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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52493149 No.52493149 [Reply] [Original]

Rip Bitcoin

>> No.52493156

this is old

>> No.52493171

All these finance professors are broke ass losers living on their salary. Why would I take advice from some dickhead larping as a financial expert?

>> No.52493207
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>> No.52493254
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>I teach money and banking at a regional university

>> No.52493323
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I got a grad degree from a semi prestigious business school (flagship university, large state). All the professors there made $200k+ (saw their salaries in open records). The problem in OP's pic is that Zealousideal_Leg_630 is probably an Assistant Professor of Business Administration at some shitty online school. The only requirement is an AACSB-accredited PhD. Real-world experience bears no weight on these types of jobs. The university just wants a qualified warm body so they can tick the boxes for the appropriate accreditation These positions pay $40-60k which is barely enough for them to subsist on. Years of living on a peasant's salary despite being a doctor, and lack of socialization in the "real world" turns these bottom feeder "academics" cold and bitter, which you can see here in this post. He probably was passed over for a tenure-track role, which is the case for 90% of academics anyways. As a postgraduate degree holder in business, you should be able to immediately earn $200+ an hour with independent consulting. But this retard will never make anything of himself since he has no real-world skills. SAD!

>> No.52493330
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Programmers of all people should have bought some bitcoin around 2012/2013 and they didn't.
Now they realized how much they could have made had they not been such lazy piece of shit and by never taking any risk.
So they became bitter nocoiners.
The funniest part is that they missed all the bull runs and they will seethe so hard on hackernews during the next one.

>> No.52493359
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Hackernews is so fucking gay. It's like faggots commenting on the aroma and flavor profiles of each others' dicks after having fucked each other in their diarrhea-laden asses

>> No.52493368


>> No.52493382
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>I teach money and banking

>> No.52493389

old post, kys

>> No.52493418

AI has really stepped up the impact of imageboard posts. I really need to get stable diffusion running on my machine

>> No.52493494
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>business degree holder
>absolute fucking moron
iconic duo
>turns these bottom feeder "academics" cold and bitter
no you fucking idiot
shitty, disgusting people are attracted to shitty, disgusting things like business and academia and everything else ever shit out by the kikes and their boss, Satan

>> No.52493503

Honestly I'd love to hear a good faith argument against bitcoin but it's always "muh tulips" or some such retardation. "No intrinsic value" whatever that means. "Destroys the environment" as if we should all go back to pre industrial society and never use energy for anything. Or they bring out the parade of imaginary horribles "what if governments ban it? what if all power on earth goes out forever? What if aliens conquer the world?". Or maybe some idiotic economic argument that government stealing our wealth through inflation is good because... reasons. I've been in crypto for ages and haven't heard one convincing argument for why it's bad

>> No.52493543

I'm was a programmer. In a meeting few years ago bitcoin came up and one guy said its a good time to buy. Everyone asks why? He said it was going up again. Everyone else made fun of him. But I listened to him, and I bought 10 BTC for about $4200/each. Now that's sitting on BlockFi earning interest too and worth over $160k even after the drop. Who is smart now?

>> No.52493609

This shit us old

>> No.52493645

>Now that's sitting on BlockFi
>Who is smart now?

>> No.52493876

>fell for @non's bait
whos smart now?

>> No.52493879

My finance prof at tufts was an extremely rich retired banker who did his job for fun. He offered to buy anyone in the class a finance calculator app he liked because he didn't care.

>> No.52493891

and it was correct then too.

>> No.52493909

>some dumb fucking woman that can only make sandwiches and teach simple math to kids
>tells you 2+2=4 in 1st grade
wow, must be a lie

>> No.52493913

I got FUDed out of buying Bitcoin in 2013 by a finance professor at my college, dude ended up getting a job at the Federal Reserve lmao.

>> No.52493943

that's your fault for not understanding that people will gamble their entire life savings on shit that is clearly braindead and then 1) getting in ahead of them 2) sizing your position accordingly

>> No.52493963

Which app?

