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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 387 KB, 1042x1822, genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52546637 No.52546637 [Reply] [Original]

It's over

>> No.52546683

nice link, you nigger loving faggot

>> No.52546797
File: 490 KB, 560x562, 1624148588964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck

>> No.52546803

Big Nigger tranny dicks sliced and fed to cats

>> No.52546812

>literally who bucket shop is closing
it's over...

>> No.52546818

Unironically never heard of anything called "digital currency group".

>> No.52546827

DCG is one of the biggest players in crypto. They own Grayscale and Genesis. The latter is the largest institutional lender in all of crypto

>> No.52546855

>tether did the same thing in 2017
and tether is still going and finexed is still seething lmao

>> No.52546861

Tether didn't call up investors and tell them that they needed 1 billion dollars in emergency funding within 3 days otherwise they might have to file for bankruptcy

>> No.52546882
File: 689 KB, 1277x723, 16690357617032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like DCG should've implemented PoR.

>> No.52546893

holy FUCK is my GBTC going to $0?? My Roth IRA is cut in half??

>> No.52546954

It's not the trusts. Gbtc ethe will be fine. If you believe gbtc doesn't have the assets then you believe grayscale execs and Coinbase execs are going to jail. And Coinbase would be finished too. Do you believe that?

>> No.52546959


>> No.52546989

>Do you believe that?
I want to,

>> No.52546991

Wait, what does Coinbase have to do with this?

>> No.52547015

I do not, they would be retarded to just not use deposits to buy the assets and put them away

>> No.52547028

CB are supposed to be custodians of the grayscale crypto

>> No.52547071

What's this guy's deal anyway did he get liquidated on Bitfinex and has had a hardon ever since?

>> No.52547072

Just like all the bankers and hedgefundies that go to jail all the time for scamming npcs out of billions right?

>> No.52547161

This would be too blatent. Like Madoff

SBF might get off because he was operating from the Bahamas. These are fully regulated in the great United States

>> No.52547178

But CB have a duty to disclose to regulatory bodies because they're publicly listed.

>> No.52547319

>SBF might get off because he was operating from the Bahamas
He & FTX are under US jurisdiction
>SBF is a Burger
.com & .net is under US jurisdiciotn
you can thank Calvin Arye (yea the BSV guy) & has company Bodog
>Used the USD
if the funds went though a US clearing house the supreme court says its under US jurisdiction.

Yep, CB would also be fucked IF they don't have custody. The issue is the group that owns greyscale is looking for a 1 billion USD loan today & won't show proof of reserves.

>> No.52547499

They have their hands in almost everything in crypto but you don't know of them. That's on purpose.

>> No.52547525

Turns out I had heard of them, but it's such a milquetoast name that it didn't instantly click.
But you're right, they're hiding in plain sight.

>> No.52547526

>Yep, CB would also be fucked
And the grease weasel, what shall be it's fate?

>> No.52547594

>What's this guy's deal anyway did he get liquidated on Bitfinex and has had a hardon ever since?
He's just a based guy that is trying to out a scam.
The only people who hate him are people who own cryptocurrencies and therefore have vested interest in the scam continuing. They are no better than Scam Bankrun-Fraud

>> No.52547617

Weasels are animals, mans laws don't apply. Although, weasels can get fucked & will die

>> No.52547619

that doesn't add up because all the time in 2018 and prior to 2018 when he was posting his tether fud it was revealed in the NY OAG investigation that Tether was actually legit.

>> No.52547642

Big burlap sack full of erect donkey dicks.

>> No.52547650

this could be coordinated fud to fill shorts you know that right?

>> No.52547654

Reminder the SEC nigger left half a year ago after Ripple started to push harder on the speech documents. Reminder DCG is the reason ETH “integration and adoption” due to “legal clarity” has occurred.
Reminder “Ethereum is not a security” is legally and contextually an opinion.

>> No.52547679

>Reminder “Ethereum is not a security” is legally and contextually an opinion.
Not if they didn't tell people "we'll make the price of ETH go up".

>> No.52547716

Genesis has always been a blatant scam. With regard to Grayscale, they clearly have the Bitcoin. The question is whether they have borrowed against their position, or otherwise put it at risk.

>> No.52547796
File: 35 KB, 467x268, guilty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tether has next to no USD backing their Tethers. And the other assets are chinese commercial paper and US treasuries, even though no big treasury dealers has ever dealt with tether.
>it was revealed in the NY OAG investigation that Tether was actually legit.
You are delusional.

>> No.52548133

Also DCG owns the biggest BTC miner - Foundry

Its literally gray cardinal in crypto.

>> No.52548309

>burlap sack
Godda let those k'yacks breathe

>> No.52548377

Yes, I do believe they don't have the assets.
No, I don't believe they are going to jail.
Protect your money, anon, nobody else will eo it for you.

>> No.52548385

You would have been the faggot telling Lehman Brothers or Bear Sterns can't possibly collapse in 2008.
Also here it's even worse (or better) because the gov won't bail them out.

>> No.52548430

I have no trust in Bitfinexed as I have personnaly debunked several of his claims. He just likes attention

>> No.52548610
File: 74 KB, 1028x982, tether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they settle for a small fine then? Sounds like a bunch of accusations with little proof to back them up.

>> No.52548733

>that pic
yeah all of that happened AFTER the Bitfinexed guy was spouting hot air about Tether for like a year or two and during that time Tether was completely legit. It wasn't until Crypto Capital stole $850M from Bitfinex did the problems begin when Bitfinex dipped into Tether funds to cover the loss, that wasn't until 2019. So all the bullshit that guy was spouting on twitter for years about Tether was complete horseshit.

>> No.52549488

Is that his origin story?! LMAO

>> No.52549530
File: 270 KB, 1996x1996, 00cli-odor-promo-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from what I read. I read they moved it out of commercial paper

BTW, shit thread. Dumb, dumb, and dumber... biz is really going downhill