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52523346 No.52523346 [Reply] [Original]

Hold 1000 XRP ($380) in cold storage. This IS financial advice.

>> No.52523365
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Where do I buy this shit, its delisted from basically everywhere.

>> No.52523378

I use KuCoin and Bitrue, amigo

>> No.52523399

I don't think so, XRP-schizo.

>> No.52523416

Checked. Just don’t come crying to mama because you missed out

>> No.52523465

How do market caps work? Even at 1 trillion MC the price of XRP will only be $20. Your 1000 XRP will be worth 20k.

>> No.52523528

Checked. They will be first to get a flood of investors whether or not this case goes in their favor. They will have government documentation regarding their business. That is worth more than you think. I own zero xrp and will never, but that’s my outsider perspective.

>> No.52523562

Just escrowed 1,000 XRP for 16 years

>> No.52523789

Is hardware wallet considered cold storage? Yes i'm a noob.

How do you escrow xrp ?

>> No.52525039

>every single exchange in the world is going to confiscate xrp wallets
If you have any proof to claim otherwise, I need to see it.

>> No.52526902

Can you explain for a retard?

>> No.52526916

Not buying your bags.

>> No.52527551
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It is an easy x10 bet which has retained a relative baseline for years despite obvious SEC corruption and has hundreds of major banks already using its technology.
>Buy a 1000 XRP suicide bag, store it in a cold wallet, and don't worry about it for a few years. It will be a million dollars at least or nothing at all. Either way, the reward potential definitely outweighs the risk.
>Or stay with FTX and Gary Gensler. Picrel.

>> No.52527912

I’m holding 10,500 XRP in cold storage

>> No.52527971
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>I’m holding 10,500 XRP in cold storage

>> No.52528409

That is going to be some SERIOUS fuck you money when this settles. The EU wants to have a 3000euro maximum spend cap per month for their cbdc, which means a major deflation event is coming along with ISO20022. I think XRP will be a million a coin in a hundred years.

>> No.52528435

Ripple has nothing to do with XRP. XRP is made by Ripple but Ripple uses seperate banking systems worldwide. Not XRP.

XRP is a funding token. Ripple dumps XRP on retail to fund their other operations.

This has nothing to do with the XRP token which has been proven to be a scam

You fucking idiots think this shit is going to $37500 when some magical switch is being flipped are all idiots.

>> No.52528518

>XRP is a funding token. Ripple dumps XRP on retail to fund their other operations
I feel bad for you since someone is obviously paying you to pasta this shit everywhere. It is also your fault you will never be a real woman.
For lurkers:
The xrpl native token is xrp. All ripple ledgers run on xrp. Some are public. Hundreds of others are private and funded by central banks, charter banks, and schedule 1 banks. Yes, outside of SEC corruption land xrp is considered a digital currency and used widely for intra-bank settlements, which is its intended use case.
The SEC was bribed by ETH to sue Ripple so ETH could have a L1 monopoly. But ETH sucks and everyone else went with XRP anyway.
The SEC has also stated in court that it is only claiming the initial sales of XRP were securities (which is widely disproven online) and does not consider current XRP sales a security.
So this case has two possible outcomes:
1. The SEC wins, Ripple pays a fine, they are the only token with ironclad clarity and they moon as predicted.
2. Ripple wins, Gensler + Hinman + this pasta faggot all get a room together and dilate furiously as XRP moons.
Either way, it is a penny stock bet equivalent which may turn into the next Google. Why the heck would you not risk a hundred bucks on an opportunity like that?

>> No.52528532

didnt read someone is probably paying him to post this and he will never be a woman

>> No.52528541

The only thing I hold is GME

>> No.52528544

You forgot to switch your IP address. And yes, the public consensus is that you are an annoying faggot who will never be a real woman.

>> No.52528560

Not him though must be a glitch on the website

>> No.52528693

Ripple has nothing to do with XRP. XRP is made by Ripple but Ripple uses seperate banking systems worldwide. Not XRP.

