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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 134 KB, 1122x530, Kevin inspiring tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52500725 No.52500725 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro is the best exchange and Coinmetro holders are the only good people in crypto and everyone else is bad.

>> No.52500820
File: 44 KB, 1577x517, xcmvolume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XCM Volume past year

>> No.52500825
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LCX Volume past year

>> No.52500829
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Yeah I saw your thread. >>52499621

>> No.52500844

why is LCX having of the more volumes than XCM?? nobody can answer me of this simples of the questions of the

>> No.52500855
File: 175 KB, 2035x1845, 6123457834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is LCX having of the more volumes than XCM?? nobody can answer me of this simples of the questions of the

>> No.52500869

sirr your exchange shows no volume sir. the user of XCM do not the exist. PLEASE REDEEM XCM oh wait you cant because xcm bros cant sell KEK surely you rope yourself by now xcm nigger seriously what kind of scam have you purchased if an indian run exchange with no office gets more volume than you? why even post its embarrassing

>> No.52500888

I knew it was you. All further replies from me will be greentexts implying you are a tsundere anime girl who pretends not to like me but really is in love with me.
>I-its not like I care about your financial wellbeing or anything.

>> No.52500895

like surely you just disappear. your exchange token cant be sold, and the exchange cant even retain a decent amount of volume.... what do you think happens next? insolvency, nigger. kevin is going to take you (already has taken you) for every cent you invested and will disappear. youre not even an unsecured creditor, youre not even a creditor, youre a fool. likely the greatest fool of them all

>> No.52500904

anyway, enjoy your quiet thread of the same bagholders larping endlessly to the drone of capital losses

>> No.52500911

You type more embarassingly than weebs.

>> No.52500929

ok this confirms it, never using coinmetro.

>> No.52500937

Seriously how the fuck do I sell this pos.

>> No.52500987

Uniswap sir.

>> No.52501018

Ty anon. Does it fill though and how are the fees?

>> No.52501027
File: 219 KB, 850x1203, sample-65fb36ffb22e7c66a207b4d62c196b1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DM me your private keys and I will check for you.

>> No.52501031

Listen you little shit

>> No.52501038

Uniswap doesn’t have orderbooks. It has liquidity. Fees are relatively low, but slippage will depend on how much you want to sell. If you want to sell a lot you should sell some, wait for price to recover, repeat. Give people time to slurp.

>> No.52501049

Coinmetro is so good that people actually have to tell me it's good!!
I know I can trust Coinmetro now!

>> No.52501154
File: 166 KB, 1368x742, Based exchange owner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.52501191

Richard claims 145 iq?

>> No.52501227

His website is a goldmine.

>> No.52501230
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This image came from coin metro by the way

>> No.52501260
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>> No.52501283

Sisters... Why didn't Kevin go all in on the WEF and Lichtenstein?

>> No.52501357

>why is LCX having of the more volumes
>indian run exchange with no office gets more volume
>more volume
What, do you know what wash trading means? The volume is borderline fantasy money, lcx doesn't get "more" of anything besides bad reviews and unsatisfied customers

>> No.52501491
File: 2.97 MB, 1268x1592, 195389245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have literally nothing to talk about and try stir up drama with Coinmetro to get engagement. I don't know why because it never ends well for them.

>> No.52501577
File: 779 KB, 1350x1244, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OKAY I'm going to ask, I never wanted to because I like the mystery behind it but I feel like now is the time
>try stir up
Why do you not type "to" as in "try to stir up"

>> No.52501599

Because I don't want.

>> No.52501632
File: 456 KB, 593x677, 1552922778584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret asking

>> No.52501766

Yesterday I made curry and I almost dropped the curry spice, fortunately I managed to prevent it from falling to the floor but I spilled curry all over myself.
It's actually not that unpleasant of a smell.

>> No.52501789

Shill me a shitcoin!

>> No.52501814

0x36ac219f90f5a6a3c77f2a7b660e3cc701f68e25 on Uniswap, doxxed devs, white and based team.
Stealth launch, fair distribution, liquidity locked and real utility.

>> No.52501853

At first glance it's "just another layer 1" but when you look into it a bit more you'll realize It's the most promising chain, low fees, high TPS, smart contracts, DEX etc. with the security of POW geared towards industry.
The most cited person in Satoshi's whitepaper is on the team and one of the ceo's used to be lead engineer for JP morgan's blockchain prototype and the lead for the SECs crypto steering committee, the other ceo was also at JP and directed the emerging blockchain group and has 15y experience in building trading systems and exchange backbones, not saying this to sound schizo and imply they have connections but to show that they actually know what they are doing.

