691

thanks for the info

>> No.52561902

>you bought internet computer
I think I'll keep my nfts, or at least when I can sell these shits or use them in zoodao
I just need internet to surf and watch porn

>> No.52563610
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>pic rel

>> No.52563629
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You're never getting your money back