XRP is a funding token. Ripple dumps XRP on retail to fund their other operations.

This has nothing to do with the XRP token which has been proven to be a scam

You fucking idiots think this shit is going to $37500 when some magical switch is being flipped are all idiots.

>> No.52528710

Hey cut it out dude

>> No.52528717

Hey cut it out dude

>> No.52528786
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Is it true?
Seems like a good opportunity desu - Will xrp get me out of wage slaving?

>> No.52528830

yes just buy and hold (for 2 more weeks)

>> No.52528849


>> No.52529700

ive read thru these threads over the last few years to try and catch a glimpse of what XRP fanboys are seeing that im missing. each time i read a response like this and remain very confident in my LINK position. i am unemployed 3 years running now, with no income, trade some cryptos for a few thousand dollars each year to live on, meanwhile stack link slowly (again, no income). i have friends who have cushy jobs working in finance for multiple decades now, and live in pretty expensive houses. they all are into XRP. the times theyve asked me about crypto, i start to explain bitcoin. i am immediately met with, "no XRP will win over bitcoin." so, given that immediate response, ive never explained or told them i hold chainlink. i never will either. status in society is about to flip from people who are just good at networking and are honestly pretty dumb to if you actually know and understand crypto (tech, programming, p2p networks, etc) because its been something you do as a hobby, unpaid, not giving a fuck for decades... but now suddenly you can catch these tokens early and become an absolute boss. its really something isnt it. its why i think the lore of chainlink being picked up on so early here by "autistic" types who were "chosen" holds some merit. really, really something... stoic as fuck and not worried one bit. i dont think they even know what chainlink is. so, my guess is somehow this affinity for XRP is literally just a game of telephone in their networks. "psst, hey joe! bob said XRP is the future." their network has done them such a favor their entire life. and it seems its about to fail terribly. i truly wonder sometimes what they actually do at work. there seems to be no original thought anywhere.

>> No.52530170

million dollar XRP is FUD. I don't see any reason why XRP isn't worth one TRILLIOn per coin. All XRP holders will be the richest humans to have ever existed. This is financial advice and its FACT.

>> No.52530200

>1 xrp = infinite money

>> No.52530772

You guys are more schizo than the GME bunch and they are proper schizos

>> No.52531473

>I don't see any reason why XRP isn't worth one TRILLIOn per coin

1. It is designed to settle international cbdc's between charter/national/central banks. To do this efficiently, it needs to have very little relative volume movement with large payments. The Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan are not going to risk arbitrage traders interfering with industrial remittances just because you do not understand how large payment systems work.
2. Each settlement participant must also be able to have a large enough stake in the total supply, that any hostile actor or actors cannot coerce the market price.
3. For both of these requirements to be met, you need an extremely large supply, distributed somewhat evenly between participants, with the coin trading as high as the market will allow without loss of liquidity (xrp @ $10 is too low since large payments become probablistic instead of deterministic, xrp @ $1,000,000,000.00 creates liquity problems and prevents ODL from working properly).
4. Since these are irrefutable facts, any participant is incentivized to buy a significant share for their own market protection and then allow the price to rise as high as possible without crossing the frozen market threshold. This is why Cahill initially said xrp should be around $37.5K and then bumped it up later when QE infinity kicked off.
5. Ripple's banking partnerships are legendary. They have hundreds of major banks already using side ledgers (which run on xrp) and many of these are G20 central banks.
6. The only reason the SEC sued them was because Vitalik bribed Hinman and then Gensler was bribed by FTX. Even then, the suit only alleges the first year or so of xrp sales were securities and doesn't affect Ripple's current business clarity. If Ripple loses they pay a fine and move on. If Ripple wins they move on. There is zero downside for the average investor.
7. Please share this pasta to other threads. XRP is the only hope for your average wagie, share the love.

>> No.52532558


>> No.52534394

Google it.

>> No.52534551
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Glad to see the Dora the Steve Harvey XRP schizo thread is still up.