This is not vaporware by the way, they can do 480,000tps (with just 20 chains, this can scale to 100 or 1000) while always being completely decentralized unlike most Proof of Stake shitcoins, see PoS is an attempt to improve on Bitcoins inefficiency, nothing more, if a scalable PoW blockchain arrives on the scene (Kadena) PoS becomes obsolete. Bitcoin basically had things spot on, it's just inefficient and slow, after 10 years of wild experimentation we are finally seeing new, well reasoned approaches to blockchain tech. While also being energy efficient by the way.

There also is a massive case to be made about the smart contract language (pact) and why solidity/the EVM will never see adoption, but that's too much for one post, just know it's the most important part about this entire project because they know that nothing can't overtake ethereum on token creation etc, but overtaking eth on the smart contract front is 100% possible.

It's pretty ironic the only ones who got this right are some guys at J.P. Morgan. It's like everyone else is greedy except "Big Banking" and the world was upside-down all along.

>> No.52501860

pleasie stopie

>> No.52501865
File: 8 KB, 210x239, images (22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently use binance, pancakeswap, CryptoXpress, Mexc, and Bkek. It's been working perfectly for me so far. I haven't used this coinmetro exchange yet.

>> No.52501935

I wonder when LCX runs out of money?
Stop hurting yourself
Well, you should

>> No.52501974

I hope it will go lower so I can get cheaper. It definitely is a long term thing though because the protocol itself is amazingly innovative, but it needs work on more ecosystem (Dot possibly implementing Pact might help people develop for two ecosystems and migrate towards Kadena for the lower fees), better wallet UX, better cross-chain UX, and a couple bridges here and there. It's the price of being early. It had its hype cycle, so here's to praying for a j-curve on adoption.
I still think it's a high risk as there's no guarantee ecosystem will thrive and there could be unforeseen exploits, but if it does it will be immensely profitable as there is really nothing else like Kadena. All the PoS chains are just different flavors of "yeah we kinda don't scale, but whatever here's how this chain scales 20% more than the others" as if that's going to be a new paradigm in defi...

>> No.52501986

h-hey now

>> No.52502035

LCX literally wash trading trash exchange

>> No.52502054
File: 77 KB, 700x629, Fridey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of her old posts isn't it.

>> No.52502057 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop wasting ur time anon, just check Bspin

>Safe, secure Casino with a wide variety of provably fair BTCs games.
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Transparency And Provably Fair

>> No.52502109
File: 198 KB, 1807x1365, Jewish manlet committing IP theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is too much easy money in crypto. Why would I learn PACT and try make something innovative when I can write 50 original lines of code in Solidity and get huge grants from several EVM compatible blockchains. You say that all other L1s have a nice user experience but you should only be comparing KDA to non EVM blockchains. Do they have good User Experiences? I don't know I've never used any chain except ETH and BSC.

>> No.52502178

Thanks for the unexpected high-quality hopium. I'm still bagholding 30K, not fucking selling.

>> No.52502189

We did it reddit!

>> No.52502215

more people would probably use coinmetro if it wasn't for the shitty community who use and talk about coinmetro
spend one day on their telegram and that emoji plastered website and CZ feels comfy again

>> No.52502253

{rocket emoji}{moon emoji}
Why do other end users affect your opinion of the platform?

>> No.52502254
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>> No.52502294
File: 230 KB, 797x830, FFA9C2B4-8FDB-4A00-85B3-42ED31D4A120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I knew it was you
a-anone anyone can write xcmies criticism with minimal text formatting

>> No.52502314

I knew it was the LCX poster who writes kek in every post to try make it seem like he has a point when he doesn't you narcissistic homo.

>> No.52502329

it's about the brand. people want to invest with what feels like smart money, not a bunch of 12 year old euro moonboys. ftx was a scam but they got the brand right.
oliver can update the CM brand 10 times a day he's a fucking retard so it doesn't matter.

>> No.52502336


>> No.52502376

she doesn't mean you anon

>> No.52502408

It's a joke autist

>> No.52502415

are you drunk

>> No.52502447

Sure sweety everyone is only drunk

>> No.52502478

>Do they have good User Experiences?
Solana is great, the only reason is sucks is because the actual chain is dogshit, so the wallet isn't the issue but the backend is. Algorand is crazy simple and looks great (check out pera wallet and tinyman dex). Near has no browser wallet so they went with a slightly different web wallet approach which looks great but I think browser wallet is simpler. Cosmos has keplr wallet which is great. All non EVM, near has aurora sidechain which is EVM though, not counting that in the ux

>> No.52502484

toxic peer pressure ostracizes love and creativity

>> No.52502489
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>ftx was a scam but they got the brand right.