>> No.52494018
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>i teach money

>> No.52494060

That's because they all knew about it from day 1 and all missed out. They can "mock" it all they want but fact is all the tech bros at one point looked at btc at 1 dollar and chose not to buy it

>> No.52494234

I figured it's because tech bros are usually leftists and Current Thing loyalists. Anything that doesn't come from approved channels is suspect

>> No.52494260

Enables hypervelocity of money. Lightspeed transactions. Your favorite may not make the grade, though. Central banks have yet to endorse a specific one or make their own.

>> No.52494280

Go to /g/ and see how salty they are. They all knew day 1 and they all missed out.

>> No.52494296

What are you rambling about? Is it time for your meds?

>> No.52494314

BA financial calculator pro. It's only 2 dollars, but your average poorfag professor wouldn't offer to randomly drop $60 on the class like that.

>> No.52494316

>"No intrinsic value" whatever that means.
You don't understand because you're genuinely retarded

>> No.52494317

Usually its either
1. And argument that 100% applies to fiat as well
2. Involves the fallacy that inflation is good so people don't "hoard money"
3. Misunderstanding scalability (like thinking energy usage is per transaction or that everything must be an L1 tx)

>> No.52494342
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Modern economy with all the Keynesian bullshit is cargo cult nonsense. All of the advocates are ruining the civilization right in front of your eyes.
Fractional reserve banking is also a pyramid scheme.

>> No.52494358

>1. And argument that 100% applies to fiat as well
Yes, and? Nobody recommends you keep your wealth in currency.

>> No.52494361

Yes that's the other issue. Anti-crpyto people are really pro-government intervention. While most crypto people are more libertarian. So a lot of the arguments to each other fall flat.

>> No.52494384

>teaching entrepreneurship as a wagie

>> No.52494399
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>regional public university

>> No.52494414

>We have to inflate away your money to incentivize you to spend more.
>Also we have to tax you more to save the planet because you consume so much!

>> No.52494429


>> No.52494437

Explain what it means if you're so smart

>> No.52494457

>public regional university

>> No.52494477

No, I don't think I will. Intrinsic is not a difficult word.

>> No.52494511

How can value be the intrinsic when all value is subjective?

>> No.52494513

I know its hard for people with your skin color to read non-AAVE text but It means almost the same as "inherent value"

>> No.52494546
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teach me money plz!!!

>> No.52494557

these people are perpetually plugged into the matrix, they see nothing wrong with society, want it to 'progress' even further and want to punish anyone who doesn't agree with them.
they trust authorities and don't believe the financial system could be used to enslave them, they don't believe historians and fact checkers would ever deceive them.

if you live with that mindset anything that threatens their desired status quo is evil and deserves derision.

>> No.52494560

Inherent is just a synonym for intrinsic. Doesn't explain how value, which is a subjective judgment, be inherent in anything

>> No.52494604

This. Academics are lesser beings.

>> No.52494610
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Am programmer. Worked in finance until last big recession. Did a technical analysis of bitcoin when it was still < $100 a coin. Realized it couldn't handle the transactional capacity of a suburb, let alone the whole world. Wrote it off as an interesting proof of concept that could not function as a "currency" due to extreme technical limitations.

Didn't expect normies would treat it like a commodity. I mean, why would they?

>> No.52494635

You missed out because of word thinking. Nice job

>> No.52494654

I don't think value is subjective but even if it were, the question of subjective or objective value says nothing about whether there is a value, but only what that value is. Do you understand what that means? If value was subjective, there would still be a value that is relative to whatever. You can't even talk about subjective value without referring to an intrinsic value.

>> No.52494675

What makes the value intrinsic? If I value something and you don't what exactly makes it intrinsic in the thing itself?

>> No.52494708

>learn about bitcoin in 2013 from a chink TA teaching a money and banking class
Of course I didn't listen and didn't buy and hear I am

>> No.52494727

You're retarded and I'm not doing this

>> No.52494789


Inevitable. New techniques will arise but 0g blockchains will be compromised and worthless.

