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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52520253 No.52520253 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so i was interested in buying Ripple/XRP because its a top #10, decided to see if this board had any generals and I must say i'm shocked by finding out. Some of those people think it can go as high as $37500 when some magical switch is being flipped or that banks will buy back their XRP for this price? What a ridiculous idea. I'm not going to buy it now because I certainly don't want to be associated with this level of intelligence so what other top #10 coins are good and safe investments?

>> No.52520280

The thought alone, those numbers. I mean bitcoin would have to be at 1000 trillion or something for the XRP price to be that high. Have these people never heard of Market Cap? Anyway good luck trying to argue with this level of intellect.

>> No.52520303

Watch this understand what is happening with XRP.


>> No.52520309

My portfolio is 90% XRP and 15$-20 I am happy, 37k is just nonsense. Maybe 100+ one day is possible tho

>> No.52520316

>t. midwit

>> No.52520318

Kids buy XRP, adults buy XLM.

>> No.52520322
File: 165 KB, 682x706, A9A10C9F-1B5F-476F-BEB1-3F6932B42F23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a cheaper option, with token 1/200th supply of Xrp. Take a look at Solo. They want to tokenize stocks and their Brokerage license will be announced soon which is a monster move. Every stock, tokenized on Sologenic platform with Solo tokens. Solo has only 400m tokens and 100% are in circulation. When they get that license it’s game over for whoever didn’t get some

>> No.52520343

Sorry I didn't quite catch the argument you were trying to make.

>> No.52520410

>shilling a shitcoin, which has their homepage copyright as 2019-2021

>> No.52520615

Don't expect significant movement until CBDC's are being used for banking operations. If you can delay gratification until 2025/26 when they are implemented and ignore the fud, I'd expect at minimum $5, inflation adjusted. If you can wait until 2030, and the major banks have their way, I would expect $100 XRP at a minimum. This is of course if central banks utilise XRP and it's Ledger. I can't see why not though; it's the fastest, most energy efficient, most scalable, and is the centralised crypto to have been around the longest. You'll notice fudders don't argue these points; they can't. But whatever man. Spoonfeeding season should've ended nearly a decade ago.

>> No.52520684


>> No.52520706

>laying it on too thick

>> No.52520989

What's the 37500 prediction based on? You'd only need 100 to be a millionaire. I heard it would hit 589, but that was a while ago, and I never understood that prediction either.

>> No.52521122


>> No.52521266

I've always thought bearableguys hat was very reminiscent of a Four Winds Hat


>> No.52521340

There was a glitch last year where every crypto went up a lot. Xrp bag draggers are only niggers who were dumb enough to take it seriously and somehow genuinely hold on to this false hope to this day. It's all they got.

>> No.52521461

You are not gonna get genuine answers on 4 chan bud. Lukewarm bait

>> No.52521612
File: 161 KB, 840x991, BuyMoreSHX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's absurd

>> No.52522970

XRP schizos are just gatekeeping the normies from making it. The flipping of a switch refers to when swift is being replaced by Iso 20022 -standard playment system.

Bitcoin is irrelevant boomercoin that is slow, expensive and has no other benefit than being the first cryptocurrency. XRP will fly past BTC marketcap soon enough (2 weeks approx).

foreign exchange trade is about 7.5 trillion a day, and when you run 7.5 trillion a day through XRP Ledger, it's not going to be a 39 cent coin anymore.

>> No.52523142

i hope your anus prolapses

>> No.52523154

What is the market cap of ethereum again?

>> No.52523207

2030 is too optimistic. 2050 is the surefire timeline.

>> No.52523261

respectfully, majority of /biz/ and /pol/ are xrp bagholders in secret but love to fud it to every new normie that comes around.

>> No.52524635

This is a schizo only zone

>> No.52525363


watch this and you will get it.


>> No.52525374


>> No.52526552

who buys both?
man children?

>> No.52526611

How about bitcoin $2000 while XRP rules over crypto

>> No.52526617


>> No.52528379


>> No.52528589

Looks fake to me. Company ripple and XRP are different things.