>> No.52502504
File: 2.64 MB, 360x640, 1668611941556384.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she has a point when she says I get defensive and insulting whenever anyone critisises XCM? I like to think I don't when they do it in a non obnoxious way.

>> No.52502579
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such a pretty site :3

>> No.52502588
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I don't have an opinion on that.
We live in an hyper connected world and while this is an American website dominated by Anglos, I recognise everyone has different values, ethics and morals.
I think it's wrong to expect everyone to live up to my defined set of morals, it's bully behaviour.
The facts are what's important, for the rest I try to be the best person I can be and I like to believe everyone is trying to be their own best person in a way.

>> No.52502612
File: 171 KB, 1463x1531, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would you rather be in this panel?

>> No.52502624

Horrible post man, painful to read.

>> No.52502635

Inspiring post babe, pleasure to read.

>> No.52502636

quit day drinking

>> No.52502705

I'd prefer vanilla, but if I'd had to choose I'd probably pick the dom, but it could also depend on the circumstances.
What is the correct choice here?

>> No.52502723

>What is the correct choice here?
The guy drawing the image

>> No.52502752

I would rather wear a confederate flag bikini than a cock cage. That is the biggest factor for me but all else being equal I would rather be the dom. Unless the dom was a cute loli of course.

>> No.52502772

Wouldn't you then be a woman

>> No.52502796

We are clearly talking about being the dom vs the sub. As a heterosexual man wearing a bikini and whipping somebody is less emasculating than wearing a cock cage and being whipped.

>> No.52502852
File: 152 KB, 882x1100, Screenshot_20220804-125227_Instagram.jpg.cf6f56eba19d1be8746ffed939f668ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a lot of truth here.

Everyone coming into crypto wants to feel like a big-boy-cyber-wolf-of-wall-street-cum-big-short-quant-suits-savvy-dealmaker-hardass-tech-genius. It's notable how nearly all of the most profitable scams in crypto take themselves really fucking seriously. Plenty of toolbags larping around in suits talking vaguely for years on end about being busy with nebulous 'deals', 'partnerships', 'connections', mysterious 'tech' and other such buzzwords. Gilbert at Quant is world-class at this. ICO-era China hustle scams such as Waltonchain also helped write the playbook. Even SBF, much as he looked like a sack of shit, loved to parade around with important people and institutions, and everyone made an awful lot of his supposed 'quant' background (actually a BSc and 18 months as an intern) as an explanation for everything about him that made absolutely no sense. It isn't about what they're doing, or plan to do, or are able to do- whether there's any actual substance. It's about how they make people feel. Normies eat that shit for breakfast.

I knew Coinmetro wasn't a scam when Kevin was going around in a fucking tram t-shirt talking about regulatory engagement, fair and sustainable business practices, and transparency; at a time when everyone else was banging on about hyper-tech and overthrowing regulators and all existing business to become stateless techno-feudal overlords. He was saying things that were true, made perfect sense, but that almost no-one wanted to hear. The exact opposite of a fraud.

Ultimately, I think the smart money will prove itself by simply not blowing up or rugging. The crypto zeitgeist is moving towards where Coinmetro already is, not the other way around.

>> No.52502887

To be honest, there are many interpretations to the image, for example we could also focus on the race play.
Let's change it to a white male and a non-white female, which one should be the dom and which one should be the sub?

>> No.52502929

It looks like your prediction of Coinmetro being a good contrarian play to the regulationcaust where everything dies but crypto doesn't really die is starting to be less of an outside bet.

Reverse racism raceplay is objectively less hot than racist raceplay so obviously the white male is the dom.

>> No.52502957

>It's notable how nearly all of the most profitable scams in crypto take themselves really fucking seriously.
This is so true it's crazy. The contrast to devs of uniswap aave and other defi projects to things like algo, ada, xrp.. etc Is staggering.

>> No.52502961

People are making money while you are debating whether your exchange is a scam.
>The crypto zeitgeist is moving towards where Coinmetro already is
Ohnonono you actually believe that

>> No.52502989

huh? imposter sus

>> No.52503006
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>People are making money while you are debating whether your exchange is a scam.
Why couldn't you have said something like this at first instead of making 5 snarky off topic comments first anon. Do you realise how weird it comes across to hang around a thread waiting for people to say anything positive and then insulting them? Are you mad at us for insulting your shitcoin?

>> No.52503017

If you couldn't tell that was a post mocking LCX and QNT you are a retard. Like no joke you can't have an IQ above 70.

>> No.52503023

I thought about it being bait but the power level of it was too high for me, so I fell for it a bit.

>> No.52503028

I don't have a shitcoin. This is a social platform and sometimes that means shitting on what others say. You are inviting it by roleplaying and animeposting.