>> No.52494888

we are several years before quantum cryptography is actually useful, and by then quantum cryptography will make the concern moot.
As for old blockchains, software is not hardware, its infinitely upgradable. Because a blockchain is not quantum safe now does not mean it cannot be quantum safe later. Its reasonable to assume if quantum was any real threat to the bitcoin ledger, the chain would update its spec to use a quantum safe algorhithm (whatever one that may be).

>> No.52494929

It's safe to assume black-ops projects are at least 5-10 years ahead of commercial ones. The theories are sound and are backed by evidence, only practical (not insanely expensive) engineering solutions remain. Practical and not insanely expensive never stopped governments before.

>> No.52494978

these types of vague and ominous statements help no one and spread confusion. what black-ops, what theories, what evidence. It's not clear what you are talking about or refering to or what your argument is supposed to be.

>> No.52495001

btc is revolutionary
its usage is limited bc its not the lead coin

>> No.52495040

CIA/NSA/Mossad/5Eyes/FSB etc dark projects (off the books)
>What theories
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.09749.pdf <--things like this, I'm not going to spoon feed you.
>what evidence
experimental evidence
>It's not clear what you are talking about or refering to or what your argument is supposed to be.
I am saying it may already be broken, and it's extremely advantageous to whichever government(s) broke it to sit on that info and exploit it for themselves until commercial catches up.

>> No.52495059

Ah yeah I forgot the average professor is a 9 figures Chad just doing it for fun/free. because they like working

Bro take your head out of your anecdotal asshole

>> No.52495094
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>crypto is dead
fortune 500 companies are investing billions of dollars into the crypto space. you really think they’re wasting their money on a scam?
mind you, these companies have entire teams and departments dedicated to making good financial decisions. i doubt that ALL of these companies are collectively making a mistake
Polygon alone already has partnerships with companies the likes of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Nike, Disney, PayPal, Stripe, MasterCard and many more. this is still not mentioning all the other blockchains as well

>> No.52495148

No u

>> No.52495161

he doesn't even say why
i hate these people who dare to comment on something when they don't even know the purpose of it
you could probably ask all of them and the words "permissionless" or "trustless" would never even come out of their mouths

>> No.52495185

Reddit users are actual cancer. They don't want other people to succeed because their all losers.

>> No.52495438

Unlike 4chan users, rite?

>> No.52495514

Don't believe the hype
t. physicist

>> No.52495538

Some of them are like that sure. But Reddit is filled with those people.

>> No.52495561

If the economists and financial experts I see on TV are so fucking smart then why aren't they rich?

>> No.52495642

>Ive decided that your better debit card is now useless. Please hand over your funds
>What do you mean you won't?! We'll just contact the bitcoin administrators and-
>WAIT, WHAT??????

>> No.52495643

This. It’s pure salty cope. Stay humble. Stack sats.

>> No.52495667

All the "crypto is dead" "it's over for crypto" is actually pretty bullish. Long term yeah some damage has been done to interest in crypto with the crash from 69K to $15k and all the CEX bullshit but crypto and blockchain isn't going away. That professor is retarded.

>> No.52495668

>Proof of work requires energy therefore all cryptocurrencies of all kinds are bad
The scary part is it's actually plausible that this is a real professor

>> No.52495702

The might be the gayest shit I've ever read, congrats anon.

>> No.52495738

Crashes aren't over yet.
Some other big exchange or token was doing the same shit as ftx.
Revolver news guy said it will make ftx look like a blip.

>> No.52495747


All of this is true. Wish I browsed this shithole before getting into academia. It's pozzed nepotist satanic hive serving as a welfare for those few. Any outsider will just grind for minimum wage, worked to the bone and even if discovers anything it will all get stolen by old farts at the top.
Thank Lord I got out in time
Fuck academia with HIV dick with ground glass and steel nails

>> No.52495773

ETH was going for esd score shit.
What if ETH foundation was doing ftx shit and it crashes LOLLLL.
Or matic, almost as funny.
i cant wait to buy 5k btc

>> No.52495784

OH well if revolver says so it must be true

>> No.52495854

probably digging into tether but I doubt anything will come of it

>> No.52495967
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You learned something valuable at no cost. The power of a bubble. Many more than you will learn the same lesson at great cost.

