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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 71 KB, 607x414, cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52502223 No.52502223 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically this is the best time to buy BTC.

Why have we not dropped below $16k?

Because smart money is not emotional like you retards and knows this is despair, buy now anons.

>> No.52502232


>> No.52502241



>> No.52502244

Nope, we are in fear/capitulation

>> No.52502260


That was the $30k to $15k drop in May/June.

>> No.52502267
File: 270 KB, 768x624, 9763555E-8AE4-421C-8F40-7E5CAEDFFCAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52502269


$40k to $19k *

>> No.52502287


BTC was $60k April 2021, almost 2 years ago.

You don't stay in complacency stage for 2 years otherwise the cycle would take about 10 to complete.

>> No.52502300


>> No.52502302

cos people still believe in crypto.

>> No.52502313


The FTX shit is as close to despair as your gonna get.

>> No.52502393

it didn't affect btc price at all

>> No.52502412
File: 129 KB, 815x948, turkroach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it didn't affect btc price at all

>> No.52502417

Unless it's the beginning of a domino effect that will implode crypto and then affect traditional markets b/c of their exposure to FTX. Then it would be "complacency".

>> No.52502875

zoom out, we are in a bull trap

>> No.52502898

not enough wojaks. no normie panic. far from bottom

>> No.52502903

We are heading into a global recession. People will have to sell their bitcoin to buy food after they lost their job. We are going much lower next year.

>> No.52503092

I'm going to go back to my village and live with my parents before selling my BTC.

I have a shitload of arable land that nobody uses... I could grow vegetables, fruit, olives, have some pigs and sheep...

>> No.52503134

>it can’t take 10 years because… it just can’t!

>> No.52503145

You have 4 weeks left to buy

>> No.52503150

We were directed back above 21k before that happened.

>> No.52503183

>two more weeks until the global recession
been hearing this since jan 2022

>> No.52503194
File: 859 KB, 829x596, 1609580919108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the broader economic cycle. We just peaked with low interest rates for a long time and explosive growth in sectors like housing.

Now we are going into the start of a recession which may last a year or so. They are going to raise rates to tamper inflation which will exacerbate the recession. This will impact discretionary items like BTC more than non-discretionary items like food and housing. The first thing you sell is your BTC.

Maybe this recession is priced in, but in any event, you're going to sit through a recession and a trough if you're still holding (like me) before things turn around. There's nothing else to do but wait.

>> No.52503248

you do realize that this type of graph won't just start looping from the despair point all the way back to new paradigm, right? Once the bubble burst it's done. There is never going to be a second ATH.

>> No.52503257 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 907x1280, photo_2022-11-18 13.06.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look guys DINOLFG

They bought a domain http://dextools.com and automatically takes you to the chart.
The team is about to reveal itself soon. It's someone from a larger project from 2020-2021

>> No.52503335

Zoom out and draw a line. We are not at despair. Why?
>again zoom out and draw a line. You can see the real bottom is near 12.5k
>listen to the name. Despair? Nigger are all cheerful these days. The suicide counts and the media panicking is not high yet
>No pink wojak field on sight

>> No.52503360

normies not panicking because they already sold. Those who didn't sell are not buying anymore. I check on this monthly at work with indirect questions or statements to them.

>> No.52503410

The only people at 'despair' right now are faggot niggers that used FTX and kept all their money on the exchange, which from the initial fall out, appeared to be primarily 'crypto influencers' shilling referral links, and hedge funds / institutional grade investors.
Besides them who really gives a fuck? All the 'despair' is faggots projecting out what they think is going to happen in terms of the reputation of the space and how damaged that reputation is. Bullshit. Everyone is greedy as fuck and always will be and the crypto market satisfies that urge for degenerates, psychopaths, and retards all looking to make easy money.
Despair comes if/when a real exchange goes down, Tether goes down, or some other catastrophic event knocks BTC down another ~50%.
I don't see the despair I just see boredom.

>> No.52503434

We are literally at Anger. "Who shorted the market?" "Why did the government allow this to happen?"

Bobos who know the truth I utter will cope in the posts below.

>> No.52503473

>"Why did the government allow this to happen?"

>> No.52503545
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why is it only called greed, euphoria, etc when it's bulls doing it

>> No.52503657

It's not and I don't see bear euphoria either.

>> No.52503719

i am never selling my buttcoins, id rather suck dick for a meal

>> No.52503789

Nope, we are going through capitulation, perhaps we are past mid capitulation.
But not at despair yet.

>> No.52503797

more like fear

>> No.52503821

What’s the point of having them if you never sell them

>> No.52503865 [DELETED] 

Play in only the trusted casinos! Like Bspin.

>Casino with Bitcoin main currency
>Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
>Up to 20% CashBack bonus and the best benefits

>> No.52504288

not even close zoomer

>> No.52504321

bottom won't be in yet
maybe sometime next year
might not be till 2024 though

>> No.52504566
File: 32 KB, 426x428, 1641085411228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought BTC at 16k
>swapped all my USDT to Holoclear (HOLO) to gilt mint and stake to let their algorithms do their magicka while I sit back and relax
>comfy waggie WFH gig where I work like 2 hours a day max

Holy shit the world is crumbling and I managed to avoid the cataclysm

>> No.52504570
File: 21 KB, 639x480, images - 2022-05-23T005836.941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good reason to buy OP, and I'm sure the majority of us are purchasing as well. I'm getting ready by purchasing more Xpress before the token burn and the launch of the crypto debit card. What about bitcoin? Still thinking.

>> No.52504599

please find a new graph to be annoying with. jesus.

>> No.52504603

>Trusting his money on robots
Based accelerationist.

>> No.52504608

But I thought the end of the housing market was near :(

>> No.52505178

This is the correct answer
No cap