>> No.52528838

My schizophrenic financial advisor says other wise, obliviously he's right as he is completely mentally unwell.

>> No.52529383

LMAO imagine believing this

>> No.52529714

ive read thru these threads over the last few years to try and catch a glimpse of what XRP fanboys are seeing that im missing. each time i read a response like this and remain very confident in my LINK position. i am unemployed 3 years running now, with no income, trade some cryptos for a few thousand dollars each year to live on, meanwhile stack link slowly (again, no income). i have friends who have cushy jobs working in finance for multiple decades now, and live in pretty expensive houses. they all are into XRP. the times theyve asked me about crypto, i start to explain bitcoin. i am immediately met with, "no XRP will win over bitcoin." so, given that immediate response, ive never explained or told them i hold chainlink. i never will either. status in society is about to flip from people who are just good at networking and are honestly pretty dumb to if you actually know and understand crypto (tech, programming, p2p networks, etc) because its been something you do as a hobby, unpaid, not giving a fuck for decades... but now suddenly you can catch these tokens early and become an absolute boss. its really something isnt it. its why i think the lore of chainlink being picked up on so early here by "autistic" types who were "chosen" holds some merit. really, really something... stoic as fuck and not worried one bit. i dont think they even know what chainlink is. so, my guess is somehow this affinity for XRP is literally just a game of telephone in their networks. "psst, hey joe! bob said XRP is the future." their network has done them such a favor their entire life. and it seems its about to fail terribly. i truly wonder sometimes what they actually do at work. there seems to be no original thought anywhere.

>> No.52529735
File: 897 KB, 478x268, bagholders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin getting adopted around the world and being used to settle gas and oil. Moments away from mass adoption and adoption is accelerating.
>retard Xrp fags still think Xrp a premined shit coin will be the next reserve currency.
>Xrp not being used to settle anything other than the founders dumping.

LOL peak fucking retards, you’re late. Hope ur 10k Xrp makes you rich when it goes to $5 then dumps for years.

>> No.52530554


>> No.52531495

Isn't XRP just the first scam? Supply literally minted out of thin air and sold to insiders and later to the public using false marketing...

>> No.52531502

>foreign exchange trade is about 7.5 trillion a day,

1. It is designed to settle international cbdc's between charter/national/central banks. To do this efficiently, it needs to have very little relative volume movement with large payments. The Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan are not going to risk arbitrage traders interfering with industrial remittances just because you do not understand how large payment systems work.
2. Each settlement participant must also be able to have a large enough stake in the total supply, that any hostile actor or actors cannot coerce the market price.
3. For both of these requirements to be met, you need an extremely large supply, distributed somewhat evenly between participants, with the coin trading as high as the market will allow without loss of liquidity (xrp @ $10 is too low since large payments become probablistic instead of deterministic, xrp @ $1,000,000,000.00 creates liquity problems and prevents ODL from working properly).
4. Since these are irrefutable facts, any participant is incentivized to buy a significant share for their own market protection and then allow the price to rise as high as possible without crossing the frozen market threshold. This is why Cahill initially said xrp should be around $37.5K and then bumped it up later when QE infinity kicked off.
5. Ripple's banking partnerships are legendary. They have hundreds of major banks already using side ledgers (which run on xrp) and many of these are G20 central banks.
6. The only reason the SEC sued them was because Vitalik bribed Hinman and then Gensler was bribed by FTX. Even then, the suit only alleges the first year or so of xrp sales were securities and doesn't affect Ripple's current business clarity. If Ripple loses they pay a fine and move on. If Ripple wins they move on. There is zero downside for the average investor.
7. Please share this pasta to other threads. XRP is the only hope for your average wagie, share the love.

>> No.52532542


>> No.52533113

Nice word salad bro. I notice you didn't type a single salient point or counter-argument there. Very good.

>> No.52534572


>> No.52535653

>dude you have to ruin the environment otherwise its not a crypto