>> No.52496014
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Value is subjective. End of story. Find one fucking thing that all humans can agree on the value. If you say some stupid shit like water im going deathcon 3 on you dumb newfaggots.

>> No.52496036

You can’t buy anything with it.
It’s not a currency.
>Inb4 some token example of how you can buy some drop shipping garbage with Bitcoin. Or some publicity stunt property sale.
Get back to me when you can buy airplanes in crypto
When you can get a wage in crypto.

Musk had the right idea trying to sell his cars in crypto, but nobody followed him so he had to pull out.
He knew what needed to happen for crypto to actually succeed, but almost no one in the crypto space cares about this aspect, they just want to get rich quick.
This is why it’s doomed to never be a currency.
You will never be a currency.

>> No.52496131

But you could... what is your point? That's it hasn't already replaced the dollar, so that's why its bad?

>> No.52496274
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based deathcon value understanding chad

>> No.52496382

> what is your point? That's it hasn't already replaced the dollar, so that's why its bad?
Yes retard.
That’s my point.

If you want to be a solution to fiat, you have to actually beat fiat.
End of discussion.
Then shut up idiot, and stop soeaking positively of crypto.
Shilling a ““currency”” is easy, actually building one is hard.
I would love for fiat to be replaced by something better.
But at the rate things are going ywnba currency.

Crypto bros should have hired retired currency managers from the fiat world to help build their networks.
But instead it’s all scam exchanges, scam coins, scam hype, and generally speaking, just a race to the bottom.

>> No.52496433

u mad, lol

>> No.52496452

>regional public school
top kek

>> No.52496473

and welcome to a new world ruled by the metaverse.

>> No.52496474

>Find one fucking thing that all humans can agree on the value.

>> No.52496484

You're essentially saying it can't replace fiat, because it hasn't already replaced it?

>Crypto bros should have hired retired currency managers from the fiat world to help build their networks.
>But instead it’s all scam exchanges, scam coins, scam hype, and generally speaking, just a race to the bottom.
Its the exact opposite. When crypto got hyped, it was the tradfi guys jumping in to cash in on the wave. Only they have enough money for all the advertising and to generate all the hype around their centralized companies created only the profit on the hype. This has nothing to do with the underlying technology.

>> No.52496529
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its time to ride with RIDE

>> No.52496549
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oh, I better sell my btc then, thank you mr expert professor


>> No.52496551

Wrong. People will move locations because they dislike the air quality while others do not mind. Some people strongly dislike humid air, or cold air, or hot dry air. All of these "airs" are valued at different levels by different people. Next.

>> No.52496596

>When crypto got hyped, it was the tradfi guys jumping in to cash in on the wave.
They jumped in to commodify it.
Not make a currency out of it.

I find it amusing how repulsed you are by that word, “currency”.
Basically sums of cryptos failing in only 8 letters.
Heh, one more time.

>> No.52496689

or stake sylo to earn some fucking incomes passively till the bulls come

>> No.52496772

why not? passive income is the best way to stay woke in a bearish market

>> No.52496926

I masterbate to questionable porn between bong rips because I'm a millionaire and not teaching at a community college

>> No.52496993

>old copy pasta
forgot the next part where all the students eyes glaze over when he teaches about crypto.
no coiners are so desperate for it to die

>> No.52497040

did either of you buy multiple BTC at $1?

>> No.52497224

Money is an illusion

>> No.52498012

There is a base level that air of some kind is needed to breathe regardless of quality.

>> No.52498768

But there is a difference in the value people place on their life. The helium suiciders certainly didn't value air much.

>> No.52498998

This is retarded because the cybersec possibilities with a blockchain, e.g. signatures, are still heavily underutilized.

>> No.52499151

You're inherently a faggot

>> No.52499167

Thank goodness. Finally got the professor's opinion. No idea how we went all this time without his take

>> No.52499189

>i'm a professor
As a PhD that worked with many professors, I can tell you that they're often only knowledgeable about their narrow area if that. This guy's opinion on cryptocurrency is worth little more than any average asshole off the street.