>> No.52503040

*notices you have a bulge
UwU what's this???

>> No.52503051

Back off?!

>> No.52503202
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For me it's being regulated in the metaverse.

>> No.52503287

wow this is so boomer.

>> No.52503326

any time some one shills "charity " in a desperate appeal to moral authority, you know they are full of shit.

>> No.52503338

Why is there no AMA today?

>> No.52503340

>Hey everyone. Unfortunately no AMA tomorrow as Kevin will be attending the Slush conference in Helsinki.
It's over

>> No.52503439

As an investor I demand answers. I demand Kevin take one hour off his sleep to do a weekly AMA.

>> No.52503452
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Best I can offer are some voice messages in the tg at ungodly hours, take it or leave it.

>> No.52503483
File: 122 KB, 1066x708, Babena Kadena 080900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lost so much money on this....

>> No.52503491

wrong thread, go here >>52499264

>> No.52503561
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I lost an insane amount of money on both......

>> No.52503659
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel. I dropped Hibike Euphonium on episode 9. The art is very pretty but I found myself not caring about any of the characters problems or their desire to win a orchestral ensemble tournament. Dropping anime and losing money is basically the same thing. You should capitulate.

>> No.52503684


>> No.52503690

That can’t be real… tiktok is retarded holy shit look how dead inside he is.

>> No.52503726
File: 27 KB, 531x275, CEO of FTX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know these two fucked while high on meth to the beat of this song.

>> No.52503756

The only good exchange is the one where the government can't tell I'm using it.

>> No.52503760
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Will from kadena

>> No.52503773
File: 24 KB, 399x406, xcm_where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant i pull up XCM on cryptowatch ?

>> No.52503778

Install Gentoo.

>> No.52503826

i already did, i want to short xcm nigga. where can i do it? only on this faggy coin metro?

>> No.52503860

How can you look at the wisdom of the tweet in the op post and not go all in on that mans company. /g/tards are beyond hope.

>> No.52503861

You cannot short something without orders being filled.
A couple months ago some idiot kept saying he had been shorting for weeks and when I explained how that’s impossible and to go try it and he deleted his thread the idiot.

>> No.52506079
File: 406 KB, 600x600, 1632579594620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear blog: today I fact checked a paid CDC shill by being the only person on /biz/ who bothers reading walls of legal text.
This is what me bullying people looks like >>52505408 >>52505659

>> No.52506265

He went silent when you said malta is greylisted.
Imagine being bundled together with few countries like Nicaragua (scam haven), Cayman Islands (fraud haven), and Zimbabwe (lol) lmao

>> No.52506294

Impressive, vhery nice.

>> No.52506629

Actually Malta were ungreylisted a few months ago after revoking these licenses. CDC still has it's European (note Malta isn't in the EU) headquarters in Malta but it is just a rented office space to save them the trouble of explaining why they left Malta. They only provide banking to European customers through a third party partnership who let them bank with the bank of Lithuania. This is shaky and could easily be revoked at any time. They are supposedly going to invest 150 million into building a French headquarters but that was only announced last month so assuming they are insolvent that will never happen.

>> No.52506773
File: 255 KB, 900x852, 1663605795173105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally closed the tab with my quick reply trying to switch tab and doubleclicking, I am mad.
Hopefully this third party partnership isn't something shady like Wirecard again.
CDC refunded all the clients, how much could that be as a liability for them?
TenX raised 80 million usd in 2017 and shut down thanks to wirecard, who knows how much CDC lost with them.
I'm assuming that this third party partnership is doing something shady to find it profitable to do something other banks think is too much of a paperwork headache to be even worth doing.
Don't mean to speculate, but they probably just fill in their own numbers wherever something doesn't add up to save costs on actually doing the required work that makes large banks steer clear.

>> No.52506878

>how much could that be as a liability
The page showing CDCs statement is rugpulled. I bet they paid people in CRO. It took me ages to make that last post because they are so efficient at scrubbing shit from their socials.

>bet the third party is doing something shady
Not necessarily, they might just be charging exorbitant fees that CDC are paying and not passing on to users to keep the charade going.

>> No.52507011

>I am mad.
But your attached image looks happy, please refrain from committing fraud (lying) on the internet.

>> No.52507077
File: 290 KB, 900x852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I uploaded the wrong selfie.

>> No.52507084

me on the left

>> No.52507098

CRI fags bragging about being licensed in Singapore where they take financial crime seriously will come back to haunt them.
tkmiz art can be used to display any emotion.

>> No.52507142

CRO fags*
Time for bed :3

>> No.52507497

I wanted to install a game instead I'm typing things into a keyboard