>> No.52499464

Nailed it

>> No.52499490
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lol a professor doesn't know the first thing about the subject he's supposedly "teaching" about.
how very typical.
useless eaters like him need to be thrown overboard.

>> No.52499564

>"No intrinsic value" whatever that means.
It means you have to scam someone into buying it from you. It's a ponzi.
Real value is objective. If literally everyone but me thinks oil is worthless, I can still use it to make stuff and for energy and become powerful.

>> No.52499646
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>So, I teach
kek stopped reading right there

>> No.52499794

Value isn't objective.

>> No.52499964

>We have to inflate away your money to incentivize you to spend more.
It's not to incentivize you to spend more, you buffoon, it's to incentivize you to invest your savings rather than just let them sit under your mattress where they are out of circulation.

>> No.52499979

>some cuck at some shit public uni thinks his opinion matters just because he works at some shit public uni

>> No.52499987

lmao the baggy holder cope in this thread ia hilarious hahaha

>> No.52499998


>> No.52500021

>be me 2020 sept
>get into argument with Marxist economics professor
>he is against Bitcoin
>wants me to buy gold
>never see him again
what do you think, should I get into gold now? lmao academics are paid to be stupid

>> No.52500046

Gold is a way to store money and have it generally hold it's value in uncertain times. It's not meant to make you big gains but it's a store of wealth. BTC and crypto is for young kings who want to take big risk for a possible big payoff. It isn't for oldfags stuck in their ways. If I was an older established man I wouldn't bet on it either.

>> No.52500086
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hello i am a cyber security engineer
please describe to me what the blockchain is capable of that we can't replicate today with existing technology

>> No.52500113

>hello i am worker bee with no vision
Nobody cares. You know some of the best mathematicians in the world are working in the space, right? I mean I don't base my outlook on people who wave credentials, but if we're going to wave credentials there's plenty of people working on certain projects that have really good credentials.

>> No.52500115

>advocating the no intrinsic value argument
You really don't understand the premise behind Proof of Work, and distributed ledgers, do you?
Here's a spoonfeed a fucking decade-old technology, moron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBC-nXj3Ng4

>> No.52500133

take your meds schizo, i'm trying to have a conversation on how the blockchain could potentially change the security landscape and what, if any, useful technology exists that can wholesale replace existing tech.

>> No.52500184


>> No.52500267

Do Americans really start sentences with “so”?

>> No.52500303 [DELETED] 

cope loser, get your ass back to writing code and making mockups nobody cares about for your boss.

>> No.52500529

That guy's name? Albert Einstein

>> No.52500555

imagine a plebbitor's university teacher advise is worth taking note.
>wastes energy
doesn't know energy gets wasted by generating it which can be used to mine btc.

>> No.52500578

>it's to incentivize you to invest your savings rather than just let them sit under your mattress where they are out of circulation.
It's still cargo cult nonsense. If you don't spend money, the spenders money will worth more. And it doesn't matter if you sit on money or derivatives, or unbacked ETF-s.

>> No.52500856

This. Having a necessary inflation every year just makes the economy seem like a ponzi scheme.

>> No.52500928

A software engineer and programmer who are incapable of logic and resort to using personal antedotes to prove a point. Man, standards in tech field have really reached a new low.

>> No.52500972 [DELETED] 

yes, so they can lend out my savings and make money off me. when did it become ok in the world for someone to profit by gambling with another persons money? yes all banks can go insolvent just like FTX.

>> No.52500997

we get it you're retarded and flunked out.

>> No.52501063

Preventing double spending in a trustless, distributed ledger. As you hopefully know.

>> No.52501148

> If you don't spend money, the spenders money will worth more
If you sit on your money, while I spend mine on buying seeds that I plant and reap a harvest that I sell, why shouldn’t I end up richer than you?
You are essentially arguing that the working money of people who invest should not be allowed to be worth more than the money you keep in a pile. That’s one source of inflation, the competition with everyone trying to maximize the purchasing power of their money. Basically you’re asking for a free pass. Luckily, if you have a long enough perspective, two financial products are available for you, they are called gold and Bitcoin.

>> No.52501152

I think >>52494234 got it
Ask everyone on any social media about NFTs and they'll be rabidly against it (like you were talking about being unvaccinated). They'll bring up things like NFTs bring bad for the environment and such.

Like c'mon, I hate NFTs too but only because I understand they are just hashes of text, commonly a URL to an image, stored on a blockchain.
How is a hash of a URL "harmful to th environment"?

It's because it's what social media has taught them. The "powers that be" has decided to CANCEL crypto, like they cancel any other person or idea on social media, and every normie took it in like gospel.

>> No.52501179

>grug teach money banking at classroom
Your average /biz/tard is more redpilled about the jews than any uni professor, and we don't have updoots here so you can't affect opinions through status.
TLDR: kys faggot and ywnbaw

>> No.52501185

> Like c'mon, I hate NFTs too but only because I understand they are just hashes of text, commonly a URL to an image, stored on a blockchain
Why is that a reason to hate them? If anything that sounds like a much less rational reason to hate them than if you thought they were bad for the environment.

>> No.52501206

I don't 100% hate them like the rabid normies do, I guess that was a strong word to use. More like I scoff at them.

>> No.52501264
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>i am a cyber security engineer
Like in this webm?
Do you even code?
Okay I'd like to hear how you would implement decentralized scarcity and uncensorability of a digital asset.
No one should have the power to print more of it at will, freeze funds and block transactions. And you should also solve all problems of a decentralized currency, like consensus and double spending.
Let me know your solution.
I'm waiting

>> No.52501377

Most tech bros are alt-right chuds

>> No.52501404

You have entirely misunderstood what I asked. You have proposed a series of issues with the blockchain itself. I'm asking how the blockchain can be leveraged in the real world to improve security.
Yes, I do code but it isn't my primary job function.

>> No.52501515

You are blinded by Keynesian faggotry.
What you don't understand: YOU CANNOT EAT MONEY!
You should read this sentence a hundred times because there is a high chance you will still not get it.
If everyone is sitting on money no one will produce and eat anything. The goal of the economy is not sitting on money. Money is just a sign of value, not the value itself.

>But people want to just sit back while others working
Yeah that's what happening now. 80% of the economy is gambling with leverage and unbacked ETF-s and CDO-s. You didn't solved the problem with inflation, you escalated it.

>> No.52501803

>it's to incentivize you to invest your savings rather than just let them sit under your mattress where they are out of circulation
Do you even know how banks work? Do you think they put your money in a vault and never touch it?

>> No.52501819

you get paid to verify the validity of transactions on the network, without third party involvement

>> No.52502656

>if you invest, you should be richer
Yes, but you also take a risk doing it. If someone is so risk averse he shouldn't lose value because of it.

>> No.52502679


>> No.52502713

>Get back to me when you can buy airplanes in crypto
try again, retard

>> No.52503162

>real-world skills

>> No.52503701
File: 190 KB, 1919x1079, 4B8E53A2-5AE1-42D9-AA26-DBBD74689D07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My coworker still unironically believes in NFTs.

>> No.52504063

>All the professors there made $200k+
If they were expert financiers they would be billionaires.

>> No.52504083

Based if “experts” or people normies deem as experts are against it it’s probably legit.

>> No.52504091

This looks like it was written in 2015

>> No.52504141

It must be so easy to get pussy as a professor

>> No.52504397


> proof
> I'm a professor and I have an opinion

>> No.52504432

those who can do, those who can't, teach.

>> No.52506605

Some NFTs still have potentials, especially those with feasible use cases, some gaming projects like gamester+ will be rewarding content creators with NFTs on their platform

>> No.52506634

How can you be a banking teacher? How hard is it to hold onto money? Fucking retard.
(Those who cannot do, teach)

>> No.52507041

How possible will gamers exchange the nfts they earn?

>> No.52507109

Holy fuck man this whole thread is super bullish

>> No.52507146

Living proof that the midwit meme is completely true